cursing + having little kids ==



  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I swear, and it's not really habit I like, but I do do it, and in front of my kids. Although (and not saying this makes it better but) I limit it to certain words, like they won't ever hear me drop the F bomb or call someone a B*@%h, but i've never had an issue w/ them swearing. And I would never swear in front of someone else's children (unless it's one of my nephews that know me) as a sign of respect. I don't know what they do in their households, but I just wouldn't want to do that.
    If f*** and b**** are too much, what the hell DO you say?
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    im a preschool teacher. i would be fired haha
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    i find it funny that i'll drop the f-bomb in front of my children, but I put my foot down when it comes to letting them hear something as vulgar as justin beiber. that *kitten*'s not allowed in my house.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I dont know anyone who reads for fun...
    Are you 11?
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    okay, so anyone who knows me, knows i curse. a lot. all the time. sure, it's not ladylike, but i don't really give a fu@k.

    anywho ... i have 3 little ones (3, 6 & 7) and i never did that "oh, i'm not going to curse in front of them" thing. I figured I'm not going to keep them sheltered from something as inane as bad words. Yeah, they all dropped the f bomb before the age of 3, but that was it - they never cursed again. They know they are bad words, they know they can't say them, they are sensitized to that they are not "special" words at all.

    am i ahead of the curve or have i ruined my children for life? Only time will tell. (maybe they'll end up rebelling and they'll stick their noses up to punk rock and listen to xtian music and go to church. who knows.)

    What do you do about cursing? yay or ney?

    Our kids (3 girls, ages 20, 18, 13) have always been allowed to swear. Growing up, the oldest and the youngest don't (the older one does now, somewhat, but not much). The 18 yo does a lot. "Like a trucker." But they all follow our house rule, which is you aren't allowed to swear AT anyone or say anything (swear word or not) that can hurt someone else's feelings. So, "shut up" is off limits, but "Damnit" (or the f-bomb, even) are ok if they're just being used in conversation. I find it ridiculous that the order some random letters are arranged in make it a "good" word or a "bad" one. Words can hurt and that is what they have to avoid. They know there are situations when swearing is inappropriate or would "hurt" someone just by being heard (like conservative grandparents, or in school) so they don't swear then out of respect.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    i find it funny that i'll drop the f-bomb in front of my children, but I put my foot down when it comes to letting them hear something as vulgar as justin beiber. that *kitten*'s not allowed in my house.
    The same rules will apply with my children!
  • abigailm83
    abigailm83 Posts: 110
    I curse like no other and in front of my children but they know what words are "bad". My children don't say hate, stupid, dumb or anything that could be hurtful to someone else. My son did say that daddy was pissing him off the other day which made me giggle but I said buddy lets not say that again and he was like "ok" and that was the end of it.

    My boyfriend has issues with the way I talk and tells me it's not lady like and I simply reply this is the way I've been since you met me :bigsmile:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I dont know anyone who reads for fun...
    Are you 11?

    My neighbor's 6 year old reads ALL the time and also takes karate classes and has tons of friend's 11 year old son has his nose in a book and begs to be allowed to stay up later so he can finish reading (and he also goes to Gifted and Talented classes and plays sports)...and I am an old metalhead who curses like crazy, photographs concerts in my free time and absolutely LOVES to read.

    I can't imagine NOT encouraging your child to be a reader. Reading and social life are NOT mutually exclusive.
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    What do you do about cursing? yay or ney?

    I curse... I always have.. I tried to keep it to a minimal when my daughter was young and didn't know better to not repeat me. She is 11 now and I don't hold back. I'm sure she swears when she's not around me but I never had a problem with her swearing at all.
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I agree. My 4y/o drops and F bomb like once every 6 months and we have a talk about how she isn't allowed to use those words and those are grown up words. Its not really a big issue.

    I curse like a sailor. Both of my children ages 8&5 have heard my friends and I curse numerouis times..... My children will literally look at someone and say those are big people words and only big people can say them. I don't think you have messed your kids up .......Making it a big deal now that would mess them up
  • spazwgeo
    spazwgeo Posts: 70 Member
    People keep saying that swear words are just a bunch of letters put together. Well I disagree.

    Why would you want your 5 year old to say the F word or the B word if this is what they mean?

    Def. of *kitten*
    To have sexual intercourse with.
    Slang- to treat unfairly or harsh

    Def of B*tch
    a female dog
    Slang- a malicious, unpleasant, selfish person, especially a woman.
    a lewd woman.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    People keep saying that swear words are just a bunch of letters put together. Well I disagree.

    Why would you want your 5 year old to say the F word or the B word if this is what they mean?

