Government recognizing Gay and Lesbian



  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I can be fired in 29 states of being gay. How do I have the same rights as straight people?

    Show me those laws and for what organizations? Are they religious?

    There is fed law that protects you from being fired on your sexual orientation.

    i don't buy that one bit.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    As a gay bloke who's been married, sorry, who has formed a Civil Partnership for over six years now since the law was changed here in the UK, I'd rather bigots had the courage of their convictions and just came right out and said "I don't agree with gay marriage because I don't like gays!" rather than hide their prejudice behind religious beliefs. It doesn't make the argument any more credible, and it unfairly tars with the same brush people who are religious, but not bigoted.

    It's not that Christians hate gays at all, it is that they hate the sin. Ever heard the term "love thy neighbour as thine self"? that means that you rebuke the actions of sinners just like you would yourself when you sin.
  • mikeandfox
    Where has it been proven that it's genetic?

    From the evidence I have been able to gather, it is a case of nature and nurture.

    Not to mention the close to 1.5k species that have displayed homosexual activity.

    Animals also inbreed amongst other things, so that's a terrible example, I was just waiting for this to pop up.

    And some eat their young. I love it when people bring animals into this discussion. Since when did animals develop the level of reason that humans have. And when did they establish themselves as an equal species?

    Equal species? Do you think we are more important than bees or fish?

    That is a ridiculous question, I know where you are tying to with it, and it's absurd. Of course those two are important to the food chain, but that is where their value ends. If you think that we are on same level as other species, then I don't really see how I can have a rational discussion with you about my statement.

    Do animals have a sense of right and wrong?
    Do they protect other animals and keep them from going extinct?
    Do they bring us into their homes and raise us(tarzan excluded)?

    Well those apes did take in...
    "(tarzan excluded)"

    It doesn't matter if they do any of those. We are the same product. If we want to know if homosexuality is biological, then we have to look at the process leading to our existence, which incorporates the natural world we live in. That includes animal behavior.
  • iamthevieve
    "I don't think whites and blacks should be allowed to marry" - that's not acceptable.
    "Because my religion says so" - that's still not acceptable.

    "I don't think gays should be allowed to marry" - that's not acceptable.
    "Because my religion says so" - oh, ok then. Sorry. We'll have to find a work-around. Uhm, shall we call it a Civil Partnership, will that be ok?

    As a gay bloke who's been married, sorry, who has formed a Civil Partnership for over six years now since the law was changed here in the UK, I'd rather bigots had the courage of their convictions and just came right out and said "I don't agree with gay marriage because I don't like gays!" rather than hide their prejudice behind religious beliefs. It doesn't make the argument any more credible, and it unfairly tars with the same brush people who are religious, but not bigoted.

    And if marriage is only for the religious, and sexual orientation has nothing to do with it, then why aren't straight couples allowed to enter a Civil Partnership? Or why aren't straight couples asked if they believe in God when they get married? Mmmm? Answer me that one, Archbishop of Canterbury :)

    This reminded me of a conversation I had with a Christian once. I told her I was a Diest and my husband was an athiest. She told me I wasn't married because I'm not religious. I told her to tell that to the federal government because I keep getting tax cuts I shouldn't have. I agree with you in regards to people hiding behind their religion. One verse of the NT quotes Jesus as saying that only things Jesus himself said should be followed. I have yet to find a passage where Jesus says homosexuality is bad. Also, the parts of the Bible that speak out against homosexuality were written by Paul, who is a misogynistic homophobe.

    That being said, the most important argument when it comes to gay marriage is this: SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    There is fed law that protects you from being fired on your sexual orientation.

    Wrong. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act [ENDA] has been languishing in Congress for over a decade. Although many states and municipalities have such laws, there is no federal law that protects against being fired based on sexual orientation.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    The government needs to be consistent in how it deals with straight or gay marriage. Its either recognize both or recognize neither. Separation of church and state. Two consenting adults, nobody gets harmed.

    There was one state/governor that I think over-stepped its bounds in legalizing gay marriage by actually forcing churches to conduct gay marriage ceremonies (as long as it offered straight marriage ceremonies). I can't remember where I read this recently, but that was definitely crossing the line.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Someone PLEASE tell me what this has to do with fitness and eating. I think there are better venues for topics such as this.

