Things I've learned since starting MFP...add yours!



  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    great post, I'm learning as I read it!

    I've learned to pay attention to what used to be mindless eating.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I have learned that on days I don't exercise, my appetite usually reflects that and it's NOT hard to NOT go over! Of course, some days are better than others, but it used to cause me concern on non-exercise days; how the heck was I going to eat that little?

    And as it turns out, if I ate good food, I was not hungry for more.

    I also learned that I don't need gallons and gallons of water to lose weight. One and a half 32 oz of water per day is sufficient and I am on track and losing.
  • Great post.

    I've learned:
    1. How much i was actually eating before
    2. that the kitchen and food can actually be fun
    3. to not be afraid of eating anymore
    4. how to plan for the day and life
    5. overall healthy habits and qualities that i love
    6. that it doesn't matter what the people think as long as i feel AWESOME INSIDE AND OUT
    7. and that I love veggies so much more than any other kind of food on the earth
    8. oh and that buffalo sauce (former product chicken only product) can be put on veggies too and its good. lol
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    I can lose weight without ever being hungry
  • great post, I'm learning as I read it!

    I've learned to pay attention to what used to be mindless eating.

    i love your puppy on your ticker.
  • littlebeans
    littlebeans Posts: 36 Member
    I've learned:

    1) peanut butter is god.
  • bill_i_am
    bill_i_am Posts: 180 Member
    sodium sucks!
  • I learned that even though the scale doesn't change, as your body loses the fat and gains the muscle, you look and feel different in your clothes! MFP has given me a greater awareness of what I am putting in my mouth, and if I know I am going to have a treat or go out for dinner, I know I can not skip my workout!
  • I learned that *I* need a spike day or I get bored.

  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Counting calories sucks :explode:
  • ltaylore
    ltaylore Posts: 54 Member
    I have learned that your calorie count doesn't have to be exact. Even having a rough estimate of the calories in your meal goes a long way to keep your diet in check.

    People working towards a common goal can be extremely supportive of one another:-)
  • To plan your days food intake. Easier to make healthy choices, and not to go over.
  • Kali112
    Kali112 Posts: 87 Member
    -that 1 binge=does not equal end of diet, as with MFP i can look back and see that even if i spread my binge calories over the week, i would still be in a really good deficit to lose weight....
    -i don't eat enough iron and i eat too much sugar
    -definitely do not drink enough water!
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    1. That my sodium intake greatly effects how much I have to get up and pee at night - over 2500mg and I'm up 3-4 times. Under 2000mg and I sleep through the night.

    2. I've learned that I actually crave water. I generally have the bulk of my water intake done by noon and anything after that is bonus and yes, there is generally a lot after that.

    3. I've learned that there are some pretty amazing people on here that will take time out of their days to make yours better and that is huge in keeping a person coming back day after day.

    4. I've learned that no question is stupid and if you get an unkind response to a question there are generally a dozen MFP's trashing the person that was unkind.

    5. I've learned that if you stick with it for even one week, you will find your calorie goal is often times hard to meet because you do adjust - and quickly.

    6. I've learned that "I" have to have two cheat/free days - one not so naughty and the other as naughty as I want to be. Funny how they are never as bad as I want them to be.

    7. I've learned there is an extreme amount of things I looked at in fitness/health that I was completely wrong or mislead in.

    8. In turn I've also learned that there are many things said on posts that are potentially dangerous as so much of a person's health/fitness must be talored to themselves - one size does not fit all.
  • bjwbmw
    bjwbmw Posts: 55
    I learned that it isn't a bad thing to eat more calories when I work out. I have become so aware of what I am eating - been eating out becomes a study of the menu. And I lalso learned that the pounds may not be going off as fast as I want but the fact that my pants are starting to fall down - it's all headed in the right direction.
  • ltparker
    ltparker Posts: 32
    I've learnt as soon as I stop using it I end up getting fat again!
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    I learned that the calories I was consuming before I started logging everything was outrageous, and some things I thought were healthy choices were not!! big eye opener

  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    not to mention drinking preggo sets EVERYONE off...
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    1. I have learned that I need support to lose weight and I love MFP because I have the best support on here!

    2. Learning how much calories, sugar and sodium is in food!

    3. That I can do any exercise if I put my mind to it!
  • TheFeebs
    TheFeebs Posts: 4
    1. I'm really excited about doing this "for real" because I want to be healthy and run a half marathon. Not to mention, there is a thousand dollar pot I'm getting in on! :wink:

    2. Holy cow!! Talk about an eye opener!! I put in breakfast and had more than half of my calorie count for the day!!:sad: