What size do you want to be?



  • cindym29
    cindym29 Posts: 60 Member
    I would love to be back into a 3. I am currently about a 6/7 but my goal is in between a 1/2 and a 3/4. I know it's pretty small, but I've always had a pretty small frame..when i was at my lightest I was a great 4 with a bf% about 16%, now it's around 21/22% and I am determined to have it drop again.
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I started my journey at a US size 24. I am currently a size 18 and 249 pounds. My goal is to be between 160-180 pounds and between US size 10-12.
  • MizAngie
    MizAngie Posts: 113 Member
    I would love to be a size 8...down to 150-160
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Right now I would like to be in an 18 as I have two wardrobes of clothes to fit into but ideally I would like to reach a size 12.
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    Currently at a 4/6 but I would love to be a 0/2
  • PeacheyQueen
    5'8" & weigh 143lbs, but i dont feel fit or good when i weigh this, i like it when i weigh 130-135. so id like to lose soem weight & get my flat stomach back. i know fo rhow tall i am i should weigh 140-145 but i just don't like being that.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I just want to be at a healthy BMI, mainly. I'm currently a 16, I would be content at a size 12, but super happy to be a size 8, anything below a size 6 I think is too skinny
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i haven't been "thin" as an adult so i don't quite know how it will really shake down, but i think i'd like to be an 8. i'm at the high-side of 10 currently, and i'm near-ish to my weight goal, so i think if i can get down to the weight i want to be, and tone up, 8 will be totally possible. i don't want to be a twig, i'm tall and have hips and boobs... i think 8 will be nice :) smaller than i am now, but not too small (for me -- not judging anyone else -- i just don't think smaller would look good on my personal frame!)
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I have never been below a size 12. I would love to be a 8-10 :) That would be so exciting I think I would cry!
  • kellybug123
    kellybug123 Posts: 240
    My first goal is to get to my first 50 pounds lost.
    My second goal is to get out of the size 20's and 200 plus pounds
    My third goal is to work towards 145 or a size 9/10....whichever comes first....then I'll reevaluate from there :)
  • rbeatty63
    rbeatty63 Posts: 132
    I want to be as svelte as the movie stars of the silver screen, those shoulder-padded, whippet-waisted babes from the days of yore.
    I want to wear Hollywood waisted-slacks and bell-sleeved blouses, blouses that I can tuck in. I remember being thin, but it is vague memory. I want to wear high heels again. I gave them up after I got so heavy because if there is anything more ridiculous looking than a fat woman that comes to a 'point' at the bottom, I don't know what it is.
  • DameVenus
    DameVenus Posts: 70
    My goal is a size 12.
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    4-6 but will happily take anything 10 or lower :glasses:
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
    My first goal is to get to my first 50 pounds lost.
    My second goal is to get out of the size 20's and 200 plus pounds
    My third goal is to work towards 145 or a size 9/10....whichever comes first....then I'll reevaluate from there :)
    Same :)
  • truecaligirl
    truecaligirl Posts: 132 Member
    loose 12 ; tight 10 ....right now im in a tight 12 heading twds a 14 if i dont get my act together :noway:
  • brittanyla077
    brittanyla077 Posts: 79 Member
    Yesterday I fit into a 3 dress!!! Although pants are different bc I have wonderfully huge hips( I do like them) they are very boney but big so I'd like to loose another in or two and fit very comfortably into a 5 maybe some3's
  • dominibori88
    i will love to b in my old jeans size 5
  • jamie117100
    Size 6-8! :smile:
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    I would love to be in a 10 or 12. The smallest I've been in my adult life is a 14 and I've been stuck at a 20 for the last 11 years. I'm currently at a weight lower than when I became pregnant with my 2nd child, but haven't had the time to try on an 18 yet. I think I would be thrilled if I got to the point where I could say so long to Lane Bryant because their clothes are too big.

    At 5'10" and with a larger frame than those 6 ft. rail-thin runway models, I doubt I am able to get to single digit sizes without looking anorexic (at 160 in high school my family said I was too thin and that my hip bones stuck out too much), but it would be amazing to feel fit and trim - even if it's not a "slim & trim".
  • HappyK45
    HappyK45 Posts: 4
    I want to be a size "HEALTHY".