Question for the guys: "Fake"women uncovered?



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Its not the size of the waves, its the motion of the ocean that counts.
    But yeah me and my coworker were having a discussion about this the other day at work, and its pretty unfair for men that they never know what is under all of our fakery.

    Surely tho the motion of the ocean is easy to achieve in a big steamer than a dingy tho ;)

    One of the big things I love about women but also shows how much a difference it can make is make up - wow, can make such a difference. My ex was pretty but when she puts make up on, she could have any many she wants.

    If we're just talking about boats, no. Big steamers feel the "motion of the ocean" much less than a dingy, which is thrown about and even capsized by a very active ocean. As for penises, meh. I'm a lesbian, so I don't care one way or the other about them. Women with padding and extensions? Don't care much one way or the other about that either--I don't are how big her boobs or butt are. I think men who care are shallow and not really worth knowing. Just an opinion.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    whatever makes a girl feel more confident is ok with me. as a guy, i try to look my best. however, breast enhancements are about the last thing i look for in a mate. i'd much rather be with someone who i can talk about current events / theories with rather than just gossiping about who did what or can you believe what person x did. also important is someone who is a good match for my personality.

    as physical attraction is also important, the best advice i can give is to be as fit and confident as you can be. and it seems that's the goal all of us, male and female, are striving for here.

    I'm not really sure what breast enhancements have to do with gossip. Breast size, breast enhancements, or any other beauty enhancements don't have a thing to do with a woman's ability to maintain an intelligent conversation. Many highly educated women wear padded bras, shapewear, have implants, use fake tanner, or hair extensions. I hate to break it to the guys out there, but the things women do for their appearance are about their own self, usually it has nothing to do with what a man may think.

    i did not argue that breast implants were related to gossiping in any way.

    i did state that i don't really care about them one way or the other, and that i'm much more interested in being able to have a conversation about things outside of superficial, immediate issues.

    i think you may have found something in my post that wasn't actually there.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    what i dont get, is why girls get the "fake" versions of things they can achieve themselves. want long hair? GROW IT OUT. all you need is patience. if its wavy/curly like mine , just use a flatiron. want nice nails? GET A MANICURE. and if you want them to look fake (mine always get confused with the fake ones) just grow them out and have them cut into that square/fake nail shape. if you always cake your face on with foundation or whatever to fake awesome skin , stop that , and get awesome skin for real. go see a dermatologist and soon you wont need all that foundation. want long lashes? use some of that special mascara for making them grow. want a tan? lol i cant help here cuz my skin tans naturally (im latina) but you get my point....most of the "fake" things girls use can be achieved ,naturally.

    I don't agree with most of what you said, but I LOVE my flatiron :heart:

    I dont agree not all hair can grow long. Not all nails can grow long. Not all lashes can grow long. And not all skin can tan nicely. You must be one of the lucky one's if you think you can do all that naturally. Peace! :flowerforyou:

    Not to mention that "natural" tanning increases your cancer risk dramatically.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    panties with butt

    And WHERE can I get these? :happy: I think I shocked the lady at the department store when I asked if they had something to make the butt BIGGER not smaller. I was blessed with a chest, but a butt like a frog that stood up. *sigh*

    They have them on They also have them for men, no socks required.,aps,265

    Everywhere. Department stores, WalMart, online...everywhere.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    I think false advertising just leads to future disapointment. xP

    You gotta rock what you got.

    As for implants...well i think thats a little different just because now it IS part of what you have going on. You arent going to take off a chicks bra and be disapointed by the massive amount of padding that just fell out.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I think false advertising just leads to future disapointment. xP

    You gotta rock what you got.

    As for implants...well i think thats a little different just because now it IS part of what you have going on. You arent going to take off a chicks bra and be disapointed by the massive amount of padding that just fell out.

    If a guy is "disappointed" because your breasts aren't big enough, he's not worth your time. Padding is a lot safer than implants.
  • anastasiawildflower
    Yea, most bras are at least a little padded.. Otherwise our nipples would be the third party in every conversation. I hate bras as it is, so I definitely don't want to be wearing one that makes me feel like I have an infant strapped to my chest! I prefer a more natural look on a lady but the girls that that dig the highlights, extensions, fake tans, fake nails, fake boobs.. etc... aren't necessarily suffering from a low self-esteem. It's a "look." Same goes for the boys with overly gelled hair, and a fake tan, wearing their little brother's t-shirt.. I guess that's a look too. Different strokes. To reiterate what a lot of you have already said.. The personality can make or break it. It doesn't really matter what you're wearing.. If you're arrogant and ill-mannered.. you're ugly, and no amount of makeup or self-tanner is going to cover it up. :flowerforyou:

    I agree with every bit of this. I actually really like my small boobs and feel that giant padded bras just make me feel awkward. Now that they are growing (pregnant) I actually need to shop for lightly padded bras and even those feel weird.
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    Fake boobs, Fake tan, Fake's certainly a woman's choice but if you don't have the personality to back it up it's of no interest to me.