    Def. of *kitten*
    To have sexual intercourse with.
    Slang- to treat unfairly or harsh

    Def of B*tch
    a female dog
    Slang- a malicious, unpleasant, selfish person, especially a woman.
    a lewd woman.
    thats all any words are.. a series of letters thrown together.
    i dont think anyone said they want their 5 year old saying those words...maybe i missed a couple posts.
    i say those words all the time, my 5 year old does not. when she gets older, i wont care as long as its not in front of her grandparents or at school/in public. also not directing those words at another person is a big deal for me.
    what DOES bother me, is people who words like "crap, freaking, darn" etc in the same way "bad" words would be used - and then act like theyre better than me because they dont "swear". its the same intent - get over it
  • lorim77
    lorim77 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm so confused! If everyone swears in front of their kids, but all of their kids know swearing is for grown-ups and dont swear themselves, then how is it that kids are hearing swear words at school? Perplexing.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    People keep saying that swear words are just a bunch of letters put together. Well I disagree.

    Why would you want your 5 year old to say the F word or the B word if this is what they mean?

    Def. of *kitten*
    To have sexual intercourse with.
    Slang- to treat unfairly or harsh

    Def of B*tch
    a female dog
    Slang- a malicious, unpleasant, selfish person, especially a woman.
    a lewd woman.

    We're all very familiar with the definitions of our fancy words, but thanks for coming out.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I'm so confused! If everyone swears in front of their kids, but all of their kids know swearing is for grown-ups and dont swear themselves, then how is it that kids are hearing swear words at school? Perplexing.
    simple. i dont raise other peoples children.
    other parents might not teach their children the same things i teach mine.
    they might treat swearing as some horrible thing that will send you to hell, so their kids want to do it more.
    they might not care if their kids swear.
    not too hard to figure out ;)
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    if my child is reading constantly, she'll never have a chance to get out & hang out with friends, because she'd be too obsessed. My friends mom is like that, & i think it's crazy...she has no friends at all D:
    I want my child to have friends. And be smart from reading.

    As in not wanting her to read, I mean it as an all day thing. If she wants to read an hour a day, I dont mind. i think that awesome..but all day and not wanting to do anything else? that wouldnt be acceptable to me. She needs communication in her life too. Communication is more important than a book.
    i disagree. the child could read constantly and still have time to hang out with friends.
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    Me and my husband swear but wouldn't dream of doing it in front of our children. It's frown upon in our house. When children swear, it just sounds like they are being dragged up. It's not cool, it's not hip and it's certainly not clever. My children are 6 and 8 and they hear other children using swear words at school etc, the odd one on the telly... There's no way you can shield a child from hearing such words, it happens, it's out there and for many people, it's vertually their first language! In my personal opinion, i just dont think its right, it sounds common and trashy but.......each to their own

    I agree. Sets a horrible example for your children. They're gonna hear it from all the other kids in school, so go ahead and show them that its ok in your home as well? People need to get their priorities straight.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Me and my husband swear but wouldn't dream of doing it in front of our children. It's frown upon in our house. When children swear, it just sounds like they are being dragged up. It's not cool, it's not hip and it's certainly not clever. My children are 6 and 8 and they hear other children using swear words at school etc, the odd one on the telly... There's no way you can shield a child from hearing such words, it happens, it's out there and for many people, it's vertually their first language! In my personal opinion, i just dont think its right, it sounds common and trashy but.......each to their own

    I agree. Sets a horrible example for your children. They're gonna hear it from all the other kids in school, so go ahead and show them that its ok in your home as well? People need to get their priorities straight.

    My priorities are teaching my child leadership, responsibility, the value of a good education, and citizenship. What was your point again?
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    Me and my husband swear but wouldn't dream of doing it in front of our children. It's frown upon in our house. When children swear, it just sounds like they are being dragged up. It's not cool, it's not hip and it's certainly not clever. My children are 6 and 8 and they hear other children using swear words at school etc, the odd one on the telly... There's no way you can shield a child from hearing such words, it happens, it's out there and for many people, it's vertually their first language! In my personal opinion, i just dont think its right, it sounds common and trashy but.......each to their own

    I agree. Sets a horrible example for your children. They're gonna hear it from all the other kids in school, so go ahead and show them that its ok in your home as well? People need to get their priorities straight.

    My priorities are teaching my child leadership, responsibility, the value of a good education, and citizenship. What was your point again?

    My point was that I agree that its wrong. You raise your kids the way you see fit and so will I.
  • meldaniel
    meldaniel Posts: 111
    LOL! I just can't believe someone actually says they would prefer their child NOT read. really? And using a curse word makes people sound uneducated???? I always read and my children love to read. I do not think that cursing makes anyone automatically sound uneducated. Now if you can't get through a sentence w/out droppping 4 curse words each time...sure. BUT the same goes for people who say "LIKE..." after every word!!! Now THAT sounds unarticulate and uneducated! Like...seriously.