You Know You're A Mom (or Dad) When....



  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    When puke, snot, pee and poop dont make you even flinch

    When you have more toys and hair ties in your purse then "grown up" stuff

    When you answer someone elses kid cus you heard a cry for "MOMMY"

    When you hear a screaming baby at the store and start rocking your own shopping cart back and forth in an attemp to hush the crying baby (even though YOUR "baby" is 6)

    When you can sing every theme song to every PBS Kids cartoon...and think its fun

    When you can quote Phineas and Ferb

    When you go and watch your "baby" sleeping in the middle of the night and have to fight back tears that she is 6 now

    When watching "A Baby Story" on TLC makes you cry EVERY time cus you are remembering your own labor and deliverey

    Gosh....I could go on but I think that will do for now! lol
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    You've picked up poop off the floor with your bare hand.

    You point out cows and horses or machinery as you're driving, and realize its just you and the husband for once, and he isn't fascinated by them.

    That heart attack moment when driving home where you think you forgot the kids but they're at home with a babysitter.

    That freeing moment when you realize you're out of the house without the kids, and there isn't a single juice box, diaper, or snack cup in your purse. But there will always be wipes... They're so handy!

    Also, you have an unspoken pact with all other parents you know: No noisy toys as gifts. Haha
  • kristy919
    kristy919 Posts: 13 Member
    When you go to the supermarket child free in the evening and you class it as a night out! it. I've circled around the store after I was finished just to stay out longer. All of these are great and made me smile this morning. Thanks all...
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    When you look for a pen in your purse and find 2 goldfish, a matchbox car, 7 crayons, a dried out wipe and at least a handful of stickers, a cool rock, a dried dandelion...but no pen. *sigh*

    I love love love all the previous ones, I am going to make a list and put it in my scrapbook of the boys. And yes, I DO sing all of the songs from Disney and Nick! After 4 boys they are forever imbedded in my memory!
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    When you go to the supermarket child free in the evening and you class it as a night out! it. I've circled around the store after I was finished just to stay out longer. All of these are great and made me smile this morning. Thanks all...

    Oh yeah, I let people go ahead of me in line! Dad has the kids, I'm in NO rush to get home!
  • swthrtsmrf
    Love this thought!

    You know you're a mom when you do laundry and find cars in the dryer!
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    When you find your purse in the bin, the toilet roll in the kitchen sink and socks EVERYWHERE because they try to "help" put things away
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    When you open your mouth and at the exact same time your child sneeze's in it. It happens to me all. the. time.
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    When you open your mouth and at the exact same time your child sneeze's in it. It happens to me all. the. time.

    Or when you lean in for a goodnight kiss and they burp milk breath in your mouth!
  • anarose13
    anarose13 Posts: 222 Member
    I became acutely aware of the amazing gift of being a mother when my son came home from Iraq after a year-long deployment and I got to see the man he had become.

    this one is my favorite!

    when you know more Spanish from watching dora then from taking classes in high school....
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    When going to the bathroom you sit a little longer just to get some peace and quiet. I find myself doing that often and I take big relaxing deep breath! LOL

    My child comes with me and shouts wee wee at the top of her voice! There's no getting away haha
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    .... you're lying on your back on the floor, palms out, eyes closed, and Jillian is pep talking you from the TV and that is all your hear as you breathe in and out, in and out....

    ...... because you've learned to tune out the children sitting on your stomach, poking you in the eyes and yelling "GET UP MOM! NO SLEEPING!"

    Let's hear yours!

    If I take a short break my daughter yells at me "Mom! your not done working out yet!" yea......then she works out with me to get me going again...gotta love two year olds!
  • usernamejoe
    usernamejoe Posts: 219 Member
    when your 7 year old is online trying to bu toys, but using your insurance card info as the "credit card" - luckily I saved myself from 100 dollars worth of plastic power rangers. LOL!!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    When you are feeding your 15 month old grandtwins their morning weetabix and the boy twin sneezes his breakfast into Grammy's ear
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    When the phone rings and you start singing the Wonder Pets theme song. The phone, the phone is ringing. Lol.
    I'm a teacher and I got my students doing this every time my classroom phone rings because I did it so often
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    when you actually enjoy watching cartoons over adult shows
    when having drool and snot marks on your shirt and it doesnt bother you(well actually I didnt notice it !!!!)
    when you'd rather stay home because going out is too much effort and chaos
    when you wont go anywhere without them because you miss them too much
    for you girls out there who are not moms yet, this stuff might sound crazy but it is WELL worth it, babies are a gift!
  • giggles1973
    giggles1973 Posts: 143 Member
    When you are able to talk on he phone with so much commotion going on in the background and the person talking to you asks if you have to go... When in reality you don't even hear it because you have learned to tune it all out :smile:
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    .... you're lying on your back on the floor, palms out, eyes closed, and Jillian is pep talking you from the TV and that is all your hear as you breathe in and out, in and out....

    ...... because you've learned to tune out the children sitting on your stomach, poking you in the eyes and yelling "GET UP MOM! NO SLEEPING!"

    Let's hear yours!
    this is cute! I dont like doing ab exercises when my 11 month old is awake because when Im on the floor she climbs all over me and i cant do anything,
    If I take a short break my daughter yells at me "Mom! your not done working out yet!" yea......then she works out with me to get me going again...gotta love two year olds!
    babies crawl on their mommies if they are on the floor exercising!
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    When you tell your kids Icarly and sponge bob are re-runs and they agree.
    the cool uncle gives the kids extra batterys for the toys they just got
  • mrssmith636
    mrssmith636 Posts: 80 Member
    You make up a peepee, poopoo song for your toddler during potty training..... and you catch yourself singing it while YOU'RE going to the restroom....

    Food, boogers, and other bodily functions become part of your everyday wardrobe....

    You could feed the hungry by the crumbs of food left in the car seat and floor.....

    You have to watch the words that come out of your mouth because your 16 month old WILL REPEAT EVERYTHING.....

    farts become funny again.....

    You can't wait to get home from work so that you can hug and kiss your kids and ask about their day....