cursing + having little kids ==



  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    If you asked both of my kids this very second what my favorite word is they would both say f**k. But they would say the "F" word. They are 16 and 13 and I have NEVER heard either one of them say it. They might in front of their friends but that's normal to me.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    eh, not a big deal. they're going to be around it ALL the time when they get older.
    My parents cursed all the time too. & i also turned out ok :P

    I honestly think its cute/funny to hear a little kid curse, especially when they mispronounce it...OMG adorable xD

    Id rather have my little girl curse & listen to rob zombie rather than have her nose in books all day. EW!!

    Ha! whats wrong with books? Do people who curse not read? Did I miss the memo?

    what kid/teen wants to read? I dont know anyone who reads for fun...
    Im saying id rather her not read, but, if she ever wants to, then ok.

    My 16 year old reads all the time and has tons of friends,books are important
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Women and profanity is neither attractive nor classy. Regardless of your educational background and career, if your vocabulary is not extensive enough to where you must use vulgar language in order to make a point, you will appear as uneducated.

    My vocabulary is VERY extensive,I also could not give a *kitten* if people think I appear uneducated.Why should I care what random people think of me?
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member

    Why ask this question if all you want are people who agree with you?

    What? As far as i noticed, i haven't disagreed nor argued with anyone who says they don't curse in front of their children. The only thing I have replied on is when people say outrageous generalities like that. "bad" families and "good" families. Holy hell. Really? And if you can read through the veiled sarcasm (not that hard to catch, i promise) you'll see it wasn't even a commentary on the cursing correlation you geniusly came up with, it was actually about your definitions of "good" and "bad" families. Way to stereotype... good job!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member

    Why ask this question if all you want are people who agree with you?

    What? As far as i noticed, i haven't disagreed nor argued with anyone who says they don't curse in front of their children. The only thing I have replied on is when people say outrageous generalities like that. "bad" families and "good" families. Holy hell. Really? And if you can read through the veiled sarcasm (not that hard to catch, i promise) you'll see it wasn't even a commentary on the cursing correlation you geniusly came up with, it was actually about your definitions of "good" and "bad" families. Way to stereotype... good job!

    That's why I placed "good" and "bad" in quotes, as demonstrated in this sentence as well as in my original post.

    I realize I have offended a few people and I should have been clearer in explaining my answer. I'm sorry. My intention was not to offend anyone. I hope you guys can forgive me for my poor choice in wording. :flowerforyou:
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I didn't really read all the replies, I got to the one with the "i would rather my child NOT read because they would have no friends" and had to stop.

    I read, I have read A LOT since I was a child. I went out, I had friends, I was a normal every day kid . Now I am an adult, I read - all the damn time, I still have lots of friends. I listen to music, I drink, I talk like a sailor. Reading does not affect how a child lives - you are stupid.

    To Nancy, personally I see nothing wrong with swearing in front of kids. I lived with my niece for a while and I never changed the way I talked around her. She has yet to drop the eff bomb, but she has said swear words before and quickly goes "oops not supposed to say that." and giggles - she is now 7.

    I think people put too much stock into swearing, honestly its a word, it is not the end of the world. I am well educated, I am pretty well adjusted, I also use swear words more than some would like but you know what??? it makes me no less educated. I say be yourself.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    You know why is it that if we don't agree with swearing around our kids we get attacked?!? If you wanna swear in your home then swear to your hearts content!! We are just letting you know what we think about the matter. If you feel like you're being a point. People are never going to completely agree with what we do as parents...ever! All I know is that my kids will have enough stuff to worry about as they get older and if swearing will make them 'appear' to be trashy or uneducated then I'm not gonna show them that it's ok to swear when they get older. Yes you can say "those are big people words". But I don't think that 'big people' should use them either!

    I agree -- Very well said. We all have the right to share our opinions.

    So you are a Gosh darn and a poopy head person? Seriously?? I am not attacking anyone who doesn't swear/ doesn't want their children to swear its your prerogative, but honestly sometimes gosh darn and shucks do not do the trick. Do I appear trashy?? oh to some people probably. I grew up in a home where swearing was not preferred but now you know what? Talk to anyone of my siblings and they will tell you straight up that fvck is just a normal word..

    I have yet to meet an adult who says gosh darn when they are mad - and I know a LOT of adults from MANY different back grounds including Christians who swear.

