Question for the guys: "Fake"women uncovered?



  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I'm probably going to get flamed for this but... There's a big difference in the type of girls that wear a push up bra to look good when they go out and the types of girls that wear fake everything to look good. I also think there's a massive difference in the types of guys that would pick up the latter.
  • ditzyFlip
    ditzyFlip Posts: 104 Member
    This topic seems really touchy considering there's women on both sides of the spectrum who don't see a problem and who do.

    My personal opinion:
    - Unless you're just flat out ugly, there shouldn't be a reason to enhance anything you have. You should accept what you naturally have and love yourself for it. Fake eyelashes - why do you want to look like a horse? Push-up bras - can you imagine the disappointment on a guy when they grab your boob and feel cushion? Booty boosters - same concept. Fake tans - ok, Snooki, not to mention there's always that danger of harming your skin depending on the method of tanning.

    I have huge tits and no butt. I've asked my girlfriend if she'd want me to wear booty boosters (she's a *kitten* man), but she said no - she wants to grab the real thing, even if it's just a little bit. So I'm all natural.

    It's okay if you disagree, because I probably disagreed/offended a lot of women with this post. Lol.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    If I were single and I brought home a woman with a butt-buddy or whatever you call the clothing item, and if she had a padded bra that added like two cup sizes, I'd be like:

    Hay bish, listen. You ain't fenna come up in here lookin' all thick only for me to find out that you be playin tricks on a brah. You fenna give me back dem singles and I'll take you back to the streeyip club bish.

    At least, that's how it'd go in my head.

    In real life, you'd probably go, "Wait a minute, these are smaller than, I thought, but ..... oh..... boobies.... sweet!"
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Who cares??? If you're kind enough to let me see what's really under all of that stuff, it doesn't make any difference to me how stuff had to come off for me to get there.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    You know, honestly...I don't know if I would wear the padded panties. I'm not worried about "false advertising" to a man, my husband has seen me naked for the past 14 years (and unfortunately made comments about how I "used" to look good...I remind him he did not carry and push out 4 babies). However...I do not like the way my jeans fit. I buy jeans in a size 5 in juniors and they still sag in the back. I am not looking for a big ol booty, just a little bit of roundness. My neighbor suggesting doing squats, so I will try that. What has worked for me in the past...since I have plenty of cleavage, I will enhance that and hope no one notices my flat *kitten*!:wink:
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Ok, I was shopping yesterday and I saw bras that added two full cup sizes and panties with butt Ok now as part of the Itty Bitty Titty Commitee, I admit I got a pushup bra. I got a bf so I don't have to really worry about being "discovered" so to speak, but I was wondering, how do you guys feel when you meet a girl and then come to find out she has fake eyelashes, hair piece/extensions, padded push up bra, etc etc....I mean is it a deal breaker?
    How do you guys feel about all that stuff we put on at times?

    Tricked thats not good. I just want you to be yourself

    sooooooooo how would you ladies feel if you took home a guy that had a huge fake penis that didnt match the real one???

    Or worse, a fake personality :huh:

    Guys fake that quite a bit. Thank whatever I'm out of the dating scene!
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    so we agree to disagree :D p.s, i love my flatiron too. i think its a culture thing really...i have long hair(people in the states never believe its natural) , fake looking nails (and i wear contacts!) a natural tan and i dont wear a lot of makeup.
    most girls here have long hair thats straight without extensions, and most latinas tan really well too and manicures are really cheap so no one needs to wears fake nails either. in fact , here its really rare to see a girl with any of that stuff , though i admit implants are reallyyy common. but i guess im just used to seeing girls that have all those things naturally , or if they dont , they dont try and "fake" it , cuz people here just dont do that :) (im not saying everyone in the states does it, just that its more common) im all for rocking what you've got , and different things will attract different people

    This Latina burns. Bright red. So I have no tits, no *kitten*, and I don't I always ask my parents wth am I, cuz I'm not a "normal" Latina.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Fake padding in bra = tricked. How'd you feel with a sock pushed down the jeans? Or top that gives the impression of a nice tight body under the clothes?

