OMG! I am SHOCKED!!!!!



  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    My 7yr old girl loves national geographic like bigfoots, dinosaurs, volcanoes etc, real world stuff, i think its great she is learning and curious, cant keep her in a bubble for ever, i have tried-Ty
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    If you have a book of children's Bible stories, those stories aren't normally in the books. They can read those stories when they get older. It's history. Except in the very beginning, before the fall of Adam and Eve, the world has never been a kind and gentle place. Furthermore, it will only get worse until the return of Christ. Protect your children while they're young, but, eventually, they have to grow up and face reality. May you all experience joy through our Lord, regardless of the circumstances around you.

    Love this.
  • Kirsty7Fraser
    Kirsty7Fraser Posts: 55 Member
    I'm very much for the idea that kids need supervision, parents need to talk to and guide them. (I also understand that parents cannot be with their children every waking moment, and therefore I think talking is even more important. ...Then again I don't have children and am theorizing.)


    My mum read Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson to me when I was 5/6 and I plan on doing the same when my daughter reaches that age. I have more of an issue with her watching too much Disney.

    I have many fond memories of watching Hammer Horrors at my Granny's house, Christopher Lee is a legend!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Just make sure you don't let your kids read the's full of murder, rape, incest and all that other icky stuff!

    I agree with this comment if it is in the church form people don't have a problem but let it be in schools and society they do. I say if it is the truth kids need to be told but how it is told depends on their age and what they can process. I would never want things sugar coated for my kid and never sugar coated anything to him. Somethings in history need to be told the proper way like slavery, wars, genocides, child prostitution just to name a few.
  • bunnzye2
    bunnzye2 Posts: 56
    i grew up on gory fairy tales, back then it was normal. they were even read in literature in school. i never did read stories to my daughter (bad mom, bad!!) she liked to read herself, and she enjoyed the fairy tales of her time which were a little milder than mine, but she also preferred monster movies to kids movies.
  • ccadroz93
    ccadroz93 Posts: 136 Member
    Personally I am reading through the Bible again and I am pretty shocked at how brutal things were a couple thousand years ago!! It's so graffic! I totally would not read any of those portions to a child. There are plenty of stories that don't have any of that stuff in them. You are the adult so you get to choose what the kiddos listen to, isn't that awesome!! Noone telling us what we have to do there.....yet!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    hmmm...perhaps that is what is going on today with kids - they don't get enough fear put in to them...
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Then you *really* don't want to read this one to your kiddies:
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    When my children were babies up to when they were oh.... 2nd grade, I read them their Bible stories from their children's Bibles and then I'd read the Narnia series... no fairy tales, no witches or goblins...

    Ohhh the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe was one of my favorite books growing up!!! :love:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I learnt to read before I went to school so I had access to lots of stories to read myself. I still remember a book of old fairy tales that scared me silly - I've asked my mum and dad but they don't remember what it was called, but there was lots of getting set on fire when playing with matches and something about fingernails growing really long.
    Maybe that's why I'm such a wussy grownup.
    I also remember standing behind the couch with my hands over my eyes peeking through my fingers when Dr Who was on when I was about 5.... actually I still have the same reaction to Dr Who - way too scary for me!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Dr. Radio had the BEST statement I've ever heard and when I have kids I will live by it.

    You are to PREPARE your kids, not protect them. So tell them everything, prepare and make them aware.. if you protect them and never let them hear anything.. they may turn out worse.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I go under netflix with my son and watch anything under thriller, horror, sci-fi.
    He always wants the stupid trains (thomas) and that penguin (pingu). I'd chop off someones thumbs to get in a good story about eye plucking, or glass slippers.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I was raised on the Brothers Grimm stories as well. Maybe that's why I've never once considered referring to myself as a princess. That *kitten* will cost you your big toe.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    :huh: at least i read to my kids, and by the by no matter how grimm the storys are its way better than the crap on tv. :wink:
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    People are worried about what's in the bible? Have you seen some of the cartoons that come on? I won't even let my kids watch Cartoon Network! Plus if you can't differentiate ,as an adult, which stories in the bible are appropriated for children and which are not, you shouldn't be raising children!!! It's common since!!!!
  • sarasmile144
    sarasmile144 Posts: 108 Member
    Just make sure you don't let your kids read the's full of murder, rape, incest and all that other icky stuff!
    YES! And people getting decapitated and torn apart and everything else icky under the sun.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    You should see the comics my daughter reads. Roman Dirge is awesome!

    Sheltering kids never works anyway.

    You're right. My mom didn't shelter us, and now we're known as the 'goody-goodies' of the family (which is just a nice way of saying we didn't make awful decisions in our 20s, at least so far).
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I know in the original cinderella story the ugly sisters chop off bits of their feet try and fit into the glass slipper, in little red riding hood the woodcutter guts the wolf, in the little mermaid the mermaid is left broken hearted and dies but luckily instead of turning to sea foam (which is what happens when mermaids die as they don't have souls) some spirits rescue her and she becomes one and has the a few hundred years to earn her soul.....

    I like the old tales. When I was 9 a neighbour gave me an old copy of Hans Andersons Fairy Tales (old as in there's a written inscription inside that says "To Maggie, Happy Xmas 1899, Love Aunt Lizzie" ) and they were enjoyabley depressing and gruesome. :happy:

    I'd have no qualms allowing my daughter hearing the original versions - more true to human personalities/attitudes/behaviour than some disney-fied version :wink:

    For some reason, I never read the original stories of things like this growing up. Actually, it was probably because when I said I was done with my books, my mom would point to her boxes upon boxes of harlequin novels she had from being in a book of the month club. I know I was less than 10 when that started.

    Anyways, I'm working on reading them now and they're awesome. I do love a Disney happy ending in the right time and place, though. I'm a sap.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    (We settled on Trogdor).

    That effing rocks.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    When my children were babies up to when they were oh.... 2nd grade, I read them their Bible stories from their children's Bibles and then I'd read the Narnia series... no fairy tales, no witches or goblins...
    Oh, no! Your children were read the bible???? And CS Lewis' stories???? I am shocked and dismayed. What ever will happen to your children? Seriously, people who are bashing the bible here think that IF you read your children the bible, you must take it literally and read them every single scripture, regardless of their age or maturity level. Give me a break.