Would you cheat?



  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    I for one had this happen to me about 16 years ago. My x husband of 16 years had a fling with a customer (he was a Schwan's man) and said it was because she was slender and attractive. I had just had baby number 3 and she was 3 weeks old when I found out. It tore my world apart and I became bulemic; throwing up my food numerous times a day. I became a pro at knowing what I could eat and how much fluids I needed to take in, in order to make it all come back up. A very sad, sad time and something I suffered from for a couple of years. I wanted to be slender and be all that he wanted. I stayed for 5 more years after that. No...I do not suffer bulemia anymore but it took work to get beyond. It is heartbreaking when a loved one cheats.
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    I would - but only if it was Mr. John Travolta :) So, I guess in all honesty, living in the real world I would say that I don't intend to cheat, but as someone else on the thread stated, you can never say never. But my morals and values tell me it is wrong and I wouldn't set out to hurt my husband in such a way. If things were really that bad between us, and I was that unhappy, instead of cheating I would leave.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    If I continuously told her she needed to lose weight and she did nothing about it? Is she won't change to keep my interest? Yeah...I am going to find someone else. You only live once.

    If you really loved her you wouldn't want her to change anything....

    Not true, I love my boyfriend but if he every became over weight I would want him to lose weight fire health reasons. I wouldn't leave him, but I sure would want him to change that

    Agree! Especially if he wasn't that way when I started dating him. I wouldn't leave him for gaining weight but I would expect him to do something about it.
    Or what? I love these open ended threats/statements.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    If I continuously told her she needed to lose weight and she did nothing about it? Is she won't change to keep my interest? Yeah...I am going to find someone else. You only live once.

    If you really loved her you wouldn't want her to change anything....

    Really!?! Wanting someone to be in better shape, to be healthier, to be with you for a longer, healthier more exciting life is wrong?!? Not to me.

    I never said it was wrong. I just said if he really loved her he wouldn't want her to change anything. Besides, since when are relationships one-sided? If my husband asked me to lose weight (which he hasn't come out and done, although I know he wants me to) of course I would. But I'd expect him to try to keep the excitement in our marriage as well, and not make me be the one trying to keep it exciting.

    You essentially said it was wrong by saying "If you really loved her you wouldn't want her to change anything...." I never said it was one sided, where did that come from? And I think it's pretty presumptuous of you to think you know what love is more than I do or more than any of these people do. For what it's worth, I've been married for longer than you've been alive, and I've never cheated. To me, if I really love somebody, I will ask them to lose weight if they need to do so for health reasons or to keep our marriage healthy, and I would expect the same from my wife. Really... never mind. You've got all the answers anyway.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Never cheated. Never will. Ever.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    If someone would leave you over your weight, they were never worth being with in the first place.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    If I continuously told her she needed to lose weight and she did nothing about it? Is she won't change to keep my interest? Yeah...I am going to find someone else. You only live once.

    If you really loved her you wouldn't want her to change anything....

    Really!?! Wanting someone to be in better shape, to be healthier, to be with you for a longer, healthier more exciting life is wrong?!? Not to me.

    I never said it was wrong. I just said if he really loved her he wouldn't want her to change anything. Besides, since when are relationships one-sided? If my husband asked me to lose weight (which he hasn't come out and done, although I know he wants me to) of course I would. But I'd expect him to try to keep the excitement in our marriage as well, and not make me be the one trying to keep it exciting.

    You sound a bit naive to me from your feeling like your husband's porn habit is cheating to your thinking if you love someone you wouldn't want them to change anything. The reality is that plenty of men look at porn and its not cheating. And the second reality is that people don't love their spouse unconditionally. It takes effort from both partners. Being married isn't an excuse to stop taking care of one's self just because they are supposed to stick by them for better or worse. And the majority of people are lousy judges of character, and pick a spouse that ultimately isn't right for them anyways, which is why most marriages end in divorce.
  • NessasMommy081311
    NessasMommy081311 Posts: 122 Member
    If I continuously told her she needed to lose weight and she did nothing about it? Is she won't change to keep my interest? Yeah...I am going to find someone else. You only live once.

    If you really loved her you wouldn't want her to change anything....

    Really!?! Wanting someone to be in better shape, to be healthier, to be with you for a longer, healthier more exciting life is wrong?!? Not to me.

    I never said it was wrong. I just said if he really loved her he wouldn't want her to change anything. Besides, since when are relationships one-sided? If my husband asked me to lose weight (which he hasn't come out and done, although I know he wants me to) of course I would. But I'd expect him to try to keep the excitement in our marriage as well, and not make me be the one trying to keep it exciting.