    I think you all need to get a grip - especially the person who made the statement about good families and bad families because in my personal experience its the "good" families that have trouble with children who drink and do drugs in excess because they were the ones who were sheltered from it, same goes with the swearing - those that were sheltered from it use it a whole lot more then those of us who were your broad assessment of your personal experience is a bunch of bloody bullsh!t.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    You know why is it that if we don't agree with swearing around our kids we get attacked?!? If you wanna swear in your home then swear to your hearts content!! We are just letting you know what we think about the matter. If you feel like you're being a point. People are never going to completely agree with what we do as parents...ever! All I know is that my kids will have enough stuff to worry about as they get older and if swearing will make them 'appear' to be trashy or uneducated then I'm not gonna show them that it's ok to swear when they get older. Yes you can say "those are big people words". But I don't think that 'big people' should use them either!

    I agree -- Very well said. We all have the right to share our opinions.
    So you are a Gosh darn and a poopy head person? Seriously?? I am not attacking anyone who doesn't swear/ doesn't want their children to swear its your prerogative, but honestly sometimes gosh darn and shucks do not do the trick.

    And we weren't attacking anyone who does swear. ALTHOUGH it does seem from your wording that you were making fun of us with the beginning statement, "So you are a Gosh darn and a poopy head person?"

    I agree with the statement "If you wanna swear in your home then swear to your hearts content!! We are just letting you know what we think about the matter."

    I could care less if other people swear around their children.

    You can call my PERSONAL experience "a bunch of bloody bull****," but in the end it is still my own personal experience. Just because it is not the same as YOURS does not mean it is okay to discredit MINE.

    I stated that I should have been clearer in my wording. I apologized for it.

    PS: I am an adult woman and most people I know do not swear except on very rare occasion. Obviously we simply have different experiences. I don't think that makes either one of us right or wrong.
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    I swear a lot more than I care to admit to most people. I am a teacher, and I definitely do not swear at school or out in public. I guess I have an internal off switch. If I am at home though (even with my kids around) I will curse. When I am around my other family, I don't. If I am around friends who curse I will occasionally curse. I guess it depends on who I am around. My daughter who is 6 knows that these are grown up words. The word sexy is a curse word to her too. LOL Whenever that "I'm sexy, and I know it" song comes on she tells me he's saying a bad word! lol She doesn't know what it means of course, but I just told her it was a grown up word and she associates it with curse words for now. lol
  • geezer99
    geezer99 Posts: 92
    Our rule was that you cannot use "hurting words." Stupid, hate you, you stink … Everything else was fair game including f**@. Our son discovered that his friends didn't approve of his vocabulary and that cleaned up his act.
  • Canis8Lupus
    My mom cursed galore when I was a little (and she continues). And I have inherited the same mouth. I don't think children should be sheltered from the world. To me, to curse is just to use a bundle of words. There are worse things in the world than words. Growing up, I knew that I wasn't allowed to curse because I was a child; "When you grow up and have experienced more and can make right and wrong decisions on your own, and are mature enough to handle things like swearing, you can do it." And so I did.
    I don't swear around other peoples children, because I don't know if they would appreciate it or not. "treat others how you want to be treated" (more good advice from mom). But to me, it's just a group of words. Another form of expression.

    I hate how much children are sheltered in America. Instead of hiding your kids from the truth of the world by trying to censor everything, and damning anything that is "inappropriate", parents should talk to and teach and discipline their children according to what they think is right, as individuals. There are some things children shouldn't know. But I think kids need to know.
    I don't have children, but this is how my mom raised me. And I have turned out to be a smart, civilized, well mannered, person.

    The bottom line, you have to communicate with your kids.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    You know why is it that if we don't agree with swearing around our kids we get attacked?!? If you wanna swear in your home then swear to your hearts content!! We are just letting you know what we think about the matter. If you feel like you're being a point. People are never going to completely agree with what we do as parents...ever! All I know is that my kids will have enough stuff to worry about as they get older and if swearing will make them 'appear' to be trashy or uneducated then I'm not gonna show them that it's ok to swear when they get older. Yes you can say "those are big people words". But I don't think that 'big people' should use them either!

    I agree -- Very well said. We all have the right to share our opinions.

    So you are a Gosh darn and a poopy head person? Seriously?? I am not attacking anyone who doesn't swear/ doesn't want their children to swear its your prerogative, but honestly sometimes gosh darn and shucks do not do the trick. Do I appear trashy?? oh to some people probably. I grew up in a home where swearing was not preferred but now you know what? Talk to anyone of my siblings and they will tell you straight up that fvck is just a normal word..

