Manly vs Metro, Femme vs Butch



  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member


    1) I love bright lipstick
    2) I am a fashionista
    3) I have a thing for bags..and shoes
    4) I wear heels when I am in the lab (yes even when I am doing QRT-PCR)
    5) I flirt my way out of everything

    1)My first job, at 10, was a car mechanic
    2) My high school job was a mechanic at an air chop shop
    3) They changed all male rugby to co-ed rugby in my HS cause I wanted to play. European rugby;)
    4) I box like an English sailor from the docks
    5) I don't cry
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member

    - I love shoes
    - I love purses - and have a crap load but never use any
    - I love taking baths
    - I love pretty under wear
    - I love jewelry.


    - I hardly wear make up/do my hair
    - I can fix many things when they break
    - I can talk cars and actually know what I am talking about.
    - I pass gas without even caring - in public too.
    - I would rather be out muddin' than in a mall shopping
    - I am way more comfortable in pants and a T-shirt

    Filling out the femme part took me 25 minutes... filling out the "Butch" part took me less than 5...
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    1. Pink is my signature color
    2. I love to crochet and do it often
    3. I cry...ALOT
    4. I drive a minivan
    5. Did I mention I love pink?? Anything pink!!

    1. I enjoy, baseball, basketball (some). But I'd rather be AT a game than watch on tv
    2. I LOVE beer. I drink it ALOT
    3. I would have sex every day if I could
    4. I get along with men better than women
    5. I enjoy looking at a hot woman

  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member

    1. I am a sucker for anything pink, sparkley and fluffy (ie. puppies)
    2. I keep my standards and heels high
    3. I enjoy a drink with a little umbrella in it
    4. I own about 10 bikini's but never wear them out side of my own house/back deck
    5. I am not allowed in the portion of the mall where the Coach outlet store is (per my fiance)


    1. Well I know more sports trivia than most men do, it's gotten me many dates
    2. I watch golf because I like it
    3. I will only drive an SUV or truck
    4. I have a kegerator and it is in my living room, always stocked with a homebrew keg
    5. I'm getting married at a MLB ballpark this November.. I bet most guys would want this but it's MY dream!

    =) fun topic, OP
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member

    1. I love fashion - I love with shoes, I'm obsessed with Burberry, I have too many earrings and other jewelry
    2. I love chic lit books - Sophie Kinsella, Freya North, Jill Mansell
    3. I love cooking and making deserts.
    4. I cry a lot.
    5. I have a huge crush on Ryan Gosling (like a freaking teenager)

    1. I like to talk about football (soccer). Chelsea FC is my team :)
    2. I'm a better driver than most people. I love cars in general (german and british)
    3. I am interested in civil engineering.
    4. I was one of the few girls, specializing in financial audit at the University.
    5. I HATE ironing and cleaning windows.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    1. Love getting dolled up.
    2. I prefer high heels over sneakers, unless I'm working out
    3. Mani/pedi about every 2 weeks
    4. Will cry at movies, tv shows and some commercials.
    5. I was born to SHOP!

    1. My first car was a stick shift; my current car is stick too
    2. I can leave my house without wearing any makeup
    3. I prefer a beer over a fruity drink or wine
    4. I enjoy building furniture (with instructions IKEA)
    5. This years goal to learn to ride a motorcycle.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member

    -I never leave the house without mascara
    -I own 26 pairs of high heels
    -I get mani/pedis on a biweekly basis
    -I own 3 pairs of pants: office dress pants & two pairs of runner's leggings. Everything else is in my closet is either a dress or a skirt.
    -I stash cherry Labello everywhere:various desks at work, every coat pocket, in every room of the house, and at friends' houses


    -I'm a gassy lassy (and think it's hilarious)
    -I have my firearms license
    -I'm an avid paintballer, and "scary accurate" sniper
    -I curse like a saillor and can drink anyone under the table
    -I'm really good at building furniture, lifting/moving large appliances and fixing/rewiring electronics
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Okay, not even past the first page, but I have to play.


