who started carbs for breakfast?



  • GingerDarlene
    I would love bacon, eggs and cheese for breakfast every morning, but I don't want to deal with the mess of cooking every morning.

    An asiago cheese bagel is my typical breakfast. Buy them at the grocer, store them in the fridge, pop one in the microwave for 20 seconds... good to go.

    There's an easy way to do eggs, bacon, etc with no mess. Preheat oven to 350, get a muffin pan and spray with PAM. Chop up some cooked bacon, green peppers, onions and cheese and put tablespoon in each muffin cup. Mix 4 eggs and a carton of EggBeaters and then pour into muffin cups. Cook for 30 minutes. Dump them out, put in ziplocks, freeze. Each morning, pop one or two or ten in microwave for 3 minutes. Quick and easy, no mess. I make 2 dozen at a time and put 3 to a ziplock. Betwen

    I read something similar in another blog or magazine, can't remember. How does it taste after it has been microwaved? That is I think the only thing that is stopping me from doing this.
    I do something similar to this; and I love it. The taste is good.
  • devinbugland
    whos bright idea was it to eat carbs and breads for breakfast? where is the logic? i would take an egg and bacon and a little cheese any day. makes me feel great with no crash!

    Every body is different. If I eat only protein for breakfast, I am really hungry soon afterward. For my body, a mix of carbs and protein works. Your breakfast makes you feel great- that would leave me starved by 9 am.
    couldn't agree more!!!
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    People probably thought it made sense because carbs are a food and breakfast is a meal where you eat foods..... I know it sounds crazy. I guess no one ever told them bread was poison and they just had to go on living their lives like everything was ok and not starving.

    Thankfully modern society knows better and has people running around screaming about the evils of bread everywhere you look. And society has never been healthier because of it!

    there is nothing wrong with whole grains in fact if you do a little research, you will find that the Mayo Clinic, that's right world reknown Mayo says that they are esstential for a healthy diet.
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    I really think the most important thing is reducing your caloric-intake and balancing your C-F-P intake. Many of the fad diets have made carbs "evil" -- but if you're eating the "right" kind of carbs (whole grains, fruit, etc) those are not so bad. A mix of carbs and protein for breakfast seems to work best for me - a yogurt or cheese and some fruit, maybe a whole-grain english muffin w/ peanut butter, or eggs and fruit. But - to each his/her own!!
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    whos bright idea was it to eat carbs and breads for breakfast? where is the logic? i would take an egg and bacon and a little cheese any day. makes me feel great with no crash!

    Wheat is murder! Kill ALL the carbs!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    whos bright idea was it to eat carbs and breads for breakfast? where is the logic? i would take an egg and bacon and a little cheese any day. makes me feel great with no crash!
    Probably the guys that work on farms and bust their butts off 12 hours a day

    Every farmer I grew up around had bacon, sausage, or ham and eggs every morning for breakfast. My cousins grandfather is 88 years old and still farms like a 30 year old and he still has his bacon and eggs every morning for breakfast.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I've found I do best with a huge fruit smoothie made with juice, frozen fruit, a whole banana, and protein powder. Except for the protein powder it's all carbs and sugar and some fiber. That will keep me full for hours. I can fill up on eggs and bacon, will feel heavy and sluggish, and then will be hungry about an hour later.

    Like almost everyone has said, we're all different. Different foods work for different people.
  • tatya317
    tatya317 Posts: 74
    I find that when I eat my whole wheat toast - 2 slices with either laughing cow cheese one wedge, or butter or peanut butter
    accompanied by banana or fat free milk. I am fine till lunch around noon-1:00 pm . when at this time I will eat my garden salad that I bring from home. My mid afternoon snack will be another banana or fresh fruit cups ( around 3) and I go home cook a whole wheat or brown rice dinner. with sensible meat and veggie :)

    I love my carb and I am just a bit smarter now..LOL..eating whole wheat, grains and cleaner food. But I do have my Cheat meal once in a whille. not cheat day.. just cheat meal .
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    People probably thought it made sense because carbs are a food and breakfast is a meal where you eat foods..... I know it sounds crazy. I guess no one ever told them bread was poison and they just had to go on living their lives like everything was ok and not starving.

    Thankfully modern society knows better and has people running around screaming about the evils of bread everywhere you look. And society has never been healthier because of it!

    there is nothing wrong with whole grains in fact if you do a little research, you will find that the Mayo Clinic, that's right world reknown Mayo says that they are esstential for a healthy diet.

    I trust the Mayo Clinic like I trust the FDA or the USDA..............not at all.

    The Mayo Clinic touts what the government says they should.............The food pyramid says we should be eating 6-12 servings of grains per day which is outrageously high and the Mayo Clinic is merely backing them up.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    People probably thought it made sense because carbs are a food and breakfast is a meal where you eat foods..... I know it sounds crazy. I guess no one ever told them bread was poison and they just had to go on living their lives like everything was ok and not starving.

