The HOT mommy at the gym debate



  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    I look so bad in the morning I have to wear a hat to the gym. I've even come back home cuz I forgot it once! I do try to remember to brush my teeth and match my clothes, but thats as far as the primping goes. There has been times I went in in the middle of the day when I'm "made up" for the day, and I come out looking like Tammy aint pretty. When I'm out and about and see people from the gym and I'm cleaned up, they dont even recognize me.
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    When I did go the gym (have a home gym now) I couldn't care one iota if women were in full makeup, hair done, sitting gossiping etc. I paid money to go and workout... wearing sweats, a tshirt or tank top. Oooo HOT :tongue: !! As for the hot moms dropping their kids off at school all dolled up for the day, good for them (I'm so easy going, lol). Personally, I'm in yoga pants with an NHL ball cap on my head. Sexy? All in the eyes of the beholder!!
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    Form fits function and these "hot mommies", while showing form, aren't functional. Period. And, they better not be spraying a bunch of flowering heavy perfume on either and come near me because I'm allergic to perfume and I'll tell them that the last place I expect to smell it is in the gym of all places. Pah-leeze!
  • Amber86queenbee
    I don't get why someone would care if a "mommy" wore makeup to the gym. And if they use light weights by other people's standards so what - maybe that is all they can do or want to do right now. People need to just get on with the job at hand and work harder if they find themselves so concerned with what others are doing. Why are women so hard on each other?
  • theleftie
    Personally, I'm in yoga pants with an NHL ball cap on my head. Sexy?

    ummm, yes! Very! But wait - which NHL team?
  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    Who cares what anyone looks like at the gym? If they want to look all dolled up, then more power to them.

    However, the impression that that behavior gives off to me is that they aren't really working out. All those factors together - laughing, talking, incredibly light weights - just screams to me that they are there just to make an appearance. To say they go to the gym. To say they lift weights. And that seems like an awful waste of time to me.

    But, I mind my own business and sweat up a storm in my cheap workout clothes. Why? Because this is my journey and I do it my way. Their journey is their own and they are entitled to do it however they want.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    I work out at home, before my shower/hair/makeup, so can't comment on 'gym mommies'. But when I leave the house (to drop off kids at school, go to the park, go grocery shopping, whatever), I always take the 5min to throw my hair up in a cute bun and 5min to put on some quick makeup. Why shouldn't I look put together just because I have kids? Also I'm lucky, my husband feeds the kids their breakfast so I can have that little alone 'me' time. When I take these precious minutes for myself, I feel better and definitely am more productive during the day. If I look sloppy, I feel sloppy.

    This...although i dont alwsys tske the time, i can leave looking sloppy if i need to... I just prefer not to
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Let me let you men in on some of the secrets of the female mind:

    You know how men can be really competitive? You have to lift more than the other guy, play better, drive faster, have a prettier wife, etc. Well women are just as competitive, we just do it different. We see a pretty woman. She's competition. competition for the attention of males. Now, really, she's not. I'm happily married. I don't need attention from males but I this is all pretty deeply subconscious. But rather than actually compete with her like men might do, I decide to judge her instead. I bring her down in my mind so that I "win" this non-existent subconscious contest. Sometimes i don't realize I'm doing this. I label her as "silly" for wearing makeup to the gym to make myself feel better about the fact that somewhere there might be a man (whom I am of course not interested in) who might find her more attractive than me. This is why women are "catty" or "*****y" to each other.
  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member
    So while working out at the gym with a client (who is in very good shape and very pretty), she commented on a group of females (in their 30's to early 40's) that were wearing full makeup, perfect hair, tight clothing and laughing up a storm with the 5lbs dumbells while working out. Her comment was "don't know why these hot mommies always try to one up each other everyday when they come to work out". Apparently everyday (I don't see them everyday) they compete with each other on who can look the best at the gym. My client busts her *kitten* (and it shows) and doesn't give a damn about how sweating and beat up she looks when working out.
    She gets that they want to look nice, but failed to see why at the gym they had to portray being a hot mommy. Personally I like looking at hot mommies, but do most females feel this way about other females in the gym?
    Oh and for the hot mommies who try to look perfect at 7:00am in the morning just to drop off their kids, the kids have been telling me that there's no need for their mommy to look hot just to drop them off.

    Can't wait to hear the replies on this.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I think it depends.

    If women specifically go there in scantily clad clothing, full makeup, and no intention to do a proper workout then I personally don't understand the point. I was once at my gym and a lady came in with DENIM hot pants, a cropped top (didn't cover her belly) full makeup, hair all done etc and just sat on a mat and stretched whilst giggling at the men who were staring at her. What is the point? The gym is not a bar, don't go to a gym to pull men...

