Manly vs Metro, Femme vs Butch



  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member

    1. I lift weights.
    2. I work on cars and stuff.
    3. I like action movies.
    4. I wrestled when I was in high school and like to fight.
    5. I drink beer


    1. I care about what clothing brands I buy
    2. I watch romance movies and cry sometimes
    3. I am an emotional person.
    4. I use face cleaning products and somewhat pluck my eyebrows
    5. I have around 15 pairs of shoes.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member

    1. I can start a fire without matches/lighter/striker
    2. I have reset my own dislocated shoulder about 6 times
    3. Fighting belongs in Hockey
    4. I hunt and fish
    5. Ford Trucks!

    1. I am well "groomed"
    2. I cry pretty much everytime I watch Armageddon
    3. I can bake
    4. I can pick out Coach and Burberry products and probably guess what you paid
    5. I have to change from watching the news when there are stories about kids being hurt
  • sidhe31
    Interesting ideas and biases....

    1. I can full squat my full body weight and more
    2. I can lead when I dance, comfortably
    3. I know the difference between a single malt and a blended scotch (why bother with the blended?)
    4. I've worked as a mechanic in a previous career
    5. I have an extensive vocabulary of curses, in several languages

    1. I can bake and cook very well
    2. I know my way around a wine list and can pair most foods with a good wine
    3. I'm a sucker for stylish shoes
    4. I believe that it's important to dress well, no matter the occasion
    5. I.m not invested in stereotypes as to what a 'gender' should behave like
  • CharityPearce
    LOVE IT!


    1) My favorite color is pink. I can't help it!
    2) You will never see me without make-up and fixed hair outside my home, unless it's before dawn and I'm walking the dog or
    3) I love, love, love to dress up. Heels make me feel sexy!
    4) I must say, I'm pretty much a genius in the kitchen. : )
    5) I cry at sappy movies & I have a minor addiction to chocolate... *(ok, so that's 2, but I'm so much more girly than butch)

    (Ahh... I forgot... I have sort of an obsession with smell... I CAN NOT smell bad.... and I have a really hard time being around bad smells, also... I sort of love to shop way too much - probably didn't need to be said, but it's true)


    1) I'm sort of in love with my Jeep Wrangler.
    2) I don't mind to do heavy lifting if it gets things where I want them to be.
    3) I love to watch sports on tv! (Go Cowboys - Go Cards!)
    4) I don't giggle (and I get kind of irritated at silly giggly girls, either laugh or shut up!)
    5) Most of my best friends are guys (probably has something to do with #4) : )
  • lisaelainee
    lisaelainee Posts: 248 Member
    1. I wear makeup, otherwise I don't feel confident.
    2. If I get a little scratch 9 times out of 10 I make it a bigger deal than it is.
    3. I talk to my 5 cats like they are babies.
    4. I get emotional easy.
    5. I like penis A LOT.

    1. If I think a girl is hot, I stare and don't care who knows.
    2. I hardly ever close my legs when I'm sitting, even when I wear a dress.
    3. I like movies with violence and a lot of it!!
    4. I have always hung out with the guys, girls are *****y.
    5. Black is my favourite colour.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member

    I love dresses and skirts!!
    Nails are always polished.
    I love anything glittery.
    I have a very feminine walk... so I've been told.


    I play soccer and v-ball and am pretty damn competitve.
    I gave up fruity drinks for hard liqour.
    I like raunchy lyrics (?)

    Um I'm having trouble coming up with my manly side!!! :huh:
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    1: I like when you pull my hair....I mean hold my hand.
    2: I smile when I want something
    3: I bake/cook/sew/quilt and stitch
    4: I have different lotions/body butters for different parts of my body
    5: I ALWAYS am equipped with hand cream and lip chap


    1: I 'appreciate' a nice womans physique... ;)
    2: I have my own tool box.
    3: I repair my own car and drive standard
    4: caress what?? Rule me.
    5: hair tied back/no make up everyday.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    1) My nails are to die for if I do say so myself.
    2) I like stuffed animals
    3) I love stripper shoes even though I am too tall to wear them.
    4) I have a playlist dedicated to "Boys" on my ipod.
    5) I keep cheesy momentoes from past relationships in a cigar box under my bed.

    1) I can compartmentalize my emotions like a dude. Love and sex have nothing to do with one another.
    2) I watch hockey for the fights.
    3) A perfect Sunday revolves around football.
    4) I drink Jack straight out the bottle.
    5) I hate "chick flicks".
  • discodaddy61
    discodaddy61 Posts: 161 Member
    1) i love sports
    2) i love sports so much i became a sports official
    3) i drive a dodge dakota pick up
    4) i used to have a personalized license plate that said MRREF2U (emphasis on the MR)
    5) i have no problem going "commando" with jeans or any other pants

    1) i love the movie steel magnolias
    2) i watch tabithas salon takeover
    3) i color coordinate my pants and shirts and know how to accessorize
    4) i am a "gleek" (fan of tv show glee)
    5) i was a theater major in college and played some very cute men as well as women and i have a sexy walk because of it. ive been told i have a twinkle in my eye at times
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    I have long red hair that I take care of.
    I can cook and come from a house full of men who can cook, so my food has to stand up or they will tell me it sucks. lol
    I like dominant men (and happily married to one).
    I love to take care of my house. (Which in some ways could be considered non girly but it always has a very girly purpose.) I'll do pretty much anything to my house from refinishing my kitchen cabinets by myself or painting 20 foot high ceilings, just to make it more pretty.
    I love chick flicks.

