

  • angelinaz
    angelinaz Posts: 262
    Did anyone win the $248????

    I like what you said and how you said it, Dave.

    My own interesting point of view is that I do the best I can each and every day. If I choose to eat something that does not agree with my basic plan to reduce calories and fat, well, my choice and I deal with it. I figure if most of my days are healthier than the days I had for the last three months of last year, I am doing fantastic. I wasn't making healthy choices then.

    I think I will read this post everyday and keep motivation going! Thanks, Dave! :smile:
  • fafanutt
    fafanutt Posts: 3
    It scares me to know someone else thinks along the same lines as I do - :tongue:

    People need to take responsibility for their actions and make changes. Sometimes one will succeed and other times one will fail. Dust off and move on. I could blame every issue I have ever had on a bad childhood and blah blah blah (the Dr Phil syndrome :grumble: ) but at the end of the day, no gun was pointed at my head and I made my own choices - although even with that gun it still is my choice to make even if I don't like the choices. My success and my failure - all my responsibility. Period. Most people will say they agree but yet don't want to live the philosophy.

    Live the philosophy people :wink:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I personally am a little concerned:noway: because I am starting to agree and actually like what Dave has been saying over the past few days:huh:

    I am also annoyed by these people who want the quick fix and are all pumped up about losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks some other unreasonable amount and then wonder why they can't keep going at that pace AND the people on some of these threads who support some of the unhealthy weight loss tactics. I mean (I don't recall who it was) someone on here had a pic of themselves and were rail thin and was crying about not being able to lose 10 more pounds in 2 days or something.

    I agree we should be here to support each other but some of the pats on the back and "it's okays" are just enabling some people to fall off the wagon or jump off even and feel better about themselves.

    Jumping off my soapbox before someone pushes me. :bigsmile:

    I agree with this and with what Dave said. I have been one of those that use to post o poor me however as this journey keeps going on in my life I know there will be ups and downs and I'm learning how to deal with this.
  • glendaz
    glendaz Posts: 55
    I don't think it is just about whining about how poorly you did in one area or another...it is about taking responsibility for our actions. We choose to be in the shape we are in. Now, we must choose to change it. By taking responsibility we shouldn't have the opportunity to whine...
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I just ate a whopping 500 calories of chocolate fondue with several strawberries, lady fingers, and one reese's piece.. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I'm going to go to the gym for over 3 hours in about 15 minutes to thoroughly make up for it. All in all, a freakin' awesome day. :drinker:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I see what you mean & I completely agree.
    When I've encouraged people to get back to their program, I simply meant to get back to work & don't let one day or weekend spoil all their progress.
    I never thought about it being misconstrued as free play in the fridge until tomorrow. :huh:
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    I feel that you will be angry for a long time, if you want everyone to change to your way... this isn't the first time that I've seen you complain about this very topic, and I've only been here for just over a month. People will always say "tomorrow". Will you always be annoyed by it? Or can you find peace in simply giving your opinion and allowing others to give theirs?
    I agree completely. I agreed with Dave the first time I saw him post on this subject, but now I just wonder why he continues to read those threads and get bothered by them.

    I just steer clear of those threads because I know that I am not the right person to offer support. My theory is like Dave's: if you eat something horrible, go out and work it off...the day isn't 'ruined' until it's over. BUT, these people also have the right to reach-out for support and ask for advice. Some people really do need others to point them in the right direction, or give em a kick in the rear-end.

    To Dave directly: I encourage you to take your own advice "encourage the wayward eater by telling them to quit whining and start doing..." if you see these 'oh woe is me' posts, please motivate them to get up, get moving. Don't just get angry and talk about how lazy they are...maybe they are just waiting for somebody to tell them to go on a walk. Not everybody can be self-motivating, especially when we read so many posts about friends/family/coworkers being unsupportive and even cruel when it comes to weight-loss.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I personally am a little concerned:noway: because I am starting to agree and actually like what Dave has been saying over the past few days:huh:

    Good, I am not the only one that is starting to drink Dave's Kool Aid :laugh:

    I have to agree and especially with the enabling portion of Dave's comment. My personal opinion is that the posts are put up as a way to justify or be ok with today's choices but if you are NOT ok with the choice you made today then you need to fix it because no one else will.......and misery loves company.

    That said I also agree with Fitness Geek, when I start to get bothered by the barage of self loathing or "whining" I just have to stay away from those posts and realize that those people are in a different place in their "journey" than I am.

    We all need to take personal responsiblity for our actions, no one should be able to make us feel ok with going overboard, feeling ok with it is what got us where we are today! :flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I personally am a little concerned:noway: because I am starting to agree and actually like what Dave has been saying over the past few days:huh:

    Good, I am not the only one that is starting to drink Dave's Kool Aid :laugh:

    I have to agree and especially with the enabling portion of Dave's comment. My personal opinion is that the posts are put up as a way to justify or be ok with today's choices but if you are NOT ok with the choice you made today then you need to fix it because no one else will.......and misery loves company.

    That said I also agree with Fitness Geek, when I start to get bothered by the barage of self loathing or "whining" I just have to stay away from those posts and realize that those people are in a different place in their "journey" than I am.

    We all need to take personal responsiblity for our actions, no one should be able to make us feel ok with going overboard, feeling ok with it is what got us where we are today! :flowerforyou:
    DAVE YOU ROCK!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Show me the money first-- :wink:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Dave - I agree with you... and better yet - if you KNOW that you're going to be in a situation where you might be tempted to overindulge... plan ahead. Get an extra workout in BEFORE you go out.