    On the other hand, I understand women who don't feel comfortable without makeup. I used to have really bad acne, and couldn't leave the house without wearing makeup. It made me feel better, and normal to say the least, and I would wear it no matter what I was doing. I even wore it when I went swimming with close friends. So I suppose it depends. Doesn't aggravate me to the point where I want to explode, yet it bothers me enough to comment on it when I see it. I realise this is vague, sorry hehehehe
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    Form fits function and these "hot mommies", while showing form, aren't functional. Period. And, they better not be spraying a bunch of flowering heavy perfume on either and come near me because I'm allergic to perfume and I'll tell them that the last place I expect to smell it is in the gym of all places. Pah-leeze!

    although i used to work at victorias secret and i would smell like perfume when i made it to the gym almost every time because of that. Jd be nice when u confront them or they may just blow u off like i would have if someone came up all mad
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Let me let you men in on some of the secrets of the female mind:

    You know how men can be really competitive? You have to lift more than the other guy, play better, drive faster, have a prettier wife, etc. Well women are just as competitive, we just do it different. We see a pretty woman. She's competition. competition for the attention of males. Now, really, she's not. I'm happily married. I don't need attention from males but I this is all pretty deeply subconscious. But rather than actually compete with her like men might do, I decide to judge her instead. I bring her down in my mind so that I "win" this non-existent subconscious contest. Sometimes i don't realize I'm doing this. I label her as "silly" for wearing makeup to the gym to make myself feel better about the fact that somewhere there might be a man (whom I am of course not interested in) who might find her more attractive than me. This is why women are "catty" or "*****y" to each other.

    I agree fully... and I still think I might be a guy because I'd rather run faster and lift heavier, and not just heavier and faster than other girls. :blushing:
  • change_happens
    i don't understand going to the gym and looking cute. i say go and get roughed up by a good workout and save the cutesie stuff for later. but you know... everybody has a their own way of doing things. no judgement here. me... when i do go... i just go with my hair thrown up or a bandana an old tshirt and sweats/shorts, or whatever is nice and comfy and can absorb all of that sweat.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hey, if the ladies are there to work out I don't care how dolled up they are. Some ladies don't leave home without makeup - not necessary but whatever....I just ask that they go easy on the perfume. Nothing worse than trying to properly breath and catching a whiff of Jean Nate going by.....
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I don't try to look good at the gym. I look like complete crap and don't care. I also don't care about the "hot mommies" or the ladies who aren't really working out. That's their prerogative. It doesn't bother me one bit.

    ETA: I can appreciate some eye candy at the gym too... lol... yup I said it .. I find women attractive.
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    I'll admit to occasionally wearing makeup and trying to look good at the gym because my husband works out at the same time as me and he likes that kind of stuff. My whole goal (in MFP and fitness) is to attract him. Your client might look at me and judge me as one of those HOT mommies competing with other ladies at the gym. But let me assure you, I'm there to work out and bust it. I just happen to want to look good while doing it FOR MY HUSBAND. Not to compete with any other women.
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    I'm a hot mom who gets sweaty, makes crazy faces while lifting, wears oversized sweats occasionally, but often wears some kind of stretchy material, sometimes wears makeup (when I have other things to do prior or after) and sometimes goes au-naturale. . . healthy IS hot, no matter how you look when your getting there ;)
  • mcourtney09
    mcourtney09 Posts: 34 Member
    I go to the gym straight from work so I have my makeup left on from earlier in the usually ends up sweating off and I look like a crazy person by the end of my session. If I cared more about how I looked I might not work as hard...and to be honest I don't give a crap how I look. I am there to sweat my *kitten* off...get red in the face...and stinky. Then I will go home shower and look fab when I go out :)
  • imkegoal
    imkegoal Posts: 156 Member
    I am one of those who gets really sweatty and red faced- even when I was a size 10, any level of workout just gets my heartbeat going, and hey; I paid for it, so I feel I should make it worth my while by working hard.

    I don't mind the barbies... eh I meant 'hot mama's' ... in the gym, as long as they actually work out, and don't keep the machine I so deperately want to go on occupied whilst chatting with their mates in stead of exercising. This has happened many times before in a previous gym.

    I now go to a quiet gym, which caters mainly for men building up their muscels.
    Positives: it is cheaper, the cardio machines are always available, as the men are on the weight machines all of the time, and I can laugh at their attempts to impress each other.
  • byrnette
    byrnette Posts: 39 Member
    We all should know the difference between people (mommies) who are confident and looking good by taking care of themselves and those insecure types desperately seeking attention always.

    They are everywhere -- from the school pick up/drop offs to the gym.

    I guess the third category might be those who truly do not care what they look like in the personal grooming/clothing department.

    Having lived in Europe for the last 3.5 years, you just do not see many of those in this last department...but tons in the seeking male attention types -- divorce rate was super high where we lived and the gym we belonged to was like a swingers club.

    Grooming preferences aside -- go with confidence from within and minimize on the judging/hate.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I look ilke crap when I get to the gym and about ten times worse when I leave. That doesn't bother me one bit. But the "hot mommies" don't bother me one bit, either. They look great. I wished I looked that great 90% of the time, even when not at the gym. Some people are just like that - they look great no matter what.

    The only time I have ever really questioned what another person was doing at the gym was the woman running full out on the treadmill in a bathing suit. And then it only bothered me because I was just thinking "Ow. The girls have no support and I can only imagine the chafing." Otherwise, none of my business what other people are wearing/doing.