Foods i'm Proud I've Never Eaten



  • thor1god1of1awesome

    Sure go through my posts and find them. I bet you can't.

    Okay, just in the past week, from 02/10/12 to the present, not counting this one, there have been 10 seperate instances of you acting like the opposition to YOUR ideals is inferior. And I am not counting ones where you engaged in this between one other person for multiple entries, 10 SEPERATE instances. I will be more than happy to message you the list if you feel it will do you any good towards becoming a nicer person. You probably shouldnt bet on things where the odds are stacked against you.
    I gotta admit I was nosey and looked through his posts. I didn't see anything like you are describing. But I DO see you here telling someone to STFU and arguing with multiple people. Im not friends with either of you just throwing out an objective observation. Do what you will with it.
    yup tottaly agree
  • kubicak
    I'd be proud that I no longer eat those things, but to say you've NEVER had 'em? I find no pride in that. I find pride in saying things like, I was (wo)man enough to eat sauteed pigs ears. Boy did I hate them and I will never eat them again, but I can at least say I've tried them. And then can cringe a little at the end when I remember that awful texture.

    I grew up eating SPAM, Hamburger Helper, and the like, but I can say happily I no longer eat them because I can make better and healthier. That part makes me proud. I'm sure that's what the OP was shooting for too.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I've never eaten a pine cone bird feeder...but I know how to make one.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member

    Sure go through my posts and find them. I bet you can't.

    Okay, just in the past week, from 02/10/12 to the present, not counting this one, there have been 10 seperate instances of you acting like the opposition to YOUR ideals is inferior. And I am not counting ones where you engaged in this between one other person for multiple entries, 10 SEPERATE instances. I will be more than happy to message you the list if you feel it will do you any good towards becoming a nicer person. You probably shouldnt bet on things where the odds are stacked against you.
    I gotta admit I was nosey and looked through his posts. I didn't see anything like you are describing. But I DO see you here telling someone to STFU and arguing with multiple people. Im not friends with either of you just throwing out an objective observation. Do what you will with it.
    yup tottaly agree

    I'm still waiting for that PM with the links...
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator

    I started to clean this up but it really IS a train wreck, as many have observed.

    Please, for the love of Pete, try not to respond to threads if you're going to make judgements about the character or motivations of other users. Any post with the thrust of "User X is [fill in unkind adjective]" is going to spin a thread right down into toilet.

    Move along, nothing more to see.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
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