Horrible things your parents did to you



  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Ah man this are hilarious!!! Those years must've been golden:laugh:
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    Mine abused me horribly!!! They made me:
    - Play outside with sports equipment
    - Learn to ride my bicycle without a helmet
    - Learn how to lose
    - make my own lunch and breakfast
    - ride my bike to school until I could drive
    - stay outside until the street lights came on
    - invent ways to play football and baseball in the street
    - drink from the hose
    - actually take care of the dogs they got for us
    - mow the lawn
    - help when dad worked on his truck (get wrenches and hold the light)
    - keep my mouth shut when the adults were talking
    - spanked my *kitten*, just like they promised if I broke a rule - no meaningless threats

    I'll never forgive them for the abuse!!! :tongue:

    I think we might be cousins or something! Because my mom made me do the same thing! Except for the football thing, the boys never let me play.... But we did invent all kinds of new moves on our roller skates! And we didn't ride our bikes with helmets either!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Never taught me how to ride a bike because I got too frustrated.

    Worse, they never taught me how to drive because my mom gets too frustrated.

    To this day I can't drive :L Learning though.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    I was only allowed to sleep in if I was ill. I couldn't lay around the house watching tv, go to the town pool with my friends, or do normal kid stuff. On weekends and summer break, my dad would wake me up at 6:00 a.m. to work with him on the farm or do house chores. Now, I am happy for experience, but I sleep in every damn chance I get to make up for lost time.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    My dad was a Marine brat so he was REALLY strict! I had to stand in the corner when I was bad til I was 17.....hands at my sides and nose in the corner. Pure torture!

    When my little sis and I fought we had to sit on the couch and hold hands for x amount of time.....more torture. My dad also kept a piece of wood trim in the car to reach in the backseat and tap us if we were sassy....I always got the last word in.....

    I am a strict parent too but not this bad...although the sibling thing might work.....hmmmmm....
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    When I was a kid despite being a huge tomboy I had hair down to my butt. I took a lot of pride in having the longest hair in class..every kid wants to be the best at something! haha. One day my mom decided that I wasn't taking good enough care of my hair (that *kitten* was hard to brush..) so she informed me she'd be cutting it. I protested, but before I could convince her not to, she put the scissors at the base of my head and chopped. I went from having the longest hair in class to the shortest (for a girl). The school year that proceeded ended up being the worst of my life. I was teased by all of my "friends" and actually ended up pretty depressed (which really got me started with writing poetry and lyrics..sooo...plus?). Their name of choice for me was "Butch"..it still makes me cringe. You can't take a tomboy and give them a boy's haircut and expect it to go ok! I can't even count how many times even adults mistakenly called me a boy. Luckily I was 12 and hitting puberty, sooooo certain bodily changes made it pretty clear shortly after that I was, in fact, a girl :)

    Thank goodness for those other bodily changes, otherwise that super mo might have confused people! Lol.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    My mother used to strip off all of my clothes and rub oil all over me. She also used to put her boob in my mouth.
    SICK stuff, I was just a baby!
    That B1TCH is going down!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Once my mom started driving away when I had just opened the door and climbed half way inside.

    She claims she didn't realize I wasn't inside the car completely...

    ... I say she was secretly trying to off me because I'm her least-favorite.
  • nikkilou1978
    nikkilou1978 Posts: 146 Member
    In middle school my father borrowed the neighbor's Ford Fairlain, which was about 5 different colors, had rust holes in the doors and fenders you could put your arm through and the headliner hung down so that it hit my head. He then came to pick me up at school when EVERYONE was standing outside, he then gets out of the car and yells my name. I was mortified! After that I asked him to park a block away.

    He also would follow me around stores and fart and run. Try explaining to people that it wasn't you.....:grumble:

    He also waited until my aunt was at the register and held up a box of tampons and shouted "Is this the right size? You need extra large, right?".

