THE Team Week 11 April 17-23



  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Hi guys....
    Here I am. On Friday when I weighed myself I gain .4lbs. :noway:
    I know its not even a whole pound but I cried :cry: and have been really sad. :sad: I didn't really want to talk about it so I avoided posting. I am frustrated! :angry: :grumble: :explode:
    And I didn't want to bring anyone down. The bf thinks I've reached a plateau with losing no weight the previous week and gaining .4 this one.
    Is it possible to reach a plateau so soon?
    I just feel like I should be seeing results. I've been told that the stress I am adding to myself probably is not helping my weight loss.
    I've added sugar and sodium to my trackers. Could too must sodium be causing the problem?
    Let me know if anyone has any ideas, I could use them.
    Absolutely too much sodium can do that, the few times I've eaten out (Chinese) since starting this I always see a significant gain and then when I finally flush it out with enough water, it comes right back down. I'm always over on sodium anyway, but those days were like hugely over...

    As I was told... 2 weeks is not long enough to be considered a plateau... although I know it's depressing, don't let it worry you yet! Have you been measuring? Are you losing inches? Are you seeing parts of your body that look firmer and tighter? Are your clothes fitting differently? Those are the real ways to see what's happening with your body, not some silly number on the scale!
    I'm glad I've started to track the sodium, hopefully that will help.
    So 2 weeks in not long enough to be a plateau? Good to know. I haven't measured this week cause I was so bummed out from last week and this one. I don't think my clothes are fitting any differently than 2 weeks ago though I have had a to tighten a certain undergarment. Annoyed that any loss is coming from there, its just not right.
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    I really appreciate everyone's encouragement! Thank you! :flowerforyou:
    Not with adding the sodium and sugar to my tracker, I am hoping to see a difference. Before adding them, if I had calories left I was eating a snack to make sure I ate my exercise calories. Now if I have calories left I am looking at my sodium to see where I am at before having a snack. My sugar on the other hand is usually over, but I like fruit :smile:
    I figure the sugar coming fruit is better than that from chocolate :wink:
    Even though I really like chocolate.
    My heel has really been hurting so that's been limiting my couch 2 5K workouts this week. The odd thing is it hurts when I am not working out too.
    How is everyone doing? Sheila - Jamaica looks beautiful! I wanna go there!
    Li4g - the pic looks pretty good for a camera phone!
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Jamie, don't sweat it girl! All the things adopt4 said are true, be looking at other ways to measure your success. Also, little ways to tweak what you are doing nutritionally and exercisally {nods to lulu - if I use it 3 times, it becomes a word!}. Are you getting enough rest? The stress is absolutley a killer, and I would encourage something like affirmations, reframing thoughts, deep breathing, walking, yoga, or guided imagery meditation to deal with that. I hear from cmriverside that you are doing the couch to 5K thing. That is so cool! It sounds like there is a lot of positive energy on that thread, too. One thing I started to do was get out a pair of pants that I couldn't wear and try them on to see how I was progressing. The first time I did that was a Saturday and i was frustrated because I hadn't been losing like I thought I should. I found that a pair of pants I couldn't wear a few weeks before was now fitting nicely. It was a great motivator! So, shake off that frustration and get back in the game! We are all here for you!

    Hi StillKristi! I think I am getting enough rest. Yep doing couch to 5 K. Did week one twice and started week 2 last week. Had one day left and decided to hold off as my heel has been hurting. The stress has been bad the past 2 weeks. So I will share what happened....the "lady who gave birth" to my sister and I contacted us on facebook. We haven't heard from her for over 9 or 10 years. We both haven't decided what to do and were quite upset. My mom and dad think we are adults and it is our decision. I'm sure this has added quite a bit of stress and over analyzing to my everyday life.
    Fun, huh.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good morning everyone..

    Yesterday was a horrible day!! I truly have a boss that I HATE!! I don't use that work often but seriously the guy is an *kitten*. There is not another way to describe him well there is but I won't go there.. He is just not a nice person and yesterday I even went as far as calling him a moron to his face and dang, he still didn't fire me.. I am doing everything to get laid off or fired.. :grumble: :grumble: I over ate - I felt bloated and blah blah blah...

    Today is going to be better.. I am home today THANK Goodness... We are going to go up to Tahoe and turn in some cans then maybe grab a sandwich at Subway and go eat it at the lake... Should be a good day I hope...

    Well I am off for a 2 mile walk...

  • indianagranny
    Hey Girls,

    I was with cm last night - feel asleep on couch at 7:00pm and woke up at 4:00 am - still can't get rid of themigraine headache I got yesterday, though.

