Things people do at the gym that you hate



  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    It was a joke, pal.
  • codycaca1
    codycaca1 Posts: 35 Member
    ohh soo many things !! I think i just let the little things bother me .... but anyways here is my list :
    1. people who come to zumba and dont even attempt the step but rather dance around like they are in a club---- no us other women do no think you are sexy!!
    2. people who come to class smellying awful!! I know I know we are at a gym but I should not smell the fish you just fried at home and want to barf while working out, even worse are people who work at fast food places and come in and smelling like pure grease!!
    3. people who try and do fancy **** while on the cardio machines like come one dont use the machine beside me and wave your arms are like a mad woman!!

    ok thats enough for now... but i could go on for days!!
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    No sense of humor, huh?
    Punching the air while jogging on the treadmill. Hi, are you Rocky?

    That's a legitimate training technique, so....

    People that criticise other people's work out with little or no understanding of the specific type of training.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    No sense of humor, huh?
    Punching the air while jogging on the treadmill. Hi, are you Rocky?

    That's a legitimate training technique, so....

    People that criticise other people's work out with little or no understanding of the specific type of training.

    No, I have a sense of humour, but I also have respect for other people and their personal goals. :flowerforyou:
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    I'm not disrespecting anyone's goals by saying I don't like when people punch in the air, especially next to me right near my face. What in the world are you talking about? It was a joke. Lighten up.
    No sense of humor, huh?
    Punching the air while jogging on the treadmill. Hi, are you Rocky?

    That's a legitimate training technique, so....

    People that criticise other people's work out with little or no understanding of the specific type of training.

    No, I have a sense of humour, but I also have respect for other people and their personal goals. :flowerforyou:
  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    People who wear the same clothes to the gym every day! Now, unless thay have 5 identical outfits and/or wash their gym clothes every night, ewwww! I see this with some guys and girls! I can understand a guy being gross like that, but a woman? Really!

    I wear the same clothes everyday but they also get washed after every session. I don't see the point in buying x amount of clothes when I'm still dropping sizes. I do rotate my runners each day though.
  • LissaD26
    LissaD26 Posts: 13 Member
    I can usually ignore most things but really strong, overpowering perfume or aftershave or deodorants put me right off my stride at the gym. There's just no need!
    Most of the folks at my gym are pretty good with etiquette, but there's this one guy that always comes in stinking of aftershave/cologne and then proceeds to always get on the machine next to me, usually when I'm 3/4 way done and just want to finish!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Let me think:

    When people don't wipe the equipment off. No one wants to touch your sweaty nastiness. There are bottles and towels ALL over the gym - please, use them. I spend more time wiping things down so *I* can use them and it annoys me!

    People who get on the treadmill, immediately get their phone out and start talking - while NOT using the treadmill at all. Hello? I would like to use it and you're in my way. If you're gonna use it, fine. But, to stand there and talk?


    The woman who asked me to "Please stop running" because she was on the phone and couldn't hear!

    Rack your weights. Not all of us can lift what you can lift. It pisses me off when I want to use something and there is so much weight on it? I can't even begin to use it.

    WEAR DEODORANT- NOT COLOGNE OR PERFUME.. DEODORANT. I understand people come from work or whatever, but really? No one wants to smell your funk. Yes, it is the gym and all.. but if my eyes are watering or I'm gagging when you're around? Come on.
  • Tam1121
    Tam1121 Posts: 1
    When you have been on the elliptical or treadmill and someone walks up ans turns the fan on full uncourteous!
  • Evelyn_22
    Evelyn_22 Posts: 70 Member
    When people sit on the machines and talk to there friends or on the phone. Use it or MOVE it. when large groups of people stand around doing nothing. just leave, your taking up space.
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    what ticks me off

    the people that dont use deoderant prior to there workout.....

    the people that make LOUD grunting noises

    the men who spend more time looking and themselves in the mirror than workin out (hah.. good for a laugh though)

    YEAH!! All of this! LOL! I saw a guy at Gold's one time slap himself repeatedly in the chest and make growling noises before he did a lift. I think he wore himself out with all the preparatory antics....not to mention, his friends were amping up the situation because they were slapping him in the chest and making those growling noises too. Is that a weight training rite of passage or something?

    Needless to say, I left the coed gym scene for the ladies' gym.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    People who wear the same clothes to the gym every day! Now, unless thay have 5 identical outfits and/or wash their gym clothes every night, ewwww! I see this with some guys and girls! I can understand a guy being gross like that, but a woman? Really!