    Chit-chat. Nowhere does it say the chit-chat, fun or games need to be fitness related.
  • mmgomez28
    mmgomez28 Posts: 85 Member
    So I read something about this the other day. It was a funny quote. It went something like this, "It's very dear to me, the issue of gay marriage... or, as I like to call it: Marriage. You know, because I had lunch this afternoon, not gay lunch. I parked my car; I didn't gay park it." Liz Feldman

    I am a Christian, born and raised. My parents taught me, at a young age, that we are not all the same, but that we are born equal. Or supposed to be. My parents taught me that we all should have the same rights, the right to a good education, the right to be happy, and among others, the right to be with the person you love. They taught me that I have to fight for these rights. They taught me not to judge and to tolerate even if I do not exactly agree with other's.
    For example, I am Pro-Life, but I will NEVER tell a woman that she has no right to terminate her pregnancy. Off-topic, I know, but it's an example of tolerance, take it as it is. I would Never have an abortion, but will not judge those who feel it's the best decision for her.

    Why shouldn't homosexual couples enjoy of the same rights as heterosexual couples?
    Because it's in the Bible? Sorry, but there is such a thing as SEPARATION OF STATE AND CHURCH.
    Why can't my one of my best friends take on her partner's last name?
    I know when I get married I'll be able to, so why can't she. She is HUMAN too. She was born with the same rights as me, why should she be denied these rights because of her sexual orientation.

    I read that homosexuality was found in hundreds of species. Don't remember the source, I apologize. But if it is, then is it not somehow natural?

    Those who wan't to quote the Bible and be all righteous and say that if you want to go to Heaven, you should be "on the straight and narrow", what do you think about Divorce? The Bible, on Mark I believe, does say that you'd be committing adultery if you were to divorce and marry again. Oh my, that Kim Kardashian, that Britney Spears, that Newt Gingrich and millions other are heading straight to hell. (Sarcastic Comment. Don't get too excited) What about those who have more than one Wife and claim to do it because it's in the Bible? Isn't polygamy a sin or sinful behavior? Or how about sex before marriage? Isn't that fornication?

    I for one will continue to believe in God and will continue to fight for our rights. I 100% support Marriage, whether it is man & woman, man & man, woman & woman. And if my parents taught me wrong for standing up and defending the rights of my brothers and sisters, homosexual or heterosexual, then I'd rather be wrong for the rest of my life than be "Right" and deny others the rights I have.
  • iamthevieve
    The government needs to be consistent in how it deals with straight or gay marriage. Its either recognize both or recognize neither. Separation of church and state. Two consenting adults, nobody gets harmed.

    There was one state/governor that I think over-stepped its bounds in legalizing gay marriage by actually forcing churches to conduct gay marriage ceremonies (as long as it offered straight marriage ceremonies). I can't remember where I read this recently, but that was definitely crossing the line.

    Just like gays should be allowed to marry, a church or pastor/priest shouldn't be forced to marry anyone. A lot of Catholic priests refuse to marry straight coupled because they don't think the marriage will last.
  • mikeandfox
    I can be fired in 29 states of being gay. How do I have the same rights as straight people?

    Show me those laws and for what organizations? Are they religious?

    There is fed law that protects you from being fired on your sexual orientation.

    i don't buy that one bit.

    You have those protections as a federal employee. Not otherwise the state needs to provide them.
  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    To all of you people quoting the Bible to celebrate your anti-homosexual viewpoints, read the rest of the book. The parts that tell us to love one another. To be compassionate. To not judge.

    Maybe people do have "a choice." But only God has "the right to judge."

    I'm a Christian. A TRUE CHRISTIAN. And yet I do not feel like the Bible taught me that homosexuals are to be condemned.

    Stop only reading the parts that make you feel better about who you are, and pick up the parts that will teach you how to be a better a better Christian. And a better example of how we're supposed to be.

    Stop spreading hate. You won't spread the Word until you do.

    Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

    1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.

    Matthew 5:43-45 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."

    1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.

    Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.

    I love this! I am Christian. I go to church. I am the only gay person at my church. They love me and accept me for who I am, not who I love.

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  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Where has it been proven that it's genetic?