    Anita - where are you girl?

    Jamie - Encouragement is while we are here for. You must never leave the board again cause you are bummed. Girl with everything you got going on - I don't see how you do it. Tracking the sodium will help but if it goes too high push more more water down your throat. This has helped me.

    Sheila - really enjoyed your pictures. I WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well have fun girl and I have faith those inches you need gone will be gone by that time plus more. Glad you are feeling so much better again.

    CM - NO THE KITCHEN DID NOT GET CLEANED - OOPS!!!!!!!!!!! Going to do it in spurts now over the next couple of nights. At least that's my plan. WTG keeping Kristi accountable. It helps having someone like you lurking around.

    LI4G - enjoy the picture of the cat. can I borrow the cat?

    Hey LULU

    Well need to go get the exercising on the go for the day and just maybe do the first spurt of kitchen cleaning. Have a good day.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hey Girls,

    I was with cm last night - feel asleep on couch at 7:00pm and woke up at 4:00 am - still can't get rid of themigraine headache I got yesterday, though.

    Anita - where are you girl?

    Jamie - Encouragement is while we are here for. You must never leave the board again cause you are bummed. Girl with everything you got going on - I don't see how you do it. Tracking the sodium will help but if it goes too high push more more water down your throat. This has helped me.

    Sheila - really enjoyed your pictures. I WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well have fun girl and I have faith those inches you need gone will be gone by that time plus more. Glad you are feeling so much better again.

    CM - NO THE KITCHEN DID NOT GET CLEANED - OOPS!!!!!!!!!!! Going to do it in spurts now over the next couple of nights. At least that's my plan. WTG keeping Kristi accountable. It helps having someone like you lurking around.

    LI4G - enjoy the picture of the cat. can I borrow the cat?

    Hey LULU

    Well need to go get the exercising on the go for the day and just maybe do the first spurt of kitchen cleaning. Have a good day.

    I am here !! I just didn't log yesterday.. Had a really really bad day... But thanks for looking for me : )

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Must be something in the air - I went to bed with the kids last night at 8 - after taking a nap in the afternoon! But the nap was a "it's so nice and cool in the bedroom and so hot outside", not an exhaustion thing.... Today is colder, my kids are so bummed not to be wearing shorts today!

    My stomach must be shrinking even though I feel like I'm eating way too much in a day (usually), I ate a cup and a half of cereal with a cup of milk and a banana, and feel like I just overate at Thanksgiving dinner. Sheesh!

    THanks for the compliments on my son - check out my profie page, all 3 of 'em are in there! Went to the park the day before yesterday and got some good ones. I have to admit, we do really well at picking the cutest kids on the planet and adopting them... my hubby and I joke that's the only way for us to get cute kids, cuz if they had OUR genes, well... let's just say, poor babies! :laugh:

    I was very excited to look in the mirror today and see I have an actual chin when I look sideways, instead of it going straight down... Stillkristi called it a chin butt which made me LOL... but hey, at least that chin they implanted years ago is actually showing now!!! Now if I can just get my neck to define as a neck....
  • prayerfulmom
    Cmr- I love taking in the sun + a Nice walk too. Sweet. I was going to run outside yesterday but it was in the 90’s and my hubby worried as the heat snuck up on us.

    Sheila- how was the water aerobics? I love a little time alone. Seldom occurs unless I have a heap of work to get done. No rest for the weary I suppose.

    L4g- I read your post as 50 miles and was like …dang! 50 minutes is great too though;) OK, I have that sock thing too. My daughter steals mine because she doesn’t get her clothes to the laundry basket so I don’t wash them. She’ll run out and snitch mine.
    So how’d your wogg go today?

    Lulu- Excellent on the push ups. I’ve been doing modified but need to switch. I’ll focus more on that after the marathon.

    Kristi- excellent on the fuel and exercise! Made me want some salmon. I eat more vegetarian for my health condition but I feel some salmon popping up on my shopping list. Yum. Salmon and cous-cous. Walking is actually the exercise I love the best I try to get in a walk at lunch every day…although yesterday was too hot, 96.

    Jamie- dang. Why does the weight seem to come off the one place we don’t want it=)
    Might want to google plantar fascitis. I had this. Oh so painful. Feels like an ice pick jabbing into your heal. If its hard to walk in the morning that is a clue. Good to listen to your body and back off when necessary.
    I track sodium for my kidney diet. Since I gave up most packaged foods and prepare most everything I have no sodium problem. I agree with you about the fruit option too=)
    I am an adoptee too. I have some pros and cons of meeting the biological parents. Message me if you’d like.

    Anita- not jealous of the job situation, but jealous of the tahoe trip=) I loooooooove Tahoe, but not when it snows. I’m about 2 hours away.

    indianagranny-ouchy on the migrane. Those suck. Hope your feeling better.
  • prayerfulmom
    THanks for the compliments on my son - check out my profie page, all 3 of 'em are in there! Went to the park the day before yesterday and got some good ones. I have to admit, we do really well at picking the cutest kids on the planet and adopting them... my hubby and I joke that's the only way for us to get cute kids, cuz if they had OUR genes, well... let's just say, poor babies! :laugh:

    I love it!:smile:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Good morning, friends! FIrst off, in my defense, I was just mentioning a friend of mine who had what may be similar surgery to create what the doc called a "chin butt" (which does sound pretty funny.) I snooped your profile, Adopt4 and those are cute kids! I have to say, the new picture of you in your av is amazing to me. You look great! You should be so proud - all your hard work is paying off!

    Nita - dumb question from me. If you hate the boss, how come you don't quit? I worked in a situation several years ago that was just hell to go to every day. I loved my job, loved my staff, but hated my boss. And, yes hate is a strong word. At the time I really did hate that woman. Finally, one day she offered me a severance package and said, "I recommend you take this, because if you don't, I will find a way to fire you." I thought it over and decided to take the money and run. I was heartsick over leaving the work and people I loved, but we had a great big party, they put together a book with letters, pictures, awards we had won, letters from people in theh community, etc, etc. It was one of the best nights of my life. The resturant we had it at even gave us a huge discount when they heard why we were having a party! Anyway, when it was all over and I went home that night, I slept better than I had in about two years. Moral of the story (sorry its so long, but I am never brief, as you all know) don't work for an *kitten*. Ever. Life is too short. Stress is bad for you. Makes you gain weight, :grumble: makes your heart sick. Destroys your sense of self. Eshew it. (I seldom get to use eshew. I like it!) Rant over. But, take care of yourself, my friend!

    Lisa, so sorry about that headache! That is why li4g and I did not short sheet your bed, too! :laugh: But seriously, that is no way to spend your vacation! Have you done something fun, just for you? We want to hear about it AND see the pics!

    Which brings me to you, Sheila. WOW Those are great pics! Your daughter and her cousin going to church all dressed up are just priceless! Stay on track and be good to your heart - its the only one you got! :happy:

    Hey, Jamie, how does you heel hurt? Is it kind of like someone is sticking pins and needles in it, and actually hurts worse when you have been sitting for a while? If so, could be plantar faschitis. I know I spelled that wrong. Its extremely painful and often happens to people who start up an exercise program. The best way to deal with it is (1) have good shoes to work out or run in. (2) Warm up well with lots of stretching - especially of the muscle and tendons running down the back of your leg and around your heel. (3) Ice. (4) If worse comes to worse, you can get a shot or cortizone right in your heel. I had one a few years ago and I have to say, I was prepared for it to hurt, or I thought I was. Anwyay, I screamed. No, not gasped, or gave a little yelp, I screamed. :blushing: It only lasted a second, and the relief was amazing. Good luck with your heel. I hope that is not what you got. It sucks!

    Everyone else - check in. We miss you.

    It occured to me that Chanty may be having finals? If so, we wish you well! See you soon.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Kristi, your right I should just quit but I need that money so badly and he pays me so well but it's still not worth it.. I need to be able to collect my unemployment until I find something and am afraid if I up and quit I can't.. So yes I agree it makes you gain weight. And I was so pissed yesterday that I over ate.. I didn't eat my lunch that I bought, I went and had a horrible chicken sandwich at arbys.. It was terrible. Thank god I only ate half and a few fries .. But I don't want to fall into that again.. The thought makes me sad..

    Well husband is ready to leave .. It took him forever....

    Adopt4 love the pics....

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi, I wanted to post my exercise routine today. Just got done and I am POOPED! But, its a good pooped. :wink:

    So, I decided to try my normal routine, but turning it into a sort of circuit training experience. So, I started with some stretching, then some wall lunges, followed by one set of weight lifting, the three things I usually do, as fast as I could do them. Then, back to the wall for some wall aways. Then back to the weight bench. Then, I did a set of 30 crunches, then, back to the wall. Then, I took a minute to walk around, just breathing deeply. Then, back to the weight bench, and I chose the heavier (11 lb) dumb bell. I found that hurt when I was trying to do the triceps, so for those I switched back to the 6 pounders. I did some kind of bicycling movement, and that really kicked my butt, so I went back to the bench and did crunches for a while. Finished with a cool down walking, stretching and breathing. All together, 6 sets of weights (ten reps each, not 15) 30 wall aways and 100 crunches!!! Now, I am off to shower and head for work. See ya gang. :happy:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Li4g - Is that Nilla the tramp? What a cute cat. . . . ok, if I didn't have three cats, I'd take a kitten.

