You Know You're A Mom (or Dad) When....



  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    Of older kids

    you don't bother answering the door/phone anymore 'cos you know its not for you or hubby

    you hide chocolate and treats away if you want to eat them

    stop going in their rooms for personal health and safety reasons

    you have watched every jim carey and naff B movie horror film going

    you realised your own mum was actually right all those years go

    martyxxx.....mum to an 11yo(going on 18) and 9yo boys...and boys smell bad unless pushed to the bathroom lol
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Sitting in front of the potty, holding a stuffed giraffe, singing "Mister Giraffe likes to dance, dance, Mister Giraffe, dance dance, Mister Giraffe likes to dance dance, while Anna goes potty. Potty potty little Anna, potty potty, Anna, Anna likes go potty, while Mister Giraffe dances."

  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I became acutely aware of the amazing gift of being a mother when my son came home from Iraq after a year-long deployment and I got to see the man he had become.

    NOW THIS makes it all seem insignificant eh!
    Hope he's safe and you are proud... you should be.

    For me, it's sitting up at 11.40pm when you're shattered and want to go to bed.. but your 2 year old is playing pirates eating a croissant (which you would love to eat) because she is being a bit minx like! Hope she's back in bed soon.. I don't like this new routine!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    You hear yourself say the strangest things, like, "Get your toes out of your mouth! They are DIRTY!"

    Your son comes home on leave and you're dying to cook all his favorite meals, but it's so hard to quit looking at him long enough to start.

    You wake up happy to hear their voices and go to sleep only after peeking in to take one more look at that sweet face.

    You love a guy with all your heart, then it's time for him to get to know your children and he's a jerk to them. Suddenly there is no reason to ever see him again. And you don't miss him.
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    when youre watching nick and your kid isnt even home!!

  • lexidell46
    when your child hides the money from your purse. to pay the electric bill and folds into a diaper in the diaper bag for safe keeping. Or trying to eat a piece of candy behind three closed doors and the kids want some also they cant hear you telling to clean their room. but sure can hear that candy wrapper a over the t.v.
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    when your at work and a lil kid is trying to find there mom and you turn cause you hear "Mom" being called
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    when you make your child apologize to their Teddy bear for hurting Teddy's feelings by throwing him...
    when you are wearing Tinkerbell or Hello Kitty bandaids yourself because that is all you have in the medicine cabinet....
    when you slam on the brakes to avoid a bunny and get hit in the head with a Barbie left in the backseat (ow)...
    when you proudly wear a macaroni necklace to work....
    when you are at Chuckie Cheese by choice.....
    and of course, when you spit on a kleenex and wipe something crusty off your child's face before walking into school....
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    when you say, "No baby, it's spicy!" no matter what you are eating just so you don't have to share... (and I wonder why I have to lose so much weight?? lol)
    when you willingly pay top dollar for all kinds of fresh fruit because you are so thankful your child loves it.
    when the last thing you do at night is look in on your beautiful sleeping child

    and when that child is at her dad's for an overnight, you have to turn the nightlight on in her room because you can't stand it being dark in there....
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    when almost nothing phases you anymore, because you have seen it, heard it, smelled it, done it all........

    when you ask your friends if anyone has to use the bathroom before you leave one locality for another.........

    when girls' night out becomes the most important night of the entire month!!!!
  • bigredhearts
    I became acutely aware of the amazing gift of being a mother when my son came home from Iraq after a year-long deployment and I got to see the man he had become.

    Aww - this is beautiful. I totally look forward to watching another person's personal growth way more since I became a mother. Thanks to you and your son for your sacrifice.

  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    When you sit on, step on, slide on or trip over tiny little two prong lego pieces all over your house...

    Oh, and you have a giant 3,417 piece Death star lego thing on your coffee table. Sigh. Style magazine is gonna pass by house this year...again.

  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    When your on the final resting pose of stress relieving yoga and your three year old sneak attacks and jumps on your stomache!!! That was rough
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    I'm a step mum to two small boys. My "OMG I'm a mum" moments were:
    Unexpectedly pulling a small pair of thomas underwear out of my handbag
    Saying loudly "NO! Don't paint your penis!"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Don't paint your penis had me laughing..My hubby was like "OMG what is sooo funny?" Pretty sure I have said that.

    When you hold out your hand to catch your childs puke.
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    When your friends are letting you listen to their voice mail because your 1 1/2 year old called them and left a message.
    Oh this is great.. happened many times with my now eight yr. old daughter .. LOL
  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    when youre watching nick and your kid isnt even home!!


    And this one!!!
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    When you find yourself telling your co-workers and random family and friends that YOU have to go POTTY !!!
  • dancin2011
    dancin2011 Posts: 92 Member

    narrate your whole day in the form of made up songs

    YES!! THIS! I am so glad I am not the only one!
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    when youre watching nick and your kid isnt even home!!


    And this one!!!
    here too :)
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    This thread is my favorite!!! I can totally relate to everything everyone has already listed!! Never get actual songs stuck in my head.. No way!! It's more like the theme songs for SUPER WHY or WORD WORLD... lol.. Or the songs from his Leap Frog Scout dog.... I can recite word for word the movie Cars.. He eats our food even if he's just eaten his own plate... Our food always seems more appealing to him lol.. When he calls 911 and babbles... When you decide to film him playing in the bath because you never want to forget what he's like at this age, and then all of a sudden he starts peeing in the bathtub.. Not once, but twice... Priceless! =)

    And finally.. you know you're a mom when you never realized just how much you could love another human being until the first time you laid eyes on your child...

    I am mom to a 2 yr old boy, and we are going to be trying for another one soon!