How many women on here are lifting weights????????



  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Heres some pictures that may help you. (not of me)

    My results have been similar, I am 10-15 pounds heavier then my "rough goal weight" but am already AT my goal clothing size, and physically I am about 1-2 times smaller clothing wise, then last time I was at my goal weight (when I had less muscle) -

    So I look tighter leaner and smaller, then before at my "small" weight. No jiggles.

    So to everyone else I look like I am already at my goal weight. But I am heavier, which is fine :) Ignore the scale.

    Less weight - yep you look good dressed and may fit the smaller clothing size - but, add more muscle and a bit more scale weight - you also fit the smaller clothing size, look good dressed AND look good nakkid.

    I lift heavy weights, low reps - that has given me the fastest results in fat loss, and lean muscle improvement, tightening and body changes.

    5 lbs heavier in after pic, but tighter and leaner

    Not same girl, but cute example

    Same weight, after was when she started lifting heavy

    Different girls but both size 4

    Same girl, before and after lifting heavy weights, she lost 5 lbs

    Stacy, read her story here: She is 14 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    Different girl, but both size 2
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Women do not and cannot bulk up because we don't have the testosterone for it. So lift weights, go heavy, and enjoy the results. Remember muscle takes up less space than fat on your body. You'll be smaller, and that's a good thing! And that's especially important if your weight loss stalls.
    Muscle takes more calories to maintain than fat. Therefore, the more muscle you have on your body, the higher your calorie burn, and the bigger the deficit you can create by eating the same amount of food!

    This, this, this!!! I don't have any pics to post but just my experience with it. I lost my first 20 lbs just counting cals and walking. I decided to take it up and added kickboxing and weight lifting, heavy weights. The changes in my body are phenominal. I didn't look this good even in high school. I constantly get compliments, I have way more confidence then I ever have had. Not bragging, just saying. lol I've always had a flat *kitten* but not any more and it's all due to the weighted squats, lunges and deadlifts. I love that I'm strong enough to not have to ask for help lifting most anything. Anytime I go to lift something heavy and a guy is around they come to "save" me and I politely say "No thanks I got it" they are always impressed and that in itself is a great feeling.
  • ConnieB1979
    ConnieB1979 Posts: 239 Member
    I DO!!!!! Im just starting to get some definition in my arms and back.... And let me tell ya the compliments are great. Muscles on a girl are sexy!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    bump for later
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Ok so, as many women i am one of those that is scared to be lifting weights due to i'm afraid of bulking up. I have however been giving it a go for the past two weeks but even though i have been i'm still freaking myself out about it. I'm so worried about the whole "muscle weighs more than fat" deal! I want to see the number on the scale DROP not increase!! Anyways, i'd love to hear different things about lifting weights and if possible see pictures of women who have used strength training to help them to achieve their goals. I'm so... confused when it comes to strength training. Confused and very nervous about getting big instead of skinny and toned. HELP ME PLEASE UNDERSTAND!!! :) Thanks to all who respond ahead of time :)

    My sister used to be a personal trainer, and unless you are taking testosterone supplements or are pumping 200lbs 50 times on every weight, you will not BULK UP. The reason we look and feel so jiggly when we are heavy is because fat has a gelantenous feel and look. It is not dense. It's make up is different than muscle. So five lbs of fat looks different and more than 5 lbs of muscle. Here's some evidence, below is a photo comparing 5 lbs of fat to 5 lbs of muscle:


    Strength training will help you build up muscle, which it turn burns fat. Muscle burns more calories than fat. This is why when you start a program like this you need to increase your protein and decrease your carbs to bare minimum and to healthy whole grains. No processed crap LOL.

    Hope this helps.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Heres some pictures that may help you.
    My results have been similar, I am 10-15 pounds heavier then my "rough goal weight" but am already AT my goal clothing size, and physically I am about 1-2 times smaller clothing wise, then last time I was at my goal weight (when I had less muscle) - So I look tighter leaner and smaller, then before at my "small" weight.
    So to everyone else I look like I am already at my goal weight. But I am heavier, which is fine :) Ignore the scale.
    Less weight - yep you look good dressed and may fit the smaller clothing size - but, add more muscle and a bit more scale weight - you also fit the smaller clothing size, look good dressed AND look good nakkid.

    5 lbs heavier in after pic, but tighter and leaner

    Not same girl, but cute example

    Same weight, after was when she started lifting heavy

    Different girls but both size 4

    Same girl, before and after lifting heavy weights, she lost 5 lbs

    Stacy, read her story here: She is 14 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    Different girl, but both size 2

    Now that I'm not on my phone anymore. I'll be an attention *kitten* and add my pictures to this collection, the first two were with little weight training. The last was with weight training AND eating above my maintenance calories for 4 months.