    Kristi - bwah ha ha I guess slumber parties are all the same. Frozen bras are nice in the summer in Florida. GREAT JOB on devising that exercise plan - respect.gif I am so happy for you. Salmon, um. I'm going to TJs and get some.

    Sheila - love the pics! Does your husband have 9 siblings??? They are all so beautiful! Need Bahamas.......:sad:

    Indianagranny - I used to get migraines several times a month. I feel your pain. And exercise would bring them on, which led to my weight gain. PM me if you want. Pwease don't yell at tole us to ask about the kitchen...:frown:

    wuwu - 4 man-style pushups are GOOD! I can't do one. They have to be the girlie ones. Go you. Thanks for the blankie last night.

    Anita - Wish I was going to Tahoe. When I moved there, the first year I was there it snowed in June, and I thought "What have I done?" It is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.
    And I agree, start looking for another job. Don't wait for him to make the choice. You have to be in control of your own destiny. He may never fire you.

    Jamie - I'm sorry about the drama that your bio-mom gave you. Take your time. Ball's in your court. The heel thing - good luck with that. As you know I'm walking wounded too. I'm going to be walking only for a while.

    Adopt4 - You are a star! gold_star.jpg
  • indianagranny
    I change this post and can't explain what happened - dumb computor well maybe it was the operator.

    I got to share this - I have a major accomplishmentthis week. I am a huge get on the scale person - sometimes three times a day. Well with the exception of doing it once on Monday (just cause I had gotten a new scale - one that tells body fat, hydration, etc. )to set some numbers, I have not been on it once since last Friday. THIS IS A MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • indianagranny
    Just checking in.

    Prayerfulmom - IN THE 90'S - wow I just like to get out of the 40's. Actually in the high high 50's today but very windy. Don't say nothing but it is 5:14pm and none or the r--- yet. may do it during the night though.

    Anita - sorry about your day. I know where you are coming from about needing the money though. Hang in there girl.

    Adopt4 - the picture in your av is so good. wow girl - you go. you are doing wonderful. keep up the good work and good attitude. your kids are so cute.

    Kristi - my bed went untouch - all that sleeping was on the couch and funny thing if you would have tip-toed through the living room - I was so asleep I would not have heard you. I actually took this vacation to deep clean the apartment, get ready for a rummage sale with my girl friend, prepare for a benefit, and enjoy time with my dad so I could enjoy dirt racing on the weekends throughout September now. So no pictures but I am enjoying the time off and time with my dad.

    CMR - I used to have migraines along time ago but after having two kids they went away. Well they have returned - not for sure why but may have to go see if I keep getting them. As far as the kitchen - thanks for asking and I am not yelling but no it still isn't done - not even started really. I need a good kick in the rear. But I am gonna try to start it tonight - here in just a few.

    Jamie - sorry to hear about your additional stress. The ball is in your court and take your time. My heart goes out to you.

    Well gang I am gonna go for now. Might try to start the kitchen!!!!!!!!!!! haha
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good Evening Team,

    I just got home from the gym I did my 1 hour on the elliptical and 1 hour of water areobics and during water areobics I got a very bad charlie horse in my calf!! So I had to rub rub rub for about 5 minutes and then I was just extreamly carefull the rest of the time.. it is still alittle sore but I will live...

    CMR - There is actually 11 siblings one wasnt there but there are a total of 6 sisters and 4 brothers and him... and His father is one of the Decons at the local Church... so when I found him I was blessed cuz he loves his whole family and he treats his mother and all his sisters great...

    Jamie - hope your heal gets better and the bio Mom thing??

    Adot4 - You are doing GREAT keep it up... cute kids..

    Anita - Hope your days get better, hopefully you find something else with less stress and more money.. I wish that for you...

    anyway hope you all have a great evening..

