Horrible things your parents did to you



  • Tupeloblossom
    Tupeloblossom Posts: 142 Member
    Too many to recount, but here's one... we were a large family with a small income so she sewed much of our clothing. Everyone knew the Andrews kids were related - we had matching outfits. But hey, I rocked those red denim bell bottomed hip huggers!

    My sister and I had matching dresses, and my mom had ones to match too. She just bought as much of what ever fabric was on sale and sewed us all an outfit. I dread when she pulls out the picture albums!
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    My parents trusted me too much when I was a teenager.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    SATURDAY MORNING SCHOOL...did you know the dictionaries that come w/ the encyclopedias had vocabulary tests in them? WELL I DO! No wonder I love MATH lol
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    When my pops worked on his car he would make me hold the flashlight. You know what I learned.....I can't hold a flashlight. All my dad did was yell at me "You're doing it wrong put the light over here" then he'd hit the back of my head and say "Pay attention pendejo"..........................GOD I f*cking hate flashlights!!!


    omG too funny...I have the exact same memory (with a few variations of course) :PP
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    SATURDAY MORNING SCHOOL...did you know the dictionaries that come w/ the encyclopedias had vocabulary tests in them? WELL I DO! No wonder I love MATH lol

    oh cmon now. we all know joe jackson gave you some better stories than that.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    She'd hear music in a store and *gasp* start dancing. In Public!!! And...she'd talk to strangers. Like have a conversation with people she didn't know.

    I'm scarred for life...and I do these same things. It's like a curse or something...
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Mine didn't teach me that merely particpating = winning.

    The world owes me a LOT of trophies.
  • RubyDarling
    RubyDarling Posts: 171 Member
    My parents were fantastic, but my mum was a pushover with food. Instead of making me eat fruit and veggies, I was allowed to dictate what I would and would not eat at age 6. For years I ate ice-cream for breakfast. I wish they'd smacked some sense into me, then I might not have struggled with my weight all my teen and adult life.
  • RocketsGirl
    RocketsGirl Posts: 346 Member
    they made me respect my elders.

    say yes ma'am and no ma'am and yes sir and no sir.

    they made me behave in public.

    they spanked me if I didn't behave in public.

    oh yes they were truly evil!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    on the fourth of july when i was 10y/old, i accidentaly stepped on a wasp's nest.. our town had a 4th of july parade every year and i walked in it with my ballet class, all of is in leotards, tights and tu-tu's.. so when i stepped on the nest, the wasps got stuck to my tights and leotard and kept stinging me.. hurt so bad! so i come running out from the tree and i have wasps following me, stuck to me and still stinging.. the fire dept was at the picnic, so it would have been no problem to get help right aways, but instead of that, my dad picked me up and put me in the truck, my mom was yelling at him to let the fire dept handle it, he says "no i'll take her" ..

    well he didnt, he talked me out of going to the emergency room by offering me a deli sandwich and a chocolate milk, and telling me that i would have to get a shot... .. i asked him about it later, and he just figured it would be a big cost, and i seemed fine to him.

    i was fine, so he was right, but i'll never let him live that down...

    Literally ... tears are streaming down my eyes. Oh, good God. I'm so sorry to find humor in your pain. I bet you got a few ice cream cones along the way to adulthood over that one. Or at least I hope you did. Never, I say never, let him forget.

    Shoot, my dad knocked me off the roof of the house when I was little. It was by accident, but I milked it as much as I could.
  • MattODriscoll
    MattODriscoll Posts: 30 Member
    they made me respect my elders.

    say yes ma'am and no ma'am and yes sir and no sir.

    they made me behave in public.

    they spanked me if I didn't behave in public.

    oh yes they were truly evil!

    ...and yet you still put your feet on the furniture ;)
  • JCN_1103
    they made me respect my elders.

    say yes ma'am and no ma'am and yes sir and no sir.

    they made me behave in public.

    they spanked me if I didn't behave in public.

    oh yes they were truly evil!

    How have you survived in adult life?
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    My mom used to beat me with wooden spoons and the metal end of the belt. She ran out of wooden spoons my sophomore year of HS.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    My parents rented the movie "It" when I was a little kid. I snuck out to the top of the stairway and watched some of it (It was a perfect view of the living room tv.). Of course I thought it was terribly scary. I thought I was smooth, and slipped back in bed. Didn't think my parents noticed I had been up there watching. I woke up in the middle of the night to see a clown head "floating" by my bedside. Then the walkie talkies in my room crackled to life in the darkness saying "Come down here where everything floats" in a creepy voice. I was TERRIFIED.

    My dad had crawled under my bed while I was asleep...I had this bank that looked like a clown, and to get the money out you had to take the head off. He had taken the head off, stuck it on the end of a pencil and was "floating" it next to the bed in the dark.

    I never, ever snuck out to my "hiding spot" to watch movies after bedtime again. I'm also still terrified of clowns.
  • RocketsGirl
    RocketsGirl Posts: 346 Member
    they made me respect my elders.

    say yes ma'am and no ma'am and yes sir and no sir.

    they made me behave in public.

    they spanked me if I didn't behave in public.

    oh yes they were truly evil!

    ...and yet you still put your feet on the furniture ;)

    haha only when I am at work!
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    Mine abused me horribly!!! They made me:
    - Play outside with sports equipment
    - Learn to ride my bicycle without a helmet
    - Learn how to lose
    - make my own lunch and breakfast
    - ride my bike to school until I could drive
    - stay outside until the street lights came on
    - invent ways to play football and baseball in the street
    - drink from the hose
    - actually take care of the dogs they got for us
    - mow the lawn
    - help when dad worked on his truck (get wrenches and hold the light)
    - keep my mouth shut when the adults were talking
    - spanked my *kitten*, just like they promised if I broke a rule - no meaningless threats

    I'll never forgive them for the abuse!!! :tongue:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    My mom used to blindfold us and spin us around until we got dizzy then send us off walking through the house crashing into each other and stuff! Looking back it was probably dangerous, but my sister and I would do it over and over laughing our heads off!
  • shcarter67
    When I was 10, I had really long hair - way past my rear. I was always bothering my mom to brush it and braid it for me. Finally she gave me an ultimatum - either cut my hair or get my ears pierced (yeah I didn't understand the logic either). I loved my long hair so I went with getting my ears pierced - which I hated. Anyway, about a week later she took me to get my hair "trimmed" and told the hairdresser to cut it all off. It was so short - about chin length - and all the kids made fun of the four-eyed fat girl with the "boy" haircut. I don't think I ever forgave my mom for that - God rest her soul.
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    My mom used to beat me with wooden spoons and the metal end of the belt. She ran out of wooden spoons my sophomore year of HS.

    I think the saddest part is that you were still getting beat your sophomore year in high school.
  • MattODriscoll
    MattODriscoll Posts: 30 Member
    My mom used to blindfold us and spin us around until we got dizzy then send us off walking through the house crashing into each other and stuff! Looking back it was probably dangerous, but my sister and I would do it over and over laughing our heads off!

    Haha - my folks did this to me and my brother but with a variation. They'd spin us at different ends of a field and then each would let us go - our goal was to run towards each other, impossible but funny!