Things I've learned since starting MFP...add yours!



  • froggzy1015
    froggzy1015 Posts: 178 Member
    1. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    2. I thought I was eating ok before I started, nope.

    3. Even though I'm maintaining I still need my exercise to keep me healthy and strong!
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I've learned that I'm a happier person when I feel in control of my diet and exercise. Everyone comments on it, this is my second stint on MFP and this time I'm not allowed to quit lol.

    I've learned that Jillian michaels is not satisfied until you feel like you're about to die.

    I've learned that sometimes you can track your cals, be under your goal, workout every day and still not lose. You need to have patience.

    I've learned if I'm in pain during a workout I should STOP. I slipped a disc in my lower back 2 weeks ago by NOT stopping when I should have.
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    I have learned there are a lot of wonderful supportive people in the world. They will support this "diet thing" I am doing even if I fail to log or eat poorly, these wonderful MFP folks will encourage you and not make you feel bad.

    I have learned if I do not log I gain weight in an instant.

    Portion sizes are smaller than I think.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    1. All women hate some guy named TOM!!!
    2. It is illegal to lose weight by having gastric bypass surgery.

    HAHAHA!! This is great!!

    I have learned what I put in my body actually affects what it looks like....duh, I know...but it's interesting to how much one weekend of binging affects my mood, water retention, skin, etc. Then turn around and see how healthy eating affects me. This has ben such an education experience!! Plus I have learned that there are people out there JUST like me. People that have lived carelessly and gotten fat because of it. I love my MFP'ers!! I wouldn't trade y'all for a big ole chili dog....and I love chili dogs!!
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    It's OK to eat!! and to eat WELL! I had the wrong mindeset about food and thought the less the better. No longer, my friends! I enjoy my healthy foods and am never starving. I also learned that lifting weights heavy is GOOD for woman! I love this site, it has changed my life :)

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • andier1686
    I've learnt as soon as I stop using it I end up getting fat again!

    this is true... since we can't just depend on mental counting of calorie intake
  • Jimaudit
    Jimaudit Posts: 275
    1. I've learned that calories are not all the same.
    2. I've learned that protein is my friend.
    3. I weigh-in mid-week to avoid the hit from my "cheat" meal on the weekend.
    4. Best of all, if your goals are daunting, take them in lumps and celebrate the victories along the way!
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    I never really counted calories before MFP. I tried to eat sensibly, but I did not realize how many calories were in some of the foods that I had been eating. This accountability has helped.

    I have also learned how much fun it is to get and give support to friends, even if many of them are 'strangers from the internet.' :smile:
  • darkling_glory
    darkling_glory Posts: 239 Member
    I've learned that the worse time for me to "sneak eat" is the time between getting home at 4pm and dinner around 5:30. I need to have a handful of peanuts or an apple or some tea to tide me over.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    1) i learned that my beer is 125-175 cal each, my wiskey is 104 a shot, my rum is 105 a shot,cherry coke are 150 cal each and Jager Bomb's are 209.

    2) i drink the above way more than i should...

    3) the aformentioned makes you bloat

    4) if i eat my husbands cooking ill way 200lbs in 5 weeks
  • saralhm
    saralhm Posts: 26
    I have learned eating " fun size" candy bars are not fun on the scale:0(

    Ain't that the truth!

    funny comment,loved it!
  • Laurenazz
    Laurenazz Posts: 27
    awesome !
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member

    4. I can live without Coke...I mean Coca-Cola.

    Yeah, can't live without the other one!

    Also, fat people are not always jolly ---- in fact they can be downright cranky!
  • ByrdBarajas
    ByrdBarajas Posts: 26 Member
    How amazing it is that starving your self is SUPER detremental (*spelling) and will end up in weight gain! All this time I thought only eating once a day would work...

    I've learned how many calories I used to consume- even when I thought it was "healthy" food..

    Also, how easy it is to plan your meals and prepare them ahead of time (so I'm not scrambling for something quick and easy AKA full of sodium/ fat/ cal for lunch).

    I have also learned how my Grandmother and Mother cooked was OH SO YUMMY, but not the best health-wise (shhhhh! don't tell!).

    And can you believe all of this as I enter my THIRD day here! I <3 it and can't wait for my first weekly weigh-in on Wed to see the first weeks results!!!
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    1. I've learned that the reason I've failed at dieting in the past is because I need to be accountable for my actions ALL the time, rather than once a week at a ww meeting . .mfp gives me that anytime I want, I just have to log in :)

    2. I've learned that there are some really lovely, helpful, supportive people on mfp

    3. I've learned that there are some really horrible, judgemental, arguementative people on mfp (fortuntely NOT on my friends list though!)

    4. I've also learned that 'low calorie' dosn't have to mean 'tastes like cardboard'!

    THANKYOU mfp :flowerforyou:
  • KCalmeyn
    KCalmeyn Posts: 36 Member
    I've learned how many calories there reallly are in foods I was eating.
    I've learned what a serving size really is.
    AND I've learned I can eat ANYTHING I want. Some days I just have to work a little harder for them!
  • Amy271189
    Amy271189 Posts: 66
    I've learnt how many honest and supporting people they are around the world.

    Thanks Guys.. you are all awesome =)

  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    I have learned that:

    1. I can eat more than I used but still lose weight

    2. Anything is okay in moderation

    3. Losing weight doesn't have to mean misery, man I've met some funny people here

    4. Avocados are RIDICULOUSLY high in calories :mad:
  • playdohpoet17
    I've learned:

    1) How much better you can feel when you stop mindlessly inhaling junk (especially SODA!)

    2) What a healthy meal actually looks like

    3) How much more I can snack when I'm snacking on the right things!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    1. All women hate some guy named TOM!!!
    2. It is illegal to lose weight by having gastric bypass surgery.

    :laugh: If you knew TOM you'd hate him too!!