    Implants are wonderful. I personally love the look... but that matters not. The most important thing is a womans confidence. If she feels that she would feel better with bigger breasts and that a implants do that, then I'm all for them, in whatever size they choose. When a woman is most comfortable in her skin, thats when she is the best to be around and the most attractive in her own right.

    Your a keeper ! Don't ever change .... :wink:
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    It's hard to fake personality and since that is a huge dealbreaker for me, I guess I can live with the superficial fakery.

    I agree!!!

    There should be more guys out there like this....:ohwell:
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Fake tanning, lashes, hair, boobs, butt, I don't get it personally. There is a big difference between enhancing what you have and changing it. A push up enhances, make up (when used properly) enhances, But padded bras, butts and fake tanning..ect ect, it's not enhancing it's changing yourself. I wouldn't do it personally. But I also think to each their own. You have to love yourself and be confident with yourself first. But I can imagine the disappoint when you're first getting intimate with your man and you have to take off your fake tits and *kitten* first. How do you feel then?? When your naked and exposed and your *kitten* and boobs are on the floor. I can't imagine that it's confidence.
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    If I were single and I brought home a woman with a butt-buddy or whatever you call the clothing item, and if she had a padded bra that added like two cup sizes, I'd be like:

    Hay bish, listen. You ain't fenna come up in here lookin' all thick only for me to find out that you be playin tricks on a brah. You fenna give me back dem singles and I'll take you back to the streeyip club bish.

    At least, that's how it'd go in my head.

    Hahahahahaha!!!!! We all know he more than likely would NOT turn it down...lmao!!:laugh:

    In real life, you'd probably go, "Wait a minute, these are smaller than, I thought, but ..... oh..... boobies.... sweet!"
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    (Its not the size of the waves, its the motion of the ocean that counts.)

    Completely disagree! lol
  • ditzyFlip
    ditzyFlip Posts: 104 Member
    Fake tanning, lashes, hair, boobs, butt, I don't get it personally. There is a big difference between enhancing what you have and changing it. A push up enhances, make up (when used properly) enhances, But padded bras, butts and fake tanning..ect ect, it's not enhancing it's changing yourself. I wouldn't do it personally. But I also think to each their own. You have to love yourself and be confident with yourself first. But I can imagine the disappoint when you're first getting intimate with your man and you have to take off your fake tits and *kitten* first. How do you feel then?? When your naked and exposed and your *kitten* and boobs are on the floor. I can't imagine that it's confidence.
    THANK YOU. <3
    That feeling must be of ultimate vulnerability for a girl who wears fake-everything.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I just have to say...PANTIES WITH BUTT IMPLANTS??? :laugh:
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I have brought girls home and now I know why they call them wonder bras. You wonder what's actually in there. I found that those women are also more accepting and fun to be with :).
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    That's it! Tomorrow I'm buying a pushup bra for my D boobs. I'm gonna rock the Dolly Pardon look.

    I'm sure I won't make it out of the house before my husband motorboats them a few times....

    Pushup bra-wearing ladies unite!!!
  • stefkhan
    stefkhan Posts: 27 Member
    From a woman's perspective, there's a huge difference between enhancing your beauty and creating an artificial illusion. I'm all for makeup, bronzers, push up bra's...but there has to be a limit ladies. Pretending to have C cups when you actuall have A cups is kind of ridiculous. Or having hair extensions that reach to your waist when your hair is really shoulder length is also kind of ridiculous. Any kinds of additions should be based on what you look like realistically. Confident goes a longgggg way...
  • rbeatty63
    you're telling me that there are women out there... with fake breasts and *kitten*? are you serious? how long has this been going on?
  • rbeatty63
    panties with butt

    And WHERE can I get these? :happy: I think I shocked the lady at the department store when I asked if they had something to make the butt BIGGER not smaller. I was blessed with a chest, but a butt like a frog that stood up. *sigh*

    They have them on They also have them for men, no socks required.;field-keywords=padded+underwear&amp;sprefix=padded+un,aps,265
    too funny!
  • admanMike
    admanMike Posts: 371 Member
    I don't mind any of the 'beauty secrets' ladies use. If its something they are comfortable with and makes them feel confident or just plain happy...more power to them.