    At the end of the day if it helps your confidence ( don't become conceited ) then it's all good but please have the personality to back it up :)

    Aww, I like this answer! ^^
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Since I read this, I have ads for butt inserts...
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    I have boobs, maybe too much -38DD- of my own, and plenty enough butt too; but I'm not gonna knock anyone for wearing a padded bra if that's what makes them feel better. I'm not in that boat re: implants either, don't think I'd be interested in doing that, but then again you never know unless you're there. I do partake of a little fake n bake ie tanning, in the dead of winter occl for some color & "blue light" effect; have long hair of my own but do color & highlight it myself; have never had fake nails because I'm WAY too active & low maintenance; do wear a little makeup on a regular basis to work & out but not working out... Confidence is the sexiest quality that one can have (most feminine or masculine) depending on gender; and personality, sense of humor, compassion, and intelligence (be it learned or common sense) are what make a person worth being with!

    I think anyone who is totally "plastic" meaning personality as well as many overdone enhancements to personal attributes MAY have an issue with body image or be insecure; but it depends on the person...

    Hopefully, our goal on here is to be healthy & feel good about ourselves; so I support you all!

    PS: Size matters, to a point... ; ) But skilz count extra!!! :wink:
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    Fake padding in bra = tricked. How'd you feel with a sock pushed down the jeans? Or top that gives the impression of a nice tight body under the clothes?

    This is just too funny! HAhahahahahahahaha
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member

    I was blessed with a chest, but a butt like a frog that stood up. *sigh*

    I laughed so hard at this XD
  • quererespoder
    quererespoder Posts: 40 Member
    so we agree to disagree :D p.s, i love my flatiron too. i think its a culture thing really...i have long hair(people in the states never believe its natural) , fake looking nails (and i wear contacts!) a natural tan and i dont wear a lot of makeup.
    most girls here have long hair thats straight without extensions, and most latinas tan really well too and manicures are really cheap so no one needs to wears fake nails either. in fact , here its really rare to see a girl with any of that stuff , though i admit implants are reallyyy common. but i guess im just used to seeing girls that have all those things naturally , or if they dont , they dont try and "fake" it , cuz people here just dont do that :) (im not saying everyone in the states does it, just that its more common) im all for rocking what you've got , and different things will attract different people
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    Ok, I was shopping yesterday and I saw bras that added two full cup sizes and panties with butt Ok now as part of the Itty Bitty Titty Commitee, I admit I got a pushup bra. I got a bf so I don't have to really worry about being "discovered" so to speak, but I was wondering, how do you guys feel when you meet a girl and then come to find out she has fake eyelashes, hair piece/extensions, padded push up bra, etc etc....I mean is it a deal breaker?
    How do you guys feel about all that stuff we put on at times?

    Tricked thats not good. I just want you to be yourself

    sooooooooo how would you ladies feel if you took home a guy that had a huge fake penis that didnt match the real one???
  • MarieAnneN
    I prefer real over fake any day......but I'm for whatever makes her feel most comfortable.

    I like earing that coming from a guy!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I'm obviously not a male, but i don't think a padded bra makes a woman fake...I like my tits to look good; therefore, wear a pushup bra. I'm engaged & my fiance doesn't mind at all. I never look at other girls & think "oh she looks fake"...Nothing wrong with trying to look good. I wouldn't go out in sweats, my hair up, & no makeup...That's just too sloppy for my liking. If I ever call another female "fake" it's because she's playing the whole nice girl thing, then trash talking people or gossiping...
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    This part didn't highlight as quoted, but I quoted someone else who wrote this: There was a girl in High School who wore so much makeup her nickname was Crayola.

    Then I added this: Ha we had a girl like that in college, pretty sure we called her Crayola sometimes, but most of the time it was Maybelline or Mufasa (the Father lion from the Lion King) because she had big fluffy lion mane hair too!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    what i dont get, is why girls get the "fake" versions of things they can achieve themselves. want long hair? GROW IT OUT. all you need is patience. if its wavy/curly like mine , just use a flatiron. want nice nails? GET A MANICURE. and if you want them to look fake (mine always get confused with the fake ones) just grow them out and have them cut into that square/fake nail shape. if you always cake your face on with foundation or whatever to fake awesome skin , stop that , and get awesome skin for real. go see a dermatologist and soon you wont need all that foundation. want long lashes? use some of that special mascara for making them grow. want a tan? lol i cant help here cuz my skin tans naturally (im latina) but you get my point....most of the "fake" things girls use can be achieved ,naturally.

    Some people can't grow out their natural hair long...I for one have super thin hair, if I were to let it get past a certain length it just looks super gross. Also, some people [including myself, again] can't grow their nails out...Mine are super brittle & end up breaking once they get past a certain point. A dermatologist isn't always going to give you "awesome skin" I have rosacea & did have a cream I was prescribed to put on my face to help with the redness, but it never worked after trying a few different ones; therefore I use foundation. I also know girls who have discolored scars on their faces & use makeup to cover it...they can't go to a dermatologist to get it fixed really. So...using a fake option doesn't just make a woman "fake" Just sayin'
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    Why is it the forum view if you have breast implants or are a man and built you are a retard?!

    Because the overeducated elite in the US is obsessed with "authenticity" and has been since the 1960s. For a recent example, google Lana del Rey. I say this as a card-carrying member of the 1%... although I have given in and realized that gel/acrylic nails are the only way I will ever get my manicure to survive more than 48 hours.

    Thank god we have a an alleged "card-carrying member of the 1%" here to speak for all of the "overeducated elite in the US" :flowerforyou:
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Agreed, the irony, like you said is the people who claim to be 'normal' are perhaps the most judgemental and happy to generalize about others. I only hope in time that people can learn to accept the world as beyond black and white and see all the different shades of grey.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: