Bob Harper was WRONG last night about Soy



  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Nuts are the #1 food allergen but it's not unhealthy unless you eat massive amounts of it. All soy studies concluding "potenital" unfavorable results consisted of over double the average consumption, which is excessive even in Asian nations.

    So if you're allergic, stay away. If it doesn't sit well, don't drink it. If you do eat/drink it and feel fine, then that's ok too. But it is good to be aware of what excessive use can do and what exactly qualifies as excessive according to your current BMI and/or weight goals. The same can be said with protein in general.

    In any case, here are other studies I found on

    Effect of a phytoestrogen food supplement on reproductive health in normal males.

    Neurobehavioral effects of dietary soy phytoestrogens.

    Soyfoods, soybean isoflavones, and bone health: a brief overview. While research has been favorable on this topic, further research is requred.

    Soyfoods, isoflavones and risk of colonic cancer: a review of the in vitro and in vivo data.

    Effect of protein source and resistance training on body composition and sex hormones.

    Consumption of fat-free fluid milk after resistance exercise promotes greater lean mass accretion than does consumption of soy or carbohydrate in young, novice, male weightlifters. --while milk was found to be more effective in this study, it should be noted that soy also had a significant increase in lean mass accretion ... however, there were no differences in strength.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I just reviewed all the posts about soy and learned a few things. Now, can someone enlighten me as to who the heck "Bob Harper" is? At first I thought he was someone who posted, but it appears he must be on tv in some capacity, but I was wondering where. Just curious.

    He's one of the two trainers on Biggest loser on NBC

    Thanks for answering my question. I seldom watch network tv, so I am not familiar with who is on that show. From all the ads I have run across, I thougnt this Jillian woman ran the whole show by herself.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I just reviewed all the posts about soy and learned a few things. Now, can someone enlighten me as to who the heck "Bob Harper" is? At first I thought he was someone who posted, but it appears he must be on tv in some capacity, but I was wondering where. Just curious.

    He's one of the two trainers on Biggest loser on NBC

    Thanks for answering my question. I seldom watch network tv, so I am not familiar with who is on that show. From all the ads I have run across, I thougnt this Jillian woman ran the whole show by herself.

    Haha, had no idea who he was either.
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    It didnt surprise me but it does piss me off.

    And big Ron the dad? he thought olive oil has trans fat in it. After months on the show he doesnt know about that? The show should be ashamed he was so stupid

    The misinformation on such a show is just absurd and is dangerous.

    I have long been a foe of soy. It is not for men period and women should not rely on it for protein.

    Calling soy protein the same as any other protein is another indication of how much wrong information is out there and sadly in here

    The blind emphasis on calorie amounts and not on calorie quality is also driving me crazy.

    Yet another thread this morning glorifying skinny cow becuase it is low calorie. Skinny cow (not the laughing cow) is chemical junk. But....since it is low cal...the blind masses are buying in bulk

    Amen to that, people really need to read the small print on labels.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Maybe you can answer something for me Banks.... when my aunt had breast cancer, she was told by her doc not to eat any soy because it may increase the risk of the cancer coming back, something about estrogen....

    Does anyone know anything about this? I can't eat any legumes, so I find it difficult to get protein from anything but animal products... I thought soy was a good alternative until I read your list.....:ohwell:

    So an alternative you should look into is almonds, they aren't legumes so (get tested first) you should be ok with them for protein. BUT be aware that most nuts aren't complete proteins, you can google complete proteins to see exactly what that mean, but it usually just means you need to combine them with some kind of fruit or veggie to complete the protein. Almond milk is also a good tasting alternative.

    Remember, unfermented soy, besides having phytoestrogens, also contains phytic acid. Here is an exerpt from the article in OnFitness about the soy protein issues (REMEMBER, they are talking about UNfermented soy here).

