Sixers Spring Into Summer - Week 4



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Aww B, big hugs. Honestly, what's with today?! I'm so sorry to hear it. Just keep talking to us and keep taking your frustrations and sadness out at the gym. We'll help you get through this :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    just wanted to let you know if you don't hear from me for awhile. i am ok, DH just got fired.

    Oh no:sad:
    Our thoughts are with you, dear.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tiff - great positive thinking. Things WILL work out the way they should, of this I am a firm believer.

    :flowerforyou: Brit - you did have a terrible day. I'm so sorry. Let it out. Take out the emotions at the gym. It will get better and the sunshine will return in your world, dear.

    Weigh in day, Sixers. I'm dreading it. ha
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I hope today is a happier one for the Sixers!

    I'm down a lb from Tuesday. WITH my "industrial-grade oops" the other day. Just goes to show the critical importance of getting back on track IMMEDIATELY!

    I'm going to pick up my race package today!! So wild :bigsmile:
    so... new user name... I tried to log on last night... it told me my account did not exist??? what??? NO!!! so I tried again in the morning, same deal... so I had to sign up all over again :grumble: but that's okay... I guess a random fresh start is cool... anyways seems like today is off to a rough start for everyone... so heads up girls!!! :flowerforyou: we can get through all of this!!!!!

    B. sorry to hear about the BF drama... :heart: BUT congrats on the great workout... you would be proud I did my cardio kick boxing class last night and only had 2 beers (stayed within my calories) :bigsmile:
    :drinker: Pedal.. the lbs just keep falling off of you!!! :flowerforyou: Congrats!!!!!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Pedal- thanks! *hug* I really love you Sixers. YAY RACE PACKAGE!

    Lauryn- I cannot wait to get to the gym tonight and pound out my frustrations.

    Redsox- WOAH on the new user name.. and thats a bummer.. I loved ur ticker haha! And yay on the two beers and the cardio! SOOO COOL! we probably won't hear from you today but have a GREAT friday and Weekend!

    SO today was a little brighter.. but its.. hard.. sigh. I SOOO cannot wait to get to the gym tonight and just pound out everythign. I know it wil help sooo much. I am trying to live in the moment, and am certainly trying to find the beauty in small things or the pleasure in small things.. The hardest part for me right now is that Grant kind of swooped up and saved me after the miscarriage. he was there for me, he was like a guardian angel. And it hurts sooooooooo much that I cannot save him. That I couldnt save him, that it is going to have to take more then just me to do this. That is honestly what has shattered my heart. Sigh but I am only human right?

    Okay well i needs to go to class I guess so later loves! HAVE WONDERFUL WEEKENDS!

    To everyone else.. HI! how are you!? WHERE YA AT?!?!?!
    Hey Sixers, I am off for the weekend... but I will check back in on Monday. Have a great weekend girls!!!! :flowerforyou: I plan to stay within a 1200 - 1400 calorie range each day, and do cardio (walk, run, roller blade) sat. and sun... today is an off day :drinker: So that is the plan... now all I have to do is stick to it :laugh: Hopefully my new workout routine will pay off on Tuesday :bigsmile:
    :heart: em
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey girls! I'm here. Happy Friday! Busy day for me so no time to chat! Have a good weekend and I'll be back on Monday!:flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    B - one day at a time!! Leave it all at the gym tonight :flowerforyou:

    Em, I would FREAK OUT if my account disappeared. I have SO MANY saved meals that I enter. *shudder* And I'll sure take seeing that scale move again - it has been since the end of November!! Actually, that's not totally accurate... I've seen it ADD 10lbs since then :grumble: But in a few weeks I'm confident I'll be back down to my December 6th weight of 167 and then I'll REALLY feel like it's progress (rather than just an unfortunate make-up for some bad months!) As long as I'm back down to 170 before June 8th I'm happy. That will be my 1-year mark on MFP!

    Kristin, have a great weekend!

