Couple Question



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    My husband (at the time) went to a club with his cousin. It didn't bother me, but you can bet I made him rinse his mouth out with Listerine after he told me one of the girls had him put a dollar in his mouth and she snatched it up with her snatch! Blech. :sick:
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member

    I really hate when women try to make this an issue of "insecurity" in some effort to prove to men how cool and easy-going they are. Whatever.

    It is an insecurity issue and that's all it will ever be. :laugh: Women are threatened by other women, more often than not, for no reason. Even worse, women are threatened by the THOUGHT of another woman. It's ridiculous.

    So someone died and crowned you the arbiter of all women's thoughts?

    If I were that threatened by other women, I wouldn't be able to have a relationship outside of locking my man up in the basement. I'd never let him go to work or to the grocery store or to a bar or a ballgame or a party. And if I have to go to that extreme, then he's not really mine to begin with, is he?

    As I said before, which you either missed or are being willfully ignorant of, opportunities to cheat are all over the place, not just in strip clubs. I don't choose not to date men who go to strip clubs because I'm jealous of or threatened by the women there. It's because if he likes paying to watch other women dance around naked, then we are not compatible on a very basic level. Men I'm attracted to do not consider that "entertainment." They consider it a waste of time and money.

    You missed the part where I didn't direct the second part of my statement toward you, or were you just being willfully ignorant?
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    It depends on the circumstances. If my husband is going to go out to a strip club with the guys for a party, no big deal. If he's going there by himself, I'm not cool with that.

    But as someone said earlier, I simply would just not date someone who chose to spend his free time and money going to strip clubs alone.

    Also, in my little corner of the universe, the only "strip club" in town is actually a brothel. Nope, don't want my husband hanging around a brothel.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member

    So someone died and crowned you the arbiter of all women's thoughts?

    If I were that threatened by other women, I wouldn't be able to have a relationship outside of locking my man up in the basement. I'd never let him go to work or to the grocery store or to a bar or a ballgame or a party. And if I have to go to that extreme, then he's not really mine to begin with, is he?

    As I said before, which you either missed or are being willfully ignorant of, opportunities to cheat are all over the place, not just in strip clubs. I don't choose not to date men who go to strip clubs because I'm jealous of or threatened by the women there. It's because if he likes paying to watch other women dance around naked, then we are not compatible on a very basic level. Men I'm attracted to do not consider that "entertainment." They consider it a waste of time and money.

    ^^^With you all the way here. I choose to not be with a man that has that frame of mind to begin with.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member

    I really hate when women try to make this an issue of "insecurity" in some effort to prove to men how cool and easy-going they are. Whatever.

    It is an insecurity issue and that's all it will ever be. :laugh: Women are threatened by other women, more often than not, for no reason. Even worse, women are threatened by the THOUGHT of another woman. It's ridiculous.

    So someone died and crowned you the arbiter of all women's thoughts?

    If I were that threatened by other women, I wouldn't be able to have a relationship outside of locking my man up in the basement. I'd never let him go to work or to the grocery store or to a bar or a ballgame or a party. And if I have to go to that extreme, then he's not really mine to begin with, is he?

    As I said before, which you either missed or are being willfully ignorant of, opportunities to cheat are all over the place, not just in strip clubs. I don't choose not to date men who go to strip clubs because I'm jealous of or threatened by the women there. It's because if he likes paying to watch other women dance around naked, then we are not compatible on a very basic level. Men I'm attracted to do not consider that "entertainment." They consider it a waste of time and money.

    I think men going every now and then, is different than men that HAVE to go all the time, every weekend, etc. I'm just talking very general. Is your man "allowed" to go to a strip club.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I don't mind, I mean if all the guys are going or it's for a stag or whatnot, go for it! But if he's going just to get off to this girls, then we would definitely need to have a conversation.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I wasn't okay with it, and then I ended up with a man I trusted unconditionally and I was "meh" about it (as in I'm not taking him personally but whatever if he goes), and then I went to one with some friends and had the stripper (thank god she was wearing bottoms) put my head in a death grip and practically hump my face, and then I wasn't okay with it again.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    My husband and I would frequent one of the strip clubs here... I don't have a problem with him going when we are together. I'd be a tad bit pissed off if he went on his own. Mostly because if he's going to be doing any motorboatin'.. then I want to see! Plus why should HE get all the fun?? The strip club rules here are .... girls need a male escort to enter... lame.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    I wasn't okay with it, and then I ended up with a man I trusted unconditionally and I was "meh" about it (as in I'm not taking him personally but whatever if he goes), and then I went to one with some friends and had the stripper (thank god she was wearing bottoms) put my head in a death grip and practically hump my face, and then I wasn't okay with it again.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    He only gets in trouble if he goes without me (assuming I'm around to go). No reason he should have all the fun!
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I wasn't okay with it, and then I ended up with a man I trusted unconditionally and I was "meh" about it (as in I'm not taking him personally but whatever if he goes), and then I went to one with some friends and had the stripper (thank god she was wearing bottoms) put my head in a death grip and practically hump my face, and then I wasn't okay with it again.

    OMG! LMAO~ I don't think they do that with men. I think strippers take certain liberties with women because.. well men love to see girl on girl action. Makes the men want to go up and spend more dollar bills on them.

    I was super grossed out one time because this girl actually "sat" on my husband face! His whole face disappeared in her *kitten*! YUCK!! ! I made him go wash his face.. TWICE and still didn't think he was clean enough. He felt physically ill after that and we went home! hahahah It was gross and hilarious at the same time.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I wasn't okay with it, and then I ended up with a man I trusted unconditionally and I was "meh" about it (as in I'm not taking him personally but whatever if he goes), and then I went to one with some friends and had the stripper (thank god she was wearing bottoms) put my head in a death grip and practically hump my face, and then I wasn't okay with it again.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh, it was terrible. I kept trying to push her off of me, and I had my eyes closed, and every time I reached out to find a place to push it was all so . . . fleshy . . . It was on a training trip with co-worker friends, I don't work there anymore but apparently they still tell the story every time they go on the annual trip.
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    Hmmm...most of the dancers I knew and know are not even into men.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Me and my husband think they are gross. I've NEVER gone to one out of sheer coincidence and what I've seen on TV or heard about never made me interested. My husband thinks it exploits women to become sex objects and he thinks its disrespectful to be staring at them like a piece of meat. It's most definitely not the popular view but who cares? We feel deep down that a woman really shouldn't have to sell her body off to strangers (whether nude or not) to make money and make someone excited.

    I have told him that he can go with his friends who aren't as offended/grossed out by it but he has always turned it down in front of his friends whether I'm there or not. I can't change how he is and I'm definitely not forcing myself to go. We enjoy other things instead. :smile:
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I wasn't okay with it, and then I ended up with a man I trusted unconditionally and I was "meh" about it (as in I'm not taking him personally but whatever if he goes), and then I went to one with some friends and had the stripper (thank god she was wearing bottoms) put my head in a death grip and practically hump my face, and then I wasn't okay with it again.

    OMG! LMAO~ I don't think they do that with men. I think strippers take certain liberties with women because.. well men love to see girl on girl action. Makes the men want to go up and spend more dollar bills on them.

    I was super grossed out one time because this girl actually "sat" on my husband face! His whole face disappeared in her *kitten*! YUCK!! ! I made him go wash his face.. TWICE and still didn't think he was clean enough. He felt physically ill after that and we went home! hahahah It was gross and hilarious at the same time.

    Forget about Listerine mouthwash, that would require Listerine FACE wash! Foul! :smile:
  • Cysso
    Cysso Posts: 68 Member
    I have no's never come up. Dh has never seemed interested in going and when I've asked he said it's not something he likes to do. But he also doesn't like strange people in his personal space either...
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    i have had this arguement with a friend of my fiance and mine several times. she refuses to let her fiance go to strip clubs, watch porn and that whole thing. i also believe self pleasure is out of the question as well. my fiance and i dont agree with her. im okay with her going to strip clubs and if she wants to watch porn and take care of her wants then so be it. she feels the same way with me. but this friend doesn't see the same way. i couldn't imagine worrying so much that my s.o. would cheat on me by going to a strip club. the porn thing was interesting. she said she didn't want him fantasizing about another woman. i looked at her and said he doesn't need porn to do that. everyone has looked at someone else and wondered what it would be like at least 1 time in their life.

    but to not have the freedom would be a show killer. i dont spend my life in places like that but i enjoy going every once in a while. then when its time to leave i go home to my fiance.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    It's simple... I do what I want. If that's a problem... then we have a problem.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Basically, it all comes down to not having the right attitude. Are you a victim, or a spouse/partner?

    Monarchy: "I don't/can't do that because my husband won't allow me to."

    Marriage: "My husband and I talked [because we would have] and that makes him feel really uncomfortable. Because he explained his reasoning, I can see where he's coming from and I respect the way he feels. Therefore, I choose not to do it."
    This. I would never want my husband to go to a strip club. That would make me feel like crap. Just like he would hate it if I went to see men stripping.
    If he ever decided he wanted to go and ignore my feelings, than I would have the right to leave and the same applies to me.
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    It's simple... I do what I want. If that's a problem... then we have a problem.
