Publicly humiliating someone is mental.



  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    My father was like that. Ironically he was the one that got me into my bad eating habits as a child. When I was a kid he cut my hair into a boy's cut because he said I was too stupid to know how to wash my hair properly, then made fun of me because he said I looked like Jim Carrey. When I went into middle school and really began getting big he would come in my room, slap my stomach and butt and laugh as it jiggled then "ground" me from sweets only to later sit right in front of me wherever I was in the house and eat a whole pint of ice cream by himself. Oh, by the way he was a diabetic. In public he'd tell me I embarrassed him for looking the way I did (my mother's overweight so he blamed her even though he was always forced on diets to lose his gut) and several times until I moved away at 15 that no man would ever love me or want to be with me sexually because I'd make them lose their boners. My dad also loved to laugh at women he deemed fat or ugly in public.

    Anyway, people who say things like that are generally the lowest form of human life who are either so opinionated or so down on themselves they feel the need to knock someone else down a few pegs so they can go up a few. It hurts, it's always going to because no one likes being made fun of, but to me personally it's twatrags like them that motivate me to show them I'm not just "some fat chick" and I'm not going to let them stop me from the ultimate revenge--becoming healthy and gorgeous and turning my head when they come 'round with sweet nothings. You were better than him before he even opened his mouth.

    Your own father!!??? He needs to take a long off on a short path ending in a cliff. Jus' saying
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    It's hard to think of a good reply in the moment. I few stock ones I have:

    "I hope one day you mature enough to realize how stupid you are now."
    "I pity your mom. With your attitude she's the only woman you'll ever have in your life"
    "I'm stunned by your creativity. Did you read a book or something?"

    They don't come off as well if you have tears in your eyes. I've only been able to keep myself together enough to use one once. #3 ...he just kinda stammered, then I smiled and walked off. I hope to never be in a situation to use another, but I keep them in my head. I've worked -hard- to get where I am and I am not going to let some drunk idiot get off on making myself or anyone else feel bad.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    And this is why I'm ashamed of the human race and I like animals better.
  • KirstenRLD
    thats awful :(
    it's so upsetting when people make unwanted comments like that.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    What kind of people who even have thoughts like that, have the balls to actually make it heard?

    Someone who would've gotten their *kitten* beat by me if I had heard it.

    Some people are just small and miserable inside and they have to put others down to make themselves feel better. They're usually the people you'd never want to associate with anyways. I know it sucks, but try not to let it get to you.
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    I'm really sorry you went through that. I've been called many names due to being overweight and it's never a good feeling.
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    And this is why I'm ashamed of the human race and I like animals better.

    you're great.
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'd have thrown that drink right in his face!

    Damn right there'd be drinks flying! What a butt-hole! People like that should be strung up on a flag poll and made to have manure thrown at them while people point and laugh.

    *hug* So sorry one stupid jerk ruined your night. Congrats on your weight loss thus far!!
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    And this is why I'm ashamed of the human race and I like animals better.

    you're great.

    It's been a while since I've lost hope for humans. And I'm talking in a general term, because there are good people out there, but history has proven that humans are the one species that have no compassion for anything or anyone. It enjoys hurting, killing, destroying. :sick:
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    My father was like that. Ironically he was the one that got me into my bad eating habits as a child. When I was a kid he cut my hair into a boy's cut because he said I was too stupid to know how to wash my hair properly, then made fun of me because he said I looked like Jim Carrey. When I went into middle school and really began getting big he would come in my room, slap my stomach and butt and laugh as it jiggled then "ground" me from sweets only to later sit right in front of me wherever I was in the house and eat a whole pint of ice cream by himself. Oh, by the way he was a diabetic. In public he'd tell me I embarrassed him for looking the way I did (my mother's overweight so he blamed her even though he was always forced on diets to lose his gut) and several times until I moved away at 15 that no man would ever love me or want to be with me sexually because I'd make them lose their boners. My dad also loved to laugh at women he deemed fat or ugly in public.

    Anyway, people who say things like that are generally the lowest form of human life who are either so opinionated or so down on themselves they feel the need to knock someone else down a few pegs so they can go up a few. It hurts, it's always going to because no one likes being made fun of, but to me personally it's twatrags like them that motivate me to show them I'm not just "some fat chick" and I'm not going to let them stop me from the ultimate revenge--becoming healthy and gorgeous and turning my head when they come 'round with sweet nothings. You were better than him before he even opened his mouth.