    Everyone else, ALSO have a great weekend! Wish me luck for Sunday's run!! :wink:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    SO today was a little brighter.. but its.. hard.. sigh. I SOOO cannot wait to get to the gym tonight and just pound out everythign. I know it wil help sooo much. I am trying to live in the moment, and am certainly trying to find the beauty in small things or the pleasure in small things.. The hardest part for me right now is that Grant kind of swooped up and saved me after the miscarriage. he was there for me, he was like a guardian angel. And it hurts sooooooooo much that I cannot save him. That I couldnt save him, that it is going to have to take more then just me to do this. That is honestly what has shattered my heart. Sigh but I am only human right?

    so true b, just get through the day. i pounded out my anger at the gym this morning, but, the HR wouldn't go up, made me even madder. so i just gave up with little over 600 burnt. when DH left to job hunt this morning is when i had my break down and cried, beat up on the couch and poor boomer (dog) went under the bed for awhile. i am trying so hard to look at the positive, which is so hard. i know that it was wrong of him to be fired. just because him and boss butted heads since day one.
    but, b anyway your man won't change until HE is ready to change. you needed and wanted him there for you and he was. he isn't ready yet. someday he will be.

    later :heart:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I have butterflies in my stomach... A friend of mine who is also running the 10k this weekend just told me she's registering for a half marathon training clinic that starts in June. We have an internationally-renowned marathon in our city every October and I was thinking I'd aim to do the half marathon next year (in 18 mo's) but she's totally got me thinking and wondering whether I'd be able to pull off 21.1km by October 11th. As with the upcoming 10k (and pretty much every other race that happens in the city proper here), the course is based entirely around my neighbourhood so I wouldn't have to travel to train on the course. There is no rhyme or reason to my posting this, just that I'm sitting here staring at the computer and pouring through the RVM website looking at the half and the 8k road race and finally I realized I don't have to decide anything right now! :laugh: I guess I'll see how Sunday goes (which should tell me a lot considering I've done ZERO training for this - I haven't even run in weeks!) and then decide whether I want to commit to the rigorous training that would be involved in preparing for a half marathon or whether I should focus on 10k's for the year, get my running up then do the half next year. The thing is, I'll turn 30 a week before next year's marathon and it would be SO COOL to take a shot at the full marathon.

    Anyway, back to cleaning. There was my rant :bigsmile: :laugh: :tongue:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    B- Sorry to hear about al lthe drama! But I am SOO proud of those workoutS!!! :heart: When I was going through a break up in college I started running every day... and by the time I got over the heart break.... I was fitter mentally and physically! :-) Know that you are becoming a stronger person with every situation you survive! And keep talking to us so we can encourage you!!! ( I may need some encouraging pretty soon :ohwell: )

    Pedalhound- Have fun on the 10K!!! Tamm and I did one and they are SOOO much fun. Don't focus on time, don't get frustrated or discouraged... JUST HAVE FUN!!! One foot in front of the other! That's gotten me through plenty of races and some marathons too! Mind over Matter :-)!!! WOOOHHOOOOO!!!

    I had the best workout yesterday and today!!!

    Can't remember if I told you all: yesterday I did 30 min walk, 65 min Cardio Latin/ZUMBA - that workout was amaziing AND I stood in the front to make sure I did not slack off. TALK ABOUT A WORKOUT my body is sore! - PLUS a 15 min run and 15 mins on the arc trainer! WHEW! :noway: :laugh: Hope to see results soon!

    Today: I did a 30 min dance routine/workout with my own music and own moves! I wore my HRM and my heart rate stayed about 160 or so. So I think I was working pretty hard! :-) May do a little more later! Back to studying for me! Bye!

    :heart: you sixers! I really l enjoy the support you guys give!!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :heart: Heya Sixers!!! We are the best group ever!!! I have missed you all. It seems like I haven't posted at all this week.

    Rhiannon- Go for it!!! You will do great. When your motivation soars, take the ride. YAY!!! Oh and that 1/2 marathon sounds like something I would love to travel to complete. Let me know more when you get time!