    Without going through the fermentation process, soy comes packed with an agent called phytic acid wihich binds together proteins and starches (as well as calcium and others) making it difficult for the body to absorb. Though this is the type of soy found in many protein shakes and nutrition bars. "The body just can't use it," states Daniel (she's a nutritional research doctor pinged to answer quesitons in this article). And despite what nutrition labels say about protein content, the truth is that much of that protein won't be absorbed, she adds. If the body cannot absorb this type of protein, then why do bodybuilders or time crunched business people regularly consume it? "Clever marketing" says Dr Dean.
  • isadoraworkman
    isadoraworkman Posts: 205 Member
    I find this discussion interesting...Just say that a food includes estrogen and people (mostly males) freak out...Anybody ever question the hormones and other body-altering properties of birth control pills...Don't mess with the manhood..haha!
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member
    Maybe you can answer something for me Banks.... when my aunt had breast cancer, she was told by her doc not to eat any soy because it may increase the risk of the cancer coming back, something about estrogen....

    Didn't see this part answered....High levels of estrogen causes the increase of cells in the breast and uterus, including cancerous cells, so high levels of estrogen can lead to rapid growth of cancerous cells. So anyone with a history of breast cancer would be advised to limit any foods that have high levels of phytoestogen, like soy. Don't know how much dietary soy you would have to take to raise your body estrogen, haven't read that. But in the case of breast cancers, better safe than sorry.
    BABYLILAC Posts: 148 Member
    Bumping this.Thank you for the useful post.When I started watching what I was eating in June I started having soy milk with my cereal .At first I lost the first 8 pounds easy then I after that my metabllism was messsed up.Now I can see why SOY MILK.I stopped drinking soy milk last week and I have lost 1lb.Mind you I did not change anything form the begining up to now.Soy milk messed up my metabolism and I will not drink soy milk ever:explode: .
  • cwvanek
    cwvanek Posts: 111
    Bumping this.Thank you for the useful post.When I started watching what I was eating in June I started having soy milk with my cereal .At first I lost the first 8 pounds easy then I after that my metabllism was messsed up.Now I can see why SOY MILK.I stopped drinking soy milk last week and I have lost 1lb.Mind you I did not change anything form the begining up to now.Soy milk messed up my metabolism and I will not drink soy milk ever:explode: .

    I quit drinking cow's milk, started drinking soy, and lost a lot of weight. What works for you may not work for someone else.
  • cwvanek
    cwvanek Posts: 111
    Please, people, I suggest you do your OWN research on the subject.

    Don't not eat soy because some guy on the internet said it was bad.
    Don't eat it just because Bob said it was good.

    Do your OWN research. Make sure you're reading sources that are credible. (ie: you wouldn't trust a study claiming that cows milk is the best thing since sliced bread paid for by the dairy industry, would you?)
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    The Biggest Loser provides a lot of information that isn't good for you in the long run either

    Eating that low of a caloric intake while working out that much is wrong.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    For thos of us with food allergies, sometimes we have no choice but to eat certain things since there are no other options.

    I do do my own research and make choices accordingly - and, yes, I check the sources! LOL!
  • reefkeeper
    the link to neuro problems in asian men from long term use did it for me. I read alot about soy awhile back as I was changing my diet. I would never eat soy as a habit, as a man the side effects are far too great a risk.
  • BamaRose0107
    the moderation argument is also completely over blown and used as an excuse in many circumstances

    moderation is great for MOST things...but to use it for everything is absurd put it nicely

    there is no moderation argument for me when it comes to HFCS...I try hard to avoid it

    I do not try to moderate crap of any kind

    the moderation crowd is usally the "don't deprive" yourself crowd.....a bunch of crap to have an excuse to eat junk

    I myself do a moderation lifestyle. I do not derpive myself of any food or drink. I will have you know that this has worked for me and I resent the fact that you say it is an excuse to eat junk food. Thats not what it is about at all. It was rude. I am healthier now than I have ever been and 110 pounds lighter. As for this topic of soy I would like everyone to realize that you can find articles all over the internet that either support or disagree with whether something is healthy. My advice would be do your own research and find what is best for you.

    Sorry For The Rant