Government recognizing Gay and Lesbian



  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Marriage - Between a Man and Woman

    Gay Marriage - between same sex. Thats why it is called Gay Marriage, not Marriage.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    To all of you people quoting the Bible to celebrate your anti-homosexual viewpoints, read the rest of the book. The parts that tell us to love one another. To be compassionate. To not judge.

    Maybe people do have "a choice." But only God has "the right to judge."

    I'm a Christian. A TRUE CHRISTIAN. And yet I do not feel like the Bible taught me that homosexuals are to be condemned.

    Stop only reading the parts that make you feel better about who you are, and pick up the parts that will teach you how to be a better a better Christian. And a better example of how we're supposed to be.

    Stop spreading hate. You won't spread the Word until you do.

    Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

    1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.

    Matthew 5:43-45 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."

    1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.

    Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.

    Amen girlfriend. Also, the Bible says LOTS of crazy **** in the old testament. Read Leviticus. (I went to Catholic school for 9 years).

    I'm pretty sure the Bible is more of a guideline on how to live your life as a good person, not a big list of things to hate.

    And if you don't believe in God or the Bible, hey, that's your thing, I'm cool with it. I believe what I believe, you believe what you believe and we all live our lives.
  • mikeandfox
    Where has it been proven that it's genetic?

    From the evidence I have been able to gather, it is a case of nature and nurture.

    Not to mention the close to 1.5k species that have displayed homosexual activity.

    Animals also inbreed amongst other things, so that's a terrible example, I was just waiting for this to pop up.

    And some eat their young. I love it when people bring animals into this discussion. Since when did animals develop the level of reason that humans have. And when did they establish themselves as an equal species?

    Equal species? Do you think we are more important than bees or fish?
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    My fear of governments recognizing this type of marriage which is completely fine in and of itself but I can see people wanting to push the line further. Let men and women marry under aged or marry their pets or marry their parents or something. Those people have rights just like straight people, bi people, gay/lesbian, and whatever else there is. So the envelope keeps getting pushed as we are constantly seeking fairness in all things. It's always changing and being modified which is nice that we have that opportunity but holy crap! It could go upside down.:noway:

    Children are not consenting adults.
    Pets are not consenting adults.
    Not everything is a slippery slope.

    Thank you!

    What about brothers and sisters...Dads are consenting. where does it end? And don't tell me that it's not okay, b/c incest people should have the same rights as everyone else.

    Straw man argument.

    How is that straw man? A brother and sister should be able to marry by these rules because they are consenting adults after all. Are their desires less important than those of a homosexual?
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    This is neither here nor there, but there is a lot of sexy women up in this thread.
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member

    Link - views from non-religious standpoint against it.

    From your quoted link:

    "Yet, I also know that it has been shown that children who are deprived of the parenting of one gender have a very strong tendency toward emotional and/or psychological problems."

    Source required. Even is this is the case, that means a homosexual couple can raise a child just as well as a single mother or father. Which, by the way, is pretty damn well.

    "To be honest, I believe that if you look, that you will find that nearly all gay men, that were not victims of abuse, came from an unhealthy parenting situation themselves."

    Seriously? With the majority of straight marriages that end in divorce today, would we not expect to see the majority of Americans "damaged" enough to be homosexual.

    What can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

    Agree with the OP.

    If straight couples didn't keep having gay babies the problem wouldn't exist. Its completely natural.

    There are so many shades of grey in this life. Live and let live.

    As for god, we all know about Lilith, Eve and Adam etc, so if its anyones fault, its god for making the partnership unequal rather than leaving it balanced :wink:

    Where has it been proven that it's genetic?

    From the evidence I have been able to gather, it is a case of nature and nurture.

    "While genetic factors present some of the most persuasive evidence of a biological basis, it is doubtful that homosexuality is determined by purely biological factors. Rather, this uniquely human phenomenon is a consequence of a multifactorial developmental process in which psychosocial factors remain crucial."

    Not to mention the close to 1.5k species that have displayed homosexual activity.

    The problem with the government is they have all seem to forgotten that whole separation of church and state, and they want to make the issue of gay marriage a religious one. It's not. Marriage is a legal agreement entered into by two consenting adults. If those adults want to attach religious significance to their marriage, that is their business. What goes on between two consenting adults is really none of the government's business as long as we pay our taxes. People (gay, straight, bi) get married for all sorts of reasons: tax breaks, benefits, LOVE, whatever. It's a damn shame that we live in a country that's all about "Freedom" but my brother can't marry his partner and my gay friends, who have been together longer than I have been alive, can't get married either.

    So should we allow marriages to be run in accordance to Sharia Law? After all, two people entered into the agreement.

    As long as the marriage breaks no other laws, such as domestic abuse, child abuse, etc. Sure, I so no reason two consenting adults shouldn't be allowed.

    I think if we dropped the marriage part and just called it union or something like that all the fuzz would go away

    Marriage is pretty much a religious term between a man & a woman, so yeah I agree with you.

