Things people do at the gym that you hate



  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 239 Member
    I can usually ignore most things but really strong, overpowering perfume or aftershave or deodorants put me right off my stride at the gym. There's just no need!
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    Hm..I think there have been posts about this exact thing before but here's some more of my own!

    When people walk around butt naked in the locker rooms. Yes, they have to get naked to change from gym clothes to normal or into a bathing suit but no need to walk from the locker area to the bathroom naked and then to the sink to put on their makeup naked and blow dry their hair naked and then SIT ON THE LEATHER COUCH naked....seriously, you're not at home.

    People who are so busy reading a book or playing on their phones or bring a full-sized ipad with a new movie playing on it to the gym and then forget that they're supposed to MOVE on the treadmill, not just stand on it.

    The huge lady that plays Sudoku while sitting on the weight machines. Some of those, we only have one, and she just sits there playing Sudoku.

    And my number one all time hatred are the idiot people who joke around and roughhouse at the gym around equipment and slam into them, knocking people off balance or jolting the machines. I've seen them even shove people completely off treadmills while they're running;they could seriously cause somebody to break an ankle and if you say anything to them, they just laugh and move to another spot to do it more. You say something to the staff and they just glance at them and nod their heads!! :explode:
  • fordgal41
    fordgal41 Posts: 46 Member
    The people who save 4 spin bikes for themselves and their "friends" Seriously? If you want a particular bike... GET YOUR *kitten* THERE ON TIME!

  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    In group class, especially Zumba, when I am standing where I want to stand, and someone comes and stands 6 inches from me!!! Kills me...

    I have to say though, talking on the cell doesnt bother me. I mean, it is like talking to someone on the treadmill next to you. Who cares
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    You really think there is a difference between him sweating out of the tub and getting in, and him sweating in the tub? Because you realize, it is so hot, that is what he is going to do once hes in there! lol...
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Hates those that don't look like they worked out - I am sweaty and red-faced after. Definitely can't exercise with a full face of makeup.
  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    I hate the beefy guys who grunt so loudly I can hear them over my ipod! And the people walking around naked in the locker room. My gym has little changing rooms (like 3 to be exact) which are located in the locker room so that no one should ever see you naked! I have yet to see all the changing rooms occupied all at once by the way
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    Cell phones while working out....can't you take a break for the hour or so you work out? Is it really that important??
    Strong scents - I'm allergic to floral perfumes, so work out too close to me and I start sneezing, get watery eyes and a major headache (this annoys me everywhere...not just the gym)
    In the 30 min room (cross training) using machines in no particular order and getting in my way while I try to make the rounds
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I hate it when people ask me: "Are you done???" when I'm getting my 30-60 second rest between sets.

    NO.... I'm NOT done. Thank you very much.

    I do that.. Mainly because you never know when people are just resting or siting there farting around on their cell phones and hogging the machine... **** or get off the pot man... It's not your own personal gym.

    To OP:
    Little kids that run around the weight area.. Yesterday there was this 10 yr old running around the free weight area dribbling a basketball like an obnoxious moron.. and the parents were no where to be found. Awesome.

    Also, people that just sit on the machines and play around..There was this older gentleman on a machine that I wanted(it was a calf machine) and he was just randomly pushing the petals down and around, and when I asked him how much longer, he goes oh I'm not really working out, I'm just playing.. OK great, so that means you get out of my way and go play somewhere else because I have actual work to do.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    In group class, especially Zumba, when I am standing where I want to stand, and someone comes and stands 6 inches from me!!! Kills me...
    ^^^this too....I was in a yoga class, and a girl decided to put her mat 6 inches directly in front of mine...I had to avoid her kicking me or sticking her butt in my face the whole class...and there was nowhere for me to move without doing the same thing to someone else
  • emmamcblain
    emmamcblain Posts: 342
    I don't mind so much when people look at you, but it's the people who STARE and make it pretty obvious they're doing it too. It doesn't half put me off what I'm doing!
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    You really think there is a difference between him sweating out of the tub and getting in, and him sweating in the tub? Because you realize, it is so hot, that is what he is going to do once hes in there! lol...

    Yes, but at least at that point it's clean. God only knows if they're willing to get in without washing then how long exactly has it been since they washed last? I guess it's a cultural thing. In Japan for instance you would literally be ostracised if you did this in a public bath.
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    Re-rack your weights people! I'm small and some of those plate loaded leg machines have the weights at head height for me! That's gonna spell trouble if I have to try and remove your 45lb plates!

    Only other thing is, people putting the DB's back in the rack in random places, or with the numbers facing in so it takes ages to find the ones I want. But that's small compared to not re-racking them at all.
  • mandyschalk
    mandyschalk Posts: 93 Member

    OMG!! YES!!!
    Also when I see someone lifting too much and with bad form!
    AND, when someone is on a machine and not using it when it is busy!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    In group class, especially Zumba, when I am standing where I want to stand, and someone comes and stands 6 inches from me!!! Kills me...

  • mandyschalk
    mandyschalk Posts: 93 Member
    Hates those that don't look like they worked out - I am sweaty and red-faced after. Definitely can't exercise with a full face of makeup.

    Yep! This too!! Wow, I think ppl at the gym in general bug me. LOL!!!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    The gym that I go to : People (NOT) using the equipment that I want to use.
    We have a lot of teenage guys at my gym and all most of them do is sit on the weights machines && talk to their mates or text. One day I saw a guy sitting on the (one) bench press bench that we have (it's a fairly new gym) and he was still there by the time I left (90 minutes!) and he had NOT even touched the bar at all!

    The gym that I work at : People not using towels
    People that don't put the weights in there original spots after using them.
    And people that use deoderent in the middle of the gym... (spray) we have change rooms for a reason people...
    But hey that's okay because I can talk to them about doing it :laugh:
  • wilkyway
    wilkyway Posts: 151
    Women w/o any kind of bra. ?????????????????????
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    space invasion....
    in classes they are too close for comfort
    in the locker room, naked and very close to me
    taking equipment right next to me when there is plenty of empty machines

    FFS get out of my space!
  • Rachelito
    Rachelito Posts: 119 Member
    The girls that come in wearing converse and their makeup perfectly done and their hair perfectly curled trying to run on the treadmill only to pull their pants up every 2 minutes because they wore baggy pants rolled up to show their bellies!

    The people drinking soda at the gym! Really people?!?!

    Not wiping down the cardio equipment