snobbish on MFP?



  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
    This is nothing....parenting forums are the worst! honestly they shouldn't be called parenting forums they should be aptly named "my childs better than yours" forum!

    Oh and if you don't like what people say do as you would if they said it in person......walk on buy....or punch them in the face :laugh:
    becuase thats how I roll - kidding!

    OMG. OMG I know!!! I was on Cafemom for a while and just could not DEAL with how awful people were to each other about their parenting styles. And the bragging...omg, just don't even go there.

    You should try Babycenter... it's worse... even though I did make some awesome friends from there... but still.

    Exact same site I am talking about! I recently left it I can't cope with it!
  • I actually found this site to be the most supportive out of the 4 sites I've tried since January, and this is the one I keep coming back to.. I'm sorry you had a negative experience, but there are a lot of really supportive nice people here!!

    very true - i've only added people who inspire and encourage me.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    None of this is real. There is no spoon.

    What are you saying? If there is no spoon, then what the heck am I bending here? :wink: :laugh:

    It is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

    No wonder my back hurts then, haha :laugh: (yes, I've seen the movie, it's one of my favs, but I couldn't resist :tongue: ) Where is my red pill?

    Red that a euphemism?!
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,262 Member
    I've been on here regularly now for a week and have read some cool stuff. Also I've noticed that some people seem so stuck up!

    I don't find anyone 'stuck up' or snobbish to be honest.

    Some perhaps are a little cliquey, but that's probably because they've found some like minded individuals they prefer to banter with. Others will give out authoritive opinions which sometimes they're experienced enough to give, sometimes not.

    Some people, as you see from these responses, get the hump very easily.

    Let it wash over you, and see it as a bowl to drink from when you want to. It's just the internet after all.

    Welcome aboard :drinker:
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    None of this is real. There is no spoon.

    What are you saying? If there is no spoon, then what the heck am I bending here? :wink: :laugh:

    Is that you Uri?
  • In any group of this size there will be a predicable number of many personality types, both the ones you like and the ones you don't. It's just statistics.

    I Like This Answer The Best :) it's also just true :)
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    It's because most people have the need to be right and they figure it's their way or no way.................very sad that people can't just meet in the middle or at least just agree to disagree and get along.:cry:
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Nah, there are just a lot of attention seeking c$nts on these forums. Nothing new.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    Nah, there are just a lot of attention seeking c$nts on these forums. Nothing new.

    can't believe you called me out like that ;p
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I read these threads instead of doing work at work.....
    it's like watching Jerry Springer....:drinker:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I think her response was an act of bullying. Disrespecting someone personally (in this case my inabliltiy to understand basic grammer and punctuation/ my attempt to judge and condemn other fellow posters) in a effort to undermine their comments and validate your own. I could have used other descripitive terms but I felt that was accurate especially since neither of the comments were true.

    That's broadening the definition of bullying beyond all useful application. Correcting grammar (sp) is not bullying. It's correcting grammar. Bullying is a rather more serious problem - and frankly quite an accusation to throw at someone. Her post was not especially aggressive, she didn't name call. You, on the other hand did, and continue to do so.

    The comments were factual. Grammatically, the OP's header is a statement, not a question. I'm not quite sure how pointing that out is a judgement on *you*. You appear to be determined to take personally something that was not, in fact, personal. You also seem determined to assert it's your right to name call, which given the context of the thread, is a bit ironic.

    Perhaps you could work harder to find some accurate descriptive terms?
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    I think her response was an act of bullying. Disrespecting someone personally (in this case my inabliltiy to understand basic grammer and punctuation/ my attempt to judge and condemn other fellow posters) in a effort to undermine their comments and validate your own. I could have used other descripitive terms but I felt that was accurate especially since neither of the comments were true.

    That's broadening the definition of bullying beyond all useful application. Correcting grammar (sp) is not bullying. It's correcting grammar. Bullying is a rather more serious problem - and frankly quite an accusation to throw at someone. Her post was not especially aggressive, she didn't name call. You, on the other hand did, and continue to do so.

    The comments were factual. Grammatically, the OP's header is a statement, not a question. I'm not quite sure how pointing that out is a judgement on *you*. You appear to be determined to take personally something that was not, in fact, personal. You also seem determined to assert it's your right to name call, which given the context of the thread, is a bit ironic.

    Perhaps you could work harder to find some accurate descriptive terms?

    I find your logic and coherence disturbing.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    None of this is real. There is no spoon.

    What are you saying? If there is no spoon, then what the heck am I bending here? :wink: :laugh:

    It is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

    No wonder my back hurts then, haha :laugh: (yes, I've seen the movie, it's one of my favs, but I couldn't resist :tongue: ) Where is my red pill?

    Red that a euphemism?!