    I honestly think that the problem is that people are still thinking of this as a "diet"... not a lifestyle change. You can cheat on a diet, you can't cheat on your lifestyle. There is no cheating for me... there are choices. If I make the CHOICE to eat more than my calories - then I have to make the CHOICE to either accept a gain on the scale or do something about it.

    You can't take a break from calorie counting if calorie counting is a part of your new lifestyle. Calorie counting is simply a tool to help you stay mindful of what you're eating... if you're not keeping track... really, who are you hiding it from?
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I feel that you will be angry for a long time, if you want everyone to change to your way... this isn't the first time that I've seen you complain about this very topic, and I've only been here for just over a month. People will always say "tomorrow". Will you always be annoyed by it? Or can you find peace in simply giving your opinion and allowing others to give theirs?
    I agree completely. I agreed with Dave the first time I saw him post on this subject, but now I just wonder why he continues to read those threads and get bothered by them.

    In order to stay away from those threads means that you basically stop reading the threads because that is what this forum is loaded with alot of whining- Oh I ate this I didn't do that- To me thats not support- Alot of people on here are very consumed by the eating- What about the support of offering food alternatives- Or talking about workouts- Or training- Or new exercises- Those post are few and far between because everyone is so stuck on eating crap/junk- thats why I haven't posted much lately and just continued to use the calorie tracker but even when just doing that when I log on the website to enter my food the recent posts show things like "I blew it" "Im so angry with myself" "blah blah" alot of whining-
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    What I don't understand is why people max their calories unless they have their calorie allotment set too low- I can eat whatever I want and stay with in my calories mainly because my calorie allotment is set to a reasonable #- If I was set on 1200 calories a day that wouldn't be sustainable to me and yeah I would probably have a hard time maintaining that everyday
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Show me the money first-- :wink:

    can you wait til tomorrow?
  • Tiff_09
    Tiff_09 Posts: 5,627 Member
    Show me the money first-- :wink:

    can you wait til tomorrow?

    haha yeah.. i wanna c it too :wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Show me the money first-- :wink:

    Oh Marla I love the new AV!! The family looks wonderful in their new clothes!!

    I hope you had a lovely Blessed Easter my friend!!

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    The thing that's more disturbing/annoying/interesting is that there are several newbies posting daily - plus you know there are some who never post. But they never seem to post again. They just fizzle out.
    That seems to be a real serious problem. People make the initial step to join MFP, go so far as to introduce themselves, then don't seem to follow through.
    It's too bad.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I feel that you will be angry for a long time, if you want everyone to change to your way... this isn't the first time that I've seen you complain about this very topic, and I've only been here for just over a month. People will always say "tomorrow". Will you always be annoyed by it? Or can you find peace in simply giving your opinion and allowing others to give theirs?
    I agree completely. I agreed with Dave the first time I saw him post on this subject, but now I just wonder why he continues to read those threads and get bothered by them.

    I just steer clear of those threads because I know that I am not the right person to offer support. My theory is like Dave's: if you eat something horrible, go out and work it off...the day isn't 'ruined' until it's over. BUT, these people also have the right to reach-out for support and ask for advice. Some people really do need others to point them in the right direction, or give em a kick in the rear-end.

    To Dave directly: I encourage you to take your own advice "encourage the wayward eater by telling them to quit whining and start doing..." if you see these 'oh woe is me' posts, please motivate them to get up, get moving. Don't just get angry and talk about how lazy they are...maybe they are just waiting for somebody to tell them to go on a walk. Not everybody can be self-motivating, especially when we read so many posts about friends/family/coworkers being unsupportive and even cruel when it comes to weight-loss.

    What works for one, will not work for another.

    Some days I need a swift kick in the pants, on others I shoulder to cry on.

    You can find all of that here.

    If I cannot be helpful to the person posting the thread, I move onto something that interests me.

    This way I do not become the whiner of sorts.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Show me the money first-- :wink:

    can you wait til tomorrow?

    No deal-- you get the Whimpie Award--


    "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." NO deal, pal--

    And the wisdom of my answer to your query shall have to wait.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I feel that you will be angry for a long time, if you want everyone to change to your way... this isn't the first time that I've seen you complain about this very topic, and I've only been here for just over a month. People will always say "tomorrow". Will you always be annoyed by it? Or can you find peace in simply giving your opinion and allowing others to give theirs?
    I agree completely. I agreed with Dave the first time I saw him post on this subject, but now I just wonder why he continues to read those threads and get bothered by them.

    I just steer clear of those threads because I know that I am not the right person to offer support. My theory is like Dave's: if you eat something horrible, go out and work it off...the day isn't 'ruined' until it's over. BUT, these people also have the right to reach-out for support and ask for advice. Some people really do need others to point them in the right direction, or give em a kick in the rear-end.

    To Dave directly: I encourage you to take your own advice "encourage the wayward eater by telling them to quit whining and start doing..." if you see these 'oh woe is me' posts, please motivate them to get up, get moving. Don't just get angry and talk about how lazy they are...maybe they are just waiting for somebody to tell them to go on a walk. Not everybody can be self-motivating, especially when we read so many posts about friends/family/coworkers being unsupportive and even cruel when it comes to weight-loss.

    What works for one, will not work for another.

    Some days I need a swift kick in the pants, on others I shoulder to cry on.

    You can find all of that here.

    If I cannot be helpful to the person posting the thread, I move onto something that interests me.

    This way I do not become the whiner of sorts.


    but my question,,,whether you are being a shoulder to cry on or not...is why do so many advise waiting till tomottow when today is still available?

    that is the only question I asked...we can still be supportive and be a shoulder to cry on...but this whole "tomorrow" thing just does not make any sense
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