    1. I'm a nerd, through and through - computer programmer (and builder), gamer, and a thousand-strong collection of Magic: The Gathering cards
    2. The first car in my name was a steel-framed Ram 1500
    3. I drink Vodka straight, and prefer it over any other booze
    4. I practice Ninjutsu
    5. I'm terrible about cleaning


    1. I enjoy sewing (when I have time)
    2. I love candles
    3. I'm prone to crying for little to no reason
    4. I enjoy "50 First Dates" and a few other select sappy movies
    5. I enjoy going on walks in gardens and other pretty places
  • Bella3119

    1-PASSIONATELY HATES SPIDERS!!! Especially the ones that are in my car!!!
    2-I'll cry at anything romantic or sappy: Can't wait for the jewelry commercials to end after Valentine's Day. :cry:
    3-Enjoys cooking
    4-Very nurturing
    5-Absolutely loves Shoes. The higher, the strappier, the sluttier, the better!! :smile:


    1-Loves to build and fix things. I don't even need to look at the directions (most fo the time)
    2-Finding myself addicted to weights
    3-Can't stop checking guys out at the gym. :love:
    4-Can pass gas very loudly :embarassed:
    5-Loves action/horror movies (as long as I have someone to sleep with the same night.) :devil:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    1. I like to wear heels.
    2. Tight jeans, fitted shirts
    3. Jewelry
    4. I like Margaritas
    5. I like to shop

    1. Lift heavy, "bulking" on purpose
    2. Used to play rugby
    3. only shave my legs once ever 1-2 weeks
    4. I never do my nails
    5. Don't always wear make-up
    6. Very rarely "do" my short hair.
    7. I like beer
    8. I eat very "unclean".
    9. I like to drive stick shifts
    10. I like math and physics.
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member

    1. I have more girly-smelling lotions and bath gels than one person should own
    2. I cry... a lot...
    3. I own pink boxing gloves
    4. I scream like a chick when I see spiders, even the wee ones
    5. I MUST have chocolate "once a month" or someone will get hurt!
    6. I love Rom-Coms


    1. I have my own workshop (silversmith) and my hands are usually dirty from it
    2. Don't give me no girly drinks... I'll have a Smithwicks or Guinness... and lots of it!
    3. I LOVE American muscle cars and hope to some day restore a 1970's Challenger... Rrrr Rrrr!
    4. I can fire a gun AND hit the target... and I like it!
    5. I love to watch hockey and Football (as in Soccer, not that other one) and will yell at the TV, swearing like a sailor!
    6. My farts make my husband cry
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member

    1. Pink is the new black.
    2. Standing appointments at the nail shop.
    3. Scream and run when I see bugs.
    4. Sing soprano.
    5. Team Jacob.


    1. Can't STAND my hair long.
    2. Feel like "Mrs. Doubtfire" in girly clothes.
    3. Heather grey is the new pink.
    4. Even chapstick feels too glamorous on most days.
    5. I kind of want to BE Jacob, rather than date him.
  • tmlandis
    tmlandis Posts: 39 Member
    I'm totally new to these boards but this made me laugh a lot! Thanks for the giggles!

    1. I like pink
    2. I get my nails done twice a month
    3. I like big hair (I live in Texas, it's required)
    4. I have a shoe problem...serious shoe problem
    5. I like bling, the more jewelry and sparkles and stuff, the better

    1. I was in the Army for 11 years so I can shoot a rifle better than some men
    2. I also grew up in Wyoming, I like to camp, fish and hunt
    3. I like MEAT, meat wrapped in other meat is a perfect combination
    4. I can belch so awesomely it makes my Mom mad cause she's a southern belle and ladies don't do that!
    5. I curse like a sailor sometimes, it's an old Army habit
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    List 5 each.

    I am all that is man:

    1: I can operate heavy equipment.
    2: I've fought in cage fights.
    3: One of my previous careers was a Fire Fighter
    4: My previous vehicle was a lifted, black and chrome Jeep Wrangler with humungous wheels. It was badass.
    5: I can go days without showering or shaving and I don't care.

    A little femmy sometimes:

    1: I once did aerobics in my living room dressed in spandex while listening to Maddona.
    2: I cry in movies.
    3: I have watched a full season of Project Runway.
    4: I do clay face masks and put cucumber slices on my eyes.
    5: I can't build anything from scratch and botch most repair jobs.

    Your turn!

    1) I lift weights (does that count?)
    2) I thrive on competition
    3) I love camping
    4) I can gut a fish (and don't mind it, since I really like fishing and eating the fish)
    5) I can drive a stick shift

    1) I LOVE makeup / hair products and tools. It is a deep and sick obsession.
    2) I love fashion and trends
    3) I know what is going on in the lives of celebrities, as bane and annoying as I know it makes me
    4) My hair is not its natural color
    5) I consider myself a darn good cook, and especially love tweaking things to make them more healthy and cooking from Cooking Light
  • tmoyer1209
    tmoyer1209 Posts: 215 Member

    I have too many clothes to fit in a closet and two dressers
    I hate if my toenails aren't painted
    I have too many shower products to fit in the shower
    I LOVE to cook and bake
    I LOVE chocolate anything!!

    I yell at the tv during Football season, frequently
    Bacon IS a food group
    I LOVE weight lifting
    I refuse to watch any movie or read any book related to Nicholas Sparks
    I love Hunting, Fishing, and shooting guns
  • mle_k
    mle_k Posts: 88
    this is fun!

    1. There are no less than 100 decorative pillows in my house (I LOVE pillows)
    2. I love shoes... *addicted to shoes* <-- and bags!
    3. I could spend an entire day shopping...
    4. Interior design blogs make me weak in the knees (I took this from another poster... so true!)
    5. I strut down the hall like it is a catwalk... even in my boyfriends jeans... :laugh:

    1. I am bad *kitten* with power tools - I can frame up a room and shingle your roof (and have done it)
    2. I love football, basketball and baseball... (both watching and playing)
    3. I have a wicked right hook... don;t mess with me :wink:
    4. I work on my own car
    5. I love to get dirty.... (talking dirt here people... get your mind out of the gutter)... :smokin:
  • 10_M
    10_M Posts: 22
    1. I love shopping, especially for shoes!
    2. I love painting my nails.
    3. I cry every time I watch Titanic.
    4. My favourite colour is purple.
    5. Babies, puppies and kittie are irresistable.

    1. I go to the gym more then any man I know.
    2. I like hiking in the woods.
    3. I love sick twisted horror films
    4. I used to be a mixed martial artist, and love UFC!
    5. I listen in metal XD
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Okay, I'll play. :wink:


    1. I enjoy getting dressed up and looking "girly" on occasion.
    2. I enjoy arts and crafts like scrapbooking, jewelry making, etc...
    3. My favorite color is any shade of purple.
    4. My favorite book series is Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke.
    5. I like a good "chick flick" just as much as the next girl, but...


    1. ...I'll take an action flick over a romantic comedy any day of the week. FYI, Jason Statham and Jet Li are my favs.
    2. I grew up with three brothers. I learned early on to either "put up, or shut up". When I fight, there is no hair pulling, eye scratching, etc... from me. I punch, kick, flip my opponent, and I've even been known to head butt if the occasion calls for it.
    3. I'd rather be out on the field PLAYING the game with the boys (football, soccer, baseball, etc...), than standing on the sidelines cheering for the guy with the cutest butt.
    4. I love sports in general, but FOOTBALL is by far my favorite.
    5. I love classic American muscle cars. My dream car is a Dodge Charger.
  • sirtodd
    sirtodd Posts: 14 Member
    1. can quote every star wars film.
    2. have driven over 120 mph on the autobahn
    3. put off going to the hospital for over 2 weeks ( with a shattered knuckle)
    4. can rhyme off random sports statistics from the last 20 years
    5. BACON

    1. watched oprah on a regular basis
    2. cook 99% of the time... i love it
    3. i know how to knit... thanks grandma!
    4. still cry at movies
    5. loving wedding planning ( with my fiance of course)

  • RubyMoonwlf

    1-My version of "dressing up" is emo girl with eyeliner
    2- I cross stitch and knit (but I don't do cutesy stuff, all complex and masterpieces only)
    3- Obvious physical characteristics including necessity of a bra on a daily basis
    4- Attraction to Daniel Radcliffe, Robert Downey Jr., and Jude law
    5- Obsessive pride in how pretty my feet are.


    1- Dress like a butch with short hair
    2- Always dominate no matter where or who's watching
    3- I wear boxers
    4- I walk with swagger
    5- I wear guy colognes