    From the evidence I have been able to gather, it is a case of nature and nurture.

    Not to mention the close to 1.5k species that have displayed homosexual activity.

    Animals also inbreed amongst other things, so that's a terrible example, I was just waiting for this to pop up.

    And some eat their young. I love it when people bring animals into this discussion. Since when did animals develop the level of reason that humans have. And when did they establish themselves as an equal species?

    Equal species? Do you think we are more important than bees or fish?

    That is a ridiculous question, I know where you are tying to with it, and it's absurd. Of course those two are important to the food chain, but that is where their value ends. If you think that we are on same level as other species, then I don't really see how I can have a rational discussion with you about my statement.

    Do animals have a sense of right and wrong?
    Do they protect other animals and keep them from going extinct?
    Do they bring us into their homes and raise us(tarzan excluded)?

    Well those apes did take in...
    "(tarzan excluded)"

    It doesn't matter if they do any of those. We are the same product. If we want to know if homosexuality is biological, then we have to look at the process leading to our existence, which incorporates the natural world we live in. That includes animal behavior.

    We are not the same though, even if evolution were to be proved. We have the ability to think and control our impulses. Animals do not have this ability. We developed civilizations and laws that govern us, we have developed societies and technologies. Until animals are able to write down laws to govern themselves, they will be and are nothing more than food.
    We have instincts, but we decide if we are to act on them or not.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    So I read something about this the other day. It was a funny quote. It went something like this, "It's very dear to me, the issue of gay marriage... or, as I like to call it: Marriage. You know, because I had lunch this afternoon, not gay lunch. I parked my car; I didn't gay park it." Liz Feldman

    I am a Christian, born and raised. My parents taught me, at a young age, that we are not all the same, but that we are born equal. Or supposed to be. My parents taught me that we all should have the same rights, the right to a good education, the right to be happy, and among others, the right to be with the person you love. They taught me that I have to fight for these rights. They taught me not to judge and to tolerate even if I do not exactly agree with other's.
    For example, I am Pro-Life, but I will NEVER tell a woman that she has no right to terminate her pregnancy. Off-topic, I know, but it's an example of tolerance, take it as it is. I would Never have an abortion, but will not judge those who feel it's the best decision for her.

    Why shouldn't homosexual couples enjoy of the same rights as heterosexual couples?
    Because it's in the Bible? Sorry, but there is such a thing as SEPARATION OF STATE AND CHURCH.
    Why can't my one of my best friends take on her partner's last name?
    I know when I get married I'll be able to, so why can't she. She is HUMAN too. She was born with the same rights as me, why should she be denied these rights because of her sexual orientation.

    I read that homosexuality was found in hundreds of species. Don't remember the source, I apologize. But if it is, then is it not somehow natural?

    Those who wan't to quote the Bible and be all righteous and say that if you want to go to Heaven, you should be "on the straight and narrow", what do you think about Divorce? The Bible, on Mark I believe, does say that you'd be committing adultery if you were to divorce and marry again. Oh my, that Kim Kardashian, that Britney Spears, that Newt Gingrich and millions other are heading straight to hell. (Sarcastic Comment. Don't get too excited) What about those who have more than one Wife and claim to do it because it's in the Bible? Isn't polygamy a sin or sinful behavior? Or how about sex before marriage? Isn't that fornication?

    I for one will continue to believe in God and will continue to fight for our rights. I 100% support Marriage, whether it is man & woman, man & man, woman & woman. And if my parents taught me wrong for standing up and defending the rights of my brothers and sisters, homosexual or heterosexual, then I'd rather be wrong for the rest of my life than be "Right" and deny others the rights I have.

    I love this
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    There was one state/governor that I think over-stepped its bounds in legalizing gay marriage by actually forcing churches to conduct gay marriage ceremonies (as long as it offered straight marriage ceremonies). I can't remember where I read this recently, but that was definitely crossing the line.

    I have never heard of this and suspect you are either remembering incorrectly or were fed some bad information. Was it in a frantic e-mail from your Aunt Ida?

  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    I can be fired in 29 states of being gay. How do I have the same rights as straight people?

    Show me those laws and for what organizations? Are they religious?

    There is fed law that protects you from being fired on your sexual orientation.

    i don't buy that one bit.