    So...straight couples who get married at City Hall shouldn't be considered married...?

    No, because that's still a marriage (man & woman), the term marriage originates from the bible & the bible says that being gay is an abomination to God, so I don't think it should be called marriage if you understand my reasoning?

    Not really. Marriage was around way before the bible. Let's not bring religious sensitivities into this because, honestly, they don't belong here. Not to mention, not everyone here is the same religion or even religious for that matter.

    Finally, in the US at least, attempting to force someone to do something or refrain from something on the grounds of religion is illegal.

    "Marriage (or wedlock) is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship."

    The Bible begins at creation...interesting trick for there to be marriage before people...
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    Marriage - Between a Man and Woman

    Gay Marriage - between same sex. Thats why it is called Gay Marriage, not Marriage.

    If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, but both ducks happen to wear tuxedos, I'm still going to call it a duck.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
  • mikeandfox
    Where has it been proven that it's genetic?

    From the evidence I have been able to gather, it is a case of nature and nurture.

    Not to mention the close to 1.5k species that have displayed homosexual activity.

    Animals also inbreed amongst other things, so that's a terrible example, I was just waiting for this to pop up.

    And so do humans. The two are unrelated.

    Homosexuality harms no one not involved.

    Incest harms future generations.

    Perfectly valid.

    Saying that something is natural because animals do it is stupid if you're not going to condone everything that animals do as "natural".

    Give me evidence close to what I provided you as to the harm of homosexual behavior. Please.
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    This is neither here nor there, but there is a lot of sexy women up in this thread.

    haha...just a little humor to relieve the tremendous tension =)
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    Where has it been proven that it's genetic?

    From the evidence I have been able to gather, it is a case of nature and nurture.

    Not to mention the close to 1.5k species that have displayed homosexual activity.

    Animals also inbreed amongst other things, so that's a terrible example, I was just waiting for this to pop up.

    Why is it a terrible example? There are some humans out there who inbreed too--in fact, it's even legal in some places!
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    I think if we dropped the marriage part and just called it union or something like that all the fuzz would go away

    Not unless you "call it union or something like that" for straight people too! If the word used is marriage for two people of opposite genders, it needs to be marriage for two people of the same gender as well. Separate but equal wasn't good enough for people of color, and it's not good enough for us. We are not going to accept "something like marriage" unless you do too!

    Since when were gay people ever viewed as 2/3 human? Drawing a link between homosexual rights movement and the civil rights movement is a slap in the face to everyone involved.

    Well, considering this country gives me roughly 2/3 of the rights of straight people, I'd say that's fairly accurate.

    See that's not true. You have the same rights. What you want is more rights.

    I do? Hmm...go review the link posted earlier in this thread.
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    This is neither here nor there, but there is a lot of sexy women up in this thread.

    haha...just a little humor to relieve the tremendous tension =)

  • mikeandfox

    Link - views from non-religious standpoint against it.

    From your quoted link:

    "Yet, I also know that it has been shown that children who are deprived of the parenting of one gender have a very strong tendency toward emotional and/or psychological problems."

    Source required. Even is this is the case, that means a homosexual couple can raise a child just as well as a single mother or father. Which, by the way, is pretty damn well.

    "To be honest, I believe that if you look, that you will find that nearly all gay men, that were not victims of abuse, came from an unhealthy parenting situation themselves."

    Seriously? With the majority of straight marriages that end in divorce today, would we not expect to see the majority of Americans "damaged" enough to be homosexual.

    What can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

    Agree with the OP.

    If straight couples didn't keep having gay babies the problem wouldn't exist. Its completely natural.

    There are so many shades of grey in this life. Live and let live.

    As for god, we all know about Lilith, Eve and Adam etc, so if its anyones fault, its god for making the partnership unequal rather than leaving it balanced :wink:

    Where has it been proven that it's genetic?

    From the evidence I have been able to gather, it is a case of nature and nurture.

    "While genetic factors present some of the most persuasive evidence of a biological basis, it is doubtful that homosexuality is determined by purely biological factors. Rather, this uniquely human phenomenon is a consequence of a multifactorial developmental process in which psychosocial factors remain crucial."

    Not to mention the close to 1.5k species that have displayed homosexual activity.

    The problem with the government is they have all seem to forgotten that whole separation of church and state, and they want to make the issue of gay marriage a religious one. It's not. Marriage is a legal agreement entered into by two consenting adults. If those adults want to attach religious significance to their marriage, that is their business. What goes on between two consenting adults is really none of the government's business as long as we pay our taxes. People (gay, straight, bi) get married for all sorts of reasons: tax breaks, benefits, LOVE, whatever. It's a damn shame that we live in a country that's all about "Freedom" but my brother can't marry his partner and my gay friends, who have been together longer than I have been alive, can't get married either.

    So should we allow marriages to be run in accordance to Sharia Law? After all, two people entered into the agreement.

