What do you think of girls that post up half naked pictures



  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    My personal opinion is; vanity plays a HUGE part in body building. Maybe the only part. One can maintain a healthy weight and keep in shape without building unnecessary muscle. Vanity, vanity, vanity. Like... "you're so vain, I bet you think this song is about you" ... la la la la....

    WOW, that is the MOST generalized, RIDICULOUS statement I have EVER read. I find that people who make these statements are not at all knowledgable about the field.

    The only qualification I would make about my statement is; it's directed at the body builders who appear in most of the pix posted. The bulging muscles of people with 5% body fat. Nobody "needs" that much muscle. And.. a certain amount of vanity is healthy, but when a person has to display themselves in posing for themselves or others, that's vanity to extreme, which, in my opinion, is not an attractive trait. Below is the first definition of vanity I found by Googling the word.

    Noun: Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements.

    With that said, notice I didn't resort to name calling in expressing my opinion as in the quote above. And if you are going to accuse someone of not being knowledgeable, at least learn how to spell KNOWLEDGEABLE. LOLOL!!!
    You have an obsession with cats, and that's not healthy either.

    Anyway, with that ridiculous and shallow observation out of the way, I have to say; more power to the people showing off their hard work. Be proud of what you're creating.

    Just sitting here seeing how distorted this line is getting. Did I ever say vanity was immoral? Did I say vain people are bad people? My definition of a "body builder" is someone who works long, difficult hours for the sole purpose of building bulky muscles and reducing body fat to unnatural proportions. This has nothing to do with "getting healthy". Some body builders couldn't run around the block. That is MY definition of body building and the vain comments are directed to those I believe are body building (to my definition). And as I said in my opening sentence," my personal opinion" is that the only reason people do this is to display a buff body, to themselves or to others. I've never seen a photo of a person proudly displaying themselves fully dressed to show off the results of hours and hours of weights and special protein diets. If anyone wants to take that as a personal affront, knock yourself out. I have never professed myself as being any type of expert in body building, or attempted to give people advice on the subject (unlike a lot of self professed experts here, on just about every subject imaginable). I expressed an opinion and you are welcome to disagree. You know what they say about opinions.... everyone has one. That doesn't make any of them wrong.. or right, they are just opinions. So, except for the comments I made to the person who said my observations were generalized and ridiculous it is not to be taken personally.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    My personal opinion is; vanity plays a HUGE part in body building. Maybe the only part. One can maintain a healthy weight and keep in shape without building unnecessary muscle. Vanity, vanity, vanity. Like... "you're so vain, I bet you think this song is about you" ... la la la la....

    WOW, that is the MOST generalized, RIDICULOUS statement I have EVER read. I find that people who make these statements are not at all knowledgable about the field.

    The only qualification I would make about my statement is; it's directed at the body builders who appear in most of the pix posted. The bulging muscles of people with 5% body fat. Nobody "needs" that much muscle. And.. a certain amount of vanity is healthy, but when a person has to display themselves in posing for themselves or others, that's vanity to extreme, which, in my opinion, is not an attractive trait. Below is the first definition of vanity I found by Googling the word.

    Noun: Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements.

    With that said, notice I didn't resort to name calling in expressing my opinion as in the quote above. And if you are going to accuse someone of not being knowledgeable, at least learn how to spell KNOWLEDGEABLE. LOLOL!!!
    You have an obsession with cats, and that's not healthy either.

    Anyway, with that ridiculous and shallow observation out of the way, I have to say; more power to the people showing off their hard work. Be proud of what you're creating.

    Just sitting here seeing how distorted this line is getting. Did I ever say vanity was immoral? Did I say vain people are bad people? My definition of a "body builder" is someone who works long, difficult hours for the sole purpose of building bulky muscles and reducing body fat to unnatural proportions. This has nothing to do with "getting healthy". Some body builders couldn't run around the block. That is MY definition of body building and the vain comments are directed to those I believe are body building (to my definition). And as I said in my opening sentence," my personal opinion" is that the only reason people do this is to display a buff body, to themselves or to others. I've never seen a photo of a person proudly displaying themselves fully dressed to show off the results of hours and hours of weights and special protein diets. If anyone wants to take that as a personal affront, knock yourself out. I have never professed myself as being any type of expert in body building, or attempted to give people advice on the subject (unlike a lot of self professed experts here, on just about every subject imaginable). I expressed an opinion and you are welcome to disagree. You know what they say about opinions.... everyone has one. That doesn't make any of them wrong.. or right, they are just opinions. So, except for the comments I made to the person who said my observations were generalized and ridiculous it is not to be taken personally.