  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I lift weights 5 days a week now. To bulk up, you'd have to eat ALOT of calories and lift HEAVY weights. That is a huge misconception that keeps alot of women from lifting. Weight lifting helps you to burn more fat, tone muscle, and as you lose weight you won't have to deal w/ flabby excess skin. Starting w/ light weights (3-8lbs) 3 days a week is a great place to start. Women who are aiming to bulk eat upwards of 2000-2400 cals per day and lift heavily. If you stick to a sensible eating plan and use a combination of cardio and strength you will be fine and you will have good lean results. If you are concerned about what the scale says, your weight loss may be slower, but you will look smaller at a higher weight. I weigh 191 and I wear a size 10/12.
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    I have been and its been great... take a look thru my pics and see the progress... I've been able to lose fat in areas I originally found hard to lose in.. I'm not bulky, I'm getting firm and the strength I feel to do the simplest things are motivating and worth it.
  • nubeing
    nubeing Posts: 23
    I never used to lift because I didn't know what to lift or how to lift it. But I got a simple workout from a new friend at the gym and I have been doing it once or twice a week just to add to my regular workout. I posted it in my blog if you want to have a look. Ten simple exercises, including one for abs. It takes me about a half hour and I do it to tone after my half hour run. I'm not trying to get to the Olympics or anything, just trying to keep a firm, tight and healthy body. My weight has gone up but the look of my body is much better.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Rae that amazing - you look awesome!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Going to start up with the weights again. Didn't do anything for the 1st trimester, but I'm feeling damn good right now and miss the weights. :smile:
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    Dont be afriad of weights. I used to be scared to lift weight for that very reason and then I figured out that I needed to. I would run and do cardio like a maniac but as soon as I added weights I lost inches better and toned my muscles. It wont bulk you up unless your naturally muscular or your taking something to bulk you up. Go for it! You'll like the results
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    afraid of bulking up? read this:

    also, this is stacy. she is awesome.

    on the left she is a whooping 131 lbs. on the right she is 142lbs.

  • gildinha
    gildinha Posts: 57 Member
    bumping ... wondering the same
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    i lift. and i'm not bulky.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Women do not and cannot bulk up because we don't have the testosterone for it. So lift weights, go heavy, and enjoy the results. Remember muscle takes up less space than fat on your body. You'll be smaller, and that's a good thing! And that's especially important if your weight loss stalls.
    Muscle takes more calories to maintain than fat. Therefore, the more muscle you have on your body, the higher your calorie burn, and the bigger the deficit you can create by eating the same amount of food!

    This is not true, there are some magazines at my gym with some extremely bulked up woman.........they scare me!

    those women take steroids!!!
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I don't have pics, but when I try to lose weight I always lift weights. Nothing crazy, just really basic stuff, and with not a ton of weight, usually I use the 10 or 15lb dumbbells (15 when i get strong, for me). I also do a lot of exercises using just my body weight, like planks and girl pushups. I have never even come CLOSE to bulking up. I always just look nice and toned. If you go to the gym and see the women there, there are VERY few who look really bulky, and the ones who are pretty much weight lift like the guys do. At my gym, in the 5 years I have been a member, I have probably seen a handful of women like this, ( i can only think of 1 off the top of my head) and I see a LOT of women doing strength training.

    So don't worry, it is so good for you, you will feel so strong and awesome if you try it! Start slow and ask a trainer to help you start some simple stuff, even if you don't want a session with them I'm sure they will be more than happy to show you how to use some of the machines! But I do recommend doing at least one session with a trainer when you start, just to learn what to do and make sure you don't injure yourself.

    Good luck and have fun! :)
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I lift weights and use my body weight in workouts for 45 minutes, 6 days a week.

    Mon: Legs
    Tues: Arms/Back
    Wed: Abs
    Thurs: Legs:
    Fri: Arms/Back
    Sat: Abs

    I was medically advised against cardio this week but was told that strength training was fine. I have the feeling that I gained a few pounds from a combination of not eating for a few days (part of the reason I was advised against cardio), having 2.5 slices of pizza one night and not doing cardio. I won't know until tomorrow but the difference I see and feel in myself negates any disappointment on the scale.

    Also, lifting doesn't make you 'bulky' but it can make you cut as hell if you want it to and bust your *kitten* doing it.

    Meet my sister-in-law:


  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I'm doing P90 with 5lb weights. Sometimes more or less depending on the move. I'm definitely liking the way I feel and am looking forward to heavier weights. I already bought 20lbs more. :). Yeah. I know 5lbs is puny, lol.
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    Lifting weights is a great way to help you meet your goals. I'm only about 5 or 6 pounds from my goal and once I hit it, I plan on doing strictly weights to maintain. Maybe throw a day of cardio in once or twice a week. Lifting weights makes you feel fantastic, especially when you realize...hey, these are too light....I need to be lifting something heavier. You are not going to start bulking will just get a toned look. Good luck in your journey.
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