Why are YOU fat?



  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    I moved in with my boyfriend & ate meals the same size as his && a lot of meals was heavy in carbs (pasta, rice, meat, lasagne, etc.) because they were easier to cook!

    that was me with my EX boyfriend
    he would order pizza every weekend and eat 2 XL ones to himself
    I used to sit there with a bucket of KFC chicken and eat it all to myself

    I don't miss those days or him one bit :laugh:
  • tasnim81
    tasnim81 Posts: 91 Member
    Depression.. and food was my comfort. I gained a lot of weight just after my pregnancy when I thought the only thing that could make me happy and relaxed was food.
    I also had no respect for my body so I never saw the need to give it all the good stuff it really needs, unfortunately. I was lazy and that stopped me from exercising. Sitting on the couch complaining about how fat I am was easier.

    Basically I let myself get fat because at some point I just stopped caring. All my fault, my bad choices and my own stupidity.
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    Emotional eating/binge eating

    I'm the same.

    I am under stress ALL THE TIME. Stress eating is evil.
    However, I never ate a lot of junk food (I never go to mcdonalds, burger king and crappy places like that). It was all about quantities.
  • qwe3nz
    qwe3nz Posts: 29
    pregnancy!! its the only time I get fat
  • 1. I took antidepressants when I was a teenager and my weight ballooned by two and a half stones in two months.
    2. I stopped exercising.
    3. I made terrible food choices and paid no attention to how many calories were in what.
    4. I drank too much and too often.
    5. I had no willpower or self-control.

    All of these are past-tense - I've stopped drinking (except on rare occasions) and I'm making some really good food choices. My willpower is back and I'm ready to change!
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    1) Emotional/Binge eating
    2) Marrying someone who also had those same problems
    3) Disability getting worse over time and becoming a wheelchair user
    4) Lack of exercise due to 3
    5) Rather bad depression because of 3
    6) Increased appetite when going on to testosterone injections
    7) Stopping doing the sports I loved because of disability
    8) Continuing to eat the same amount of food that I was when I was active after I had stopped all the sports
    9) Bad food choices
    10) Lack of portion control
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 273 Member
    I have bad knees
    stress/depression eatting
    most of my hobbies include sitting down (crocheting, reading, crafting, chatting online, after edits on photos)
    eatting because of the time instead of the hunger (BIG problem for me!)
  • Jessi40
    Jessi40 Posts: 75 Member
    there were some things in early childhood that I think are part of it... and then in my teens I was extremely athletic and could eat everything and not gain because I burned tons... and in my twenties, I stopped sports and didn't change how I ate. And then I yo-yo'd the last 15 years...
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    I was addicted to SUGAR. Couldn't stop eating cookies, donuts, cake, ice cream........................I could out eat anyone when it came to sweets. Then i finally got away from it and now it doesn't bother me. I don't crave sugar anymore. Thank goodness..............
    I lost 45 pounds in 4 months.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Emotional eating; in childhood / teen years - depression + food = happy for a few minutes
    Too much of the wrong foods
    Not understanding my height is not 'average' and therefore 'average' calorie intake doesn't apply to me
    I stopped exercising for 7 years - totally - BIG Mistake
    I stopped 'really' looking at myself
    Basically; I stopped caring about me.
  • sthurst040262
    sthurst040262 Posts: 12 Member
    Two words....BAD HABITS
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    Eating Out!!! My husband & i developed a habit of eating out, especially after our 2 children moved out, it became cheaper & easier to eat out than to cook. Lazy & full of excuses. Spends too much time on computer.
  • 1. My mother has always counted calories and it used to annoy me... I didn't want to be like that.... and I wasn't... which made me FAT.

    2. I love love love take out.

    3. I eat WAY too much in one sitting... I have a bottomless pit for a stomach. I used to get bloated, but now I don't bloat easily at all!

    4. I wasn't taught the effects proper nutrition had on the body. American schooling is poor!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Getting extremely sick

    Laying in bed getting better

    stopping smoking

  • i think this is a very good post, because i think until you confront the little lies you tell yourself you will never be successful at weightloss, i had a vast array of lies i used to tell myself and others,

    LIE 1- I am not that big i am only a UK size 14 ha (TRUTH: I have been trying to get into the same elasticated size 14 for years and in all honesty i was closer to a big 16)

    LIE 2- i don't each that much really (TRUTH: when i could finish off a family size chocolate bar on my own and it not even touch the sides i definatley had a problem

    LIE 3- its baby weight from my kids (TRUTH: my kids are 7 and 3, i could have lost the weight i gained from the first but i couldn't be bothered and the last time i was pregnant was 3 years ago, easily enough time to lose weight)

    LIE 4- I don't have time to exercise with 2 little kids (TRUTH: if i really wanted to i would have found the time, i find the time now to work out 6 days a week)

    LIE 5- I am happy as i am, lifes too short to worry about my weight (TRUTH: no i am not happy with the way i am, thats why i worried when i had to go clothes shopping, thats why i only have a tiny mirror in the whole of my house, and that why in the last 7 years i have probably had only a handful of pictures taken, and as for the last part life will be a hell of a lot shorter if i don't lose the weight)

    LIE 6- i only weigh 12 st (TRUTH: this was the last time i weighed myself about 3 years ago, when i started to do something about it the most scariest thing was standing on the scales and realising i actually weighed 14 st)

    These lies i have told myself for years and wasn't until i confronted them that i started shedding the weight.

    On the plus side Lie 1 is now longer a lie, since joining MFP i have gone down to a size 14 and lie 6 will be gone in the very near future as i am now weighing in at around 12 and a half x

    Good luck everyone with your journeys x
  • Going to reply to this later after I take some time to think about it. Great topic. Eye opener for sure.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    LOVE food and HATE exercise. Plus the medication I'm on.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Definitely emotional eater....first and foremost...helped me cope with very difficult life circumstances
    and in my mind I was always a size 8 and just avoided pictures as much as possible :tongue:
    food was my relaxation/reward at the end of a long day
    and I did every diet under the sun that did NOT involve counting calories......they never worked because I ate too much....

    Now I am counting calories and LOVING it! This time I KNOW I will do it!! Yes and Thank you!! :bigsmile:
  • newpurple
    newpurple Posts: 4 Member
    Simple. 'Cos I ate too much.
  • LPinTheD
    LPinTheD Posts: 129
    No excuses... I got lazy, complacent, and let myself go...