Are you in a Low Carb diet? You need to read this



  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I will stop low carbing (Paleo Style) when someone can PROVE to me that eating Proteins, Fats and often times 3 or 4 servings of vegetables at one meal and getting my treats from fruit on occasion is unhealthy..............then and only then will I stop eating this way.

    Now excuse me while I go enjoy my afternoon tea and a grapefruit.
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I will stop low carbing (Paleo Style) when someone can PROVE to me that eating Proteins, Fats and often times 3 or 4 servings of vegetables at one meal and getting my treats from fruit on occasion is unhealthy..............then and only then will I stop eating this way.

    Now excuse me while I go enjoy my afternoon tea and a grapefruit.

    Not trying to convince you... but I am curious what would PROVE to you that it is unhealthy to have a severely restricted carb diet, for long term (90+ days).

    Who would you believe?
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I would offer to show you how to make a Pine Cone Bird Feeder, but since it's loaded with carbs I doubt I would have many takers.

    Such a shame.

    Does it involve peanut butter? I like peanut butter.
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I said I'm out of here but I couldn't resist.
    Carbs have exactly 4 calories/gram not just a certain value but to answer to your statement.
    That's not true. You cannot eat only proteins consistently day by day and gain weight. You simply cannot.
    Should I also describe why?
    Hope not.

    Carbs have 4, Protein has also 4 calories per gram.
    I fail to see your point, since eating proteing gives you the same cals as carbs.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    . With agriculture came the gross social and sexual inequality, the disease and despotism, that curse our existence.

    Unreferenced opinion piece =/= evidence.

    The claim was that there was "no disease" before agriculture. Which has already been shown to be false.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I will stop low carbing (Paleo Style) when someone can PROVE to me that eating Proteins, Fats and often times 3 or 4 servings of vegetables at one meal and getting my treats from fruit on occasion is unhealthy..............then and only then will I stop eating this way.

    Now excuse me while I go enjoy my afternoon tea and a grapefruit.

    Not trying to convince you... but I am curious what would PROVE to you that it is unhealthy to have a severely restricted carb diet, for long term (90+ days).

    Who would you believe?

    Well since I have SEVERE Metabolic Disease and my Endocrinologist is one of the TOP and Best Endo's in this country and I was told the ONLY way to keep my hormones in line due to PCOS, Thyroid and Diabetes issues - i HAVE to keep my carbs controlled.

    Anything over 80 carbs a day and I am gaining weight like a helium fills a balloon.
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I will stop low carbing (Paleo Style) when someone can PROVE to me that eating Proteins, Fats and often times 3 or 4 servings of vegetables at one meal and getting my treats from fruit on occasion is unhealthy..............then and only then will I stop eating this way.

    Now excuse me while I go enjoy my afternoon tea and a grapefruit.

    Not trying to convince you... but I am curious what would PROVE to you that it is unhealthy to have a severely restricted carb diet, for long term (90+ days).

    Who would you believe?

    Well since I have SEVERE Metabolic Disease and my Endocrinologist is one of the TOP and Best Endo's in this country and I was told the ONLY way to keep my hormones in line due to PCOS, Thyroid and Diabetes issues - i HAVE to keep my carbs controlled.

    Anything over 80 carbs a day and I am gaining weight like a helium fills a balloon.

    Totally justified in YOUR case, or anyone that has to do this for medical reasons.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    As someone studying dietetics the biggest thing that leads to weight loss that ALL STUDIES SHOW is moderation in is less then moderation out (that does not put your body into starvation mode) will lead to weight loss.

    People do lose weight on low carb diets. I know from seeing it in my own experiences and observation of body builders in my line of work. What they do not know is that most of the weight they lose is water weight from the body needing it to help flush out ketones from the bodies. (to many ketones can be bad)

    I am not saying to stop doing a low carb diet if that is your lifestyle and you enjoy it or the diet has worked for you. I am just passing on information that I have learned from my studies.

    The water weight loss is in the first few days..................Geeez. After that first week or so it is FAT loss and some minimal lean body mass (every weight loss plan you lose lean mass to an extent).

    And there is nothing dangerous about ketones.