    I have yet to meet an adult who says gosh darn when they are mad - and I know a LOT of adults from MANY different back grounds including Christians who swear.

    I think you all need to get a grip - especially the person who made the statement about good families and bad families because in my personal experience its the "good" families that have trouble with children who drink and do drugs in excess because they were the ones who were sheltered from it, same goes with the swearing - those that were sheltered from it use it a whole lot more then those of us who were your broad assessment of your personal experience is a bunch of bloody bullsh!t.

    "Bloody bullsh*t"! I love it!! Why is it that when the British curse it sounds so classy?? I make one of my English friends say swear words for me just so I can hear them. lol

    And I totally agree with your statement, "it's the "good" families that have trouble with children who drink and do drugs in excess because they were the ones who were sheltered from it, same goes with the swearing - those that were sheltered from it use it a whole lot more then those of us who were not". It's called "rebellion".
  • Canis8Lupus
    I usually don't swear, however, when I do, I make it worth my while.

    I do find it peculiar that society, in general, defines "curse words" as the terms listed by the FCC as unsuitable for public broadcast communications.

    That FCC list of words has somehow become a legal precedent for what local, state and federal well as private and corporate businesses...consider to be unsuitable for use in our general conversation.

    Funny how that developed, isn't it?

    I really hate how censored the U.S. is :/
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member

    Why ask this question if all you want are people who agree with you?

    Seriously what thread are you reading, the OP unlike other posters has attacked no one, has not made statements that defamed other posters, nor have they made statements that those opinions that oppose theirs are wrong unlike other posters have.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I have a shirt that says "how dare I wear this god damn shirt in front of your ****ing kids" that's my thoughts.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    I think that when it comes down to it, it's kinda like religion. Nobody wan't other peoples beliefs pushed on them or their children. If we all had a little compassion for one another and were considerate of others boundaries it would be a better world. Words have power and words create life. I think they should be used for good. Words cut and words can cause death. Why not use them for their active intentional purpose to create and nurture life.:flowerforyou:
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member

    In my experience, people who come from "good" (kind, wealthy, well-educated and well-traveled) families do NOT swear nearly as much as those who come from "bad" families.

    That's some funny *kitten* right there. I have two degrees, my husband has one, we both work as well paid professionals, live in an upper middle class home in a middle class neighbourhood. I've travelled all over Europe and a variety of other places. We swear. Oh noes!! Does this mean we're suddenly going to fall into unemployment and start selling crack on the streets? Should I put my brand new dream home up for sale and move into the ghetto? Silly us!

    BTW our child is a straight A student, a student leader, a community volunteer, all of her own volition. She wants to go to law school. When should I tell her she is doomed to a life of poverty and misery because she's heard me swear?

    Our focus as parents is teaching good citizenship, responsibility and teaching her how to grow up to be a law abiding productive adult. You worry about swearing all you want, we'll focus on the important stuff.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    I have a shirt that says "how dare I wear this god damn shirt in front of your ****ing kids" that's my thoughts.

    can i borrow your shirt? I'll let you wear my "your jesus hates me" shirt.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member

    That's why I placed "good" and "bad" in quotes, as demonstrated in this sentence as well as in my original post.

    I realize I have offended a few people and I should have been clearer in explaining my answer. I'm sorry. My intention was not to offend anyone. I hope you guys can forgive me for my poor choice in wording. :flowerforyou:
    And we weren't attacking anyone who does swear...

    ...I could care less if other people swear around their children....

    ....I stated that I should have been clearer in my wording. I apologized for it....

    PS: I am an adult woman and most people I know do not swear except on very rare occasion. Obviously we simply have different experiences. I don't think that makes either one of us right or wrong.

    Bumping up my last posts. I would really appreciate if someone would recognize that I didn't mean to offend anyone, apologized, and we could move on. Otherwise, if one of the admins sees this, could you please remove all my posts from this topic?

  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    If I had kids I would not swear around them. Like it or not, a lot of people DO look down on those who swear. People can say they are well-educated, respectful, moral yadee yah. While what these people say could certainly be true, cursing often comes across as completely the opposite.

    In my experience, people who come from "good" (kind, wealthy, well-educated and well-traveled) families do NOT swear nearly as much as those who come from "bad" families. While one thing does not necessarily equal another, I have noticed a correlation and am quite certain others have as well -- Just look at the variety of responses to this question.

    I'm not trying to offend anyone, simply sharing my opinion.

    Looks like the wealthy are pretty damn ignorant