Am I fat?

I have a question, and I hope not to offend anyone, but for the people with eating disorders that see themselves as "fat". . . Do you see everyone else at fat? I have friends, here and in the world outside my iPhone struggling. I'm just trying to understand it better. . Help!?


  • Heidi64
    Heidi64 Posts: 211 Member
    When I was younger, I was slim (even now I can't refer to myself as "skinny") 5'7" and 115 pounds at 34-23-34. I thought I was a COW! Everyone else looked normal. My one friend who was exactly my size looked skinny. I mean, sure, if someone was really overweight, I saw them as fat, but didn't judge b/c I saw me in them. I am so much happier now to have a more realistic body image, but it is tough. I struggle with not obsessing over the ucky parts of me in the mirror. I will only sabotage myself. Good luck!
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    When I was younger, I was slim (even now I can't refer to myself as "skinny") 5'7" and 115 pounds at 34-23-34. I thought I was a COW! Everyone else looked normal. My one friend who was exactly my size looked skinny. I mean, sure, if someone was really overweight, I saw them as fat, but didn't judge b/c I saw me in them. I am so much happier now to have a more realistic body image, but it is tough. I struggle with not obsessing over the ucky parts of me in the mirror. I will only sabotage myself. Good luck!

    Cute ticker! Lol
    My friend is 5'7 and wants to be skinny like me. I weigh 152 she weights 98. I just can't grasp that!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I still view my self as fat.
  • athearenee
    I have always been curvy...
    but when my sister suggested that I get gastric bypass surgery....
    I saw that things needed to change
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    I still view my self as fat.

    Wow! Really? I wish I was half as fat as you ;)
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I still view my self as fat.

    Wow! Really? I wish I was half as fat as you ;)
    Weighing over 300 pounds will get you like that.
  • nesstle
    i used to think i was huge, even though i was around 120 pounds, and very fit and tonned, but i hated the way i looked, but i saw skiny girls as skinny, i envied them big time. I wish i had more photo of myself back then, i still have some of the clothes and cant believe i used to be that skinny.
    Now i still hate the way i look but i know i am fat because of the all weight i have put on.
    And i dont believe i should be okay with the way i look.
    But then im not sure i will ever have a proper perception of myself.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I understand what you mean... I don't quite get it too, I've never had a huge image disorder... but I was insecure. I have some friends that are easily 20 pounds lighter and even taller and they view themselves as "fat" and keep talking about losing weight. It irritates me because they are at their goal weight... I love my friend to death, but she depends on the number on the scale, when her boobs are what's causing the problem. Imagine this...5'8" blonde 18 year old, weighing at 130-140...and size D breasts... come on now... FAT?!
  • Trinketona
    I consider myself overweight. Im 5 8 and 202 pounds. When people guess how much I weigh they always say around 160. I only wish, but then again that would be way to skinny for my height and frame. I have to be at 170 and 30 seems like a lot to me but I already lost 50 lbs years ago and have just been up and down between 210 and 200.
  • MichelleKacz
    I have a friend who suffered with anorexia and bulimia for more than 10 years and for her is was a personal issue which to this day is hard for her to explain. It’s not about judging others or thinking they are fat, it’s more a personal issue of control and in my friends case it was knowing she could be “better” which in her eyes was thinner, but for others it could be an acceptance issue or wanting to be liked. I recon the best thing you can do for your friend it be there to listen, don’t criticize or get defensive, even though you have her best interests at heart, she doesn’t need to feel more alienated.
  • Trinketona
    I understand what you mean... I don't quite get it too, I've never had a huge image disorder... but I was insecure. I have some friends that are easily 20 pounds lighter and even taller and they view themselves as "fat" and keep talking about losing weight. It irritates me because they are at their goal weight... I love my friend to death, but she depends on the number on the scale, when her boobs are what's causing the problem. Imagine this...5'8" blonde 18 year old, weighing at 130-140...and size D breasts... come on now... FAT?!

    I have a friend just like yours. She has a 27 inch waist D breast and complains about being overweight. I tell her all the time its just her boobs but she complains that she feels fat. 27 inch waist!!!!!!!! Really?????:noway:
  • getthisweightgone
  • getthisweightgone
    I still view my self as fat.

    Wow! Really? I wish I was half as fat as you ;)
    Weighing over 300 pounds will get you like that.

    I understand, even when I've trimmed down, I still feel "big"
  • girlholiday
    You can be a lot worse things than fat. I don't enjoy that people think fat is a negative thing or an insult. BUT, I do consider myself to be fat! I'm not here to get thin, but to get myself back to a point where I feel comfortable and can do more "everyday things" without struggling .:]
  • sammydiva
    Everyone else looks perfect and is at a perfect weight, but I am a whale.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i was 178 so no! i dont judge!! ive been there! just cause im down146 doesnt give me the right to criticize others
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    I, apparently, see myself as bigger than I am but others as smaller. Therefore, I'm constantly putting pressure on myself to lose weight but telling others they are fine as they are, unless they are significantly overweight.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I was always on the thin side growing up. I didn't know it till I was older and looked back. I never thought about my weight back then. I just accepted my body for what it was. I guess you could say I sorta took it for granted, After 2 kids, I snapped back to a size 4-6 without effort. But the ride was soon to end. I was on anti-depressants for 4 years, and even though I saw the weight coming on, I didn't care! I ignored it. That's part of what those awful pills do- they make you care less (I'll let the professionals explain that better). After a while it hit me that I didn't have much in my closet that fit me anymore. I'd see pics and be shocked at what I looked like! I joked to my Hubby that I had reverse anorexia. I didn't see the girl in the mirror that I saw in pictures. Now when I look at old pics, I kick myself for not doing anything to maintain what I had. BUT, I can't beat myself up forever. I can only move forward, which is exactly what I am doing.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Ugh, I hesitated before posting that. It was hard to put that out there for scrutiny. *shudder*
  • Lasityttö
    Lasityttö Posts: 79 Member
    I think I see everyone else pretty much as they are - fat seem fat and skinny look skinny. Doesn't really matter. It's sad when someone gets too thin or too fat, because both are life-threatening, but I don't usually judge other people. I judge myself. I don't know what other people have gone through, I don't now what illnesses they might have or anything else. For all I know, other people have perfectly good and acceptable reasons to look the way they do, so I'm not allowed to judge. But I know me. I know what I'm not doing, what I'm eating, why I eat or don't.. I have all the reasons to be mad at myself. I have mercy for everyone else but me.