cursing + having little kids ==



  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    If I had kids I would not swear around them. Like it or not, a lot of people DO look down on those who swear. People can say they are well-educated, respectful, moral yadee yah. While what these people say could certainly be true, cursing often comes across as completely the opposite.

    In my experience, people who come from "good" (kind, wealthy, well-educated and well-traveled) families do NOT swear nearly as much as those who come from "bad" families. While one thing does not necessarily equal another, I have noticed a correlation and am quite certain others have as well -- Just look at the variety of responses to this question.

    I'm not trying to offend anyone, simply sharing my opinion.

    Looks like the wealthy are pretty damn ignorant

    I'll take being ignorant and wealthy over being an *kitten* ANY DAY.

    As to everyone who ganged up on me here, how about using the HIDE button if my posts offend you so greatly. Or is it more fun to repeatedly ignore someone's REPEATED apologies and continue to rip-apart their words?

    Obviously I did a horrible job explaining my opinion by the responses, but I admitted my errors and apologized. Obviously it is no fun for some people when the topic-punching bag is taken away.

    I hope this thread gets deleted. For all of you "adult" cyber bullies: *kitten* YOU!

    To the people who responded to my poorly-worded quote respectfully: Thank you. I hope you were able to accept my apologies.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member

    And I totally agree with your statement, "it's the "good" families that have trouble with children who drink and do drugs in excess because they were the ones who were sheltered from it, same goes with the swearing - those that were sheltered from it use it a whole lot more then those of us who were not". It's called "rebellion".

    I was never sheltered from it and I use it a whole lot; I have tried to stop but to be quite honest I don't feel like myself lol.

    Oh And to Vinegar - I am not making fun of anyone... anyone I know who does not swear says gosh darn and poopy head, is under the age of 6, adults who say it are generally trying to be funny or they have small children and they are TRYING to not swear around their kids - and that only lasts for a matter of days. If I was going to make fun of you non-swearing people I would choose something better then calling you "gosh darn and poopy head people."
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    The way things are today, kids are going to hear it, but its not hypocricitical to not let them curse. They need to develop a mature vocabulary. You can't sit in a business meeting and continuously curse. One or two can slip, but you should watch your mouth, especially in mixed company.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I curse sometimes more than others. I listen to music that is full of curses and other miscellaneous trash. I have a seven year old little girl who will NOT say a curse word. She listens to the same trash as i do with one rule : the first time i hear her being disrespectful to people or cursing, the trash music is GONE!!!! (and she loves hollywood undead) So Far So Good!!!!! I know i am not perfect, dont pretend to be at all ever. But i love that little girl more than anything in the world. And i will be the first to change my disgusting foul mouth and music tastes .............
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    *kitten* YOU!
    BWHAHAHAHAHAHA bravo. This is not said in sarcasm for once...just pure admiration.
  • LindsayPerkins1984
    LindsayPerkins1984 Posts: 10 Member
    I swear sometimes during conversations,but mostly just swear if I am angry about something. I have 17 month old twins, and my husband swears in front of them alot. I try not to, but I know I have on occasion (if I stub my toe, or something equally annoying as that) I am trying to get him to stop, because the last thing I want is for two little toddlers to be running around dropping F bombs... they are only saying a couple of words right now, and I dont' want one of their first words to be the F Bomb.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    WOW I must be old fashioned, I have a four year old daughter & put her to bed early for saying god damn only last week! I don't swear in front of her & if people wish to visit us I encourage them not to swear in front of her. Swearing in public is an erosion of basic common courtesy, where the "self" has become more important than the "community" & people question why the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I am not saying swearing is the worlds or a childs greatest issue but respect for each other has to start somewhere!

    Funny I don't allow my daughter to stay up late or watch inappropriate programs on television & as for reading if you don't encourage your children to read & to ENJOY reading you are quite simply wrong! IMO :)


    x 1 million.
  • takingnameskickingbutt
    Ok, this may be controversial, but I do swear and so did my parents. I think it's better to teach children the realities of life, including diction. It is better that they learn to be nice people than be drains on society that wouldn't dream of dropping the f-bomb.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    There's a time and a place for everything.

    As long as your kids know it's inappropriate to start a job interview with...

    "I'm here to *kitten* *kitten* up!!"

    ...I'm sure they'll be fine :bigsmile:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    *kitten* YOU!
    BWHAHAHAHAHAHA bravo. This is not said in sarcasm for once...just pure admiration.

    haha Thank you! I'll even smoke AND drink in honor of this thread hopefully catching on fire and burning away. :smokin: :drinker:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    As long as your kids know it's inappropriate to start a job interview with...

    "I'm here to *kitten* *kitten* up!!"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Marty_D
    Marty_D Posts: 39 Member
    I've always told my kids that there is a time and place for cursing. With yur buds.....yup, with Granny and Grandpa... no. Its a sign of disrespect in certain circles. In my presence, I told them I wouldn't be offended unless it was used in anger towards me, then all bets are off. My grandson has initiated a swear jar, I told him he done lost his f***in mind! I'm kidding ofcourse. Little bugger has a nice little jar o' money already!!
  • LJA8608
    LJA8608 Posts: 48 Member
    Even though this thread is at page 12 and my reply probably wont even be seen... I still want to say my peace :) First I have to say, raise your children how you want to and don't stress to much about "messing them up". If that's all we worry about all the time, we would eventually all need to become mutes with no interactions because MOST of the time, we never know what happens to cause children to "go bad". I was raised not to swear but I swear worst than my husband who's parents didn't really monitor anything he did.

    My attitude towards swearing though changed a couple weeks ago. Up until than I had no problems with swearing infront of my child. Now I think twice before I say a curse word or I use a "substitute" word (shoot, darn it etc.)

    The change in my attitude happened after I watched a video that my husband took of my daughter riding her tractor in the backyard. It had started to snow and I was supposed to go outside and do some field work for my Ecology class. I was really upset and started letting the words flow. I am sooo embarrassed to watch that video because I sound RIDICULOUS! Here you have the sweet video of my daughters glowing face as she is having a blast and all you can hear in the background is "da*n it, *kitten*," and every other curse word known to man. I realize now that although letting some words slip now and than won't hurt, I don't ever want to sound like I did on that recording!
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member

    And I totally agree with your statement, "it's the "good" families that have trouble with children who drink and do drugs in excess because they were the ones who were sheltered from it, same goes with the swearing - those that were sheltered from it use it a whole lot more then those of us who were not". It's called "rebellion".

    I was never sheltered from it and I use it a whole lot; I have tried to stop but to be quite honest I don't feel like myself lol.

    Oh And to Vinegar - I am not making fun of anyone... anyone I know who does not swear says gosh darn and poopy head, is under the age of 6, adults who say it are generally trying to be funny or they have small children and they are TRYING to not swear around their kids - and that only lasts for a matter of days. If I was going to make fun of you non-swearing people I would choose something better then calling you "gosh darn and poopy head people."

    This is the issue we have on this thread. Those who posted that they *do* swear, posted just that, maybe with a little anecdote to go along or an explanation on what they do in order to relay to their children that it's wrong for them to do so. Those (some) who posted that they *didn't* swear, proceeded to tell the rest of us why we are wrong, how our children will turn out horribly because of it, and that we are poor, uneducated & classless. So there's your answer as to why we're getting "all bent out of shape".
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    What Cindy said...

    Seriously,I've been thinking about posting the same thing all day.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    This is the issue we have on this thread. Those who posted that they *do* swear, posted just that, maybe with a little anecdote to go along or an explanation on what they do in order to relay to their children that it's wrong for them to do so. Those (some) who posted that they *didn't* swear, proceeded to tell the rest of us why we are wrong, how our children will turn out horribly because of it, and that we are poor, uneducated & classless. So there's your answer as to why we're getting "all bent out of shape".

    In her defence, she WAS just giving her opinion based on her own experiences, as everyone has been.

    It's just that the experiences of those who disagree with swearing in front of children do so because they think it indicates negative traits. I'm in that group. I see swearing as being negative, so when I say "I wouldn't swear in front of my children because...", of course I'm going to be giving my reasons.

    For those on the other side of the 'argument' the response is "I would swear in front of my children because..." probably followed up with "I think it's fine". Of course, you could use the same logic on those of us against swearing, but the traits you come up with are probably going to be ones we're happy to have. That's just the way it is, and it's all opinion.
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    I must admit I am really quite bad with cursing.. I drop the F@$k word rather regularly in any shape or form it can come out in ... Really pisses my husband off .. Lol.. He calls me a sewer mouth .. Haha..even though most of my cursing are driven by him anyways ... Ok so I have an 18 yr old 3 yr old and 2 yr old .. The 18 yr old is proof to me that its not that bad .. It's just a friggin word ... He is not screwed up in anyway just coz his mother is a potty mouth He doesn't swear .. He knew and knows it's not something you say to your grandparents .. He knows right from wrong... my 3 year old said it once .. 2 year old never ... I think there are far worse habits and behavior a parent can do to effect a child's life in a negative way other than cursing ... That's just my opinion though !!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Time and a place for everything. I don't mind doing it around friends or co-workers.

    That said, I've never sworn in front of my parents. Personally, I think it's disrespectful.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I cuss occasionally...not overly so but enough that my daughter has heard it. To her, cuss words are nothing special, and she doesn't get a thrill from saying them unlike other 11-yr olds. I also let her watch horror movies, and she has no fear of monsters. We talk about sex, and so she doesn't see it as the "secret taboo" that most kids her age do. The counsoler I take her to says she's probably one of the more well-adjusted pre-teens that she has seen, so told me whatever I am doing it is working.

    Once I was mad in the store and I let a few choice words slip out. My daughter was about two at the time, and this lady came up to me and ripped into me for cussing in front of my child. Boy did she get an earful of language!! She said "don't say those things in front of my kids!!" I told her "don't put your kids in the path of my words!!" She left in a huff..but I was soooo pissed!! It's not like I was beating her like some people do! I was cussing...not at her, but just because I had run over my toe with the cart!!!
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    My friend has a 2 year old daughter that cusses a lot. She also has a 3 year old who freaks out when anyone says a bad word. I said d*mn one time and the 3 year old said, "Lauren be nice!" And then the 2 year old calls her dad a douche. So I have no idea whether it's going to ruin them for life or not lol I just know it's funny.