    There IS no federal law againt discrimination due to sexual orientation.

    here are some links:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I love all these "tolerant" individuals who think if you're religious and are opposed to gay marriage on those grounds, you're "ignorant" or "trailer trash."

    As for Jesus not thinking homosexuality is bad, read Matthew 19:4-5. He clearly explains to the Pharisees that marriage is between a male and a female.
  • mikeandfox
    Where has it been proven that it's genetic?

    From the evidence I have been able to gather, it is a case of nature and nurture.

    Not to mention the close to 1.5k species that have displayed homosexual activity.

    Animals also inbreed amongst other things, so that's a terrible example, I was just waiting for this to pop up.

    And some eat their young. I love it when people bring animals into this discussion. Since when did animals develop the level of reason that humans have. And when did they establish themselves as an equal species?

    Equal species? Do you think we are more important than bees or fish?

    That is a ridiculous question, I know where you are tying to with it, and it's absurd. Of course those two are important to the food chain, but that is where their value ends. If you think that we are on same level as other species, then I don't really see how I can have a rational discussion with you about my statement.

    Do animals have a sense of right and wrong?
    Do they protect other animals and keep them from going extinct?
    Do they bring us into their homes and raise us(tarzan excluded)?

    Well those apes did take in...
    "(tarzan excluded)"

    It doesn't matter if they do any of those. We are the same product. If we want to know if homosexuality is biological, then we have to look at the process leading to our existence, which incorporates the natural world we live in. That includes animal behavior.

    We are not the same though, even if evolution were to be proved. We have the ability to think and control our impulses. Animals do not have this ability. We developed civilizations and laws that govern us, we have developed societies and technologies. Until animals are able to write down laws to govern themselves, they will be and are nothing more than food.
    We have instincts, but we decide if we are to act on them or not.

    I still disagree. I think the only reason we behave the way we do is because it is greater benefit to use to do so. Which is also the driving factor for many animals. And believe it or not, we have more evidence to support evolution theory than gravity theory.

    However, if you insist that we are not animals, simply don't put any weight into it. The single study I cited still remains, and there were more where that came from.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    There was one state/governor that I think over-stepped its bounds in legalizing gay marriage by actually forcing churches to conduct gay marriage ceremonies (as long as it offered straight marriage ceremonies). I can't remember where I read this recently, but that was definitely crossing the line.

    I have never heard of this and suspect you are either remembering incorrectly or were fed some bad information. Was it in a frantic e-mail from your Aunt Ida?


    Gov. Christine Gregoire of Washington State signed a gay marriage bill that stated, "accommodations, facilities, advantages, privileges, services, or goods related to the solemnization or celebration of a marriage” to the public must offer all those goods for use to homosexual couples seeking marriage or else face a penalty for discrimination."

    From what I understand that language was dropped from the bill because it was forcing churches to perform gay marriages.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I have mixed feelings on the subject, but most of them have already been discussed here.

    What I put forth to all of you is "Where do you draw the line?"

    Is Polygamy OK? Can I have multiple civil partners?

    Is a union between two brothers OK? Incest was historically banned due to the resulting birth defects.

    Does a union even have to have a sexual relationship? Can it be simply two or more people who want the social, legal, and economic benefits of a union?

    Is a union with a minor OK? Is it OK if it is non-sexual?

    Not trying to stir the debate, just want to give everyone more to consider. Where does society draw the line?

    GREAT POINT!!! Once gays/lesbians are allowed to marry, that still wont be good enough or equal. Next up, men will be fighting to have multiple wives of ANY age.... *sighs*
  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    paige marie...........times change. It was just in the 1920s that women were "allowed" to vote for the first time in their lives. Before that year, nope, they were treated as 2nd class citizens. Same with Blacks in the voting process, and there was a time Blacks and Whites weren't allowed to marry, and one state in the south still has it on its books, but not enforced

    seems that you wouldnt be satisfied as a woman not to have the privelege to vote......that would make you feel 2nd class as a person. So maybe you could understand their situation as well.........Best wishes, Lloyd

    I'm not really bothered about voting.

    Since you ARE bothered by LGBT people and their wishes perhaps you should abide by all of the things mentioned in Leviticus. Start by taking that septum piercing out of your nose.