Am I fat?



  • iwisheyes
    Everyone else looks perfect and is at a perfect weight, but I am a whale.

    If that photo is of you, you look very thin to me... would you mind sharing height and weight stats?
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Got this from Facebook :tongue:

    I am larger (always has been) than the "National Average"

  • sammydiva
    Everyone else looks perfect and is at a perfect weight, but I am a whale.

    If that photo is of you, you look very thin to me... would you mind sharing height and weight stats?

    ...5'6 and a little bit under or over 100 at the moment, or then maybe not, I think my scale is lying.
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    Had a 34-25-35 figure when I was aged 16-20 but I couldn't see it. Other girls my age of my height and weight looked slim or skinny but I was fat. In my case it was always about my legs - fat, fat, fat. I wanted to physically cut bits off. :noway: I wanted to be better as a person, I wanted to fit in, and I was fixated on the idea that to do that I had to be skinny.

    I never saw other people as fat if they weren't *but* if I noticed an "imperfection" in someone else (e.g. a little bit of celulite) I mentally grabbed onto it as a sign that I could be better than that. Rather than it making me feel better about myself it was another tool I used to push myself :cry:
  • iwisheyes
    Ugh, I hesitated before posting that. It was hard to put that out there for scrutiny. *shudder*

    Hesitation or not, I admire your courage in sharing. I understand what you mean about the pills that make you "care less"; it is almost as though they do nothing for that facet of depression. I was clinically depressed for years, but never sought treatment. I saw/knew what was happening to me and I didn't care. I kept doing what I HAD to for other people - working, taking care of the kids, etc., but it was like I was on auto pilot. And if anyone ever suggested I do something for me, I never listened. Always an excuse... no time, too much to do, need to focus on family, or work, or anything but me.

    I guess I made it out of the abyss alive, but now I'm not sure what to do with the "light"...
  • wcsangel
    I'm 5'4, 118 at the moment, and I still feel huge. My family keep telling me that I look so much better, and isn't it great how slim I'm getting. Logically, I know that's true, because I'm fitting into my size 10 jeans and my size 12 dresses, which is what used to fit when I did think of myself as slim, five years or so ago. However, I look in the mirror, and all I see is that 150 pound girl I was last year. It may not sound like a lot to some of you guys, but on my frame, it was big.

    When I'm out, I will zero in on people I think look fat. It's kind of hard to explain - I'm not zeroing in to judge them, I'm just very aware that they're there, and sort of irrationally afraid that other people would class me with them.
  • FitSid
    FitSid Posts: 117 Member
    In doesn't matter how much anyone else weighed, I was ALWAYS the fat one.
    So in response to your question, no, no you are not fat.

    But in response to the logical part of my brain as well, you are NOT fat at all love.
    You are also very tall... JEALOUS! :)
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I wish I hadn't gone down that road. I was a robot, totally on auto pilot. I cared about nothing. I couldn't cry... I hated it. I'd rather be an emotional wreck who cries at every baby commercial (yes, I do. I know, I know) than a cold hearted machine. That's how I felt on those. I quit cold turkey, and I keep my last bottle (still with pills in it) to remind myself what I came through. I didn't run out of them and just not get more. I just... stopped. It was a great decision. They may work wonders for others, but they are not for me anymore.
  • sarabunny92
    I am recovering from an eating disorder right now. And my lowest weight was 105lbs and i thought i was huge. i was always the biggest [erson in the room... so no other people dont look fat because your mind preceives you asd the fattest person there. even if you clearly arent.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a depression thread. But... it's not too far of a stretch, eh? :frown:
  • iwisheyes
    Everyone else looks perfect and is at a perfect weight, but I am a whale.

    If that photo is of you, you look very thin to me... would you mind sharing height and weight stats?

    ...5'6 and a little bit under or over 100 at the moment, or then maybe not, I think my scale is lying.

    I am 5'5". In college, I weighed 130 and was quite slim. I danced professionally, and competed in a beauty pageant... 5'6" at 100 pounds is very thin, indeed. Perhaps dangerously so...
  • RainyAM
    RainyAM Posts: 18 Member
    I consider myself overweight. Im 5 8 and 202 pounds. When people guess how much I weigh they always say around 160. I only wish, but then again that would be way to skinny for my height and frame. I have to be at 170 and 30 seems like a lot to me but I already lost 50 lbs years ago and have just been up and down between 210 and 200.

    We're about the same ... but you look great in your photo - wish I looked that good! :smile:
  • transfixedtoast
    transfixedtoast Posts: 89 Member
    I'm suffering from an eating disorder and I can honestly say that our body dismorphis and perfectionism only relates to ourselves. Yes, I compare myself to other people but my mind believes so strongly that "I'm ****" and "I'm fat" that I sort of see it no matter what evidence there is to contradict it. but I don't believe that about other people so I don't see them as fat. More as walking digestive systems. which is messed up but that's how it is for me.
  • soniaa777
    soniaa777 Posts: 126 Member
    Got this from Facebook :tongue:

    I am larger (always has been) than the "National Average"


    that size 16 doesnt look like me at a size 16(5'11).lol. i wish my stomach was that flat.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Got this from Facebook :tongue:

    I am larger (always has been) than the "National Average"


    that size 16 doesnt look like me at a size 16(5'11).lol. i wish my stomach was that flat.

    I also do not think that 4-8 is in the 4-8 range. Looks much smaller. But it's not fair to post weights or sizes without heights. That makes quite a difference.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Got this from Facebook :tongue:

    I am larger (always has been) than the "National Average"


    it should say some men's Ideal average, I just asked my husband, and after a loooong reassurance I wan't tricking him he said the smallest one was the best and probably healthier

    and I just want to point out to any one out their suffering from starvation the smallest one still has meat on her, so it's ok for you to gain some weight to be that size =)
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I wish my Hubby wasn't asleep, but I know what he'd say. The middle. He likes curves :)
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I used to be fairly slim but never appreciated it.. at the time i thought i was huge.. then i gained more weight and got in a bit of a denial stage.. i knew i was curvy but i kept telling myself that it could be worse and i could be bigger so i didn't need to lose weight.. and now no matter how much i lose i think i'll still see myself as fat.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I wish my Hubby wasn't asleep, but I know what he'd say. The middle. He likes curves :)

    I know a lot of dudes that would pick the biggest one, I used to want to be like that, but now I really want to be the slimest I can, I've always been the big girl now I want to be the small girl