    I wear the same clothes everyday but they also get washed after every session. I don't see the point in buying x amount of clothes when I'm still dropping sizes. I do rotate my runners each day though.

    I wear the same clothes. When I get home from the gym, I immediately wash them. I'm not buying a bunch of fancy clothes to go and workout in. That is plain silly to me. I wear a pair of men's cotton shorts (they are longer so I'm not flashing my girl parts when I'm on machines) and a t-shirt in winter/tank top in summer.
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I hate when there are like 10 other ellipticals available and they choose the one right next to me!

    Or like today, I was at kickboxing and occasionally, parents bring their kids and this woman went to grab her stuff by the bag I was at, and the kid was with her and the kid dropped something and he went to pick it up and I was busy kicking and I went back to set for my next kick and nearly stepped on the kid. I think my heal just stepped on whatever he was grabbing for. But seriously, parents your kids should not be running onto the floor during class!
  • Bpothik13
    Bpothik13 Posts: 135 Member
    Among other annoyances, there is some a-hole that at some point during the day, turns the TV in the men's locker room to Fox News. I used to wait until there was no one else around to change the channel, but last week I went right over and hit the buttons until I got a sports station. One guy looked up and said, "Women's basketball? Really?" and I said, "Anything is better than that crap! Lifetime Network would be better!" No one in the locker room opposed the change!
  • mneiner
    mneiner Posts: 6 Member
    Monopolizing every 10lb weight in the gym to do increasing sets for high intensity (HIT)
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    let me first say, I have three kids, so its not that I am hating on kids...

    BUT I Hate it when people bring their kids. let them run the skinny narrow indoor track. get on the machines. drop their pre teens and teens off at the Y like its a social hangout! DRIVES me bananas. :smokin:


    Also at my gym there are only two lap lanes. There are about six of us regulars who use the pool EVERY day so everyday we use the lap lanes. However, we always have to fight to get them from kids, old ladies that just want to walk (there is a shallow end for that!) and this guy who wears a speedo and a purple swim cap that will come over and ask to "share the lane" don't get me wrong we share the lanes every day (there are only two) but he will 'share' and take up the whole lane! pushing anyone else out unless you like getting pummeled during the breast stroke. Then he proceeds to swim for 3 hours straight! I mean kudos to you for being in shape enough to do that but if you are that serious about swimming don't come during the classes so that everyone else is forced out of the lap lanes so you can feel like a stud. Plus he's super rude and anytime others are swimming he will stand there and stare at you and then remark on how you are doing it wrong and if you can't at least have correct form you shouldn't do it in the first place. Then adjust his ball hugging speedo (the whitie tighty version) and slap his *kitten* and jump in the pool. I'm just ranting about this one because on Friday when I went swimming one of the other regulars said that they were starting a petition to get the guy kicked because he is pissing everyone off!
  • hesgro2
    hesgro2 Posts: 88 Member
    The guy that files his feet in the steam room. People that leave disposable razors in the showers.
    People that open the sauna door because its too hot !

    OMG I would have to say something .... No one really filed their feet in the gym locker room, did they ? OMG there might be violence, except I would be afraid they would put their foot-hands on me ....uggh :sick:

    LOL! I would have to say something too. Thankfully, I have NEVER seen anyone file their feet...feet are gross; why would you do that to your fellow gym members?! I wouldn't even want these people to touch the faucets to wash their foot-hands!!!
  • pattan59801
    pattan59801 Posts: 142
    the thing that annoys me the most, is people that complain ;)

  • clouxles
    clouxles Posts: 71 Member
    The older i get the grumpier i get! and I'm only 32 man wait to I'm 55 :)

    Hey I'm 55 It's not that bad! Really!
  • pattan59801
    pattan59801 Posts: 142
    I seem to be an old man magnet at the gym. The thing that irritates me most is when these old men come over and start trying to talk to me while I"m exercising. I"m not here to socialize with you AND don't you see these headphones in my ears? And I'm not a rude person by nature so I always take my earphones out to hear what they have to say only for them to try and hit on me. I thhink at this point I'm done being nice. It happens like 50% of the time. I hate talking to people when I'm trying to work out. Lol.

    find a really big diamond ring (fake if need be) and show it to them and say unless you can afford anything bigger then this then back off