    I would be that person. The one who spelled knowledgeable incorrectly, but I did not do any namecalling. All I said was that your original statement was generalized, but definitely no namecalling. I'm not that low.
  • feistyhorsegal
    feistyhorsegal Posts: 109 Member
  • feistyhorsegal
    feistyhorsegal Posts: 109 Member
    I'm pretty sure I'd first be all "wwaahhh??" then I'd probably burn a few calories laughing at it, then I'd report and delete. I would NEVER bring it to the forums. That's just asking for trouble. Man, I'd hate to see how you react checking your emails every day.

    I'm new to this and originally bought it to the forums to find out if anyone else had experienced it and what to do. And as for how I react checking my emails every day, what a ridiculous thing to say?? I have nice friends and assoicates who are polite, I don't get filthy emails.

    anyway back to the original point of the discussion I think its fine for people to post whatever they want and I find the pictures motivating too. For me personally I won't be posting any more half naked pics though because there are weirdos out there.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've never seen a photo of a person proudly displaying themselves fully dressed to show off the results of hours and hours of weights and special protein diets.

    That's because it doesn't really show when you're fully dressed.

    "Woo! Look at me! I lost TWO POUNDS since last June! All my clothes fit approximately the same as they did then!"

    (I35 in June, 133 in February)

    "I'm the same exact weight as I was in July, but I've completely reshaped my waist, thighs and bum."


    If someone is here asking for advice on how to look better in a bathing suit or when having special nakey time with her husband, I think I might have a LITTLE bit more credibility as the girl who lost her cellulite than the girl who looks the same fully clothed.

    Yeah, I'm proud as hell of the changes I've made to my body and mind over the past 15 months I've been here. But I don't share my photos to brag. Well, not JUST to brag. I share them to motivate others. If I can do it - someone who was never athletic and was always the last person picked in gym class, and never had any interest in fitness at all until I turned 38 - then anyone can.
  • feistyhorsegal
    feistyhorsegal Posts: 109 Member
    yep you can see a massive difference in the bikini shots, you look awesome!!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Well why would someone showing off a clothed picture say "I lost two pounds since June" in the first place? There's a difference between "I gained muscle mass, look at my naked body" and "I lost weight, look how my clothes fit now".
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    LorinaLynn, YOU are AMAZING!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Well why would someone showing off a clothed picture say "I lost two pounds since June" in the first place? There's a difference between "I gained muscle mass, look at my naked body" and "I lost weight, look how my clothes fit now".

    I took the February photo in the purple shirt just to prove that point. People were saying, "You can see your progress fully clothed or via your ticker" and that there's no need for anyone to wear a bikini. According to the scale, my ticker or how I looked fully clothed, I HAD no progress. In less fabric... lots of progress.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Is okay if they are in water? haha 1st post after the 500 reply split

    Is that a woman? Seriously she looks more like a man with boobs to me
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Is okay if they are in water? haha 1st post after the 500 reply split

    Is that a woman? Seriously she looks more like a man with boobs to me

    HERE we go AGAIN.... ::facepalm::
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Well why would someone showing off a clothed picture say "I lost two pounds since June" in the first place? There's a difference between "I gained muscle mass, look at my naked body" and "I lost weight, look how my clothes fit now".

    I took the February photo in the purple shirt just to prove that point. People were saying, "You can see your progress fully clothed or via your ticker" and that there's no need for anyone to wear a bikini. According to the scale, my ticker or how I looked fully clothed, I HAD no progress. In less fabric... lots of progress.

    Like it or not, looks do matter. And sometimes, the scale doesn't move, but the body does change. That only shows up in photos. Keep posting those "after" bikini pics Lorina! Results like yours keep this site interesting and beautiful!
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    ::facepalm:: I wasn't going to comment but...

    I think people who put so much effort in to lose weight have every right to show progress however they like, bikini or clothed. The human body is the human body no matter how big or small.

    Now personally I would not go as far as this picture however with this said this woman wanted this, she achieved it so high five and good for her, should just prove that getting the body you personally want is possible.

    ...alrighty mini vent done.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Is okay if they are in water? haha 1st post after the 500 reply split

    Is that a woman? Seriously she looks more like a man with boobs to me

    HERE we go AGAIN.... ::facepalm::

    Whoa! This woman obviously worked her tail off to achieve her goal of looking like this. My hat is off to anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to achieve their goals.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Is okay if they are in water? haha 1st post after the 500 reply split

    Is that a woman? Seriously she looks more like a man with boobs to me

    HERE we go AGAIN.... ::facepalm::

    Whoa! This woman obviously worked her tail off to achieve her goal of looking like this. My hat is off to anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to achieve their goals.