    Thank goodness he is calming down with age!
  • sand1941
    sand1941 Posts: 73 Member
    When I was eight I stopped eating tuna/fish, for whatever reason. The next year we went on a long road trip visiting national parks and hiking and such, eventually culminating in a night at a cabin in Arizona followed by a trip to a trout farm nearby. First I fell in a creek in yellowstone and was forced to walk alongside the car for nearly an hour while I dried with my dads saying the river was full of elk piss, which it probably was, and which they filmed exstensively on camera. At the end of the trip my father forced me to actively participate in the murder of young fish, saying that I had to eat whatever I caught. I cried the entire time my line was in the water and tried really hard not to catch anything, but at a trout farm its nearly impossible. I managed to only catch one fish and then was made to watch as it was gutted alive before my eyes. My dad must have said something to the fish cleaner, because they were all laughing, then, to my horror, the fish cleaner ripped the heart from my fish and chucked it into the window in front of me. Still beating it slid down the window to rest on the sill. Then we went home and my father made me eat it. I was so horrified I threw up on my plate.

    Then, after he gained custody of my brother and I, and I'd reached highschool he began making comments that I was fat, despite being 5'6" and only weighing 120lbs. Once I turned 18 I moved out, severely depressed and with a massive amount of body image and eating issues. My brother learned the behaviour from him and to this day, whenever we see each other or I visit my father, they pick at my weight to the point that I end up bawling.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I remember seeing the movie Jaws in the theater and being totally freaked out by it.
    It recently came on cable and I got to see the release date. 1975. Wtf I was 2 years old? Yeah my parents were ' those' people lol.
  • cheesenbrats
    I remember when my mom made all us kids watch Nightmare On Elmstreet ( I was very young ). When the movie was over, she made me go outside in the pitch black and pick up my toys n the backyard. I had never been more scared in my life.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I remember being like....7ish.....my brother 11, and we went for a family holiday to london, sightseeing etc.

    At the end of every day, my dad would give me and my brother an exam on what we'd seen and learnt! Every day, questions fired at us, we had to write down the answers. "When was the great fire of London?" "When was Wembley Stadium opened?" etc. He wanted to make sure we were learning on our 'holiday'! Grrrrr.....
  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    some of you I'm sorry ((hugs)) but they are funny NOW not back then
  • Stella_Leigh
    Stella_Leigh Posts: 189 Member
    My dad taught me to drive a stick shift and as we went, if I started rolling backwards, he'd stick his head out of the passenger window and shout "BACK OFF! SHE'S STILL LEARNING!". I was so embarrassed I thought I was going to melt into a puddle on the seat of the truck.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Back to school nights and open houses at school, they would ask me VERY VERY loudly how come I don't go out with that GIRL OVER THERE!!!!!!!! and then point at her.
    Meanwhile everything has stopped, even the time, and everyone is looking at us. Panic attack says what.
    Realize I grew up in the San Fernando Valley, home of the valley girl and the valley lingo...I could hear them saying uh "as if"

    I was the shyest kid ever and could barely utter a word to a girl, but it became worse after episodes like that.
    Totally scarred for me for life. My kids know the story and ask me to repeat it from time to time.
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    Me and my brother rode in the back of the truck just about everywhere we went. We had a spare tire to sit on. Seat belts? What the hell were those? LOL
  • Beatlegirl66
    Beatlegirl66 Posts: 68 Member
    I love my parents and they are wonderful people, but my Dad is one of the most embarrassing men on the planet. When I was 10 years old we took a vacation to Branson, Missouri and we were at the show, "The Shepherd of the Hills." They were having a "pre-show" where some guys were singing and a group was square dancing on stage. One of the guys singing gets on the microphone and says, "If any of you are square dancers, come down here and join us!" We were sitting at the top (cheap seats) of stadium seating, and my Dad (who does not dance) jumps up and runs down the stairs and gets on stage. No no...he doesn't dance. Instead, he grabs the microphone from the man singing and proceeds to belt out the song, "Rollin' in my Sweet Baby's Arms." My mom and I slide down in our seats trying to pretend that I did not know the man...but everyone was staring at us anyhow. Yikes!
  • RH_Brazell
    my mom put my in these ugly poofy dresses and made me wear these big ugly bows lol
  • StrawberrySt
    These stories are pure gold! (although some of them are not... they are just sad)

    My parents decided we didn't play with our family dogs enough (after having them for 6 years) so while we were at school one day, they took them to the pound. Suprise!

    Also, I once hit my little brother so mum gave him a cricket bat to hit me back with.

    But seriously, they were awesome parents!