Horrible things your parents did to you



  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    When I was eight I stopped eating tuna/fish, for whatever reason. The next year we went on a long road trip visiting national parks and hiking and such, eventually culminating in a night at a cabin in Arizona followed by a trip to a trout farm nearby. First I fell in a creek in yellowstone and was forced to walk alongside the car for nearly an hour while I dried with my dads saying the river was full of elk piss, which it probably was, and which they filmed exstensively on camera. At the end of the trip my father forced me to actively participate in the murder of young fish, saying that I had to eat whatever I caught. I cried the entire time my line was in the water and tried really hard not to catch anything, but at a trout farm its nearly impossible. I managed to only catch one fish and then was made to watch as it was gutted alive before my eyes. My dad must have said something to the fish cleaner, because they were all laughing, then, to my horror, the fish cleaner ripped the heart from my fish and chucked it into the window in front of me. Still beating it slid down the window to rest on the sill. Then we went home and my father made me eat it. I was so horrified I threw up on my plate.

    Funny I went fishing for the first time at age 3 and fished my entire childhood (I grew up in Alaska so its pretty common there), I rather enjoyed it actually. Those were some of the best memories of my life. I still know how to properly clean a fish to this day lol although I don't really fish anymore.

    Anyway, when I was a kid and would have my friends over for sleepovers my dad would sing along with rap songs on the radio while we were in the car. Imagine the whitest middle age guy you know rapping to Ginuwine "Pony" and Vanilla Ice "Ice Ice Baby". My friends thought it was hilarious, but it was extremely embarrassing for me haha. My parents were also avid marijuana smokers (Laws against weed in AK weren't very strict in those days) and smoked in front of me a lot. One summer my grandparents visited us in Alaska and my grandfather smoked cigars and offered one to my dad. I saw them smoking and immediately said "My Mom smokes those, but they're WHITE!" Keep in mind my mother did not smoke cigarettes so it was pretty obvious what I was talking about haha PAYBACK!
  • They beat my *kitten* & grounded me when I needed it and acted like parents instead of my friend...

    Made me the great person I am today... !!!

    Thanks mom & dad. ...:happy:

    Oh and I have a great relationship with both of them !!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    When I was little I was absolutely terrified of the Twilight Zone theme song and my mom loved the show. She thought it was funny that I'd run out of the room screaming when it came on so she'd "sing" it at the most random times. It seriously made me cry sometimes.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    When my pops worked on his car he would make me hold the flashlight. You know what I learned.....I can't hold a flashlight. All my dad did was yell at me "You're doing it wrong put the light over here" then he'd hit the back of my head and say "Pay attention pendejo"..........................GOD I f*cking hate flashlights!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    My mom was a beauty school drop out which made her uniquely qualified to perm my hair when I was 8. I looked like friggin Orphan Annie. The next year, she decided to give me a bob. GAWD. I had the worst hairstyles until I was 11, started babysitting, and walked my *kitten* to the salon once a month
  • ElisetheQ
    ElisetheQ Posts: 58 Member
    When I was a kid, I was terrified of ET.

    But anyway, whenever my dad got the chance, he'd hunker down and hold his arms like ET's, then use his "ET" voice to croon over and over as he chased me around!

    I'd be running back and forth across the yard, screaming my head off. -_-

    Come to think of it, I'm actually still scared to death of ET ....
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    My mom used to put my shoes on wrong all the time.
    I have many childhood pictures where you can see ahahah

    I swear she's dyslexic.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    My dad taught me to drive a stick shift and as we went, if I started rolling backwards, he'd stick his head out of the passenger window and shout "BACK OFF! SHE'S STILL LEARNING!". I was so embarrassed I thought I was going to melt into a puddle on the seat of the truck.

    After 10 minutes of trying to teach me stick, my dad had me stop the truck...switched me spots, looked at me and said "NEVER buy a clutch. You drive the car, it's an automatic" To this day I still cannot drive a stick...well, vehicle stick anyway :devil:
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    My step mother made me sit through Silence of the Lambs when I was like 7 or 8 (I was born in 1984 so whenever it came out on video) and every Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street movie out there to "toughen me up" -

    I am, to this day, a gigantic wimp when it comes to scary movies. Totally traumatized.