    Agreed! And, what if this woman was an MFP'er? Then, would it be ok to say she looked like a man? I think not. So, same rules apply. Courtesy, people.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Is okay if they are in water? haha 1st post after the 500 reply split

    Is that a woman? Seriously she looks more like a man with boobs to me

    HERE we go AGAIN.... ::facepalm::

    Whoa! This woman obviously worked her tail off to achieve her goal of looking like this. My hat is off to anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to achieve their goals.

    Agreed! And, what if this woman was an MFP'er? Then, would it be ok to say she looked like a man? I think not. So, same rules apply. Courtesy, people.
    If she/he thinks she looks like a man then that's their thought on it...In fact if this was any other site (Youtube for example) you'd get a lot worst comments than that.

    btw she does look a little manly...no matter how hard she worked. She knew what she was getting into and i'm sure she's proud of how she looks. If she doesn't care why should you?
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Is okay if they are in water? haha 1st post after the 500 reply split

    Is that a woman? Seriously she looks more like a man with boobs to me

    HERE we go AGAIN.... ::facepalm::

    Whoa! This woman obviously worked her tail off to achieve her goal of looking like this. My hat is off to anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to achieve their goals.

    Agreed! And, what if this woman was an MFP'er? Then, would it be ok to say she looked like a man? I think not. So, same rules apply. Courtesy, people.
    If she/he thinks she looks like a man then that's their thought on it...In fact if this was any other site (Youtube for example) you'd get a lot worst comments than that.

    btw she does look a little manly...no matter how hard she worked. She knew what she was getting into and i'm sure she's proud of how she looks. If she doesn't care why should you?

    There are a few people on this site who people could say the same about, but from what I've seen, most people don't say garbage like that, because we are all human with human feelings, same as this girl who clearly worked her tail off to get to this point. smh...

    ETA: I care, because I have a heart and soul and KNOW what it takes to get there.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I've never seen a photo of a person proudly displaying themselves fully dressed to show off the results of hours and hours of weights and special protein diets.

    That's because it doesn't really show when you're fully dressed.

    "Woo! Look at me! I lost TWO POUNDS since last June! All my clothes fit approximately the same as they did then!"

    "I'm the same exact weight as I was in July, but I've completely reshaped my waist, thighs and bum."

    If someone is here asking for advice on how to look better in a bathing suit or when having special nakey time with her husband, I think I might have a LITTLE bit more credibility as the girl who lost her cellulite than the girl who looks the same fully clothed.

    Yeah, I'm proud as hell of the changes I've made to my body and mind over the past 15 months I've been here. But I don't share my photos to brag. Well, not JUST to brag. I share them to motivate others. If I can do it - someone who was never athletic and was always the last person picked in gym class, and never had any interest in fitness at all until I turned 38 - then anyone can.

    Never in a million years did you inspire me to write my "vain" post. I have seen several of your posts. You have worked hard and it shows. There is nothing wrong with being proud of hard work. If I had my choice of sporting bulging, vein-y muscles or having the body I have now, guess which I would choose. I still think people are taking this personally in a negative way. I am certainly not complimenting vanity, but in no way am I calling vain people bad. PS When you start posting shaven/false booberized/oiled up/bulging/vein-y, touched up photos, I may call you vain, but I will still admire your accomplishments as a person not commercially subsidized to create an abnormal body image. (Okay, abnormal; meaning "not the norm" for those of you chomping at the bit to accuse me of some other imagined, horrific offense.) Good luck and keep on...... :happy: :happy:
  • chervargish
    chervargish Posts: 5 Member
    now that was funny!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Is okay if they are in water? haha 1st post after the 500 reply split

    Is that a woman? Seriously she looks more like a man with boobs to me

    HERE we go AGAIN.... ::facepalm::

    Whoa! This woman obviously worked her tail off to achieve her goal of looking like this. My hat is off to anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to achieve their goals.

    Agreed! And, what if this woman was an MFP'er? Then, would it be ok to say she looked like a man? I think not. So, same rules apply. Courtesy, people.
    If she/he thinks she looks like a man then that's their thought on it...In fact if this was any other site (Youtube for example) you'd get a lot worst comments than that.

    btw she does look a little manly...no matter how hard she worked. She knew what she was getting into and i'm sure she's proud of how she looks. If she doesn't care why should you?

    There are a few people on this site who people could say the same about, but from what I've seen, most people don't say garbage like that, because we are all human with human feelings, same as this girl who clearly worked her tail off to get to this point. smh...

    ETA: I care, because I have a heart and soul and KNOW what it takes to get there.
    Okay, good for you. Take it to heart. Take it personal. Shout it from the mountains. She looks like a man with boobs and a cute face. My opinion, now the floor is open for yours. People say I look like a clown or that chick on the Wendy's sign. IDGAFF what they say.