Best movie quote of all time???



  • takingnameskickingbutt
    Way way too many to choose from...

    From Bull Durham, Kevin Costner says

    Well, I believe in the soul, the c@ck, the pu***, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.

    Love anything from Bull Durham, My Cousin Vinny, A Few Good Men,

    "How do you write women so well?"

    "I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability."
  • colofitguyfm
    "Ted Nugent called ..... he wants his shirt back." Ocean's 11
  • Massageu2

    You keep using that word....I do not think it means what you think it mean!

    And not to be forgotten--

    Hello, my name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to DIE.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    "When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you." Chuck Norris (Invasion U.S.A., I think)
  • ScotinSeattle
    ScotinSeattle Posts: 62 Member
    My personal favourite:

    "Joey, do you like movies about Gladiators?"
  • splashwags
    splashwags Posts: 262 Member
    Have fun storming the castle!!!
  • lwright0001
    If I say its safe to surf this beach, Captain, then its safe to surf this beach! I mean, I'm not afraid to surf this place, I'll surf this whole ****ing place!.......Charlie don't surf!
    Robert Duvall from Apocalypse Now
  • cnt21811
    cnt21811 Posts: 28 Member
    "This house is a prison", "on planet bullsh!t", "in the galaxy of this sucks camel d!cks!"
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    "We're gonna need a bigger boat!"
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Donkey: We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles!
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    It's a TOSS UP- BOTH from Princess Bride:

    “I've seen worse. . . . It just so happens that your friend here is mostly dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead.”

    "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die...."
  • CharityPearce
    "I'm your Huckleberry" - Doc Holiday, Tombstone

    Damn! You took mine. : ) But also,

    "Well, ain't this town just a geographical oddity... two weeks from everywhere!" - Everett McGill "O Brother, Where Art Thou" (yes, it's the Coens) - There are soooo many awesome quotes from this movie I can't even begin to quote them all. I use them in my daily conversations every chance I get.
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    jack Nicholson in a Few Good Men- " You want the truth, you couldn't handle the truth."
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    Were these mentioned yet?

    I always thought a few lashes with a buggy whip would benefit you immensely. -- Gone With the Wind

    My advice to you: Start drinking heavily. -- Animal House

    We're on a mission from God. -- The Blues Brothers
  • mrsbarz
    mrsbarz Posts: 99 Member
    Rocky Horror Picture Show:
    Janet! Dr Scott! Janet! Brad! Rocky! *stare*
    It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

    Steel Magnolias:
    Your husband is a boil on the butt of humanity.
    If you can't say anything nice, come sit by me.

    Knight's Tale:
    It's called a lance ...Hello!
    Take a knee!

    The Birdcage:
    Celsius: Chewing gum helps me think. Albert: Sweetie, you're wasting your gum!
    Armand: What are you giving him drugs for? What the hell are Pirin tablets? Agador: It's aspirin with the "A" and the "S" scraped off.

    I'm sure I'll come up with some more.
  • CharityPearce
    OMG - I can't believe I forgot "My Cousin Vinny" - I love that movie!!!

    this quote in particular makes me LOL every time!

    Vinny Gambini: What am I gonna wear?
    Mona Lisa Vito: What are ya gonna hunt?
    Vinny Gambini: I don't know, he's got a lot of stuffed heads in his office.
    Mona Lisa Vito: Heads?
    [Vinny looks up at Lisa]
    Mona Lisa Vito: What kinda heads?
    Vinny Gambini: I don't know, he's got a boar, a bear, a couple of deer.
    Mona Lisa Vito: Whoa. You're gonna shoot a deer?
    Vinny Gambini: I don't know. I suppose. I mean, I'm a man's man, I could go deer hunting.
    Mona Lisa Vito: A sweet, innocent, harmless, leaf-eating, doe-eyed little deer.
    Vinny Gambini: Hey Lisa, I'm not gonna go out there just to wimp out, you know. I mean, the guy will lose respect for me, would you rather have that?
    [Lisa gets up, walks over to the bathroom and shuts the door]
    Vinny Gambini: What about these pants I got on, you think they're O.K.?
    [Looks down]
    Vinny Gambini: Oh!
    Mona Lisa Vito: [comes out of the bathroom] Imagine you're a deer. You're prancing along, you get thirsty, you spot a little brook, you put your little deer lips down to the cool clear water... BAM! A f***in bullet rips off part of your head! Your brains are laying on the ground in little bloody pieces! Now I ask ya. Would you give a f**k what kind of pants the son of a b**ch who shot you was wearing?
  • FadedFreckles
    FadedFreckles Posts: 81 Member
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.
  • Mazza4011
    Mazza4011 Posts: 38 Member
    Read most, but not all, of the replies so far so apologies if these have been mentioned.

    From Fletch, when a woman answers the door having just stepped out of the shower. "Can I borrow your towel for a sec? My car just hit a water buffalo."

    From Risky Business "Who's the U-boat commander?"

    And one of my favourites, the last line from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. "Are you ready? Then let's go get 'em."
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    Great Quotes!!!
  • whencynstops
    whencynstops Posts: 109 Member
    Foster: "Do I look like a cat to you boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? DO YOU SEE ME EATING MICE?"

    "The snozzberries taste like snozzberries" From both of my favorite movies!

    "Do you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France?"