    My mom and step dad, on the other hand, tormented me in other ways. I was extremely - painfully - shy so they used to get a kick out of announcing loudly in Wal-Mart things like, "Hey Cory, we need to buy you some new UNDERWEAR" or things like that.
    Now that stuff doesn't bother me in the least, but I used to be mortified by it.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member

    Oh, also, when I was little, whenever my mom would put a facemask on (like the old school mud pack things), she would come in my room a cackle like a witch.

    It's all really funny now, but back then TERRIFYING!

    My dad once pulled a nylon stocking over his head and ran roaring into my room. Scared the crap outta me, lol.
  • rejs1170
    rejs1170 Posts: 23 Member
    My mother used to strip off all of my clothes and rub oil all over me. She also used to put her boob in my mouth.
    SICK stuff, I was just a baby!
    That B1TCH is going down!

  • snkoyle15
    bumping for later
  • bequ
    bequ Posts: 14
    I can sooo relate to the 70's homemade clothes!!! The pictures of my sisters and me wearing dresses so short our underwear would show when we bent over. Aaarg!!! But that was the fashion and we were the poster children. AND we had really short hair because our mom didn't want to deal with snarls in our hair. And of course I kept my first daughter's hair short and she still hasn't forgiven me!!!

    But I have to say, we didn't have much money and my mom hated to sew, but she did so we would have "new" clothes every year. Thanks Mom!!!! I love you and miss you with all my heart <3
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    My mom liked to scare me when I was little. One of her favorite things to do was hide in the closet and scratch at the door, saying my name in this weird, whispery voice. She also enjoyed popping out at me from around corners and sneaking up on me in the hallway, jabbing me in the sides with her fingers and making me jump a mile before sobbing my eyes out. Another brilliant idea of hers was to take me to see Scream when it came out in theaters. I was so afraid that I tried to crawl up over my seat to escape (which she thought was hilarious, of course). .__.
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Me and my brother rode in the back of the truck just about everywhere we went. We had a spare tire to sit on. Seat belts? What the hell were those? LOL

    :noway: yea! well there 8 kids in my family and my mom didn't drive, so it was mom, dad and Grandmother in the front and all us kids in the back. We would sit on each other and we put my youngest brother in the back window, my youngst sister would sit on my mom's lap. we had set belts but no one used them!:laugh:
  • lexnaj
    lexnaj Posts: 6 Member
    I was the first and there for the tester. When I was in High School I went to my first dance and my mom gave me a strict curfew. We went out to eat after the dance, but because it was so busy it was taking a long time. I called my mom to ask for another 45 minutes. She said NO. I had to ask my date to take me home. I was so embarrassed.

    Or when I was like 7 I was really really pissing my mom off. We were standing in the parking lot of the store and my mom was putting things in the trunk and I was being a royal pain. Now my parents are not the spanking kind, so I was shocked when my mom took her shoe off and beat me with it. I so deserved it lol.
  • GabeRami
    GabeRami Posts: 210 Member
    I wouldn't call it horrible, but, my Pop would call me from the backyard, I mean yell from the front room "MIJO! MIJO! Come in 'ere!" So, I'd come running in from the backyard, and he would point at the TV, 'Change the channel, I want to watch the Brewers game!" Man, that killed me. Now that he's been gone 5 years, I miss hearing him say anything.
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    My dad taught me to drive a stick shift and as we went, if I started rolling backwards, he'd stick his head out of the passenger window and shout "BACK OFF! SHE'S STILL LEARNING!". I was so embarrassed I thought I was going to melt into a puddle on the seat of the truck.

    Haha exactly why I only lasted 1 driving lesson with my cousin...the first thing he tried to do was make me drive up a hill!
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    Well, my parents did name me Robin. I don't mind it now, but the kids in school had a great time tormenting me with that one. As for what my parents actually did... Can't think of anything. Nothing really embarrassing, they did the best they could with the one child they had. :)

    Though, to be fair, somehow I've acquired the nickname "Princess" and my theme song is "I Want It All and I Want It Now" by Queen. No idea how that happened. ;) I blame them.
  • sdlr4592
    I wore long sleeve turtlenecks and sweatpants (or wind pants) until I was in the 4th grade. Those pictures now embarrass me tremendously.