    To the person you're quoting, ketone production is based on need. The more you exercise the more ketones you will produce. We produce ketones daily just in small amounts. This water thing is "old" yeah low carbing you do lose some water weight, and high carbing you gain some water weight, so what?

    And it's ketoacidosis that is dangerous, not ketosis. And ketoacidosis can happen in Type 1 diabetics and in the advanced stages of Type 2. Ketosis is natural (more natural to the human body than a high-carb diet). And yes, the water thing is so old. Apparently all I've lost is water. When I was doing calorie restriction I lost water because I was told that is what you lose at first (my guess is when you restrict calories you restrict carbs automatically and that's why you lose water on a calorie restriction.

    I can eat protein/fat galore and not gain an ounce. Of course I said this yesterday and was called a liar by someone who doesn't even know me. I DON'T LIE! I can overeat on protein/fat. I won't lose but I won't gain an ounce.

    I've done this on more than on occasion. You see, when you remove the carbs from the picture, well it's amazing what the human body can actually do. I'm 5'2" and 110lbs. I can put away more food than my man who is 6' and 185lbs. I do it all the time. People think I'm not eating because I have gotten so lean but I eat more than I ever have.

    And ketones are just a by-product of your body using your fat stores as fuel. So you're only losing water weight because they body needs to flush out the ketones which are a by-product of your body using fat from your fat stores as fuel. But it's only water weight.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Disease started to show it's face when agriculture was developed(carbs). Before then, there was no disease.

    This statement makes so little sense that I think my head may explode.

    If it weren't for my horse I wouldn't have spent that year in college . . .
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I can eat protein/fat galore and not gain an ounce. Of course I said this yesterday and was called a liar by someone who doesn't even know me. I DON'T LIE! I can overeat on protein/fat. I won't lose but I won't gain an ounce.

    And what happens to the surplus of energy you're taking in, if it's not stored as fat? And you don't lie, well you certainly spout a lot of half truths and pseudoscience, "Saturated fat is only bad in the presence of carbs" herp derp
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I will stop low carbing (Paleo Style) when someone can PROVE to me that eating Proteins, Fats and often times 3 or 4 servings of vegetables at one meal and getting my treats from fruit on occasion is unhealthy..............then and only then will I stop eating this way.

    Now excuse me while I go enjoy my afternoon tea and a grapefruit.

    Not trying to convince you... but I am curious what would PROVE to you that it is unhealthy to have a severely restricted carb diet, for long term (90+ days).

    Who would you believe?

    Well since I have SEVERE Metabolic Disease and my Endocrinologist is one of the TOP and Best Endo's in this country and I was told the ONLY way to keep my hormones in line due to PCOS, Thyroid and Diabetes issues - i HAVE to keep my carbs controlled.

    Anything over 80 carbs a day and I am gaining weight like a helium fills a balloon.

    Totally justified in YOUR case, or anyone that has to do this for medical reasons.

    So is it unjustified that I choose to eat low-carb (50-100g a day) despite having good health and physical fitness already? My markers were good on high-carb, but now they are great on low-carb because I went from slightly overweight to normal body weight and feel more energized during the day.
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    Hummm okay...

    We know the long term effects of eating refined sugar and wheat don't we?

    It amazes me that people are so addicted to this junk that they will do anything to disprove low carb.

    I've maintained this lifestyle of over 13 years with only some MINOR set backs.

    My dad no longer is insulin dependent from type II from low carb. And he had lost all signs of the cardic problems that he had prior. He's been maintaining nicely as well. My brother and I were pulled back from the brink of Type II when we started this lifestyle (my brother over 20 years ago). All three of us have excellent labs. My father's cardiologist is baffled.

    These researchers are so determined to continue to prove that the world is flat they will put out any study to show the world is flat.

