cursing + having little kids ==



  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    eh, not a big deal. they're going to be around it ALL the time when they get older.
    My parents cursed all the time too. & i also turned out ok :P

    I honestly think its cute/funny to hear a little kid curse, especially when they mispronounce it...OMG adorable xD

    Id rather have my little girl curse & listen to rob zombie rather than have her nose in books all day. EW!!

    Ha! whats wrong with books? Do people who curse not read? Did I miss the memo?

    what kid/teen wants to read? I dont know anyone who reads for fun...
    Im saying id rather her not read, but, if she ever wants to, then ok.

    I'm a kid (well an adult now) who loves to read. As a parent (or a soon to be parent) how could you not encourage your child to not foster a love of reading? It broadens horizons and their vocabulary you know. I know a ton of people who read for fun.
    Good luck to your child when she's born.
  • spazwgeo
    spazwgeo Posts: 70 Member
    Wow. I really did not think that there was going to be so many people who say that it's ok to swear in front of their children. Personally I feel that people who swear sound trashy and I lose respect for them. Kids are so Innocent, why do you want to take that away from them by teaching them that it's ok to swear? Teachers have enough stuff to deal with in school they sure as heck don't need a bunch of kids swearing and showing disrespect. My children are 10 and 7 and I will NOT be swearing in front of them or anywhere else. Gosh I just can't believe there are so many who are ok with it.....
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Can you imagine the glorious pattern a doily would make on your *kitten* cheeks? (or your face cheeks, depending on what position you took?) :wink:
    im a weirdo and would want matching patterns on each *kitten* cheek.. doily or not ;)
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    Wow. I really did not think that there was going to be so many people who say that it's ok to swear in front of their children. Personally I feel that people who swear sound trashy and I lose respect for them. Kids are so Innocent, why do you want to take that away from them by teaching them that it's ok to swear? Teachers have enough stuff to deal with in school they sure as heck don't need a bunch of kids swearing and showing disrespect. My children are 10 and 7 and I will NOT be swearing in front of them or anywhere else. Gosh I just can't believe there are so many who are ok with it.....

    Because not everyone defines respect like you. Do you know what context is? Because that means a lot in how a sentence or even just a single word is taken. If I say "mother****er" after stubbing my toe, you're telling me that's no different than calling someone a mother****er?
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member

    Stephen knows best, y'all.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I was "this"ing nope's post, but Jessamin's post is glorious as well.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member

    Stephen knows best, y'all.
    Hawkins? I mean, he knows physics and lots of complicated stuff, but he's an expert on this also. Dayum.

    Whoops...that wasn't very lady like.
  • lhughes404
    lhughes404 Posts: 42 Member
    Why don't you just not have kids? Wouldn't that be a lot easier? We swear in front of our puppies and horses and there is never a problem.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member

    Stephen knows best, y'all.
    Hawkins? I mean, he knows physics and lots of complicated stuff, but he's an expert on this also. Dayum.

    Whoops...that wasn't very lady like.

    FRY. Stephen Fry, verbose king of all things snark!
  • ThatGirlGlow
    ThatGirlGlow Posts: 68 Member
    Why don't you just not have kids? Wouldn't that be a lot easier? We swear in front of our puppies and horses and there is never a problem.

    LOL! :flowerforyou:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    eh, not a big deal. they're going to be around it ALL the time when they get older.
    My parents cursed all the time too. & i also turned out ok :P

    I honestly think its cute/funny to hear a little kid curse, especially when they mispronounce it...OMG adorable xD

    Id rather have my little girl curse & listen to rob zombie rather than have her nose in books all day. EW!!

    Ha! whats wrong with books? Do people who curse not read? Did I miss the memo?

    I cuss like a $#^#^*^$#^#^# sailor and I have my nose in a book most of the time...and I even occasionally listen to Rob Zombie...not sure what the problem is with all that LOL
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    my daughter doesn't want ppl swearing around him. but she really needs to get over it because ppl do that anyway.

    This I massively disagree with. I think it's incredibly inconsiderate to swear around other people's children. Sure, he's going to hear those words elsewhere but you've been asked not to, and you have the power not to.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    My mother tried to keep stuff like that from me (I even had a child lock on the internet until I was almost 16) but my dad had a mouth dirtier than a dumpster and so before I was even 5 I was spouting the gentile word of "crap". By 4th grade my mouth was pretty bad in certain social situations and I remember one Thanksgiving having a "*kitten* you" fight with my dad because he was mad at me for screaming at a wasp.

    I know if I ever have kids I'll never be able to curb my mouth when I have bad moments and y'know I'd rather they hear it from me than someone else because I can at least tell them about the words and their stigma in certain areas of society and when not to use them. They're words. And really if people are gonna look down on me I'd rather they do it because I let my kid curse when they stub their toe or get a bad grade or get mad than if I let my kid do drugs or drink and actually hurt themselves. I have an extensive vocabulary and use it more often than the f-bomb, but just because it's in my vocabulary doesn't make me ignorant or trashy.

    Responsible parents know how to keep their kids in line, cursing or not.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Why don't you just not have kids? Wouldn't that be a lot easier? We swear in front of our puppies and horses and there is never a problem.

    And your horse turned out to be an award winner!!! So I guess my kids will turn out fine as well!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Why don't you just not have kids? Wouldn't that be a lot easier? We swear in front of our puppies and horses and there is never a problem.

    It's a problem with parrots. Pretty much every parrot that gets taken to our local SPCA can't be put up for open adoption due to really bad potty-mouths. They tend to go off to bird sanctuaries and rescue groups.

    I wouldn't mind a foul-mouthed parrot. But with our seven cats, he'd have a LOT to swear about.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I'm well educated, I have two degrees. I'm a professional. However, I swear. A lot.

    I started in grade 3 (my mother would have throttled me if she found out) and became permanently ingrained after 4 years of digging trenches, crawling prone through a mine field with a bayonet, painting my face green, and making use of ample amounts of grenades, rocket launchers and tear gas. I served my country in the Army, and now my job is saving lives on a daily basis.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is I'm a badass, I curse, and if you don't like it you can kiss my lily white *kitten*.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Why don't you just not have kids? Wouldn't that be a lot easier? We swear in front of our puppies and horses and there is never a problem.

    It's a problem with parrots. Pretty much every parrot that gets taken to our local SPCA can't be put up for open adoption due to really bad potty-mouths. They tend to go off to bird sanctuaries and rescue groups.

    I wouldn't mind a foul-mouthed parrot. But with our seven cats, he'd have a LOT to swear about.
    You mean, "I thought I saw a f!#^^%$*#ing puddytat"?
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I think it sounds common
    & you sure don't LOOK common, that solid gold crown is dripping with jewels.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I'm well educated, I have two degrees. I'm a professional. However, I swear. A lot.

    I started in grade 3 (my mother would have throttled me if she found out) and became permanently ingrained after 4 years of digging trenches, crawling prone through a mine field with a bayonet, painting my face green, and making use of ample amounts of grenades, rocket launchers and tear gas. I served my country in the Army, and now my job is saving lives on a daily basis.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is I'm a badass, I curse, and if you don't like it you can kiss my lily white *kitten*.
    Thank you! for your service and your wonderful attitude :D