    I was a little sad today just cuz I was thinking about my grandson and how I never get to see him because my son live with his girlfriend and her parents and they dont come see me Then never come over for holidays cuz she has to do her family thing... so her mother gets to see her grandson everyday and I get to see him every blue moon I guess.. So I saw some pictures of him on their myspace page and It made me sad cuz I dont get to spend anytime with him and he isnt going to know me ever.. but If I say something I am wrong so I keep it to myself.. Thanks for letting me vent..

    well Could you keep my uncle in your thoughts and prayers he has to go into surgery in the morning to see where his blockage is in his heart so I have to get up early and take him to the hospital and I will be driving him so I will be gone all day and I prob wont be working out tomorrow..we will see how long I am up at the hospital...

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    CMR - There is actually 11 siblings one wasnt there but there are a total of 6 sisters and 4 brothers and him... and His father is one of the Decons at the local Church... so when I found him I was blessed cuz he loves his whole family and he treats his mother and all his sisters great...

    Sheila - I gotta ask the obvious question - and don't feel you need to answer me if it's too personal.

    Why don't you move to JAMAICA? Do any of his brothers need a slightly older wife? I can cook, and I have no children (well, too late for that.....) I'm really healthy.....:flowerforyou: :wink:

    I'll keep your uncle in my prayers.

    ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ``` ` ``` ``` ` ` ` ````` `
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Hello Team :smile:
    I am exhausted and will catch up on the posts in the am but I wanted to give some background in hopes you all may have some fabulous advice for me:wink:
    I do not use the word mom when I talk about the lady that gave birth to me. I know it sounds rude and insensitive but she made this decision not me. She was married to my father and had my sister and I. I am the oldest and they were divorced by the time I was 3 or 4. She cheated on my dad and when the custody hearing came up she told the judge that we were better off with my dad. (she was right). Dad met a wonderful woman about 1-2 years later and they got married. This is our mom, she's raised us since I was 5 and my sister was 3. Before mom and dad got married my grandmother would drive us 4 hours to see her and 4 hours back in one weekend. Eventually, LWGBTM (we're abbreviating now) stopped meeting my grandma halfway. Over the past 20 plus years she has called randomly throughout the years. My father found out that if anything were to happen to him my sis and I would have to go live with LWGBTM and our brothers would get to stay with mom. My senior year of high school my parents asked us how we felt about mom legally adopting us. We were fine with it and absolutely did not want to go live with someone who was a stranger to us. LWGBTM did not show up to the adoption hearing. The judge did the adoption and temination of parental rights in the same hearing (normally its 2). We got a new birth certificate afterwards too. Its just odd thats its been 10 years since that and she's contacting us now.
    Her (LWGBTM) parents are my grandparents and my brothers grandparents. Her sister is our aunt. We see them all and spend time with them. She chooses not to have contact with them either unless she needs something. I know the whole situation seems a bit confusing but it works.
    So team....any advice? :ohwell:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Jamie - as an adoptee and an adoptive mom - I would say don't "burn" the bridge, but that doesn't mean you can't close the bridge at this point in your life. I know it's very painful to feel like you were given up for no reason... but she's an immature person (by the sound of it) and hasn't grown up. I personally don't feel any sympathy for poor birth-women... but for YOU later on in life you may feel the need to look her up, that's why I say the not burning bridge part.

    You can simply tell her "I am not in a point in my life where I feel I can see you" and leave the conversation at that.

    If she feels she needs to tell you something (maybe apologize??) then she can write a letter and have it sent NOT TO YOU but to someone impartial who will read it and decide if it's really something you'd want to hear (like it may be a whiny poor me and the world's against me letter, you don't need to hear that crap). Because if she does want to apologize and make things right... well, that would be a place to start.

    If she doesn't respect your answer in this, ask her not to contact you until she is ready to (a) respect your wishes and your feelings and (b) do things YOUR way so that you are comfortable.

    I have kind of the opposite problem, my mother was a teen and couldn't raise me, and so I've been searching for her for years. But I haven't gotten any info that tells me she did anything actually wrong to me. On the other hand our first son's bio mom was a drug addict/alcoholic and the things she put into her body while pregnant will make him suffer his whole life long... so I seriously have no sympathy for that woman....

    HTH even if just a bit.
  • prayerfulmom
    Jamie-I was one of 3 all with different dads. My dad raised me and I was adopted by my stepmother who is the only woman I call mom. I had opportunity in the past to connect but wasn't ready. At 30 I decided it was time and only wanted health information. She was respectful and didn't push me. It devolped into a great friendship and I was able to reconnect with my brother and other family members. Not always the case though for people. I connected with my father's birth mother who went through the same thing. I got the info I desired and that was enough. I didn't persue that info any more. I'd just use your gut feeling. If your not feeling it right now then now is not the time. Sounds like if the time isn't now that you'll will probably have opportunity again later if you so desire.