    Your own father!!??? He needs to take a long off on a short path ending in a cliff. Jus' saying

    He died of a heart complication because he refused to stop eating unhealthy amounts of sweets and foods diabetics can't have for obvious reasons. So basically he died of his own stupidity, so close enough. (sorry if that offends anyone, I know some folks aren't comfortable when I say I'm glad he's dead) Some men don't care and think because they're men they have the right to belittle anyone and it's A-OK. I'm bothered that even in this day and age we get men like that but I guess it's part of who they're raised by and the company they keep. I've known plenty of guys who will say things like that guy because they're generally pressured into it either because it's what their friends think or because they're still immature enough to think it's funny.

    I've known my fair share of women who do that, but I think when it comes from a guy and you're a straight woman it hurts a lot more because you can't brush it off as jealousy or petty things, it runs to the ever-sensitive core of your self-esteem. When your own dad says it... well let's just say there's a reason why I didn't date until I turned 20.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    What a dreadful little man.

    You are quite beautiful, as is evident from your pictures. I'm sorry you experienced this.
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    And this is why I'm ashamed of the human race and I like animals better.

    My thoughts exactly!
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    F$%K that guy... He is a douche..

    In saying that you need to harden up. You really gonna let some stoopid fool mess up your night out? You gonna care about what some random thinks about you?

    Haters gonna hate. Screw them and their friends. Just do your thing.
  • whiskeysister510
    whiskeysister510 Posts: 76 Member
    You're gorgeous and he's a pathetic *kitten*. At my heaviest (2 years and 30 lbs ago), I was shopping for loose fitting black tops to try hide in. A sales girl (at the flagship Nordstrom in Seattle) saw the tops I was looking at and then looked at my mid-section and asked if I was pregnant. And all I could do was put the shirts down and walk out before I cried in the middle of the store. And I'm someone who always has a good come back or at least a solid right hook. So I feel ya, and I completely and entirely hate this guy on your behalf. Don't let it get you down--kick *kitten* and take names!
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    And this is why I'm ashamed of the human race and I like animals better.

    you're great.

    It's been a while since I've lost hope for humans. And I'm talking in a general term, because there are good people out there, but history has proven that humans are the one species that have no compassion for anything or anyone. It enjoys hurting, killing, destroying. :sick:

    we can sum it up and blame video games? haha
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I mean look at my profile pic... Im wearing a fricking leopard print scarf around my neck... grown *kitten* man wearing a girls scarf... leopard print of all things.. Some dude told me I looked like a *kitten*... I told him.. you love it mate, dont be jealous... Who cares... my neck was cold lol.
  • lifelearner79
    Yes, I've had it all my life. Losing and gaining. "oh, you have a pretty face, what's wrong with the rest of you?" There's no room for you here, etc, etc, etc. You are beautiful and do not need anyone to make you strong. Your friends on here and in your real life are there as true friends. You cannot teach or control stupid and that is just what this was. Sorry.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    What kind of people who even have thoughts like that, have the balls to actually make it heard?
    I'll tell you what kind of people. In this instance I'd say insecure men with small penises and no redeeming value who have to be arseholes with their buddies to feel high and mighty. You'd have to be a pretty miserable human being (and I use the term "human being" loosely here) to be such an outward jerk.

    I feel so lucky to only once have ever been teased to my face for being overweight in my life. I was a senior in high school and one of my best girlfriends threatened him with bodily harm and he never did it again. So, that's an example of the kind of person who would do something like that. The kind of guy who would be afraid of a tough 125 pound girl.

    I'm so sorry you had to go through this, but I wish you would have been able to shake it off and still have a good time. Next time, don't let someone like this have power over you. Be good to yourself.
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    F$%K that guy... He is a douche..

    In saying that you need to harden up. You really gonna let some stoopid fool mess up your night out? You gonna care about what some random thinks about you?

    Haters gonna hate. Screw them and their friends. Just do your thing.

    I was happy I didn't go home and cry, but since I knew I wasn't going to drink more than a glass I felt it not worth it if I wasn't going to 'loosen up'.
    Usually am a tough person, been a little wavey since I got broken up with for not being 'physically attractive'. Guess he had to waste several months of my time first and let me gain some feelings for him.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    You should have snapped back with: "And that's why ****s shouldn't be out unsupervised!"

    Sorry you had to go through that. What a jerk!