    From The have to pill or blue? :) That is, I believe, what they were referring to.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    I think her response was an act of bullying. Disrespecting someone personally (in this case my inabliltiy to understand basic grammer and punctuation/ my attempt to judge and condemn other fellow posters) in a effort to undermine their comments and validate your own. I could have used other descripitive terms but I felt that was accurate especially since neither of the comments were true.

    That's broadening the definition of bullying beyond all useful application. Correcting grammar (sp) is not bullying. It's correcting grammar. Bullying is a rather more serious problem - and frankly quite an accusation to throw at someone. Her post was not especially aggressive, she didn't name call. You, on the other hand did, and continue to do so.

    The comments were factual. Grammatically, the OP's header is a statement, not a question. I'm not quite sure how pointing that out is a judgement on *you*. You appear to be determined to take personally something that was not, in fact, personal. You also seem determined to assert it's your right to name call, which given the context of the thread, is a bit ironic.

    Perhaps you could work harder to find some accurate descriptive terms?

    I find your logic and coherence disturbing.

    ^^ This.........I see it all the time here.........people who correct grammar. I have a friend who has a serious problem with making sure to include little words in her sentances like "is", "or", "the"......list goes on and on. And whenever I try to be friendly and help her out.........sometimes she's okay with it, but most of the time if not all she says that when I try to help or others do, it makes her feel stupid.

    Correcting grammar = makes people feel stupid = bullying

    Its the internet.........yes........but there shouldn't be bullying here nor anywhere for that matter. And again, its the internet, so why worry about someone else and their grammar? Shouldn't you worry about yourself and leave the grammar thing alone. Yes, it may drive you bonkers, sometimes it may even drive me crazy too.........although a lot less than the next person I think, but its not up to me to correct them at all unless they ask to be.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Some people have been around a long time and has created circles of friendship on the boards, I don't think it's snobbish as much as like an "old boys club" which can appear snobbish.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I think her response was an act of bullying. Disrespecting someone personally (in this case my inabliltiy to understand basic grammer and punctuation/ my attempt to judge and condemn other fellow posters) in a effort to undermine their comments and validate your own. I could have used other descripitive terms but I felt that was accurate especially since neither of the comments were true.

    That's broadening the definition of bullying beyond all useful application. Correcting grammar (sp) is not bullying. It's correcting grammar. Bullying is a rather more serious problem - and frankly quite an accusation to throw at someone. Her post was not especially aggressive, she didn't name call. You, on the other hand did, and continue to do so.

    The comments were factual. Grammatically, the OP's header is a statement, not a question. I'm not quite sure how pointing that out is a judgement on *you*. You appear to be determined to take personally something that was not, in fact, personal. You also seem determined to assert it's your right to name call, which given the context of the thread, is a bit ironic.

    Perhaps you could work harder to find some accurate descriptive terms?

    I find your logic and coherence disturbing.

    ^^ This.........I see it all the time here.........people who correct grammar. I have a friend who has a serious problem with making sure to include little words in her sentances like "is", "or", "the"......list goes on and on. And whenever I try to be friendly and help her out.........sometimes she's okay with it, but most of the time if not all she says that when I try to help or others do, it makes her feel stupid.

    Correcting grammar = makes people feel stupid = bullying

    Its the internet.........yes........but there shouldn't be bullying here nor anywhere for that matter. And again, its the internet, so why worry about someone else and their grammar? Shouldn't you worry about yourself and leave the grammar thing alone. Yes, it may drive you bonkers, sometimes it may even drive me crazy too.........although a lot less than the next person I think, but its not up to me to correct them at all unless they ask to be.

    Not wishing to point out the obvious here, but it wasn't me that was correcting the grammar, lovey. It was me disputing describing something so pathetically trivial as 'bullying'.

    You also appear to have somewhat misunderstood the 'logic and coherence' post that you were quoting. (I'm afraid his post indicates agreement with me, not with the position you then outline.... )

    But hey, let's not bother ourselves with facts and stuff, eh?
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    That and the nature of the forum to induce pedantry. Master Pos among a cloud of Grasshoppers.
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    That and the nature of the forum to induce pedantry. Master Pos among a cloud of Grasshoppers.
    Po' us.

  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    That and the nature of the forum to induce pedantry. Master Pos among a cloud of Grasshoppers.
    Po' us.


    HA HA!! Love it Evelyn!! And matter if you are knowledgable or not--if I am getting your meaning right--no one here is above anyone else. We are all equal no matter what our intellectual status is.
  • goodigirl2
    goodigirl2 Posts: 58 Member
    I just wish we could all remember that behind every post is not just a computer but a person. We're all here for a reason. Maybe some go about it in ways we don't agree with. Don't interact with them. But it does get frustrating to ask a question and receive rude, unhelpful remarks in place of encouragement and useful responses. What happened to the addage, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything?