I wish my gym had a ban on ___________



  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    Fill in the blank!

    (For me it's dudes who slam the weights down in the weight room)

    That's my biggest pet peeve.
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    When I go to the gym I put in my etymotic high-isolation ear phones and either do cardio for an hour or my strength training. I don't care what others are doing.....I'm kicking my workout in the *kitten*. :):laugh:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Haha - this!

    And I also hate the grunting/moaning that sounds like you're getting pleasured. You know who you are... and everyone else knows what I mean.


    *blush* Look uh .... I have to exhale when I've got some significant amount of weight on there. I have tried to not make a noise when I exhale and so far I have not been successful - I don't actually know how sexual it is but I imagine any harsh exhale grunting noise might sound sexual to someone. I'm really not doing it on purpose, I'm just trying to get my barbell back up. If it helps my trainer had a client who sounded like she was throwing up everytime she exhaled to push the weight up. That would be worse right? And no I don't have "too much" weight on there, i'm maintaining good form and full range of motion the whole time - Its just heavy.

    I haven't really experienced the perfume thing but its probably because I don't cardio on the machines much or go to areas of the gym that have a lot of women.

    And also to the person who complained about the girl wearing a bare midriff with a flabby belly - Whatever. Its her body not yours, she can show it or not as she likes. If she feels comfortable and good that way then its fine with me. I wore a bikini at over 200 lbs - I looked like a fat beached whale in it. I'm sure many people were horrified. Tough titties. One pieces are actually really uncomfortable when you're fat (or maybe I didn't own one that fit around my fat belly well) and I hate having to pull a tankini down all day. My clothes (or lack thereof) are for me, not for you.

    That said - there's really no benefit to not wearing at least a thin tank top to soak up some of the extra sweat and keep less of your skin exposed to germs/other people's sweat. But I imagine you'd still see her fat belly under the tank. You can certainly see mine in my tank.

    Also I am surprised more people didn't complain about people chatting on equipment instead of using it. My weight room was packed yesterday and there were these two guys just chatting away on one of the benches while TWO of us were obviously waiting. I gave them 3 minutes (benefit of the doubt that maybe they were in a really long rest interval) and then asked if they were done. They said "sorry one more, we're just being chatty cathys!" I said "yes, you are"

    Seriously, go have social hour somewhere else, the equipment is limited and chances are someone is waiting for what you are using.

    Oh and - fat guys who come in the weight room, do some bicep curls (often poorly) and some cable work and leave. I guess its better than nothing but really, just get SOME kind of plan online or a book or something and follow it. what you are doing is only slightly better than pointless. Your bicep curls will not prevent people from noticing how fat and weak your stomach, legs and back are.
  • sarahsmithard
    1. Women who stand in the pool and chat - the clue is in the title ladies - it's a SWIMMING pool!
    2. The assumption that EVERY class needs to be based on some kind of choreography. I don't want to do sequences in a pop video I want variety
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    people who don't re-rack their weights!

    I have to agree! Sometimes racking their weights is more workout than I originally intended! ;)
    This one! I don't need to be reracking 45 lb plates. I once tracked down a guy who had loaded 1 end of the squat cage bar and left it loaded on the FLOOR like that. I can unrack while they are in their PROPER place, but with it on the FLOOR??? Sorry dude. YOUR mess to clean up.

    true story - i actually like reracking other people's 45 lb weights. They aren't that heavy individually and its the only time I get to pick one up. Haha. (one day I will get to leave them on there because I will be using them, muahaha). But it is technically rude - almost everyone in my weight room does NOT re-rack, that I've noticed. For some reason it doesn't bother me but I can see why it might bother others.
  • Caffeine_Addict
    Caffeine_Addict Posts: 178 Member
    Nude (them) to Clothed (me) conversations in the locker room. *awkwaaard*
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    the "moves like jagger" song...geez

    Hahaha. YES.
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    People who 'save/reserve' a machine by putting their towel or water bottle on it and then don't return to use it for 30 minutes or more.

    After 10 minutes, it's free game people!
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    I wish my gym would:

    1) loud grunters (I don't mind the heavy breathing and stuff but these people are loud!)

    2) moms bringing there 7 year old boy into the women's dressing room (which they do but sometimes they don't enforce it :grumble: )

    3) Perves.......

    Other than that Cheers :drinker: (with water of course!)

    Keep Calm and Carry On,
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    Women in the free weight room when there is a "Women's Gym" section fully furnished. Not that I don't mind a little "eye candy" but not in the gym and not with the cameltoe look in her spandex. That's pretty ferocious when it is all sweaty down there.

    Obviously, I'm speaking about someone in particular. Hopefully she's not on MFP...
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    the "moves like jagger" song...geez

    Hahaha. YES.

    LOL I totally came into this thread to post EXACTLY that
  • shady1987dre
    shady1987dre Posts: 186 Member
    People pooping in the locker room, it smells so bad in there sometimes i can even go in there!
  • katemiddletonisawesome
    Grunting and other sexually explicit noises made by the muscle heads in the freeweight area.

    That and general talking so loud that I can't hear my iPod.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Grunting and other sexually explicit noises made by the muscle heads in the freeweight area.

    That and general talking so loud that I can't hear my iPod.
    Mybad, soo sorry TRUCE?
  • FionaNiConnor
    FionaNiConnor Posts: 90 Member
    My gym <i>does</i> have a ban on cellphone use outside of the lobby.

    Last night, there was some meathead on an elliptical who got a phone call. The whole thing just started with a problem- his ringtone was annoying and extremely loud. I could hear it across the gym over the bank of ellipticals, treadmills, and bikes. He proceeded to have a very long conversation- I mean LONG. He was on the phone through my whole strength training routine which is 5 sets of 15 reps on six machines- in a very loud tone of voice.

    Eventually, he got off the elliptical and without wiping it down, he proceeded to leave. The staff girl at the front desk took her opportunity and said, rather nicely, "don't forget! No phone use in the gym!" and he breezed past her (still on the phone) and flipped the bird at the poor girl!

    So... enforce the ban on cell phone use and create a ban on that toolsack.
  • Eureka175
    Eureka175 Posts: 77 Member
    I must be really lucky, as I go to a gym where all are accepted, we have young, old, in between, big, small, heavy lifters, cardio only people, runners, walkers, and so on. People generally go to be healthy, and everyone has their own goals, and everyone respects each others and cheers others on. Can't say that any of the above happens regularly enough to bother me.
  • b_carol
    b_carol Posts: 2
    When there are loads of free treadmills and someone decides to take the one right next to you. I counted one day 26 free treadmills and which one day they choose... The one right next to me.
    A bit of space please!
  • lefebvre002
    as for spandex, I like to wear them so it holds things in, and it's not cotton that won't breath, who the hell cares what you look like. you're there for a workout. Get over it....
  • rockerchic1879
    I wish my gym had a ban on...wearing makeup.

    I hate being the only bummy-looking bare-face girl there. :/ but at least I know my workout isn't going to cause me a breakout!

    Ha-Ha sister! Amen...I wash my face, brush my teeth, and throw my hair into a hat. Just today walking out of the locker room I saw a woman with her hair all curled full blown makeup and then she hit the eliptical, I'm like...SERIOUSLY
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    A Ban on Personal trainers, they are dumb, oh wait , im one