Government recognizing Gay and Lesbian

TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
I am really just in a state of confusion. I am a straight male. I personally am not remotely interested in being with another man, EVER period. I do like that for myself and cannot understand why people of the same sex would want to be with each-other, however I believe in personal choice. As long as it is not hurting other people I have no issue with it. With that being said, why would/should the Government recognize gay and lesbian marriage? I personally think the Government has ZERO rights to ANY marriage straight or gay. So please enlighten me.


  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I agree. Who you choose to wed and bed is your business alone so long as it doesn't rock the boat.
  • I agree I have no gay intentions, but I believe they deserve every right and privilege that straight men and women do. We live in the free world, yet we can't seem to get over this last leg of Civil Rights. It's 2012 these are the same people that work 16 hours days in the emergency rooms, climb ladders into burning buildings to save lives. Let us all treat them with the respect they deserve.
  • Why not should be the question. If we are a country that pushes freedom, why not push to have all American's free and able to have the choice to marry the person they love? I am gay. I've been with the same wonderful man for over 11 years. We can get married in DC, but live in Virginia... so when we are home we aren't married.
    I served in the military proudly and now work for the Government, again proud to do so, but let me marry who I want to marry. I'm not asking for anything to be changed for anyone else. Just let me enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness like all American's should.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    More weddings=More cake, where is the downside here?????
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    I think if we dropped the marriage part and just called it union or something like that all the fuzz would go away
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    Why not should be the question. If we are a country that pushes freedom, why not push to have all American's free and able to have the choice to marry the person they love? I am gay. I've been with the same wonderful man for over 11 years. We can get married in DC, but live in Virginia... so when we are home we aren't married.
    I served in the military proudly and now work for the Government, again proud to do so, but let me marry who I want to marry. I'm not asking for anything to be changed for anyone else. Just let me enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness like all American's should.
    I'm straight but Agreed!
  • im in england but its the same here, even for silly things like home insurance it has married OR civial 'partnership' i dont think governments should be able to be so descriminating. im bisexual have been since i remember ( no im not greedy lol its all about personality, i happen to fall in love with a man and got married and it was simple but if he had been a women i wouldnt have even been able to marry where we did, its outrangeous..
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    Why not should be the question. If we are a country that pushes freedom, why not push to have all American's free and able to have the choice to marry the person they love? I am gay. I've been with the same wonderful man for over 11 years. We can get married in DC, but live in Virginia... so when we are home we aren't married.
    I served in the military proudly and now work for the Government, again proud to do so, but let me marry who I want to marry. I'm not asking for anything to be changed for anyone else. Just let me enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness like all American's should.

    well put. come to Iowa, we will take ya!
    AND thank you for your service!
  • Cool Im gonna marry my dogs so my insurance will pay for their vet bills, Those Vet bills get pricey
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I am really just in a state of confusion. I am a straight male. I personally am not remotely interested in being with another man, EVER period. I do like that for myself and cannot understand why people of the same sex would want to be with each-other, however I believe in personal choice. As long as it is not hurting other people I have no issue with it. With that being said, why would/should the Government recognize gay and lesbian marriage? I personally think the Government has ZERO rights to ANY marriage straight or gay. So please enlighten me.

    Governments all around the world endorse and recognise heterosexual marriage in all sorts of ways, whether that's tax relief, next-of-kin issues or any number of other factors. In many countries, commitment short of marriage in heterosexual couples is also recognised by law, for example in property rights. Homosexual commitment of any degree, whether marriage, a civil partnership or long-cohabitation should be similarly and equally recognised. To do otherwise denies homosexual people fundamental aspects of their civil and human rights, solely on the basis of sexual preference, which in most western countries,on any other topic, would be illegal discrimination. I cannot see any just reason to treat the long-term or lifelong commitments of my homosexual friends any differently to the same level of commitment I, or anyone else, may show in an heterosexual relationship.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Isn't marriage a religious thing therefore as most religions don't recognise same sex marriage then they can't happen? Hence civil partnerships?

    I say each to their own anyway and that the governments shouldn't care in terms of a legal sense who wants to do what. Am all for people being happy with whoever they choose regardless of gender.
  • i think its more about equality. i personally could care less who someone else wants to be with as long as its not animals or children. there are perks to being "married" though. your spouse gets to be on your health ins (if you are a "life partner" then they can be on your ins but i believe you have to pay taxes on the ins premiums. correcte me if i'm wrong) you get a pretty nice tax break if you are married, i'm sure there are other benifits but i'm just not educated enough on the matter to know. plus why shouldn't they be allowed to get married? its not hurting anyone and if people don't want to explain it to their kids well that is just the stupidest thing i've ever heard. people need to stop being soooo narrow minded and just let everyone be happy.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Government has been involved in marriage for a very, very long time. Marriage is a legal institution. It gives very specific legal rights. It's not about who you love or what religious ceremony you choose. It's about who inherits property, who has rights to any children, and who gets to make legally binding decisions about healthcare if one of the partners should be incapacitated. I really don't see why the government should care one way or the other about the sex/gender of the individuals involved in that legal union.
  • packersfn7
    packersfn7 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm lesbian and have been with my partner for 6 1/2 years.