    You essentially said it was wrong by saying "If you really loved her you wouldn't want her to change anything...." I never said it was one sided, where did that come from? And I think it's pretty presumptuous of you to think you know what love is more than I do or more than any of these people do. For what it's worth, I've been married for longer than you've been alive, and I've never cheated. To me, if I really love somebody, I will ask them to lose weight if they need to do so for health reasons or to keep our marriage healthy, and I would expect the same from my wife. Really... never mind. You've got all the answers anyway.

    I never said I know more about love than anybody else. I just know if my husband left me because of my size, I'd be pretty freaken hurt. If you want your SO to lose weight for health reasons, of course that's fine. I just think that if you want them to lose weight just because you think they aren't attractive anymore, then you're (not you specifically, in general) more into the looks than your emotional feelings from them. I did not start this thread to fight with anyone. I am not saying I am better than anyone on here either...
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    If I continuously told her she needed to lose weight and she did nothing about it? Is she won't change to keep my interest? Yeah...I am going to find someone else. You only live once.

    If you really loved her you wouldn't want her to change anything....

    Not true, I love my boyfriend but if he every became over weight I would want him to lose weight fire health reasons. I wouldn't leave him, but I sure would want him to change that

    Agree! Especially if he wasn't that way when I started dating him. I wouldn't leave him for gaining weight but I would expect him to do something about it.
    Or what? I love these open ended threats/statements.

    Or umm nothing xD im lucky enough I dont see they happening xD working to.be a future dietitian he knows im a health nut xD
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Or umm nothing xD im lucky enough I dont see they happening xD working to.be a future dietitian he knows im a health nut xD
    So you go in expecting to change him? Good luck with that.
  • Akjenn89
    Akjenn89 Posts: 265 Member
    I thought I was one of those people that "never would". Then I tried to leave an unhealthy relationship many times, and they wouldn't let me go. To the point of them stealing my car keys so I wouldn't be able to go to work, physically pin me down in the house, etc. Sometimes the remark, "Just leave them if you don't want to be with them" isn't as easy as it sounds. And for the longest time I was too embarassed to say anything or ask for help. I eventually did cheat and got the help I needed to get out of that situation.

    I don't know, I like to think not everyone that cheats is a complete *kitten*.... *shrugs* But I'm biased.
  • NessasMommy081311
    NessasMommy081311 Posts: 122 Member
    If I continuously told her she needed to lose weight and she did nothing about it? Is she won't change to keep my interest? Yeah...I am going to find someone else. You only live once.

    If you really loved her you wouldn't want her to change anything....

    Really!?! Wanting someone to be in better shape, to be healthier, to be with you for a longer, healthier more exciting life is wrong?!? Not to me.

    I never said it was wrong. I just said if he really loved her he wouldn't want her to change anything. Besides, since when are relationships one-sided? If my husband asked me to lose weight (which he hasn't come out and done, although I know he wants me to) of course I would. But I'd expect him to try to keep the excitement in our marriage as well, and not make me be the one trying to keep it exciting.

    You sound a bit naive to me from your feeling like your husband's porn habit is cheating to your thinking if you love someone you wouldn't want them to change anything. The reality is that plenty of men look at porn and its not cheating. And the second reality is that people don't love their spouse unconditionally. It takes effort from both partners. Being married isn't an excuse to stop taking care of one's self just because they are supposed to stick by them for better or worse. And the majority of people are lousy judges of character, and pick a spouse that ultimately isn't right for them anyways, which is why most marriages end in divorce.

    That's incredibly judgmental. To each his own. If someone else is fine with their husband watching porn instead of having sex with them, fine. That's you. I personally have low self esteem, and was raised going to Church, so yeah. I think it's wrong for MY husband to watch porn instead of want me. Doesn't mean if you did it I would think it's wrong. And I personally think that if you really do love someone, their physical appearance should just be a bonus. If it's for health reasons, of course I would ask my husband to lose weight. But I wouldn't want him to change a thing about his appearance now.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    If I continuously told her she needed to lose weight and she did nothing about it? Is she won't change to keep my interest? Yeah...I am going to find someone else. You only live once.

    If you really loved her you wouldn't want her to change anything....

    Really!?! Wanting someone to be in better shape, to be healthier, to be with you for a longer, healthier more exciting life is wrong?!? Not to me.

    I never said it was wrong. I just said if he really loved her he wouldn't want her to change anything. Besides, since when are relationships one-sided? If my husband asked me to lose weight (which he hasn't come out and done, although I know he wants me to) of course I would. But I'd expect him to try to keep the excitement in our marriage as well, and not make me be the one trying to keep it exciting.

    You essentially said it was wrong by saying "If you really loved her you wouldn't want her to change anything...." I never said it was one sided, where did that come from? And I think it's pretty presumptuous of you to think you know what love is more than I do or more than any of these people do. For what it's worth, I've been married for longer than you've been alive, and I've never cheated. To me, if I really love somebody, I will ask them to lose weight if they need to do so for health reasons or to keep our marriage healthy, and I would expect the same from my wife. Really... never mind. You've got all the answers anyway.

