Who hates running?!



  • Labcoathipster
    I used to love running, now i hate it.

    Dear Running:

    I miss you... come back to me I use to burn so many calories with you, we had a love hate relationship. I used to be so beat after a long visit with you and swear that I would try something else the next day, but for some reason I always thought I needed a good "run".

    Since I havent seen you in a while its getting harder and harder to get used to you again, I think its time to let go. I met a new friend and her name is spinning. Dont cry. I will come back to you one day, but not for a while... not until a few pounds are gone


    P.S. I will call you up to hang out just in case Im being chased by cops or killer clowns, dont go to far

    Love this. haha Killer Clowns.
  • sweetoblivion314
    I hate it too! Hurts my knees and it's just...well...boring. Especially running on a treadmill. I'd much rather be on an eliptical.

    If your knees hurt then you are doing it wrong.
    Most likely you are landing on your heel, like you would while walking. Try landing on the mid to front of your foot.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I freakin' love running BUT...

    My motto is find something you like and that you'll do. If you don't like to run don't do it. There are SO MANY choices out there.

    -Cycling/ Spinning
    -Aerobics classes
    -Zumba (I also freakin' love ZUMBA)
    -boot camp classes
    -arch machine
  • anta1
    anta1 Posts: 53 Member
    I hate running also. But I use an iPod with some upbeat, fast songs and i end up going faster because of it. I have bought a few magazines dedicated to running and it has actually inspired me to run. Women's Guide to Running (iPad version; Zinio app) is a good one that I go back to occasionally for the inspiration.

    After I'm done with the running/torture and am red and sweaty I feel like I just killed my workout for the day.
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    I can't run/jog! I can sprint, manages about 100-200metres and then collapse in a heap with burning lungs or I can walk fast. Running or jogging totally eludes me though. :ohwell:
  • jsteffen80
    I have always hated running. From being a skinny teen struggling through a mile in gym class to being a fit twenty something struggling through a 5k, it has never gone well for me. I always thought that running was sort of the end goal, or at least MY end goal of fitness. I think my lack of ability to enjoy running, is what made me fall off the wagon last time.

    This time though, I have power lifting to keep me motivated. It is much more suited to my tastes.