    Gay people are EVERYWHERE, but many people are just ignorant because they don't "know" any gay people (although they are probably friends/neighbors/co-workers with them. It has been my experience that once people get to know me and my partner, they don't understand why we are deprived equal rights. They see that we're nice, really normal (almost boring) people who just want to live our lives.

    Ignorant homophobic people don't know what it's like to have a partner sick in the hospital and be denied by the hospital to be by the partner because you aren't "family." They don't know how excruciating it is to check the "single" box even though you are wearing a ring. They don't know what it is like to have to introduce your partner as your "best friend" in unsafe situations where just being out could get you beat up.

    I've been the victim of a hate crime, and I have seen the absolute worst side of human beings. But the vast majority of people are so wonderful once they understand you and know you. I think as the ignorant generations die off, the society will move closer to total equality.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Isn't marriage a religious thing therefore as most religions don't recognise same sex marriage then they can't happen? Hence civil partnerships?

    Er, many people marry in registry offices or similar, with no religious content at all - in fact, many civil ceremonies ban music and readings with any religious themes. Heterosexual people who marry in this way are no less 'married' than those who marry in a religious setting, surely? Why does the same not apply to homosexual couples? Why the insistence on a different terminology for what is essentially the same thing?
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    If you don't like gay marriage then don't get one. That easy.
  • lowlevelrebel
    lowlevelrebel Posts: 75 Member
    Orpheus_Chick said...

    Governments all around the world endorse and recognise heterosexual marriage in all sorts of ways, whether that's tax relief, next-of-kin issues or any number of other factors. In many countries, commitment short of marriage in heterosexual couples is also recognised by law, for example in property rights. Homosexual commitment of any degree, whether marriage, a civil partnership or long-cohabitation should be similarly and equally recognised. To do otherwise denies homosexual people fundamental aspects of their civil and human rights, solely on the basis of sexual preference, which in most western countries,on any other topic, would be illegal discrimination. I cannot see any just reason to treat the long-term or lifelong commitments of my homosexual friends any differently to the same level of commitment I, or anyone else, may show in an heterosexual relationship.

    Amen, sister. Very well put. My boyrfriend's great uncles lived together for years and were so close they even died within 1.5 hours of each other. To say that their lives as doctors, serving their community, giving much of their sizeable wealth to the church and charities in their wills should not have been spent together is just terrible. Governments not recognizing marriages can lead to loved ones not being allowed into hospital suites or partners being sent home because they can't get green cards through marriage. I really don't understand how gay marriage hurts hetero marriages. I'd rather have one couple like my bf's great uncles than a thousand of Newt Gingrich's or Kim Kardashian's marriages...
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    Why not should be the question. If we are a country that pushes freedom, why not push to have all American's free and able to have the choice to marry the person they love? I am gay. I've been with the same wonderful man for over 11 years. We can get married in DC, but live in Virginia... so when we are home we aren't married.
    I served in the military proudly and now work for the Government, again proud to do so, but let me marry who I want to marry. I'm not asking for anything to be changed for anyone else. Just let me enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness like all American's should.

    well put. come to Iowa, we will take ya!
    AND thank you for your service!

    I live in Maryland and the "issue" is going through our legislature right now. It passed through our House and now it is on to the Senate.

    Love should never be an issue. The right to express that love should also not be an issue. Marriage is a union between two people who want the world to know how they feel. It is a marriage. Not a "union" or "partnership". A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet... right? What other people do in the privacy of their own home is their business, regardless of their genders. Let them live in peace and let us focus on more important issues like our economy or the upcoming Presidential nominations.

    And thank you for serving. I grew up in a military family and I know the sacrifices they make for our country.
  • The government has to be involved with marriage. It is, most importantly, a legal institution. Think about it. If a spouse dies, who is entitled to his/her wealth? Who is entitled to the children? Who is responsible for burial? These all seem like common sense questions, but without the force of law then legally "no one" is the correct answer. Also it would be easy to have conflicting claims. Maybe a business partner claims the deceased's fortune, claiming he helped earn it and it should be his, not the widow/ers. Maybe the grandparent did almost all of the parental care for the children and wants legal custody now the father/mother has died.

    These are reasons why marriage falls in the realm of law, but also why homosexual marriage should be permitted. They have the same issues as the rest of us do, and need the same protections.

    But I think there is even a more basic reason government should stop discrimination against sexual orientation and gender identity.


    Even though I am not a homosexual, "Unions" wouldn't be acceptable to me. That would be "Separate but equal", a.k.a. segregation.
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    If you can come up with any valid reason why they should not, that doesn't involve religion I'd like to hear it.

    I am not Gay, I have been married for 20 years, but have friends who are and have been together for years.... Plus even in 'normal marriages' you have divorce, cheating, swingers.... makes you wonder what normal is...