This lady said that Kim Kardashian is FAT!



  • stargazer008
    Her body is too much to me. Her *kitten* actually scares me sometimes.
  • katicasi82
    katicasi82 Posts: 121 Member
    She IS what I am aiming for!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I dont think she's fat. I'd love to look like her. I thnk she looks soft and lacking muscle tone tho.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    honestly (in my opinion) she could lose a couple of pounds
    however i have a bodybuilder be shredded perspective *opens umbrella

    She does not need to lose a thing! She looks great. She looks healthy and happy.

    And you don't look like a bodybuilder to me.
  • stagknight
    stagknight Posts: 130 Member
    Don't think she is fat, face like the back of a bus but not fat.
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    I do not love KK, but if she is FAT, then I am a fricken BEACHED WHALE. Ugh. Really.

    Unless a woman is totally ripped or naturally thin, a woman in general is going to have more subcutaneous fat because of being female and the hormones involved. But that isn't the definition of fat.

    Women gotta rip on other women for one reason only: We are equalizers. A woman will want all other women to be on the same level, if she feels inadequate, she will put others down to get them to her level. It's instinctual. It's why we are so hypercritical to ourselves. :(

    Aside from that, I don't see fat as big of a deal as being healthy for your body type.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I don't understand why anyone should care what one person they don't even know thinks about someone else neither of you have ever met. It's irrelevant!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    The amount of body snark in this thread astounds me. Kim Kardashian looks like a real woman because she IS a woman. I also look like a real woman and so do all the women, and those who identify as female, in the world because there's more than one body type. Same goes for "real men." I'm not a fan of hers at all, but come ON. How can we be a supportive community to each other with threads like this?
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    She has very wide hips. She'd have very wide hips if she lost weight, too. Her skeleton would not allow her to have little narrow hips like Jamie Eason.


    I have big hips too. Not as big as Kim's i don't think but is everyone going to tell me i still need to lose some when i have the body i want? Urgh idiots
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    This lady is a grade A Moron!

    and you're a troll.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I have to say this....

    There are many people on here that are saying things that have utterly disgusted me. I'm shocked! Those of you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. But I know you're not, cause that's just the type of judgmental people you are and you see justification is what you have said.

    I now understand why I always feel the way I do about my body image. According to many here, it'll never be good enough anyways. And also understand now why so many young girls are turning to anorexia to try and be "perfect".

    The message I have received from reading this entire post is this: You can be healthy, slim, beautiful and curvy. But it will never be good enough. Cause it's not perfection.
    I'm literally so disgusted by so many of you it almost gives me reason to stop using this website. Luckily, I have tons of supportive people as friends who actually have their heads on straight.

    totally agree. no wonder women go too far with losing weight. it's disgusting how guys and even women think a womans body should look like. some people are just super shallow and like to put others down to feel better about themselves.
  • catgirl17
    OMG, what is wrong with our prospective if there are people who think Kim K. is fat. I am fat, if i looked like her and someone called me fat i would probably laugh in their face.

    it's who said she was fat that matters if a bone says it probably wouldn't matter but if a chick who naturally is thin and natural curves then she does have room to say she's fat. Thing is about kardashian is not her hips. It's her belly. And no females don't always have fat like that. I don't. And that's naturally how the women are in my family in their earlier 30 and so on.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I suppose this would be thin enough for those calling Kim K fat. This is a model from Romania. Her name is Ioana-Spangenberg. And she has a 20-inch waist.

    I am sorry but to me this is sickly looking and guessing she needs help. Not to mention no pushin' cushion and no curves to cradle, ughhh. :laugh:

    Ioana is way too thin, but she does have curves. Look at her waist compared to her hips. Curves has nothing to do with bf%.

    that is the most disgusting body. but at least i feel better about myself now :laugh:
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    I have to say this....

    There are many people on here that are saying things that have utterly disgusted me. I'm shocked! Those of you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. But I know you're not, cause that's just the type of judgmental people you are and you see justification is what you have said.

    I now understand why I always feel the way I do about my body image. According to many here, it'll never be good enough anyways. And also understand now why so many young girls are turning to anorexia to try and be "perfect".

    The message I have received from reading this entire post is this: You can be healthy, slim, beautiful and curvy. But it will never be good enough. Cause it's not perfection.
    I'm literally so disgusted by so many of you it almost gives me reason to stop using this website. Luckily, I have tons of supportive people as friends who actually have their heads on straight.

    ^ THIS!!!

    double this !!! People are simply unbelievable. They should truly be ashamed of themselves and the perpetuation of an unhealthy body image. This is why eating disorders are rampant. Sheesh.

    Exactly. Comments like that, as well as the ones saying her curves are "too much" or "extreme" are so disheartening, because I'm just as much of an hourglass. At 5'8", my measurements are 39-30-43, and no matter how fit I become, my proportions aren't going to change much. I'm OK with that, and I like my body most of the time, but all the negativity surrounding even an "acceptable" amount of fat is exactly the kind of thing that pushed me into disordered eating behaviors when I was younger.

    Obviously there were other factors, as there always are. Still, when you constantly tell yourself that society will love you more if you just starve and shrink your body more, it becomes a powerful and twisted motivator, and it's hard to get that voice out of your head, no matter how much time passes.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I think she would look nicer if she had more muscle but overall she's okay........from other pictures I've seen though, she does have a huge butt (and it looks gross)
  • catgirl17
    wow it takes an anorexic to make you feel better whoa that must be bad. For me it isn't really a body that makes me feel inferior besides a thin person with an hourglass shape....
  • catgirl17
    her measurements are fine I was talking about the love handles. And no not everyone starves themselves to be skinny some of us are just naturals....
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    Pelvic bones and hips hurt without padding. Just saying.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Pelvic bones and hips hurt without padding. Just saying.

  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    her measurements are fine I was talking about the love handles. And no not everyone starves themselves to be skinny some of us are just naturals....

    good for you for being naturally skinny!!