    As long as the marriage breaks no other laws, such as domestic abuse, child abuse, etc. Sure, I so no reason two consenting adults shouldn't be allowed.

    I think if we dropped the marriage part and just called it union or something like that all the fuzz would go away

    Marriage is pretty much a religious term between a man & a woman, so yeah I agree with you.

    So...straight couples who get married at City Hall shouldn't be considered married...?

    No, because that's still a marriage (man & woman), the term marriage originates from the bible & the bible says that being gay is an abomination to God, so I don't think it should be called marriage if you understand my reasoning?

    Not really. Marriage was around way before the bible. Let's not bring religious sensitivities into this because, honestly, they don't belong here. Not to mention, not everyone here is the same religion or even religious for that matter.

    Finally, in the US at least, attempting to force someone to do something or refrain from something on the grounds of religion is illegal.

    "Marriage (or wedlock) is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship."

    The Bible begins at creation...interesting trick for there to be marriage before people...

    As an atheist, I take no credible evidence from the Bible or any other religious text. So you provide some good science as to why you want to prevent people from living happy, healthy lives with their families and I will listen.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am proud to live in MA where gay marriage is legal.

    I'm a straight married woman but I want my friends who are gay to have the same rights I do.

    I want them to have employee benefits for their spouse. If one partner is in the hospital I want the other one to be by their side.

    I know so many happily married gay couples. Here in MA we not only are the only state in the US to have universal health care, we also allow gays to marry. I would be ashamed to live in a state that did not allow gays to marry.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    So much for groups, eh?
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    My fear of governments recognizing this type of marriage which is completely fine in and of itself but I can see people wanting to push the line further. Let men and women marry under aged or marry their pets or marry their parents or something. Those people have rights just like straight people, bi people, gay/lesbian, and whatever else there is. So the envelope keeps getting pushed as we are constantly seeking fairness in all things. It's always changing and being modified which is nice that we have that opportunity but holy crap! It could go upside down.:noway:

    Children are not consenting adults.
    Pets are not consenting adults.
    Not everything is a slippery slope.

    Thank you!

    What about brothers and sisters...Dads are consenting. where does it end? And don't tell me that it's not okay, b/c incest people should have the same rights as everyone else.

    See above. Incest is harmful because of the offspring. Homosexuals produce no offspring. No harm done.

    So? Everyone wants equal rights. Not fair for the homosexuals to get different rights for "two consenting adults" to wed if they aren't going to share it.
  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    My fear of governments recognizing this type of marriage which is completely fine in and of itself but I can see people wanting to push the line further. Let men and women marry under aged or marry their pets or marry their parents or something. Those people have rights just like straight people, bi people, gay/lesbian, and whatever else there is. So the envelope keeps getting pushed as we are constantly seeking fairness in all things. It's always changing and being modified which is nice that we have that opportunity but holy crap! It could go upside down.:noway:

    Children are not consenting adults.
    Pets are not consenting adults.
    Not everything is a slippery slope.

    Thank you!

    What about brothers and sisters...Dads are consenting. where does it end? And don't tell me that it's not okay, b/c incest people should have the same rights as everyone else.

    Family Values Change With The Culture But The Truth Of Scripture Does Not Change.
    Why did Adam and Eve’s children marry each other?

    They had to marry their own brothers or sisters because there was no one else around for them to marry.

    Marriage with close family members represents genuine Genesis family values. Why did Adam and Eve's children marry eachother? Their beliefs and practices were not wrong way back then. Have you ever wondered how Abraham could marry his sister and other women and still be right with God? Have you ever wondered how modern Christians can hold up Abraham as an example of faith yet insist that no one today should follow his example in marriage? If Abraham was alive today, would any modern church let him preach in their pulpit or teach in their Sunday School? No, of course they would not because Abraham had multiple wives and concubines and spent most of his adult life in an incestuous sexual, marriage relationship with his half-sister, Sarah (Genesis 20:2 & 12). The truth of scripture has not changed but cultural values and our perception of what God will accept have changed. Abraham was a good man and Sarah was a good woman. He is called the friend of God. But Abraham's family values and "lifestyle" would not be acceptable to most nongay and gay Christians today.

    According to "your bible" they should!
  • mdorisi
    mdorisi Posts: 69 Member
    You know, it's amazing to me that this is an issue. I know many gay couples that have been together longer than married couples I know and yet, they've never had the right to be married. I am straight and am getting married this summer which I am just crazy happy about. How can we deny people happiness because we don't "agree" with who they love? Everyone in the world has the right to love who they love regardless if they're gay or straight. Is being gay a choice? Who cares. We are all faced with choices every single day. If someone is choosing to be gay, then whatever. They're happy, leave them alone. I am so happy that I live in a state that just approved gay marriage. It's a great feeling to know that my gay friends can now share in my happiness this summer, and that I can share in theirs openly. I only hope other states and countries follow and that everyone can really have the freedom to love who they want and to showcase their love as they please.