Things I've learned since starting MFP...add yours!



  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I have learned that there are lots of people out there who need support and a cheer just like me and they are great.

    I learned that its ok to be a large framed woman, cause there is lots of us out there.

    There are SO many people working so hard to be their best.

    I love my MFP here as much or more than I do FB cause my MFPs are the best!!
  • KrisP4
    KrisP4 Posts: 4
    I've learned that:
    1 - Just because I don't use a salt shaker, doesn't mean "I don't eat salt"
    2 - use MFP because it really helps!
  • cassie2467
    cassie2467 Posts: 8 Member
    So funny and so true!! In fact, my valentines gift basket just got opened this week!! Would have finished the entire thing before MFP!!:happy: :happy:
  • cassie2467
    cassie2467 Posts: 8 Member
    I have learned that I can let a basket full of Godiva goodies sit on my kitchen counter for weeks while I grab peanut butter on toast and a banana as an evening snack.

    I've learned that just knowng the Godiva goodies are there helps more than actully eating them.

    So funny and so true!! In fact, my valentines gift basket just got opened this week!! Would have finished the entire thing before MFP!! :laugh:
  • Ctripp86
    Ctripp86 Posts: 45
    1- I have learned that I can be happy and still be on diet. I always had such a bad outlook before using MFP. I know I need a little treat at the end of my day in order to be satisfied and as long as I work it into my calories, I am fine.

    2- I have learned that I can cook amazing meals for dinner that coincide with my diet so that I don't hijack my day after doing so well. There is no reason to cook anything full fat. You can always lighten it up by simple switchouts.

    3- I have learned to be mindful of EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. Little bites here and there add up big time. It's not worth it at the end of the day.

    4- I have learned that I need to take it slow and steady. The weight did not go on overnight and it will not come off overnight. I just cannot give up.

    I agree 100% with everything you said
  • roadworthy
    roadworthy Posts: 130
    I have learned to get my 1200 calories in pretty much everyday. Somedays I was way under unless I ate crap food, no wonder the weight stayed on!

    I have learned to absolutely love exercise and look forward to getting some cardio every single day. This has become somewhat of an addiction since investing in my Polar HRM.
  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    I've learned to choose lower sodium choices
    I was delighted to learn I could eat more calories per day with exercise! Some days I find it hard to eat enough. Never thought I would say that!

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  • erikjacki
    erikjacki Posts: 22 Member
    Preach on!
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    I've learned:

    1) This is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change

    2) to pay closer attention to what I eat, I knew Pizza Hut was bad, but never knew just HOW BAD...beware....:)

    3) It's alot easier to succeed when you have people supporting you

    4) Excuses get you nowhere, but exactly where you are

    5) I am worth it!
  • MrsTWard
    MrsTWard Posts: 62 Member
    I've learned to be HONEST with myself with what I eat.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Oh and I just discovered Greek Yoghurt and Honey is absolutely disgusting....
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I don't have to be perfect, I just have to be better.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    1 - I am truly a sugar addict
    2 - I can never NOT log food or exercise if I want to continue to lose/maintain my weight
    3 - there IS life outside of food
    4 - food is NOT the answer
    5 - I want to live my healthiest life possible and "living it up with food is no longer an option for me"
    6 - it is VERY possible to lose weight EVEN if I am over 50, EVEN if I have been heavy my entire life, EVEN with hypothyroid disease since age 19 ( 35 years of it), EVEN sitting behind a desk all day, EVEN going through menopause, EVEN though I have failed at this for decades of "trying". I CAN DO IT - 3 pounds away from my goal!
    7 - I will not lose as fast as "everyone else"
    8 - I don't have to do the latest exercise video that everyone else is doing
    9 - I can wear a size 4 even though I started at a size 16
    10 - I can do this on my own armed with knowledge that I have gathered, without taking pills, and without joining a gym, and without paying anyone for any "service". I devised my own plan based on the information that I gathered that made sense to me.
    11 - a lifestyle change is a must. I picked a lifestyle that I could live with from day one until my last breath.
    12 - I can finally live the life I have waited over 40 years to live, wear the clothes that I want to wear, and BE MYSELF! I am one happy woman!! = D
    13 - I can update my plan anytime I need to make changes.
    14 - I am only responsible for ME, and nobody can do this for me.
  • handsomepaul
    What do you mean by a spike day?
  • jpruth
    jpruth Posts: 5
    1. I learned how unhealthy my previous so-called healthy food choices were.

    2. Sugar is like a poorly disguised ninja that was obviously in the food I ate but I never really paid attention to it until I started adding up my daily intake. Yikes!

    3. Sodium is Sugar's creepy cousin also lurking in food. "The first bite's free, kid. The rest will cost ya."
  • teschy123
    teschy123 Posts: 89
    1. I have learned the importance of watching what I eat!!! I now look at the whole label instead of just the calories and fat!!!

    2. I have learned that its okay to put myself first sometimes instead of my kids and husband!!

    3. I have learned that I love to exercise and love realizing that its okay to sometimes cheat!!! As long as I remember to be honest about what I ate and realize that I can exercise to help burn some it off!!!

    4. I have learned that MFP is my godsend and I wouldn't be where I am at without it!!!
  • ohsweetcalamity
    ohsweetcalamity Posts: 78 Member
    I have learned that my eyeballs are not scales, nor are they measuring cups. I thought I knew how much I was eating until I started measuring and counting, but I was WEIGH off. (It's a pun, get it?? Like 'way off'?? Bahahhaha I'm terrible.)
  • deanna1001
    deanna1001 Posts: 2 Member
    1- I have learned that I can be happy and still be on diet. I always had such a bad outlook before using MFP. I know I need a little treat at the end of my day in order to be satisfied and as long as I work it into my calories, I am fine.

    2- I have learned that I can cook amazing meals for dinner that coincide with my diet so that I don't hijack my day after doing so well. There is no reason to cook anything full fat. You can always lighten it up by simple switchouts.

    3- I have learned to be mindful of EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. Little bites here and there add up big time. It's not worth it at the end of the day.

    4- I have learned that I need to take it slow and steady. The weight did not go on overnight and it will not come off overnight. I just cannot give up.

    So true! Well said.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    - I have the power in me to do whatever I want.
    - I have the ability to stick to something I'm passionate about.
    - I'm not unattractive; I just act that way sometimes.
    - Men DO see me positively.
    - I ate like a pig when I lived at uni (6000 cals a day NOT unusual).
    - I don't need food to be happy. Just to fuel my body.
    - The world sees you differently when you're thin. Men are nicer, girls are *****ier.
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    Oh and I just discovered Greek Yoghurt and Honey is absolutely disgusting....

    I've just discovered this this morning!!! It's actually my status for today!!!

    MFP has become such an eye opening experience for me.

    Sodium is the devil & I thought the sugar was bad!

    I've also become, like so many others, addicted to this site

    I've learned that I actually enjoy logging my foods & look forward to doing it daily.