Personal trainer wanting to help:)



  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Would love all the suggestions you have. I would love to follow this thread. How do I do that?

    Now that you posted you can go to your profile and it will be down on the left side :) you can see all the stuff you have posted on in the past that is why people say bump quick way to keep track :)
  • 1HappyRosie
    1HappyRosie Posts: 80 Member
    I need to know how to start lifting weights at home. I am 40 miles from the nearest gym so with gas prices crazy I need to figure a way to do this at home. Please help me! I have a treadmill and do dvd exercises to keep me interested but I really want to do some lifting if I could find a way to do it safely. Thanks so much for helping us all!
  • 1HappyRosie
    1HappyRosie Posts: 80 Member
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Wtf? *cough* self advertisement *cough*

    There's nothing wrong w/that

    Last time I checked it was against the forum rules...

    Sorry you feel like he is breaking the rules but what do you have against him helping others! You would rather people just say things even if they don't know the right way to help. I think this is a generous use of his knowledge and that is what we all do anyway is tell people what we think would help. He is not even making money for it so its not advertisement! So if you don't like it don't read it.
  • Do you know how many calories are burned doing 60 minutes of Zumba?
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    Hi there, this thread is awesome! Kudos to you for helping others! And now for my question, I am 5'6'', 141lbs and have no idea my body fat, tho online calc based on measurements put me anywhere between 18-23%. I want to be between 18-20 and am also training for my first Half Marathon. What should I be doing differently? I run 3-4 days a week, at least 3.1 miles each time, with one long run progressing till I hit 12 miles. I do JM ripped in 30 dvd alternating with running days. And I try to take one rest day a week... Am I overdoing or undercutting myself at all? I feel really good but need to know what things to change to make progress towards my goal...
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
  • caehudson
    caehudson Posts: 27 Member
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    bump to follow
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 532 Member
    Input always welcome :) Add if you'd like!
  • bump
  • cyndy1214
    cyndy1214 Posts: 22 Member
    I am interested in all the help I can get.
  • Harlin12
    Harlin12 Posts: 34 Member
  • Hi, I'm a personal trainer and I see a lot of people that seem to be "lost" in their attempts at weight loss/ fitness goals. So if anyone has any questions regarding cardio/lifting/nutrition I would love to help you. Either reply in the forum or send me a message and I'll get back to you asap. You can also add me if you like, I try to make every effort to support and motivate everyone to reach their goals because I know a lot of people may have little to no support offline.


    Certified NSCA Fitness Trainer
    Studied Kinestheology and Nutrition
    Thank you, I new now i use treadmill. I problem i tell you.
  • Hi Nate,

    Thanks for offering to help.

    I have a few questions for you. To give you a little background, I'm a 25 year old female, 5'5", 160 pounds. I have PCOS (although I haven't been tested in years, so it may have gone away as I lost weight). I've lost 30 pounds in the last year and a half (10 since January 1). I work out 6 times a week, for at least an hour a day. For cardio, I do Zumba, elliptical, spin class, or Wii Just Dance 3. I do strength training twice a week (Les Mills Body Pump) and 25 pushups every day. I eat 1200 calories a day (don't look at today's diary - it's the only day I've eaten poorly). I think you can look at my diary; if not, add me as a friend and you'll be able to.

    1. I've hit a plateau - what should I do to break through this? Please don't tell me to up my calories, because when I do, I gain.
    2. I know I can't spot reduce, but it seems as though all my weight has come off my legs and chest, but all the belly fat stays. Am I doing something wrong/should I be doing something else?
    3. Do you have any suggestions on improving knee health/flexibility? Since I've been working out more intensely, I feel a teensy bit of pain in my knees. Should I be taking some sort of supplement for my joints? (I'm a life-long vegetarian recently turned pescatarian. I take a multivitamin, green tea supplement, and iron supplement every day).
    4. I've fractured both of my tibias a few times over the past year from working out too hard (and possibly from wearing heels). Do you have any exercises to improve the condition of my tibias? Also, do you have suggestions for improving ankle strength?

  • TamiKiki
    TamiKiki Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I have a few questions.

    One thing I'm wondering, I've lost 35 pounds, yet MFP has me eating the same amount (1200 net). How is it possible that the calories needed to lose a pound at 175lbs the same at 140lbs? It is a higher number to maintain the weight at 175 than to maintain at 140, yet to lose a pound/week at either weight its 1200 calories net. When I was in weight watchers, we had to re-evaluate every 10 pounds.

    I workout up to two hours in one time (first half is usually muscle work/circuits, 2nd half cardio). As you know, protein afterwards prevents the body from burning muscle instead of fat. I always wondered if that 24g of protein shake is enough. Should I be taking something mid workout?


    Thats kind of complicated.... you are right that it takes more cals to maintain the bigger you are, but at the same time the more weight you lose the harder is to continue to lose weight. Its a little abstract but the cals shouldn't differ to much. Aim for .7grams of protein to 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight, so for you 100 grams or more is ideal.

    Muito Obrigado- Thanks! ;)
  • BUMP - coming back tomorrow
  • Bump!
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Ok Nate, Here come the protein questions. If I weigh 240 with a goal weight of 140, do I eat 1g of protein for what I weigh now and adjust down as I lose? I don't know if I could get that much in per day! I am now incorporating more protein shakes into my day to get those protein numbers up but I wonder, How many shakes are too many? 3 perday would give me appx 90g with low carbs and fats and leave me about 1/2 my cals to eat whole foods. Input/comments? Please add as friend if you like.