5"7 ladies?



  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Im 5'7, currently 127lb, but now working to inc my muscle so expecting to go up. I try not to weigh myself now, more focused on the inches
  • tifarahmonteith
    tifarahmonteith Posts: 23 Member
    I am 23 and also 5'7'. I am currently 138 and not really on here so much to "lose weight" as to just tighten everything up and get toned. I think that so many women, especially my age, are so concerned with a number instead of being "healthy". For me, my goal weight is 135. I don't worry if i get a little lower, but i do NOT let myself get under 130. I'm not strong at that weight. I am lightheaded, weak, and can't make it through the day without being tired. I don't know what your body type is or what your ideal look is, but I'm not here to get "skinny", I want to be toned. This doesn't mean bodybuilder muscles, but I definately like to have a shape that isn't considered celery!
  • eakathy
    eakathy Posts: 1
    Hi, I am 54, 4ft, 11 and 1/2. I weighed 108 lbs when I joined in Feb. My gain has been of course, around the mid section and thighs. I have lost 2 lbs. My:smile: goal is back to 100 lbs. I weighed 97 when I married 26 years ago. So guess the few pounds gained for my age is not too bad. A year ago I was 99-101 and would like to get back to that. I am a petite build and wear a size 4 current but would like to get back to a size 2. I am finding that excercising or walking and cutting back on food portion is the right direction for me.
  • commotionstrange
    commotionstrange Posts: 73 Member
    Hey! I've been looking for a 5'7 post as well, thanks! :)

    My stats:
    Original Weight- approx 190, not sure
    Current Weight- 157
    Goal Weight- 130 ish (I'll see when I get down there)

    I make sure to keep my calories under 1500 six days a week, and then no higher than 2000 (basically maintenance) one day a week. That's general though...I tend to flex my calories and will save them up on some days if I know the weekend's going to be high calorie. Never lower than 1200!!

    For exercise, I dance (ballet, and contemporary) 3-4 days a week and do Taekwondo once a week. I'm thinking about adding swimming in one day a week as well. When the weather gets a bit warmer (maybe 2-3 weeks from now), I'll also bike to and from work which adds up to about an hour. The calorie burn is SO much easier when I can bike!

    Anyone with similar stats, I would LOVE to have a friend request :)
  • FormerSuperHero
    FormerSuperHero Posts: 70 Member
    I'm 5"7 and a half. Currently 180lbs and I want to be 140lbs and healthy
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I am at my goal weight of 135 and I think it works for me. That puts me in a size 2/4 pant/skirt, small shirts, and size 4/6 dress. (I'm on the busty side!)

    I started at 182. I have gotten down to 132, but frankly, my body didn't like it and bumped me back up to 135. I fluctuate (in any month) between 132 and 137 and I'm cool with it! :)
  • Fraggle80
    My comment is i'd like to smack ya ;)

    refer to the rest of the comments here. LOL
    i was joshing with ya..but most of us who are 5'7 are NOT aiming for 125lbs..lol.

    125 does seem low.... esp if you are looking at BMI's etc. I am 5ft 7. 8 and will be more than happy with 145!
  • GeauxDonielle
    GeauxDonielle Posts: 145 Member
    I'm aiming for 123-125 as my fluctuation area.
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    I absolutely agree its all about the frame and build of your body. To be honest I feel as though ethnicity plays a little part in this as well. Allow me to explain.... I’m 5'7 and was 255lbs and now Im 196lbs pre MFP (yay). At first I thought Id shoot for about 160lbs, but finding an inspirational healthy body to aspire to, (Beyonce (HA!) who just happens to be 5'7 and a 'similar build to mine ;)) Im now looking closer to 140lbs which is still only 8 lbs off from you. So with that said, I think your goals change as you change and find out whats going to be best for you personally. However you choose to go, good luck with your fitness journey and S/O to the 5'7 ladies!!!
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member

    Well I'm a bit younger than most of you & that's where I'm kinda at.. I don't want to be in the 150's when all my friends are 5"7-5"8 and 120-130. I feel huge compared to them.
    Ahh..well perhaps you shoud restrict your comments to people in your own age bracket?

    wow, someone's got a stick up their *kitten*!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    What's your ideal weight? & what are you doing to lose weight? I'd rather hear things from women that are my same height. I'm 5"7 & I'd like to be 120-125. I'm 148 at the moment, any advice/comments?

    I'm 5'7" and I'd like to be your current weight..
    On my frame I think i would look like a stick if i reached your goal weight.. but everyone's body is different.
  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    im 5-7 and started at 242 lbs. i'm currently 217lbs but my goal is to get to 170 and see how i feel from there!
  • Kg1023
    Kg1023 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5'7 and right now i am like 170 but my goal where im completely fit is 150 :)
  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    I am 5'7 and right now i am like 170 but my goal where im completely fit is 150 :)

    oooh your'e at my goal!! ...some day....:bigsmile:
  • liatski
    liatski Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'7" exactly. Started MFP around 143. Now I fluctuate between 129-132-ish. I want the top of my range to be 130.
    I think look good at this weight (US size, 4-8, depending on the garment). I'd like to lose more in my lower body, but I'm afraid that my upper body will look too skinny.
  • healthbunny
    Im 5'7" :) My sw was 160 and my original gw was 140. When I got there I maintained for 3 months and then decided to lose more. I'm currently at 134.6 and my gw is around 125. I'm going to re-think when I get to 130 though :)
  • bosanova19
    Hi, I am 5"7 and I ised to weight about 125-127 about a year ago. I have started working since and due to long hours, bad diet, and no exercise, I put on 10 lbs in about half a year.

    It has been so difficult to lose weight. I do think though that 125-127 is ideal for our height. I felt much healthier 9and sexier, hehe) back then. It's just taking me something like 2-3 weeks to lose 1.5lbs. It's very discouraging, but I'm trying.

    WhatI have been doing: trying to work out 3-4 times a week and trying to stay on track with my calorie intake (1250/day) although most days I'm about 150-200 calories over.

    I'd love to hear what you're doing and if anything has worked out for you.
  • bosanova19
    Wow, you look amazing! Whatdo you do to keep in shape?
  • RubyDarling
    RubyDarling Posts: 171 Member
    I'm 5'7, started at 185, currently 160, aim is for 143. I'm very broad so I'll never be much smaller than that.
  • Aureilie
    Aureilie Posts: 213 Member
    I'm 5' 6.75" and my goal weight is 135. That's where I felt the happiest and healthiest.