    Not so girly
    I love to argue with people.
    I swear.
    I rarely ever have my finger nails done, it’s a waste of time when you paint and strip/stain furniture as much as I do.
    I use our shed and tools as much or more than my husband.
    I could care less about going to the store without makeup on.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    1. Great cook
    2. Love romance
    3. Love shoes especially heels
    4. Enjoy a strong, confident man
    5. Cross stitch while watching football


    1. I love pro football and am a member of a fantasy football league
    2. Huge hockey, indy car racing and baseball fan
    3. Hiking, camping and fishing are my favorite things to do
    4. Not overly emotional
    5. Have a rock n roll tattoo
  • theleftie
    1. I"ve worked in and around construction pretty much all my life - pouring concrete in MASSIVE quantites - operating a 115ft tower crane - driving heavy equipment... you get it.
    2. Played Ice hockey all my life
    3. LOVE to spend time in the woods with the boys - eating nothing but meat and drinking beer and not needing to share feelings
    4. Would rather work physically than mentally
    5. Do not allow anyone to mistreat either children or women - don't do it in front of me - I"ll be in your face.
    1. I care about how I look
    2. I enjoy shoppoing for clothes and men's fashion in general
    3. I always smell good (an exception is #2 and #3 above...)
    4. My wife's and daughters' eyes melt me...
    5. Love to watch "guilty pleasure" TV with my wife - The Bachelor - the Kardashians - Glee - oh lord...

    I need help... :)
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    1. I cry during romance movies
    2. I have to have my toes painted
    3. I own a crap load of shoes, some of which I've only worn once.
    4. I have a ton of makeup
    5. I have a lot of pink things including my favorite kitchen knife

    1. I would much rather hang out with the guys than with a bunch of girls
    2. I'm a hunter, I will shoot, drag, and clean my own deer
    3. I spit... hahaha
    4. I love video games
    5. I love hockey!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    1. Marine
    2. Biker
    3. Black Belt Instructor in TKD. Black Belts in Shorin-Ryu, TKD, Judo.
    4. Worked as Body Guard / Chaufeer.
    5. Played most sports. Still playing Soccer in League at 57.

    1. Love to cook.
    2. Love Cooking shows
    3. Do my own laundry.
    4. Love to garden.
    5. Wimp for sad movies
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    1. I :heart: dresses, skirts, soft fabrics, lace, and heals.
    2. I scream a lot when tickled.
    3. I pamper my self daily and weekly with at home facials mani pedis and pretty stuff like that.
    4. I enjoy cooking and sewing, can't stand my home smelling bad or looking a mess.
    5. I love my long beautiful hair.

    1. I like my muscles and am working on becoming more muscular.
    2. I love to fight in hand to hand combat.
    3. I am the one who assembles anything non electronic in our home.
    4. I love action, thrillers and comedies and dislike most dramas.
    5. I am a big fan of WWE.
    6. I love model pirate ships, I don't own any but will someday to :love:
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    1. I like "You've got Mail".
    2. I do most of the cooking in my house.
    3. I don't really follow team sports.
    4. I like wine more than beer.
    5. I'm a good listener.

    1. I teach karate, and worked out with Navy SEALS.
    2. I am good at plumbing, electrical work, and construction.
    3. I'm a good father.
    4. I love the Three Stooges.
    5. I love action movies.
    6. I take care of business...
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    I have way to many pairs of shoes.
    I love pink & red
    I have three drawers of panties - different ones for different types of activities.
    I love to take baths with good smelling stuff.
    I love to smell good.

    I can roll out of bed and go if I need to.
    I drive an F250 truck.
    I drive a horse trailer and can back it up without help
    I lift heavy things when I need to.
    I am an engineer.
    I see things Black/White - there is no gray area
    I have no problems taking charge of things when I need to.
  • MayaNelson

    1. I can enjoy getting dressed up in formal attire, heels, make-up! (to the opera even better)
    2. I will never turn down a spa day with massage, mani/pedi.
    3. Silk clothing rocks!
    4. I sew, garden, and craft.
    5. I can't fix my car or tell you anything about it other than color and manufacturer!.


    1. I own lots of tools and can build it/fix it around the house.
    2. I prefer beer/scotch
    3. I never clean the kitchen
    4. Roughing it camping is a good time. (Tent, campfire)
    5. I can be very direct and logical/judgemental
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    1: I can operate heavy equipment.
    2: I can pick heavy things up
    3: I rock climb
    4: I can drink more than you and still walk a straight line
    5: I cut my hair really short so i don't have to style it

    1. I love musicals
    2. I actually enjoyed pride and prejudice
    3. I let my wife pluck my eye brows
    4. I don't always finish my ambiguous statements with "no homo"
    5. I really like those ponds, nose, black head remover, strips... things