my very secret goal...what's yours



  • TamsinEllis
    TamsinEllis Posts: 293
    I have a few, none of which I share with anyone outside of MFP and quite a few I share with no one at all. My main goal is to tone up my stomach (at the moment think stay-puft from that ghostbusters film ... how I feel anyway haha) so I can wear a bikini when I'm abroad/at the beach, and instead of having to run to the bathrooms after swimming or piling on layers of baggy clothes I'd like to be able to just tug on a pair of shorts and a vest top and be done with it. And another goal I was talking about with someone on here yesterday has to be to be able to see my jawline all defined again, I have my cheekbones back (yay happy dance) but my jawline is still lame and it was one of the things I was most proud of (along with my cheekbones) when I was skinny, would love to have it back :D

    Oh and my most secret one would be how if I get the job I want (3months working with children in poverty stricken places) I really DON'T want to be the person sticking out in the crowd because I'm 5x bigger then everyone else doh! >_<
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    secret goal....shoulders like Dreya in the P90X videos....shallow...I know. And to have a smokin hot stripper body...
    .......AND I want to run a marathon =)
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    To run around carefree without worry that I am jiggling.
  • mwapay
    mwapay Posts: 18
    MY secret goal is to be able to do the 5km run on the treadmill non stop...seen a lady who does it at my gym..looks amazing and worth the effort
  • emmabrackpool
    emmabrackpool Posts: 61 Member
    my secret goal is to wear my size 12 jeans again and know for a fact my backside looks amazing!
  • mwapay
    mwapay Posts: 18
    To run around carefree without worry that I am jiggling.
    this is also one of mine..i worry bout my huge behind..arms and wanna run freely
  • xMsAlly
    xMsAlly Posts: 164 Member
    My best friend weighs 90-something pounds. While I don't want to be that skinny, I secretly want to enjoy shopping as much as she does. I mean, it's pretty fun to shop WITH her, but one day I want to be able to buy a bunch of clothes without thinking about being at my goal weight. I hope this makes sense lol
  • TheatreDamsel517
    My secret goal? My thighs not to touch anymore. I hate the flab and can't wait till it goes away! I ride horses so it's always been my dream to have a long skinny leg and elegant long torso. Instead I have short squat legs with a disproportionately long, thick torso. I can't change the length of my leg...but I'd settle for lean and muscled.
    A not so secret goal I have is running a marathon. But a secret is I'd like to run Boston...

    Can't wait! Kick on everybody!
  • lexie2005
    lexie2005 Posts: 16 Member
    My secret goal-

    to become an alternative/fetish model


    My gorgeous tiny cousin is an alternative model - she looks amazing!
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Bump for future inspiration!
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    I have this notion which I am not sure if it's even true -- but I want to weigh less and have killer calves so I can be more comfortable and sexy in heels! I never wear them.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I want my good friend to comment on how skinny I am, like she does with our other female friends, lol
  • mrsvampette
    mrsvampette Posts: 99 Member
    My secret goal is to lose weight so I can improve my chances of getting pregnant. The doc told me that losing weight would up the chances and if I were to get pregnant right now it would be risky because of my weight. I'm 24 and my starting weight was 306 pounds and now I weigh 289. My goal weight is 160ish.
  • skinnieminniemouse
    Mine is to look good in those running leggings, I have never even tried a pair on yet because I know I won't. But I will! At some point!
  • paigejustine
    My secret goal is to be able to get a tattoo on my ribs and not feel self conscious at the tattoo place!
  • susanrush
    susanrush Posts: 18
    To wear a bikini and not be embarrassed! =)