You Know You're A Mom (or Dad) When....



  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    -when your kid is chanting along with the lady on the aerobics video.. single single double.
    -when your kid takes out a pan, eggs, oil, and spoon so I can fry him an egg.
    -when I watch PBS Kids all day. Even if they're re-runs.
    -when every step you take is followed by "*kitten*" because you stepped on a hot wheels car
    -when you're driving into town and your kid is yellng at you to go that way because he wants to go to "mallmart" (walmart)
    -when you can't take a crap in peace because your kid's banging on the door for you to open it
    -when you can't remember the last time you took a shower alone
    -when your healthy meal becomes a meal for 2.
    -when you're doing jumping jack and your kid is being supportive saying jump mami jump.
    -when your kid sings along with you to Someone Like You by Adele and sounds better than you.

    I got a lot more!

    By the way, he is a month shy of 3 years old.
  • EnEsMama
    When your friends are letting you listen to their voice mail because your 1 1/2 year old called them and left a message.
  • VodkaSalad37
    VodkaSalad37 Posts: 66 Member
    Hahaha! You reminded me of another!

    When your 2 year old pulls your capital one credit card out of your wallet in the store and hands it to the next passerby to show them the picture of her and her brother. Yeah, that happened.

    My 8-year-old son does this with my CapitalOne card. He is so proud of his picture on it. He says that that card can only be used to buy stuff for him....
  • VodkaSalad37
    VodkaSalad37 Posts: 66 Member
    When the phone rings and you start singing the Wonder Pets theme song. The phone, the phone is ringing. Lol.

    yes. this.
  • GabeRami
    GabeRami Posts: 210 Member
    WHen you start humming the Spongebob Squarepants theme...AT WORK!
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    Aw these are so cute :) Makes me wanna wake up and cuddle my baby! ha ha

    When you get excited and start singing along to a song on shuffle and then realize that its a song from Imagination movers (disney)
    When all your crayons have bite marks.
    When you hear an airplane and instantly think to say out loud, "look, airplane" even when your indoors.
    When your DVR, has countless Mickey Mouse Club House episodes, etc.
    When you've watched Toy Story 1&2 at least 8 times in one week.
    When have raisins scattered across the living room and freak out thinking its rodent poop.
    When you have a binky in your workout sweater :)
    When anything you eat becomes a serving for two...
    Ah but kids are the best! :)
  • zombelina
    zombelina Posts: 17 Member
    You actually appreciate getting up at 6.30 so you can do yoga without your toddler playing under your feet.

    You're still stood at said toddler's bedroom door at 6.58, just because you miss watching him sleep.

  • Tkwild
    Tkwild Posts: 116 Member
    I'm a step mum to two small boys. My "OMG I'm a mum" moments were:
    Unexpectedly pulling a small pair of thomas underwear out of my handbag
    Saying loudly "NO! Don't paint your penis!"
  • Tkwild
    Tkwild Posts: 116 Member
    WHen you start humming the Spongebob Squarepants theme...AT WORK!

    Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? ;)

    Also when you start singing the backback song when you see a backpack.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    When you have to catch puke in your hand.

    This happened to me yesterday. 7 yr old son got car sick.
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    you tell your friends "excuse me I have to go potty"

    when you enjoy Sesame Street as much as son

    When you wear pj pants and shirts up until the moment you leave house cause you are bound to get spit up on your nice clothes

    when you sniff a babies butt to see if its poopy

    get excited more about buying baby clothes and toys other than stuff for yourself

    narrate your whole day in the form of made up songs
  • grumpytroll
    grumpytroll Posts: 48 Member
    When you go to the supermarket child free in the evening and you class it as a night out!
  • dvcab
    dvcab Posts: 78
    After reading all these i have tears in my eyes aghhh all the memories that im starting to relive with my grandson though i must say IM REALLY REALLY OVER LIGHTNING MCQUEEN. But when his little face screws up when i say cant we watch something else my heart just melts
  • jankleberry

    Also when you start singing the backback song when you see a backpack.

  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member

    -when you can't remember the last time you took a shower alone

    I literally can't!
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    -when your child use something you said to them against you
    My son always wants to watch Lion King or Toy Story over and over and over. So one day he asked to watch the Lion King and I said "Baby, the Lion King is sleep so you can't watch it ringht now" and then he asked to watch the Toy Story and I said the same thing about the Toy Story being asleep.
    Well the next day we were playing in his room with his stuff animals and I told him I wanted to play with his blue bear and he said "No, mommy" and then I added a "please" and my son looks at me and states "No mommy, blue bear sleep"....lmao!
  • jankleberry
    When you go to the supermarket child free in the evening and you class it as a night out!


    Or when you go to the supermarket child free and realise you are now just talking to yourself out loud, theres no toddler there to answer you.
  • jankleberry

    When you wear pj pants and shirts up until the moment you leave house cause you are bound to get spit up on your nice clothes

    I do this every day!
  • ashliehawk
    I hide in my bedroom to eat, just so I can actually eat my food before my kids do

    I wake up with package of hot dogs thrown in my face and bottle ketchup flying towards me

    I feel bad if I buy anything for myself

    While putting on makeup i am being told every color i own, where on my face it goes, while fighting littles hands trying to put it on my face

    Ha ha I stand at the mircowave and eat and when I see my 3 yr old coming I throw my food in there so he don't want it. I take the time to add it in my calorie intake so then that messes me up when he wants to share with me lol. He could have just eatn a full meal and still want mine!
  • ashliehawk
    When going to the bathroom you sit a little longer just to get some peace and quiet. I find myself doing that often and I take big relaxing deep breath! LOL