    Thankfully modern society knows better and has people running around screaming about the evils of bread everywhere you look. And society has never been healthier because of it!

    there is nothing wrong with whole grains in fact if you do a little research, you will find that the Mayo Clinic, that's right world reknown Mayo says that they are esstential for a healthy diet.

    I completely agree and apparently I need to lay the sarcasm on even thicker next time.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    People probably thought it made sense because carbs are a food and breakfast is a meal where you eat foods..... I know it sounds crazy. I guess no one ever told them bread was poison and they just had to go on living their lives like everything was ok and not starving.

    Thankfully modern society knows better and has people running around screaming about the evils of bread everywhere you look. And society has never been healthier because of it!

    there is nothing wrong with whole grains in fact if you do a little research, you will find that the Mayo Clinic, that's right world reknown Mayo says that they are esstential for a healthy diet.

    I trust the Mayo Clinic like I trust the FDA or the USDA..............not at all.

    The Mayo Clinic touts what the government says they should.............The food pyramid says we should be eating 6-12 servings of grains per day which is outrageously high and the Mayo Clinic is merely backing them up.

    I love that this is your 666th post.

    Well, this username's 666th post.

    Not you, actually, since you've had so many user names.

    666. Heh. :devil:
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    If I have grains for breakfast, even whole grains, I crash. I need to have a high protein breakfast.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    During my weight loss journey , I slowly reduced my grain intake and increased my protein intake. Around 2 months ago I got to the point where I dropped grains completely and adapted the primal lifestyle( Paleo + dairy).

    I am doing well, and I do not miss anything, except my breakfast food. I do not care about cakes, cookies, muffins , and any sugary pastry stuff as I cut those out long time ago for their calorie content. I have never liked pasta, and can go without bread. Maybe that is why primal suits me, because what needed to cut out I was not big fan to start with :)

    However I dearly miss my oatmeal and brown rice for stew type of food.
    I live on a cold climate and having a nice warm bowl of oatmeal with lots of fruits and nuts was my favourite breakfast for those really cold winter days. When you go out and your eyelashes get frozen within second, it just feels good to have that warm oatmeal expanding in your belly why you are walking to the bust station.

    Same for the brown rice. For very cold days , it feels good to eat thick meat/veggie stew poured over brown rice.
    During the spring/summer / early fall I have no problem not having oats or rice, so I am good for the next 6 month. I will decide what to do with my lifestyle when next winter hits
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Every farmer I grew up around had bacon, sausage, or ham and eggs every morning for breakfast. My cousins grandfather is 88 years old and still farms like a 30 year old and he still has his bacon and eggs every morning for breakfast.

    My cousin's grandfather is 89, still farms like a 30 year old, and has a cigarette and a highball every morning. Before he even eats his pancakes.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    I don't understand why people think carbs are the enemy. I eat a giant bowl of oatmeal for breakfast everyday, it gives me enough energy to get through my work day. I'll gladly take some eggs and bacon with my breakfast but it better include some carbs as well.

    Before a long workout I always eat some kind of carb too, I feel like it helps me perform better. Think whatever you want about them, but I will NEVER stop eating them.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    whos bright idea was it to eat carbs and breads for breakfast? where is the logic? i would take an egg and bacon and a little cheese any day. makes me feel great with no crash!
    Probably the guys that work on farms and bust their butts off 12 hours a day

    Every farmer I grew up around had bacon, sausage, or ham and eggs every morning for breakfast. My cousins grandfather is 88 years old and still farms like a 30 year old and he still has his bacon and eggs every morning for breakfast.

    And I'll bet these farmers had/has bisuits or toast with those eggs and meat. Most everyone I know who is not dieting has bread of some sort with their eggs and bacon.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    You're just a bowl of sunshine huh?
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I don't understand why people think carbs are the enemy. I eat a giant bowl of oatmeal for breakfast everyday, it gives me enough energy to get through my work day. I'll gladly take some eggs and bacon with my breakfast but it better include some carbs as well.

    because for some people, they are the enemy. People with insulin resistance don't respond to carbs well, which leads to weight gain and other health problems. If you don't have insulin resistance, lucky you! but please respect those of us who need to follow this lifestyle.
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    Bacon egg and cheese are more fat than carbs (even though egg and cheese is good for protein, and contains some good fats) there is evidence that if you eat too much carbohydrate you tend to burn off the excess, whereas if you eat too much fat it gets laid down and stored, probably because we are best equipped to use carbohydrate for energy.If people eat too much, they are likely to be slimmer if that excess is carbs rather than fat :)

    So carbs will be easier to burn across the day and release energy slower :)
  • Indy_Mario
    Indy_Mario Posts: 541
    whos bright idea was it to eat carbs and breads for breakfast? where is the logic? i would take an egg and bacon and a little cheese any day. makes me feel great with no crash!

    I have this for breakfast EVERYDAY!
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