    Shame on them for justifying this process food dependent disease creating diet to the world.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Here's my acecdotal evidence about a low carb diet: I lost a lot of weight and: my body was soft, I had migranes, I was b!tchy (even more than God made me naturally), I no longer had tummy aches. When I went back on: I had no migranes, I was normal b!tchy, I gained the weight back, every time I ate a dinner roll I thought the creature from the movie "Aliens" was going to pop out of my stomach. What I learned: my doctor was right, I'm allergic to gluten and as long as wheat is not a normal part of my lifestyle I can eat anything and maintain a healthy weight as long as I'm calorie conscious. However, if I eat the same things with wheat I don't process it properly and my rear grows like the grinch's heart. Low carb, moderate carb, there's a reason why it works for some people and not for others. Weight loss boils down to a combination of calorie control and find the correct mix of macros for your body.
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    I agree with you, "low" as in compared to what?

    I may eat 100 g per day but my overall food intake that 100 g might be 10% Carb 40% fat and 50% protein. That seems like low carb to me.

    My understanding was that if you lower carb % and increase fat % you might cause your body to try to use more fat as energy versus carbs. I've been doing 20% Carb, 40% Fat, 40% protein for a week now. I've never felt or had more energy. Seems to work for me, now I'll see if I get results from it and for how long.
    Thermodynamically there is no difference - 4 cals per gram of protein or carbs.

    However, in the real world and avoiding hunger pangs/blood sugar bounces (where on craves carb based food) a low carb diet will often help this. The main thing in dieting is over eating and the lack of large insulin releases when on a lower carb diet often prevents over eating and many find it easier. What is more, low carb can be sub 20g a day all the way up to 100-150g a day. There is no set 'low' carb diet.

    Which creates an issue - studies will not show all the variables it looks at it in a black and white way, not in any shades of grey.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Hummm okay...

    We know the long term effects of eating refined sugar and wheat don't we?

    It amazes me that people are so addicted to this junk that they will do anything to disprove low carb.

    I've maintained this lifestyle of over 13 years with only some MINOR set backs.

    My dad no longer is insulin dependent from type II from low carb. And he had lost all signs of the cardic problems that he had prior. He's been maintaining nicely as well. My brother and I were pulled back from the brink of Type II when we started this lifestyle (my brother over 20 years ago). All three of us have excellent labs. My father's cardiologist is baffled.

    These researchers are so determined to continue to prove that the world is flat they will put out any study to show the world is flat.

    Shame on them for justifying this process food dependent disease creating diet to the world.

    Your father's cardiologist should be talking to some of the cardiologists at Washington University in St Louis. A controlled carb lifestyle with high fat, moderate protein and controlled carbs (fruit and vegetable carbs).

    With eating as natural as possible, the body will heal itself. I have a family member that had a heart attack and CHD, high cholesterol, etc. Went on the Paleo lifestyle and within 6 months healed his body to where there is no evidence that he had high cholesterol, the scarring from his heart attack is gone and all blood work is better than it has been in a long, long time.......
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Mncardiojunki, it is not the researches but the processed food manufactures. They are behind of everything.:explode:
    Hummm okay...

    We know the long term effects of eating refined sugar and wheat don't we?

    It amazes me that people are so addicted to this junk that they will do anything to disprove low carb.

    I've maintained this lifestyle of over 13 years with only some MINOR set backs.

    My dad no longer is insulin dependent from type II from low carb. And he had lost all signs of the cardic problems that he had prior. He's been maintaining nicely as well. My brother and I were pulled back from the brink of Type II when we started this lifestyle (my brother over 20 years ago). All three of us have excellent labs. My father's cardiologist is baffled.

    These researchers are so determined to continue to prove that the world is flat they will put out any study to show the world is flat.

    Shame on them for justifying this process food dependent disease creating diet to the world.
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    So what you are saying is .... the EGG did come before the TURKEY. Sweet!

    My intention for posting this study from Stanford, was to give another piece of information to low-carb dieters, so that they can better make a decision.

    I am concerned at a personal level, that some low-carb dieters are going to extremes that may be unhealthy, as the study quotes from several medical associations.

    However, I am not going to try to convince anyone here of not doing low carbs; several years ago, experimenting like many with diets, I did try the low carb diet.

    If I had been informed at the time, as the study shows, that weight reduction is not improved by a low-carb diet, I would not have tried it.

    I just wished that MFP or similar had been available before !
    MFP gives me the opportunity to reduce weight, while keeping a Balanced diet. No need for low carbs, or low protein, or any extreme diet.
    Concentrating in only the carbs, I would be missing the whole picture. Now that I use MFP, I also monitor Sodium, Fiber, Cholesterol, Fat.

    Again, that is my way and I wish everyone the best of luck with their diets ! :bigsmile:

    I am happy to have the study out, and everyone can make their own decision.

    Disease started to show it's face when agriculture was developed(carbs). Before then, there was no disease.

    First Taubes, now Paleo nonsense. Do you have anything to support this?

    And look at this one and look how many carbs they were eating

    Paleolithic nutrition revisited: A twelve-year retrospective on its nature and implications. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997) 51, 207±216 paleolithic nutrtion&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CC0QFjAB&url=

    like your ASP nonsense, and your "protein increases insulin" ?? i got to go to school we'll talk about this later.

    Yup ASP is nonsense

    Metabolic response of Acylation Stimulating Protein to an oral fat load. November 1989 The Journal of Lipid Research, 30, 1727-1733.

    "ASP appears to be the most potent stimulant of triglyceride synthesis yet described"

    and protein isn't insulinogenic at all, unless it is

    Scroll down to table 4 for the results

    Holt Et al. An insulin index of foods: the insulin demand generated by 1000-kJ portions of common foods. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol 66, 1264-1276

    The acute effects of four protein meals on insulin, glucose, appetite and energy intake in lean men. British Journal of Nutrition (2010), 104 : pp 1241-1248

  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    As you can see from these two graphs there is a correlation between the rise in carbohydrate intake and the rise in obesity. Is it just a coincidence that both carbohydrate consumption and obesity rose significantly from the 1976-1980 range up until the 2000s? (Figure 2 - Obesity rates) (Figures 1 & 2 - macronutrient intake)

    OMG I am very concerned. It's getting hot and piratey up in here.

    why yes, yes it is! hehe
  • KXanthos
    KXanthos Posts: 189 Member
    As someone who has done both low carb and "normal" carb low calorie diets, I can attest to the fact that you lose weight a LOT faster on a low carb diet. In 1.5 months I could have easily lost as much weight as I have lost in 4 months on my "normal" carb low calorie diet. The problem, however, is that low carb diets don’t provide the education needed to keep the weight off. Therefore I, and many of my fellow low carb dieters, have ended up putting the weight back on. Hence my current low calorie approach....

    That said, all of the theories behind low carb diets make perfect sense to me. Back in the day before ovens, refrigerators, and genetically modified foods people ate what was available to them; this meant nutrient and fiber (complex carbohydrates) dense veggies and fruits only when they were in season (and I might add that today's genetically modified versions of these fruits and veggies contain a lot more sugar) and meat (which was leaner because it roamed free) when they could hunt and catch it. There was no bread and no pasta...Simple carbs simply didn’t exist. This, it makes sense to me, is how our bodies were designed to eat and explains why low carb diets work so well. Unfortunately, it is a lifestyle that is difficult, if not impossible, to maintain in our current environment...
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    Hummm okay...

    We know the long term effects of eating refined sugar and wheat don't we?

    It amazes me that people are so addicted to this junk that they will do anything to disprove low carb.

    I've maintained this lifestyle of over 13 years with only some MINOR set backs.

    My dad no longer is insulin dependent from type II from low carb. And he had lost all signs of the cardic problems that he had prior. He's been maintaining nicely as well. My brother and I were pulled back from the brink of Type II when we started this lifestyle (my brother over 20 years ago). All three of us have excellent labs. My father's cardiologist is baffled.

    These researchers are so determined to continue to prove that the world is flat they will put out any study to show the world is flat.

    Shame on them for justifying this process food dependent disease creating diet to the world.

    Did you read the study?

    I did, and there is no statement there that suggests they are promoting processed foods.

    I am happy for your results on a low carb, to avoid Type II; I am no doctor, but it is plausible a low carb diet is the way to go for specific cases.

    The study was a compilation of all the available evidence out there.

    It did say there is not enough evidence to say it is unhealthy; what it does state clearly is that a Low Carb diet, for the sole purpose of reducing weight, has no advantage over a regular carb diet.