What do you think of girls that post up half naked pictures



  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Well OP I can see this post went exactly as you had hoped. Hope you feel better after that rant and all of the supporting opionions you received. Hi-5.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    Okay and how is it different than a swimsuit? I don't own one, so I took a picture in a bra and some boy short underwear


    Does this offend you? Was this kind of stuff only meant for mature websites? I think not.

    YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    goal.... to rock my bod like you rock yours!!!
  • allysabee
    allysabee Posts: 123
    I can understand where the poster is coming from. Everyone is jumping down her throat because they post progress pictures in bathing suits or bra & underwear, which is fine. I think she was probably referring to the people who take OBVIOUS T&A pictures just for the sake of showing it off. Which is fine - if you've got it, flaunt it. But I do believe that there is a line between classy & trashy.

    The main thing is to just worry about yourself! Focus on your own weight loss and progress. If that's how other people want to show theirs off, let them. It seems silly to complain about something you have absolutely no control over.
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    She must have been bored in order to post this.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I have not seen any lewd profile pictures.

    But, maybe they are challenges. I know that my MFP girlfriends, we challenge each other. Our first challenge was ab vacuums. Not who has the best..but do your best. And so, we all posted our ab vacuums, and you could see some of our boobs in sports bras or bathing suit tops.

    The next one was butts.

    This week is arms (that is why I am flexing in this pic)

    Next challenge is calves.

    But, I also have some bikini shots because I do this as a visual for me...that when I log in, I can be reminded that I need to work harder to attain my goal.
    JPLYLER09 Posts: 78 Member
    again I think it's great if a girl has enough confidence to show themselves off like that, but I'm not talking about the bikini pics, even I have one of those..
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    Do you find the shirtless dudes tasteless and offensive too?
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    I don't mind, really. They are proud of what they've worked for, let them post it. Overall, this is a fitness website. I prefer seeing pics like mine (flexing in a workout bra), not so much the T&A pics. I like to see them because it keeps me motivated and gives inspiration. I've found friends with similar goals just by seeing their avatar.

    ETA: I also like seeing bikini shots. My ultimate goal is to wear one.
  • Specialkayrina
    Specialkayrina Posts: 242 Member
    Or maybe, JUST maybe she's showing off her hard work.

  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member

    ^^This photo is from your own profile...is it not contradicting everything you said??

    so taking a pic off her profile and posting it is your master plan to try and discredit her? no matter if you agree with the subject posted taking a pic thats not yours to post is bs.

    If she didn't want it seen, it could have been made private. However, she had it posted publicly on a public site, so I did nothing wrong.

    uh no, for one pretty sure thats against the rules on this site, and two just becuase she posted a pic doesn't mean you should steal it for your lame come back.

    From the MFP Privacy Policy: g) Information You Make Public. Certain portions of the Website and Applications are open to any viewer, such as our community forums and Your personal profile. Any information You post in these locations may be available and accessible to other members of the Website. In addition, the Website contains features that permit You to upload, post, transmit, display, perform or distribute content, information or other data, including Your Personal Information. Any information that You choose to disclose by means of such features becomes public information. You should exercise caution when deciding to disclose Your Personal Information by means of such features, and You agree to assume all responsibility for doing so.

    So, tell me where exactly I broke a rule???
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member

    ^^This photo is from your own profile...is it not contradicting everything you said??

    so taking a pic off her profile and posting it is your master plan to try and discredit her? no matter if you agree with the subject posted taking a pic thats not yours to post is bs.

    If she didn't want it seen, it could have been made private. However, she had it posted publicly on a public site, so I did nothing wrong.

    uh no, for one pretty sure thats against the rules on this site, and two just becuase she posted a pic doesn't mean you should steal it for your lame come back.

  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member

    ^^This photo is from your own profile...is it not contradicting everything you said??

    so taking a pic off her profile and posting it is your master plan to try and discredit her? no matter if you agree with the subject posted taking a pic thats not yours to post is bs.

    If she didn't want it seen, it could have been made private. However, she had it posted publicly on a public site, so I did nothing wrong.

    uh no, for one pretty sure thats against the rules on this site, and two just becuase she posted a pic doesn't mean you should steal it for your lame come back.

    Definitely wasn't stolen. It's still on her profile. She still has possession of it.

    actually that's not true.
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    I find it inspiring actually. That's why we're here, to motivate one another. When I see girls do that, I remember it during my workout.

    There's a difference between attention-seeking, and positve-feedback seeking.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    It's a fitness site!!!!

    It's not a childcare site
    or a global news site
    or a craft site
    or a russian nesting dolls collector site

    It's a darn fitness site, which means you are going to see abs, and thighs, and arms, and maybe even some pecs, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE ARE HERE WORKING ON.

    You can be DAMN sure when I reach my goal I will post a picture in some super tight clothes that show my body to compare to my body when I started. Before in after pics in sweats is pretty anti-climactic.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Whatever porn you're watching sucks. You may wish to research it more.

    LMAO! :drinker:

  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member

    ^^This photo is from your own profile...is it not contradicting everything you said??

    so taking a pic off her profile and posting it is your master plan to try and discredit her? no matter if you agree with the subject posted taking a pic thats not yours to post is bs.

    If she didn't want it seen, it could have been made private. However, she had it posted publicly on a public site, so I did nothing wrong.

    uh no, for one pretty sure thats against the rules on this site, and two just becuase she posted a pic doesn't mean you should steal it for your lame come back.

    From the MFP Privacy Policy: g) Information You Make Public. Certain portions of the Website and Applications are open to any viewer, such as our community forums and Your personal profile. Any information You post in these locations may be available and accessible to other members of the Website. In addition, the Website contains features that permit You to upload, post, transmit, display, perform or distribute content, information or other data, including Your Personal Information. Any information that You choose to disclose by means of such features becomes public information. You should exercise caution when deciding to disclose Your Personal Information by means of such features, and You agree to assume all responsibility for doing so.

    So, tell me where exactly I broke a rule???

    JPLYLER09 Posts: 78 Member
    Okay and how is it different than a swimsuit? I don't own one, so I took a picture in a bra and some boy short underwear


    Does this offend you? Was this kind of stuff only meant for mature websites? I think not.

    YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    goal.... to rock my bod like you rock yours!!!

    No this does not offend me... again I also have a pic in my bikini... , I'm talking about the ones where the girls are covering their boobs with hands, arms etc
  • allysabee
    allysabee Posts: 123
    It's horrible how a site made to empower and support and motivate people to change their lives and become happier and healthier breeds so much negativity in the forums... I think it's sad that people try so hard to hurt other people on this site with words. Worry about yourselves people - this kind of childish behaviour is not going to help make you a happier OR a healthier person. Grow up.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    I missed some pictures evidently. I have seen NOTHING pornographic at all. I have not seen anything more than people proud of their hard work that feel this is a safe enough venue to reveal what they have done.

    I LOVE the pics, male or female, that show the starting point and the pics all along the journey. They fire me up and get me moving many days when I want to be the guy in the first pictures instead of working for the later pictures!

    When i see a picture of a girl that looks "heavy" or "she has a lovely face" and later she is showing a little muscle and a flat(ter) tummy. Rock on. When I see a guy that looks like.....me and then later he is all shredded in a speedo, AWESOME.

    That is just me.
  • FrodoStrong
    I think there's nothing wrong with naked pics with the following conditions. Provided the two "naughty" orifices are obscured by a shadow or body part. Also, if your not obviously engaging in sexual activity with animate or inanimate objects.