    Cathy- Sorry to hear about your husbands job. I wish you guys the best. Things will workout. Praying for you!!!

    B- You will definitely survive this. Life can throw us some awful blows when we least expect it but when we emerge, even with scars all over, we are stronger and much better. Best wishes, you can do it. HUGS!!!

    Red-Sox (EM)- You are doing great. I hope your routine pays off. Actually I'm sure it will. YAY, oh by the way... I'm not a morning person either, I've just decided that a morning workout gets my responsibilities out the way early. I just look at my fat pictures and a victoria secret catalog that's on my bed near my alarm clock and I HOP right out the bed and the sleepiness disappears. LOL.

    Tiff- You are doing great. I really hope the scale starts showing you all your hard work soon.

    Amylou- hope you are doing well.

    Lauryn- I'm sending you a SMILE!!! Best wishes!

    Shanell- glad you are losing weight again. Congrats!!

    To all others.... I'm thinking of you and wishing you the best!!

    Well I'm off on fridays and I really enjoyed today, I woke up to let the dog out and then I slept until 11 am. Then I cleaned and did a new Hip Hop Dance DVD and then I walked 5 miles threw a nature trail. I felt good. So..... April is coming to a close and I'm going to analyze my results. If its not to my liking, I plan to get the best personal trainer and look for better results in May!!!

    Ttyl.... Take care,

    Tamm :drinker: :drinker:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    :love: DrTamm you are SUPER motivational today! lol...

    I just ran 5 miles in the HOT HOT sun... *AND if my ipod is right I did it in 48-50 mins. GREAT! :noway: not sure how accurate it is though because I usually slow down when I get super hot, but I did feel like I was workign hard today! My heart rate was 160 and reached 200 at some point. Then I slowed down so I wouldn't die! :laugh: I am sweating up a storm,... lol And even though I am back home I'm STILL sweating. Sad :love: LOL! Just playing I love it! And I'm hoping some pounds are leaving me too!

    I started using the mfp tools yesterday! I only came on here for the message board previously! lol. So I burned 700 calories today-so far- . And it says I should eat 1900 cals today. I think I won't eat that many... but nice to see it thinks I can

    Do you guys use it, and is that how you have lost your weight!?

    I'm feeling great toeday, my body is getting tighter and I feel lighter though the scale doesn't agree AND those inches are getting smaller too! Well, I have to finish studying but it was nice getting some fresh air and using my body! Now I can sit all day.... :noway:

    Have a great day Sixers!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Came back to add... I am looking forward to eating a delicious salad today!!! YAY! I love the spring/summer because I start craving healthy foods- AND instead of trying to squeeze hamburgers and fries in my calories... I hope to start eating foods that will support my health. But a few fries never hurt anyone... LOL :flowerforyou: :laugh:

    OK bye@
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    tiff....i only add 400 to my calories and the rest i consider extra. there are days where i eat them all. i have been playing around for so long and never long enough to see if anything works.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Tiff good for you!! Amazing run :happy: I've been using the spreadsheet here since the start. I've got 5 macronutrients across the bottom and I divide the meals into timeslots instead (7-11, 11-2, 2-5, 5-9) and then I strive to have a good balance among the macronutrients in the summary of each time slot, not just as a daily total. It's the best way for me to keep my system balanced and healthy because I'm assuring a steady stream of all I need and I'm able to taper my calories toward the end of the day. I LOVE the tools on here.

    Tamm, check out :glasses: And after thinking about it, dreaming about it last night and thinking some more, I believe that unless something goes horribly wrong tomorrow I'll get in on the early registration for the half marathon after my race tomorrow :noway: :noway: :noway: and start to get my pre-training schedule in order. Official training starts May 24th :glasses: I REALLY want to go for this. :bigsmile:

    Okay, off to town to get some good socks for tomorrow then groceries for our dinner / race after-party tomorrow! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Oh, and I'm down almost another .5 lb:love:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Kristen... I think your baby's a girl!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    off I go..... :bigsmile: