Personal trainer wanting to help:)



  • ashhills
    ashhills Posts: 64 Member
    I recently started running. I have degenerating disks in my neck which seem to be aggrivated by this. I also have knees that crunch when I walk up and down stairs. Is running safe for me? Is there anything I should be doing to help these issues? I don't want to stop!

    I would be very careful, you may want to try something that is lower impact like walking on a treadmill, elliptical, bike or swimming. Clicking or crunching in your knees would generally point to damage/lack of cartilege meaning your knee has no cushion. Take it slow and see what works, obviously if there is moderate discomfort stop the specific activity.

    Thank you! Today its my neck that is still hurting pretty bad. Thank goodness I have acupuncture tonight! :)
  • joyfuljan77
    joyfuljan77 Posts: 26 Member
    following for the helpful info
  • allibrie29
    allibrie29 Posts: 10 Member
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    bump to read later.
  • allnewskinnyme
    allnewskinnyme Posts: 64 Member
    Do you know how many calories are burned doing 60 minutes of Zumba?

    Some questions are great for google... this website uses your weight and calculates it for you.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Hi Nate - Thanks for your offer! My question is about strength training and weight loss. I'm 42 and 195 after 35lbs lost (took me 2 years). I can't stick to very low calorie diets so my goals have slower, 1-2 pounds per month, and 6 months ago I started heavy lifting, first with the New Rules of Lifting for Women and now Strong Lifts 5x5. I am definitely getting stronger, I can feel the muscle, see some of the changes, but my weight has shifted very little since september - and neither have my measurements. I eat on average about 2000 calories a day and workout 4-5 x per week with 45 minutes of compound moves (squat, bench press, deadlifts, etc.) and HIIT on the treadmill, and elliptical or zumba in between. The amount I'm eating is smack in the middle of the various recommendations for me, and I don't know if I should be cutting calories back to create a bigger deficit or add more in because I'm not fueling my body enough for the workouts I'm doing. I'm making good strength gains (100 pound squats, 145 deadlift, and 135 pound lat pull downs, fror a frame of reference) but I'm at 39% body fat and that needs to change. Any advice would be helpful.
  • barwood
    barwood Posts: 48 Member
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
  • Stazed
    Stazed Posts: 55 Member
  • asunnysnowman
    asunnysnowman Posts: 56 Member
    Is it the worst thing in the world if I go over on my sugar as a result of fruit?
  • sarahdangar
    sarahdangar Posts: 43 Member
  • Bump
  • llangford55
    llangford55 Posts: 1 Member
    So, when I order to lose weight, do I need to burn more than I take in?
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    How do you bump? i know this isn't a training question, but I have tons and want to read this thread!! :)
    You just did. Now go to Community > My Topics and you will see this thread there. You will see the threads that you posted on recently. You do not have to type Bump to bump you just have to post. However if you type bump it lets everyone know that you only want to get this thread to go up to the top so you will see it in My Topics and you can find and go back to it.
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
  • bump
  • So I had to share that after following the logical suggestion of talking to my doctor . . . I was advised by her to consult a trainer. Ha! *smacks head against wall*

    You have to laugh or else you cry, I tell ya.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Tabata on the Eliptical?? What are your thoughts?
  • BUMP
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    I'm stuck on a plateau and can't break it. I was losing 1 lb a week until the end of November. I stopped losing and actually gained 3 lbs between then and 1/1. I chalked it up to the holidays, I watched closely what I ate in January and the scale didn't budge even though i started doing the elliptical for 25-30 minutes several times a week. I was eating between 1800 and 2100 calories because I was eating back my exercise calories.

    At the end of January, I started the 30 Day Shred 5 days a week and 1 day of elliptical and dropped my calories down to 1600-1900 calories. In the first 10 days, I had lost the 3 lbs I had gained and another 2-3. Over the next 2 weeks, the scale didn't budge. It actually went up 2 lbs.

    So , this week, I dropped my calories down to 1400 and after the first 2 days saw the scale drop those 2 lbs and a tiny bit more. In the last 4 days, I've gone back up 2 lbs again. I know it's a bit early to tell because bodies do fluctuate, but I should know in the next few days and if the scale doesn't change, I don't know what else to do,

    I am drinking enough water...8 8 oz glasses almost every day. I am no longer eating back any exercise calories. I try to keep my carb, protein, fat to 40%, 30%, 30% respectively but my protein typically doesn't get above 20% and then the rest goes to carbs. These percentages and my 1400 calorie budget (which does include exercise calories of 500 which comes from her exercise program) comes from Jillian Michael's website calculation. I used it before my last child and dropped 25 lbs in less than 3 months. My calorie budget is set for me to lose 2 lbs a week at lightly active.

    Any guidance you can give would be greatly appreciated because I'm at a loss and getting really frustrated. Oh, I'm 5'8" and have about 30 more lbs to lose.