    I just think that if you want them to lose weight just because you think they aren't attractive anymore, then you're (not you specifically, in general) more into the looks than your emotional feelings from them.

    Why does wanting your spouse to look attractive automatically put that above your emotional feelings for them? This logic makes little sense to me.
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    I've never cheated and probably never will. There's really absolutely no excuse for it. If somebody has an issue with their significant other they should be able to verbalize it. If its something that becomes too much to handle then the mature thing would be to end the relationship before the cheating happened.

    Of course some guys will cheat because that's just what they do.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    More aimed towards guys, but women can respond too...would you cheat on your wife/girlfriend (or husband/boyfriend) for someone who was thinner than her/him? Specifically because of looks.
    NO! weird question to ask.
    and if you do a poll, i can bet that people cheat not because of looks but because there is somethings emotionally missing in the relationship
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    If I continuously told her she needed to lose weight and she did nothing about it? Is she won't change to keep my interest? Yeah...I am going to find someone else. You only live once.

    If you really loved her you wouldn't want her to change anything....

    Really!?! Wanting someone to be in better shape, to be healthier, to be with you for a longer, healthier more exciting life is wrong?!? Not to me.

    I never said it was wrong. I just said if he really loved her he wouldn't want her to change anything. Besides, since when are relationships one-sided? If my husband asked me to lose weight (which he hasn't come out and done, although I know he wants me to) of course I would. But I'd expect him to try to keep the excitement in our marriage as well, and not make me be the one trying to keep it exciting.

    You sound a bit naive to me from your feeling like your husband's porn habit is cheating to your thinking if you love someone you wouldn't want them to change anything. The reality is that plenty of men look at porn and its not cheating. And the second reality is that people don't love their spouse unconditionally. It takes effort from both partners. Being married isn't an excuse to stop taking care of one's self just because they are supposed to stick by them for better or worse. And the majority of people are lousy judges of character, and pick a spouse that ultimately isn't right for them anyways, which is why most marriages end in divorce.

    That's incredibly judgmental. To each his own. If someone else is fine with their husband watching porn instead of having sex with them, fine. That's you. I personally have low self esteem, and was raised going to Church, so yeah. I think it's wrong for MY husband to watch porn instead of want me. Doesn't mean if you did it I would think it's wrong. And I personally think that if you really do love someone, their physical appearance should just be a bonus. If it's for health reasons, of course I would ask my husband to lose weight. But I wouldn't want him to change a thing about his appearance now.

    Keep believing that what your husband does along with millions of faithful husbands is wrong just because your church says so.

    Apparently by your logic physical appearance and love are mutually exclusive. Its either you love the person or you love their looks, right?
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    people who say that they would never ever ever cheat needs to give reasons why... a good reason is because my spouse or partner just gives me everything im looking for...

    but some others just say i would never cheat because it isnt right.... thats just a dumb response... thats almost like a good answer but with no substance... give a reason and not a job like answer...
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    If you would cheat, you're a douche. Regardless of size. If you can't handle your partner's size, as superficial as it is, then get out. THEN go find someone else.
    People disgust me.

    my husband gained weight. I was less attracted to him physically. Did i love him less? no. Did the chemical physical attraction lessen? It sure did. Do I disgust you?

    Did you cheat on him? If not, then no you do not disgust me. It should be edited to CHEATERS disgust me. I don't mind people being supreficial. We all are to an extent. What bothers me is when people don't have the audacity to ADMIT that the chemistry is gone and just ignore it and search for fixes elsewhere.
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    Before my wife, family, friends, and God, I vowed to be only with one woman until one of us dies. Nothing on this planet will ever make my cheat.


    What about oreo cookies? i seriously might for those..

    Hmm...only the double stuff ones, and only if they came with an ice cold glass of milk.....other than that, never.

    see i knew it! you had limitations!

    We all have a price....
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    To me, if I really love somebody, I will ask them to lose weight if they need to do so for health reasons or to keep our marriage healthy, and I would expect the same from my wife.

    I've never been married, but I completely agree.

    This kind of thing is the reason people become obese in the first place ... a refusal to take personal responsibility for their actions and an insistence on blaming other people for the consequences of their actions. Anything to avoid admitting to themselves that they made bad choices and that it's going to take a lot of work to fix it.

    Your husband says to you "Honey, you know I love you, but you have put on an unhealthy amount of weight, and I'm concerned about how it's affecting you and our marriage." Instead of saying "You're right, and I will work on it, but I'm going to need your support," the husband hears "You're such a jerk. If you really loved me, you wouldn't want me to change." It's projection, and it's a sign of emotional immaturity.